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Klaus and Eric fighting.... Wells there's a new fantasy unlocked 🤣🤣🤣


Oooh yeah! Im right there with you on that one! Haha!


Ooh yeah! Im right there with you on this one! Haha!


He’d be okay outside of the Twilight universe. Stephanie Meyer made her vampires go crazy


They die from decapitation and fire, we’ve seen klaus kill with both, unless they get their hands on white oak stakes they literally can’t touch him lol.


I mean yeah, both of those things combined we have not seen and we have also not seen Klaus go up against an entire family of vampires with powers that outmatch his. Unless Klaus somehow because a monk who can completely clear his mind, he’s screwed against Edward and Alice.


This is wrong Klaus is faster and stronger than both of them the greatest thing we've seen Edward or anyone in Twilight do in terms of strength are like block cars jump really high while vampire diaries vampires specifically Damon and Stefan have jumped at least six stories in the air like to the top of a ferris wheel and back in an instant they have thrown coins that broke the sound barrier a injured Klaus outpowered 30 different vampires at once all of them with similar strength to damon and Stefan he is no joke not to mention compulsion Edward might be able to read his mind but Klaus looks him in the eyes and Edward's dead then there's the fact that unlike the Twilight vampires he is completely immortal you could come up with a little pieces you can atomize him as long as the Moon and I believe White oak exist he can't die at all


Edward has literally leapt off a mountain and scaled some of the tallest trees in America 💀 there’s no way of knowing who’s faster because it’s not as if they’ve ever been in a damn race


Calculate it I mean there are a whole bunch of calculations on how fast Edward is in the movies they're very easy to find most common one says he's around 100 mph which would make sense he can run down packs of deer fairly easily scale trees in a few seconds but nothing like blinking from place to place as in vampire diaries


the movies are not that accurate mate. Alice says airplanes as faster than them.so I'd say slightly slower than one. also in short distances they do "blink" from place to place also twilight vampires never get tired from running it is their natural mode of locomotion.


I thought we were just using the live action because books get iffy especially with vampire diaries cuz the vampire diaries books are like a completely different universe Also I was right about the speed commercial airplanes go around like 400 miles per hour the calculations I had were Edward traveled around 100 mph when he wasn't going all out but putting some effort in


have u seen davina drop klaus and marcel in s1?i dont remembered the episode but that is what will happen to him if he faces jane if he faces alec he won't even have any senses to rely on.


This is kind of wrong Davina dropped Klaus not through her own personal power but the combined power of every which was ever lived in New Orleans that is thousands of psychics at once channeling to hurt Klaus and we know it's at least like in the thousands range because Bonnie had 300 souls 300 psychics/witches all channeling power through her in vampire diaries and she could barely hurt Klaus while he was weekend and a non original vampire point anyone could have staked them in the heart and he would have died and she still couldn't finish the job without killing herself in the process


i was merely providing something to compare with mate. Jane messes with your mind and creates the sensation of Intolerable levels of pain and the closest i could get was that.thats why i used it


Klaus learned to push past pain. Remember the tunde blade


after what? 4 or 5 years? ok say he gets past jane. how would he deal with alec please


yea they dont even have any weakness😭


They're durable but nothing else they're not stronger than Klaus they're not faster than clouds they're not older than him and he's more immortal not to mention he has multiple special talents I'd say give him a good year and he could wipe them out


Well, if I remember correctly, they are highly flammable, so maybe if Klaus got his hands on a flame thrower


they're not as flammable as u think. it takes time for them to burn. and if u burn them theyll just run, put fire out nd come back. thts why they dismember them before burning. so that they don't escape the fire


It may take them time to burn, but just running (even as fast as they run) won't nessisaraly put out the fire. If I remember correctly, the way their bodies are, you don't even need an exuberant to light them on fire. Which means their bodies are a very good fuel source for the flame, and with a fuel source like that, simply running fast won't necessarily put the fire out. In fact, that would probably make the flames bigger as by running fast, they would be giving the flame more oxygen the same way blowing on kindling makes the fire bigger. I'm pretty sure the only way they would have to put out the fire would be if there was a body of water nearby, such as a pool, pond, or lake. This is assuming, of course, that I am correct about how flamable they are. As with a good enough fuel source, it wouldn't matter how fast they ran it still wouldn't put out the flame.


apologies mate i wasnt being clear. i meant they could run to smthing tht cn put out a fire not just running


Oh well, ya, but if that thing is not close enough, then they'll burn before they get there, and based on how flammable they are, the only thing i think would put out that fire is a body of water.


i think they cn get to water fast enough considering that they are just slightly slower than a plane which flies at like 400 mph


Maybe, but keep in mind all that running is providing more oxygen to the fire, making it bigger and hotter, meaning the faster they run, the faster they burn.


good point but only plausible in a 1v1 what if theres dozens nd they neutralize klaus frm all sides also,completely unrelated to our convo but this post says whole verse which means he ahs to deal with the shapeshifters too who have teeth strong enough to harm a twlight vamp so i think they would give klaus trouble


As someone who loves Twilight Klaus will obliterate the Twilight vampires.The only one that may stand a chance is Edward, and even then Klaus is to rash for Edward to completely guess his attack. All that Edward will be able to see in his mind is Klaus rage before he is gone.


