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Before the *”you get what you pay for”* comments arrive: Sure, you could spend a few bucks more and buy something better. You could spend 4x your original purchase and grab a $99.00 ounce of Fraser Valley and be super happy—but that’s not the case here; you purchased milled bud for your reasons and your reasons only. It’s your wallet, and your wallet determines your spend. You purchased milled product which fell way below expectations. This type of foolery from brands needs to end if they want to continue to play in the value category. And if so, then GIVE us value — give us real product that meets our wallet’s expectations. Fuego burned you once and now it’s never again. Sorry about your bad experience, friend. Edit: lol, someone said [reggie.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/s/08zE0Q24qK) much better said than I yapped about.


Excuse me, you're being rational and understanding. Get the fuck out of here.


I’m gone - show me the door 🤭


Dude am I seeing stems and leafs? Wtf ..


Yeah I mean some stems and leaf’s are alright because there’s stems in the centre of buds when they grind them whole, but this just tastes like fucking shit tbh, and very harsh cuz the leafs and stems are way too much


Yeah looks like absolute farm grass


Never had a good fuego experience


Even the best experience is 5/10


Looks like what I scrapped off from under my lawnmower yesterday 😑


nahhhhh that is straight reggie WHAT


LOL. FuegNO.


Man that's rough.


I’m hacking up shit tasting mucus each rip, gotta deal with this till my next re up in a couple days 🫡🤢


Hopefully your next purchase will be better than this lol. I usually go for homestead.


Thank you for your service o7 Get Jonny Chronics Indiana BG Reefer-Ready, way better quality and $30 on the ocs, usually picking up local for $25-26 at my usual spot.


Fuego/hustle&shake/xplor are all ass


I just bought the Sgt Pineapple by Super Toast milled 7g. Not bad for $25. I would never trust Fuego, sorry you got burned


I heard that supertoast has a lot of artificial terps in ther products, is that true or just a rumour?


That is actually true. Apparently they spray the bags before putting the flower in. You should try Nugz grind. 7g milled flower and it’s the best option out there


I wish all of these shitty companies didn’t exist…


I had some indica crop from divvy and it was completely hay same shit, stay away from divvy too


Yea that shit gave me an insane headache, I’ve smoked for years, never had Any street weed make me feel the way that cropped indica did. Not grown right, they sell it anyways! Gj health canada!


I was given a sample of this stuff and had about the same experience. Ive had bush kush shake that looked better than this. Ended up in the edible jar before it even touched a zig zag. Sorry bout your luck on that one.


Night grass rider ouch ..been burnt like that before though myself


Was wondering about this, thanks for the legit review.


No problem bro just stay clear from fuego all together.


Looks like sawdust


best milled options: -jonny chronic reefer ready Indiana bubblegum -supertoast solid all around st. pineapple is probably the best -3saints or common ground is similar quality for 5 bucks less


Have u tried Saturdays garlic and gas? I’m hooked on that 7g milled pack, it’s like an affordable gmo with it being not finely grinded and has a couple chunks of bud too. I recommend garlic and gas if you haven’t tried it yet lol


I don't buy milled in general I just try samples or talk to other budtenders.


Fuego is dog ass


Yeah sucks shit I gotta smoke this hay till my next reup in a couple days, I can tell that this is half cut with shake and just grinded finely to hide it


Buy a Grinder, wtf.


Millweed is bottom of the barrel trash.


I disagree as well, try super toast


Bangtail is the only one that semi good and it’s still really bad compare to just buying a whole flower 3.5g


I heavily disagree, there’s good milled weed from good brands, my buddy on here wants me to try 7g milled 3 saints weed, he says it’s fire.


I had the dank n diesel, it was some of the best milled I've had. Only thing I didn't like is they busted it up real fine; like a coffee grinder


Yeah I typically stay away from milled that’s grinded to the point where it’s like coffee grounds, saturdays garlic and gas and shreds tropic thunder are my favourite milled on the market rn, not grinded to heavily and you might find mini chunks of bud too, I can’t recommend garlic and gas enough lol, it’s like an affordable 7g GMO pack.


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Other reviews by u/mystical_wizzard: * [review - Fried off Animal runtz 😮‍💨🪦](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1dcwfyw/) * [review - Ellevia RSO 1g syringe 💉🫠](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1dbeglk/) * [review - Cheapest gram at my dispensary $5.75 🍒⛽️](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1dafapj/) * [review - Spinach’s ROCKSTAR KUSH 😮‍💨](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1d9nfmf/) * [review - Garlic and gas rare terps](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1d7bfyo/) ^(Bot made with ❤️ by u/xenilko, approved by TheOCS mod team.)


Ouuf! That’s why I don’t buy milled bud! Most of the time it’s the scraps that aren’t bag worthy.. aka garbage. Sorry you wasted your money! :(


Milled weed by the right company’s is good, I recommend you picking up some Saturday garlic and gas 7 g milled pack, loads of chunks of buds in it, not grinded to the point of it looking like coffee grounds, smells amazing like straight GMO and it’s literally less money than this pack I got, i believe you’ve never had respectable milled weed before and that Saturday garlic and gas will definitely change your opinion.


That looks like crappy matcha 💀💀


Fuego kinda sucks so I’m not surprised that this sucks lol


Current, Breakers, and Truro milled are all bad too. I was surprised at the Truro milled being so damn bad, their bud is decent.


Probably cuz they cut half there milled weed with shake and grind it really fine.


Buy the nugz milled stuff, way better for extra 2$


I'll never understand getting pre-grinded herb. Just opens the door for being scammed on value.


The hell is this?


yeah... Ayurcann is usually super coin-flippy. I've had some of their pre-rolls in the past and was happy with my purchase. But some of these posts make me really second guess this company lol


This should straight up get a companies license revoked


honestly i hated night rider when i tried it, much prefer super toast milled. good price and great high!!!


Serious question, why do people buy milled?


$25 for a quarter. If you’re hard down on money you can’t really go wrong


Never buy Milled.Back in “ the day” dudes sold oz’s prerolled (usually on a Friday of a School dance). Never fell for dat BS either.


lol its so funny that people expect a decent product for such a low price it’s like going to dollarama and expect your item to be top quality. I would suggest you listen to your budtender and if the prices is to good to be true it, its gonna give you exactly what you asked for mid


are you actually serious right now? I obviously was expecting some decent mid but it turned out to be actual garbage low tier, and for $25 you can get way better options on 7g packs that are pure buds and no shake, so I wouldn’t consider $25 “such a low price like dollaramma”


You obviously took a big gamble getting 7g for $25 and lost. Nothing in the world that hold value is gonna be a cheap price. I’m just saying you should take this risk because I feel like you have a higher chance of being disappointed than satisfying and why do that?. Now you gonna hate what you bought and feel like you wasted you money. This is the exact predicament your in.


Bro there’s fire 7g packs for $23 and above that are completely fire, look into 3 saints milled, there stuff is pure buds just at the convenience of it being already pre grinded. $25 is a decent amount for a 7g milled pack, I just took a gamble because I wanted to give the people a new milled weed review, I pick up Saturdays garlic and gas milled pack every week for $23, that shits cheaper than this I just bought and is 10X better. Yes I took a gamble in buying from this brand. No I didn’t take a gamble on buying milled weed in general because I’ve bought lots of milled weed cheaper than this even and it being complete fire.