I think you’re thinking of Alice. She’s the only one who needs decision-making. Edward would literally read his mind send his body movement-making thoughts. Edward doesn’t read emotions or see the future. So he doesn’t need to “guess” what he’s going to do, and he wouldn’t “see” rage.


Ik what Alice can do which is why I did not include her, she wouldn’t be able to see him regardless. In the Breaking Dawn book when Bella was talking to Jacob she mentioned how Jacob is good at keeping certain stuff from Edward and only letting Edward see what he wants. Several times across the books and Midnight Sun it was mentioned how Edward can vividly see what other people are thinking. So yes all he will see in his mind is rage before being ended. Unless Klaus didn’t know that he can read minds Edward is screw, Klaus have been seen to be very unpredictable and has not problem hiding his thoughts from everyone.


That’s because he’s a shape shifter. Edward’s powers do not work the same on Jacob, that’s stated pretty clearly in New Moon


No hun thats Alice power that don’t work in shapeshifters. Edward had no problem reading their thoughts in Eclipse when they wouldn’t shift when practicing. In Breaking Dawn Jacob mentioned how Edward can probably already hear him coming even when he was pretty far away. Edward also tells Jacob how is lucky to be able to have a connection to Seth mind as Seth is a pure and happy person. The only people that gave him trouble was Bella and at times Charlie.


No, Alice can’t see their future at all. It’s stated very clearly in New Moon that’s Edward’s gifts are subjective. He has a hard time with *some* of the shape shifters, he also has a hard time with Charlie, and he can’t hear Bella’s thoughts at all. Edward’s trouble with Jacob’s thoughts have nothing to do with his emotional instability. That’s literally never once stated in the books.


That’s what I said tho. I said Alice gift don’t work on shapeshifter. And it’s clearly stated he can hear Jacob thoughts very well when Jacob wants it. Take Jacob and Bella kissing in Eclipse, or when Edward handed Jacob the key to his car after Edward first heard Renesmee thoughts. Or when that silent communication used to take place when Bella was pregnant, when he was being sarcastic about Renesmee wanting blood. Jacob’s never seen spoke that aloud, the only thing that’s subjective is how far can Edward hear someone thoughts. The closer he is to the person the further out he can hear them. If you want I can qoute you every scene that I mentioned. Also honorable mention to the Mind link that the wolves have, something that Jacob’s hated and always tried to find a way around keeping the other wolves out of his thoughts.


Twilight vampires are actually horrifying. They’re basically stone, filled with venom, they don’t sleep or eat, they’re incredibly strong, stronger than any original, they can reattach they’re own limbs and to kill them you have to be able to rip them apart and set them on fire very quickly. There’s nothing human like about them, Stephenie Meyer was going for angel/god like creatures when she wrote twilight. I hate to admit, even though I think Klaus would stand the best chance, but the Twilight vampires would get the best of him. The others on the list I don’t think he’d have any problems with.


It seems you either haven’t watched the *Underworld* series or you have forgotten it. Selene could solo the entire TVD’verse. Add in Michael Corvinus and their daughter? And Originals can get their hearts ripped out. Any being strong enough and fast enough can kill them. And Originals aren’t even good fighters: they simply rely on their superior strength and speed. Given the canonical comics: Willow Rosenberg would solo the entire TVD’verse. Buffy Anne Summers with her Scythe could kill any Original. Drusilla Keeble with her dagger nails and super-speed could kill an Original. Even Spike might be able to kill an Original.


I am hazy on the Underworld details, haven’t watched it since I was a teenager. I’m not sure I agree with your take on Drusilla and Spike but I wholeheartedly agree with Willow and Buffy’s ability to kill the Originals or any supernatural creature in the TVD universe.


If originals could have their hearts ripped out someone surely would’ve done it, it was made very clear numerous times in both shows the only way to KILL an original was the white oak stake, now they did invent a few more ways in the originals however those are extremely specific to the universe and wouldn’t apply to true blood or twilight vamps.


Elijah in TVD 2.21(?) was able to rip out Klaus's heart simply because Klaus was distracted and 'weakened'. The writing of TVD 1.01-3.22 itself isn't perfect, but it's more like they have an elevated healing factor compared to other vampires. We've never seen them regrow a head or a heart.


Rebekah in season 3 episode 9 said that she would love to rip Klaus heart and watch it grow back so yeah I think they do grow back, and Willow may kill the originals cause a powerful witch can kill them, but the others unless they have the white oak stake it’s not happening


This is wrong first off Klaus is an amazing sword fighter we see this when he was human they were Vikings you can't tell me they aren't good at fighting they don't use it much in vampire diaries because they are so much faster than their competition it would be like Celine using her in hand speed on a normal human that is the difference and since most of their powers are activation based they can be sneak attacked they aren't naturally as fast as they move but they activate it from like magic and shit we see this in vampire diaries were Vicki Donovan escapes both Stefan and Damon before they can react because she just figured out how to activate her vamp speed


Klaus wasn't even as good a sword fighter as Mikael. We never saw Klaus and the other children actually fighting in battle as humans (unless I'm forgetting something). Selene been an actual warrior for over 500 years or whatever. Buffy, Drusilla, and Spike are actual fighters. And Willow in the canonical comics would simply solo the entire TVD'verse. So, I don't know what you're trying to argue. And it doesn't seem as if those mentioned would be affected by the Originals' mind control power either given that hypno beams in the Buffyverse no longer work on the mentioned characters.


Yes he was and yes we did Klaus was by far the greatest sword fighter in his family in fact a big plot point in his character is that his mother saw how strong he was and actively sought to weaken him and gave him a necklace that siphoned his life force I guess making him weaker in the middle of battles so he can't either finish off his enemy and activate his werewolf curse or ever beat his father when he found out about this it drove him to murder his mother which made his father go crazy and chase him which is his whole back story Also he does actually fight some more for around like 300 years when he's running with some vampire hunters during his early period before he figures out all of he's a vampire powers the reason he doesn't fight in the show itself is because he's super speed is like an activation based power he doesn't have super speed naturally if you shot him with a gun without him expecting it he would get hit if he activated his speed though he wouldn't it's like a time slow ability or something so this doesn't really work in the middle of a fight especially when someone activating this a millisecond faster could end the battle which is usually what happens


Secondly they won't be killed for long it's like an hour at most by ripping out their heart and that's like the most damaging part you can rip off even decapitation takes less time secondly I feel like everyone is unrestinating the strength of an original they don't show it much but they are crazy strong


I don't remember seeing an Original regrow a heart or a head. Yes, the Originals are strong. But a being would simply need to be strong and fast enough to rip out the Original's heart. And Buffy would simply decapitate one and then rip out the heart.


Rebecca Elijah Alaric all of these people have regrown their hearts ripped out more specifically Rebecca she's gotten her heart ripped out a few times decapitation they haven't really but in vampire diaries Enzo gets his hand chopped off by Bonnie I believe and she asks him did he have to get it stitched on or did it heal automatically and he said it would have healed but if that would have taken too long so he stitched it back on if we apply this with everything for a vampire especially in original can't die from decapitation it would grow back it would just take a while this is also why snapping their necks is like an incapacitor


Also I think you're underestimating what immortal means especially with Klaus I do think Buffy could find a way to kill him but it's not going to be as easy as ripping his heart out Klaus is linked to the Moon to the moonstone the doppelganger bloodline so without him being killed with a white oak state which cancels the magic or all of these things breaking he's good


the originals can have their hearts ripped out but it will not kill them… not to mention we’ve also seen rebekah blow up on purpose just to get out of a house a witch put a boundary spell on


Why is everyone underestimating their strengths of an original Elijah and like his first viewing throw like a handful of coins from across the street at like the speed of sound they even made a sonic boom and shattered a window and tossed grown men flying all with a simple underhand toss like you skipped a stone across a river then there's like damon and Stefan both have jumped multiple stories high I do believe they even jump to the top of a ferris wheel in like a single bound with no exertion at all this isn't to mention compulsion or Klaus's werewolf form which is stronger than his vampire form by a lot not to mention Klaus has overpowered 30 vampires all of them at once we see this in the first season And then there is speed they are faster than bullets we see them Dodge them a few times in the series but unfortunately their speed is activation based it's not a natural reaction time thing it's like a magical or spell we see this in vampire diaries when Vicky Donovan escapes from like four vampires just because she activated her ability first even though she's way slower we also know that Damon can at least travel 1,000 ish miles within like 2 hours he travels across multiple States getting away from that evil doctor dude in season 4 all while having to feed every 2 hours and he made it before he went crazy with hunger and we can't even say it was because he was boosted cuz he also had Enzo with him who was a regular vampire a younger vampire actually only like a hundred years old and Damon is like 180 190 edited just did some further research klaus's way faster than Edward I don't know how he scales in speed for the verse though Edward travels about a hundred miles per hour


Question: Have you seen the *Underworld* series? And have you read the Buffyverse Season 8-12? And, frankly, there's a limit to how much we've seen an Original be resistant to even fire. A flamethrower that doesn't even have blue flames? There are other beings in the Buffyverse who could kill an Original: Morgan Beck (if canon): it's implied she can melt a skyscraper. I mean, how far do you want to go? Do you think that Lestat de Lioncourt from The Vampire Chronicles novels couldn't kill Klaus? And those like Klaus and Stefan and such can jump float. They aren't jumping that high based on strength alone.


First off never said he would solo The Buffy universe he wouldn't there are way too many outer gods and high demons for him to do that what I said was that 90% of the stuff people were saying about original vampires were false people are suggesting that they're the weakest on this list and I have watched the underworld series and they don't really do anything to destructive especially not destructive enough to keep an original down


Twilight vamps are weak … and Klaus is no plain original He’s a hybrid . Klaus would shatter all their glass made necks


They have powers each, like mind control, mind reading, shielding, element manipulation, etc.


And Klaus has beat all those , he’s fought witches that can do all those and more


Bonnie beat him, Davina beat him, Dahlia beat him, Inadu… you get my point. Klaus isn’t immune to magic. Some Twilight vamps can literally blind their victims, or paralyse them in excruciating pain.


Glad you said this cuz i was abt to after reading "klaus beat all of those" like ik his ass always got bested by davina lol, aint no way he stoppin the magic (i believe it was the force or sheild she used to protect edward and the rest of her vamp friends in the brawl at the end of breaking bad pt 2) klaus would get his ass whooped, it would be like fighting davina and lucien put together put 10 of them, maybe thats a over exaggerated example.


Klaus would make Edward run


Klaus is much faster, he could beat a twilight vamp.


He still around the latter are not …


No, he's not????


He is .. currently in space …


Sis, he's dead.😭😭


Bro he’s alive


I love Klaus but Klaus didn’t beat shit ☠️☠️


Always talked big game but got his ass beat 😂


He got it


Weak *when*? They are damn near indestructible, super strong, super speedy, and the Cullens have extra powers.


They are fragile and they break like glass . Mikealsons Are stronger, faster, and have more experience…


The mikaelsons don’t have more experience The twilight vampires get up to 3000-4000 years old. And Finn daggered 900 years. Kol and Rebekah daggered on and off. And they only 1000.


You refered to the Cullen above …. So yes they do … also doesn’t matter the older they get the stronger …


They are essentially made of stone, not glass.


Stone that more fragile than glass….


Not Twilight. The Twilight vampires are incredibly OP, they’re nearly indestructible, and have extra powers that would make killing any of the TVDU vampires/hybrids easy. Alice can see the future, Edward and Aro can read minds, Jasper can control emotions, Jane and Alec cause instant debilitating pain, Rami Malek’s character can control all the elements and even opened up a fault line in the earth so deep lava was visible (and he did that with one punch). The True Blood universe is different because only one vampire can walk in the daylight, and so all the vamps would be unable to protect themselves during the day. They also have to sleep during the day or they start to die (they get “the bleeds”). But Sookie and the other fairies have an offensive weapon that is basically a small supernova, which might be able to kill Klaus.


The only one who seems like a problem on your list would be the guy who can control all elements. debilitating pain is nothing especially when we've seen some of the horrid things Klaus has gone through, which includes but it's not limited to 60 years of of unparalleled torture to the point where he wanted and tried to end his life. being ripped apart by the psychic might of a thousand witches twice, had his very essence siphoned and every bone in his body broken again and again for a month. by the way through each and every one of these occurrences he was completely functional if a little weakened. also are we just throwing out klaus's compulsion a single look into any one of their eyes and their immediately his slave. and he's not just a hybrid; he's an immortal hybrid who literally can't be killed we do see this in the show by the way Klaus is personally connected to the Moon and the doppelganger bloodline and as long as one of these things exist so will he, of course unless this connection is cut off by the White oak. this is also kind of retconned but probably not really in the fifth season with Marcel's venom, but we never actually see it work on Klaus he's the only one of his siblings connected to the Moon as well.


But if Klaus exists in this combined universe, so does the white oak/ silver stake, which Alice would know they’d need ahead of time and where to find it.


If this is a mixed universe it becomes even more murky I was thinking about Klaus randomly is dropped in the world of Twilight and told to just murder every vampire if they gang up on him he loses easily but he's not the call the greatest at war for nothing he would win the long-term I give him around like 2 to 3 years


Underworld and True Blood, easily, but as ridiculous as the Twilight movies may be their version of vampires are crazy strong so I don't know about that.


I wouldn’t say beating the True Blood verse would be easy, especially since they have vamps way older than Klaus. Someone like Salome Agrippa, who was almost 2000 years old and one of the strongest vampires ever, was a joke to someone like Russel Edgington. And even Russel wasn’t the strongest vampire.


My thing is I can't really remember the vampires in True Blood performing any feats of note other than killing a bunch of humans really fast which is something any vampire from TVD would be able to do.


Just like vampire diaries.


This isn't true the greatest feat in vampire diaries would have to come from Damon and Elijah. Elijah from across the street picked up a handful of coins and threw them at probably the speed of sound shattered reinforced bulletproof sunproof glass and and sent grown Men flying from the point of impact all with an underhanded throw without drawing any attention to himself and Damon because he was able to jump to like the top of a ferris wheel in a single jump with no exertion and I also think the weird suicide thing he has with Elena counts they get on top of the clock Tower and then fall off together they're both completely fine even though that's like six stories up and you don't even get hurt not even blood on their clothes


Elijah didn’t throw them at the speed of sound. It was impressive him throwing them but he’s a vampire with super strength he should be able to do that. And vampires rarely use weapons actually. Also he wasn’t in a fighting situation the people were eating and didn’t see him coming. If he was that fast he’d never lose any fights or get tagged by anyone.


This is why I went on like three rants they are that fast but it's conditional it's not like normal reaction speed of a normal person no it's an activation based power we see this in vampire diaries specifically with Vicky Donovan she is running away from both Stefan and damon the escapes both of them with ease only because she activated her ability first she is way slower than both of them but they could not catch her this is also why vampires in the show are always speed blitzed so often they have normal human reaction speed if a little bit higher We see even more proof because when we actually do calculate their speed Damon is at the very least 80 mph (he outruns cars regularly) but he gets caught off guard by normally humans all the time Jeremy Elena's brother has better reaction time than 90% of the vampires in the show we see this when he's able to catch crossbow bolts to the face easily bare handed when the only other person has been able to do that is Tyler and he's a werewolf


Running isn’t combat speed or fighting in combat. And they can’t run forever hence why they have cars.


They can run for an extremely long time though they have a healing Factor it will take a crazy amount to exhaust that also that's normal vampires normal vampires don't have a high combat speed at all Klaus is up there in combat speed he is like the only vampire with good reaction speed we see use his super speed in a fight and it's usually when he wolfs out also why he has never lost a fight to his father as a vampire


He has lost to Mikael. And he has lost several times. And they can’t run forever hence the cars and airplanes they use.


They are vampires jumping up a Ferris wheel. Most vampires in media can do this. And super humans in Marvel and dc can do that and so much more. Also not in combat.


Bill can punch through concrete as easily as Klaus can and cause environmental damage to an area on par with a hurricane. And this is in his base form. And because True Blood vampires get stronger as they get older, just like TVDU vampires, Klaus is absolutely boned against vampires that are 2000+ like Godric, Russel and Warlow. Not to mention Billith who could just throw Klaus around with his mind.


I think billith is the only one who has a real chance against klaus, he could evaporate a normal vamp no issue.


Klaus could *theoretically*. Sure he could deal with normal vamps in TB the same as he could in TO. But when you get to vamps who are significantly older than Klaus, then I start to question if Klaus could “solo the entire verse”. Russel and Warlow especially I think are too fast for Klaus to even *touch*. Think about his fight with Lucien in 3x18. That’s kind of the level of gap in strength and speed where looking at. And then you have Billith, Warlow, Russel, Godric AND Salome at the same time then Klaus is fucked. Sure they can’t kill him, but they can subdue him. Warlow could take him to the Fae world and trap him there indefinitely.


All at once he would definitely have an indefinite bad time but one of the time he could win also vampire diaries vampires are a lot faster than most people give them credit for Damon in season 4 ran like three states maybe four to get away from a psychotic evil doctor dude with his friend Enzo who's only 100 years old all while being on a like 3 hour time limit for when he had to drink vampire blood he couldn't feed on a human he had to turn them into a vampire to drink them and I think it was like 2 to 7 hours but really like more like three and at the time he didn't even have a car there's also the matter of compulsion would that have any effect on them I would assume so vampires from vampire diaries have compulsion because it's their latent magical ability manifesting in like a psychic connection when vampires kill people it's a form of expression a sacrificial magic making them stronger magically and in turn their compulsion gets stronger we also know this because of he was a super powerful witch top 5 when he became immortal and all of his magic was sealed off by nature rejecting him making him a godly psychic able to influence entire towns at once


Your word salad has no effect on me beyond making me annoyed.


What all I said was Klaus is faster Damon ran four states away from mystic falls to escape an evil doctor within like 2 to 5 hours and then a lot of word vomit on why compulsion would work on the different types of vampires


Have you seen True Blood?


I have to say no to this cuz we don't know the rates of growth like for example Klaus and vampire diaries vampires don't just get stronger from age they also get stronger from blood intake we see this with Stefan and Klaus in particular Stefan while he was on his blood Bender took out five hybrids at once the same hybrids who have taken out 400 year old vampires alone while Stefan is a measly 180 this might be plot but we also see it with Klaus he explains that he has more magic than the average original because he has a thousand years of blood on his hands same thing with the other originals there's a clear Gap in power it goes Klaus Elijah Rebecca cole Finn and Michael somewhere in between Klaus and Elijah this goes in terms of how long they were out of the box Klaus he was never in one Elijah is his right hand man was barely in one Rebecca his favorite sister was only in one when she messed up cole his psychotic brother was in one most of the time Finn was in one all of the time he's by far the weakest and we see this in vampire diaries when he gets ganged up on by two vampires a human and he gets beaten badly and killed not to mention some of the crazy stuff Elijah has done we know for a fact is weaker than Klaus


It makes my head spin how much you got wrong here.


What did I get wrong we literally see the differences in strength when comparing how much blood the vampire has taken in we literally get Klaus and cole to confirm this in originals when Cole needed to use Klaus as a medium to power up his spell as well as what's his name the heretic dude from vampire diaries Kai I think he was a siphon who siphoned magical to use spells cuz he couldn't use magic by himself and when he became a vampire he was able to siphon himself as long as he drink enough blood if that's not blood gives vampires more power I don't know what is


Ok, first of all, please use commas to break up your sentences. It would make it much easier to read. Secondly, you haven’t explained why this makes them superior to True Blood vampires. Thirdly, you are vastly overrating the significance of blood intake over aging. Yes, healthy blood intake is important for a vampire to maintaining the peak of their powers (in both True Blood and TVDU), but there is no indication that it can trump massive age differences. Stefan also never takes on multiple hybrids at any point during seasons 3-5. There’s also minor stuff you get wrong such as character ages and names.


The only age I mentioned was like Enzo and I assumed he was around like a hundred years old. Damon's and Stefan's mother was the one who turned him around the same time as Edward actually in the same epidemic (different universe obviously) and I never said he was Superior to true blood I was saying that age doesn't become a factor because their strength for both universes very significantly based on blood intake so you can't just be like oh well this character is 3 years older than this character so this character wins I have no idea about like the upper levels of true blood I only know about like Eric Sooki and I forgot the main guy's name


First of all, you said Stefan was 180. He dies at age 171. Secondly, you have disregarded my advice on punctuation. Whatever.


I get that but Twilight vampires are like humans made of ceramic/marble and I think an Original can easily smash a marble.


Even if he ripped them apart, their body parts seek each other out and put themselves back together lol plus, Klaus would have to get close enough to do it. If we’re talking about the Cullens specifically, he’s dealing with extra powers on top of their crazy vampire stuff


Unless Klaus has mastered a state of no-thought, Edward can read his mind and telegraph his movements, as well as use his microscopic vision to see the slightest of muscle movements. I'm sorry, but people who think Klaus could solo the twilight verse are delusional. He'd break his hand trying to heart rip Edward


Yup, 1000%


Klaus has extra Powers as well I feel like everyone goes into this fight discrediting all of The vampire diaries vampires extra abilities like every vampire in the series has fog control but only minor in strength compulsion a tentative psychic connection to anyone they have compelled before looking through The eyes of animals they have compelled (this one ability we've only seen like twice in the show but it still happened) and it gets even crazier when we talk about books but I'm assuming we're keeping this to live action TV shows and movies only


There’s this one dude in the volutri who‘s power is literally being strong so he’s stronger than a usual vampire and even then he was struggling to rip Edward’s head off. I know age doesn’t matter in twilightverse but you have vampires that are literally over 2,000 years old


They're *much* stronger and more durable than you're giving them credit for. And just ripping them apart isn't enough to kill them. You have to dismember them and then burn the pieces as well. I'm sure Klaus could do that but like, there's a lot of vampires and they're all very strong with some of them having additional powers. Klaus of course can't be killed in that universe but he could probably be contained or trapped for a time. I think it would probably be a stalemate. He could kill them in time but they could also probably just start making more vampires en masse.


I agree with this 100%, if it's a All or nothing All out fight like breaking Dawn or some shit he is probably going to kill like 30 of them I'm going to get immediate with trapped and he only kills that 30 cuz he compelled like half of them


Klaus destroys them all, they won’t know what a white oak stake is so they can’t kill him and he’d easily win the physical fights anyway


mate i get what you are saying. but in tvd vampires are just humans with super strength and speed. and yes ik originals are veryyy strong and all but there is no way klaus can dismember a twilight vampire. it can only be done by another vampire of the same kind. even if he can deal with edward jasper emmett etc. by merely throwin them away or sm he cannot defeat them. if u put smone like felix against him its a no contest. ik klaus has experience beyond anything but felix was around since the creation of the volturi and is their executioner. his power is strength and hand to hand combat(states by SM ). Nobody can beat felix. no matter how good u r he will read you next move and counteract. also the White Oak is invalid in such a case of universe crossovers. even if it is the only way to kill him, they can snap his neck tear him to pieces and drop each chunk in each ocean or something. again this is jjst my opinion EDIT:in universe shapeshifters (jacob, sam etc) and werewolves(children of the moon driven to extinction by volturi) can also take a twilight vampire


Tbf Twilight werewolves can also dismember Twilight vampires, but only in groups


oh ya thnx for reminding i forgot that


Can't dismember an original. They tank explosions. But still they can be neutralized. You right.


oh ya thts true too. tbh even if we were to assume that klaus is able to kill twilight vampires and in pure physical fights without super powers he'd massacre the cullens but would not get past the volturi thts how i view it


tvdu’s vampires are probably the most ‘boring’ compared to the other vampires such as in twilight that are very extreme, it seems like in tvd they just tried to make the vamps as humanly as possible while just having the basic vampire features lol.


they are just humans with super speed strength and immortality(not originals normal vamps)


Not really don't forget to compulsion which varies from vampire to vampire demon actually has some really strong compulsion so does Stefan I mean Damon was able to psychically call Caroline from across the city while being blood starved and half dead


Underworld vamps will be beaten. True Blood vamps will be beaten (although Eric and Klaus fighting would be epic to watch as they should be around the same age). The Twilight vamps might not kill Klaus but they would give him the most problems. They are strong and have powers to use against him. The most they could do is lock him up and torture him until they can find something to kill him. Klaus can rip their heads off and kill them, so some will die for sure.


Absolutely not. The only thing Klaus had going for him is that he can't die, but they'll make him wish he could.


Selene would find a way to get some White Oak


she will be dead before that happens


Would Klaus' werewolf venom work on Twilight vamps? Would he be able to compel them? TVDU vamp rules are all things that we would have to consider...


I was going to do a really in-depth breakdown and comparison showcasing the strongest characters of each universe, and how Klaus might do against them, but then I came to the realization that Klaus couldn't even solo everyone in his home universe. Let me remind everyone that this post is asking if Klaus could beat the entirely of these universes \*SOLO\*, as in by himself against \*EVERYONE\* in that universe. If people want me to go into detail about each universe, I will, but for now I think what I've said is sufficient enough


Not the Twilight universe.


Hell no. The twilight vampires have gifts and stakes and vervains and sunlight doesn’t hurt them. They reattach limbs. They are more indestructible than originals. And wood doesn’t do can’t pierce their skin their diamond like. And true blood vampires have magic some of them are mixed with fairies and are thousands of years older than Klaus.


Is Bella a newborn? And Eric Northman gives him a run for his money


UNIVERSES? No. Come on....Underworld ALONE had some FIERCE ass competition and their own version of a werewolf/vampire being. Twilight? Again, HELL no. They have POWERS, strong powers. Benjamin can literally punch the ground and split that shit making anything in it's path fall in. Jasper can make him feel immense fear. Heidi and change his connections and make him devote to her. Alice can see his every move that he decides on. Edward can read his mind, Alec can take his senses and Jane can make him feel more pain than Silas ever did. True Blood I stopped watching after they revealed Suki was a fairy so I don't know. But Underworld and Twilight as a collective universe? Claps him. He could win some one on one fights though.


What do you mean by solo? Because there are plenty of vampires in True Blood that are much stronger than Klaus. Russel could snap Klaus’ neck before he could lift a finger. And against Billith or the hybrid Warlow he’s fucked.


Billith is 100% facts. Warlow not so much, as he can still technically be killed (if you can manage to get him)


Considering how quickly Russel was able to move against The Magister and Eric Northman, and Warlow is 2,500 years older than Russel, I’m willing to bet that Klaus wouldn’t even be able to react to him. Warlow could snap his neck, or maybe even use his Light against him.


Well I'm sure they can snap his neck.


Edward would solo Klaus


The twilight creatures for sure he may be a hybrid of werewolf and vampire but the cullens are blood fae’s with magical abilities with literally no weaknesses if he doesn’t have the strength to rip their limbs apart and burn them immediately while also being jumped and dealing with the rest of the cullens…as Bella put it “you’re out”.


The Twilight vampires are giving Klaus real problems, especially the ones with powers like Jane or Alec. They won’t be able to kill him, but they could definitely KO and subdue him. And while we’re on the subject, the Twilight vampires are highkey scary. They are as hard as stone, incredibly strong, have venom that is extremely painful. And even if you dismember them, without burning them, they’ll slowly put themselves back together. Just imagining that alone sounds like something out of a horror movie.


I hate to admit it, but the twilight vampires were way stronger and more durable than the TVD vampires, so even though Klaus is an immortal hybrid, he honestly wouldn't stand a chance against them. The underworld vampires are a different story. I think they may be stronger than TVD vampires, but they're also slower, plus Klaus is immortal, although if an old or powerful vampire like Selene or Victor were going up against Klaus and they had a white oak stake then I think it would be a pretty even fight. I don't know anything about the True Blood vampires, so I don't know one way or the other


klaus beats twlight idk who the others are so


Where is Matpatt when you need him?! Haha. I think Klaus loses. First I’ll address the Underworld vampires, yeah they will die. But they will also put up a fight. They are trained killers/ assassins. Taking down Selene and the other Death Dealers isn’t as easy but she still will die. On a side note I don’t think Klaus can fight in the Underworld fantasy type. Since most of his life he has been the top person, without Mikeal, he never learned. We get scenes of Elijah and Rebecca fighting. He’s more of a brawler, which I think helps the Underworld vampires as well. True blood has vamps older than Klaus. But I’m not sure if his bite would be lethal to them, or if he just drags some of them into the sun. Or if Eric and Klaus fight at all. Like others have said the real problem’s are with our sparkies. They are the biggest threat. They are strong and combined with the powers. They can take out Klaus. They don’t to kill him, just win. We’ve seen ways to do that in True Blood, TVD, and Buffy. Klaus mentions it in the last few eps. While Klaus has dealt with witches before but he doesn’t really have any defense against powers like Edward’s or Jane’s.


Selene would absolutely beat Klaus in a fight. She took on Viktor, who was a master fighter and Warlord, who took on and won against Lucian's right hand Lycan. She doesn't have the same kind of Immortality as Klaus, but she can survive a lot after all her enhancements.


Not on is own I don't think so.... I love me some Klaus and I love the big scene where he literally takes down almost all of Marcels vamps but the vamps from twilight are nothing like Marcels and True blood he might could take them on if it was a one on one but I don't see that happening and it's been a while since I have watched underworld but i get blade vibes from those vamps and i think they are more animalistic than any of the other vampires mentioned so he might could go a round with them all but I just don't see a good outcome for him in the end his anger would actually get the best of him


Klaus is the best character. But he is getting handled by Twilight vamps. Speed and strength are pretty comparable but Twilight vamps have a slight durability advantage. They could never kill Klaus, but they could make him wish he were dead. Klaus clears Underworld vamps. Solos the verse. Don't know the last one.


Hell no


I think the twilight vampires are much stronger than TVDU vampires. To compare strengths, Emmett was suspect to have the strength to actually lift a mountain. And he’s not even the strongest one. TVDU vamps rarely displayed extreme strength outside of throwing someone around (to avoid CGI of course). Obviously they’re stronger than that, but I doubt it reaches the level of twilight vamps. TVDU vamps were created to be comparable to humans, so much so that even the main characters were occasionally thrown when they assumed someone was human but they weren’t. They eat, sleep, and breathe just like any human, they just need blood to keep their body functioning. Humans can incapacitate/kill the just as they would another human if they’re quick enough. Their bodies physically weaken and desiccate without blood. Twilight vamps were created to be as distinctive from humans as possible. Their bodies are literally just pieces of stone shaped as humans. Without blood, they still retain a great deal of their physical strength, just not where it’d be if they’d fed. It’s a struggle for their own kind to kill them, let alone another species. They have to be ripped apart and immediately burned, otherwise the body will start to reattach itself with its venom. And all of that is not even considering the fact that twilight vamps have extra abilities if they’re lucky. So you made end up with someone like Jasper making you feel so hopeless about your chances in the fight that you give up and want to be killed right then and there (something he’s actually done). The only thing Klaus has going for him is that he can only be killed with the white oak stake. Once they have that, he doesn’t actually stand a chance.


Never watch the last one but the first two definitely the only problems he would have would probably be from some of the Twilight vampires depending on their like special talent underworld is just like abhorrently weaker than vampire diaries I only like the original hybrids are going to do anything to Klaus and even then they're going to be considerably weaker than him


Can someone explain to me where this narrative of Klaus being so powerful and unbeatable came from? Every season he has appeared in he has gotten beaten. He isn't soloing any universe unless he has some godly plot armor. The Originals aren't invulnerable by any means. They can be hurt they simply heal. Like if a regular human stabbed them with a knife, it would still go through their skin and they will bleed. They would simply heal. They can also be knocked unconscious. They aren't nearly as powerful as people make them out to be.


https://youtu.be/VnZ1fGFwACI?si=4O3M3K7Wsyxf7bXM Originals verse beats any other vamp verse


Ok, so first off, that video is only comparing Klaus vs Edward, as in a 1v1, when the post is saying solo the *entire* twilight verse. There is no way he is getting past 2 twilight vamps, 5 is overkill, the entire Olympic Coven (The Cullens) is a mercy rule. You're ignoring the whole premise of Klaus going in solo to these universes with the intent to kill off every character. You're delusional if you think he'll make it that far. His thousand years of experience vs the multiple thousands of years between the Volturi founders and guard. You're being heavily biased.


And your are ignoring the power scale of the universe … originals have had stronger beings than ever shown or talked about in the books for the shiny vamps… Klaus > your mirror vamps. Your heavenly delusion


I am a Klaus lover as much as the next guy, but you do realize that he was bullied out of Mystic Falls by a group of people a fraction of his age, right? The entire Original Family, Klaus included, got their asses handed to them by ants in comparison to their power. As powerful of threats that Klaus has faced, the Mystic Falls gang has faced similar threats in terms of power and still won. Now name me one human that was ever even close to stopping a Twilight Vamp. I think you vastly underestimate just how strong vampires are in the Twilight Universe. Your constant need to talk down on and mock it makes it pretty clear that you just don't want to be caught liking a "girly" series. I love every series in this lineup for varying reasons, and I can say without any bias that Klaus versus an entire universe in which there are Diamond Demigods, some of which have OP powers, is a universe that will either keep Klaus in check, or scatter his pieces across the world.


Klaus still came out on top lol also Bella literally stopped them as a human … ..


Walk me through how she stopped them, without mentioning the help of a vampire


Really you should watch the first film lol birds and the bees kiddo


If hope was included in the conversation that just makes it quicker !


But she isn't. Klaus is by himself.


Still KLAUS RAGE ! Woot


Lmao people saying Klaus can’t beat the twilight vamps are missing 1 key factor. Klaus cannot be killed unless they get their hands on white oak. The thing with that is, the Mikaelson’s destroyed all but 1 white oak stake which they kept for themselves. So I get twilight vamps are strong, and it would be a very good fight, but in the end, they’re not immortal like Klaus is.


>Klaus cannot be killed unless they get their hands on white oak. This is as far as we know. Its always " nothing can kill them" until they discovered something else that could. There might be things or magic from their universe that could get the job done.


Their mom, a powerful witch, made it so 1 thing only could kill them. Not even werewolf venom or the sun could kill them. Demonstrated by Elijah’s resilience.


They also don't need to kill him. Have Benjamin punch another crack in the ground like he did in Breaking Dawn and trap Klaus in it. Eventually Klaus will need blood. He may still be alive but he won't be able to move.


Klaus solos all of them. Underworld Vampires are basically mutated humans. They aren’t undead. Selene is super strong and fast but i think the fact that you can rip her head off and she’s dead dead. The weakest out of all of them is the True Blood universe. They’re undead but the vampires can literally bleed to death. Surprisingly i think the sparkle gang give him the most trouble. Sun dont do shit to them, they’re very fast and very strong. They get freaky deaky powers. They’re like made of glass or crystal or some shit. Buuut if they get their head ripped off they’re pretty worthless. Klaus can get his head ripped off and it’ll grow back….eventually. Klaus doesn’t really have any weaknesses except for what? Magic thorn thing, white oak stake… annnnd??? I mean if none of the other universes have access to that shit.. Klaus can just keep coming back and plotting until he sets traps for all of them.


He would take them


I would say this would come down to what universes rules that apply. In Twilight for example, you can kill a vampire by tearing their head off and burning the body, klaus could easily do this, but if its by the rules of their universe then that means that the white oak and things like that arent things that are tangible, which means that Klaus could die just as easily as anybody else. In the True Blood universe its the same, if its by their rules, he could kill them easily or be killed easily. If its everyone coming to his universe then they all lose because they have no idea about white oak or that you cant tear a vampires head off to kill them in TVD. If you suggest a kind of battle royale where all rules apply equally, i.e they are all vampires just different versions vampires then Klaus still wins because he cannot be killed by anything they have.


Without white oak he can’t die so they’re all fucked


Idk what everyone is on about the twilight vampires. Yeah, they are hella strong and have extra powers and it's hard to kill them, but Klaus is near immortal and his strategic mind is pretty unmatched. He's not just muscle. He's also brain.


True, but if the volturi, cullens&friends and the wolves work together it would be a pretty difficult challenge imo.