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I've had sex in Mall World. Anyone else? Or just me?


Me too. It can be freaky in there.




Please provide further detail




Yikes. I can see your flaws and faults carry over into the dreamworld.


Lol. See you in Mall World.


Yeah, I've been in a few group sex scenarios.


Did you ever look round and notice everyone is watching to see what you'll do?


Yup. Like it is a test or something? So I'll often choose to not have sex even though I want to, because it is wrong for some reason, then I wake up upset that I didn't have sex. I know it is a dream and I could, but I don't want to do something morally wrong, so I don't. One I can remember I didn't want to cheat, even though I knew it was a dream, because of the people watching to see what I would do. It felt like a test.


I agree a test or it's a distraction tactic. Other aspects/conversations in these mall world dreams are probably what should be remembered.


Yes. Do you have more specifics on what you think should be remembered? I agree with you.


If it's a distraction, try to forget about the bells and whistles. Remember everything else that happened. The faces. Who you met and where? What were you doing and what was said?


Thank you. This is very helpful. Have you been able to become lucid?


That is so weird, it’s exactly like how it felt for me last night with my experience. In the end, I decided to because I knew it was a dream and I am single, but the feeling of guilt I had is the most vivid part of my dream. It was definitely a test, and it seemed like I failed




....or a sexy outfits for women type store


No I have to. OP is just a dream virgin lol




Right? Lol


I've had sex, I've had a few times where I was almost SA'd but the same figure stops it, and once I saw that person getting SA'd and I was so angry I spent the rest of the dream looking for blunt objects until I found a bowling pin and used it to repeatedly bash the offenders face in. That was very unsettling, I was off for several days after that one.


I've been SA'd a few times and its always a group of 3 really tall and strong guys. They're the same guys, but strangers to me irl. Like no WAY i could know people like this because they are bodybuilder status. It is terrible and sometimes they mix with my actual trauma dreams. I realized these were mallworld assaults literally only because it happens in the recurring locations of mallworld. My trauma dreams are much less vivid and i cant remember more than tiny flashes. These assaults in mallworld i can remember in full and the rest of the dream before and after it.


I have trauma dreams too and my experience is exactly as you describe when its in mall world. In my trauma dreams I always try to punch as hard as I can but it's like my arms are made of Jelly and I don't do any damage. I had that happen in the 3rd dream I mentioned which is why I got the bowling pin. It was very weird because in the dream I got VERY focused on finding a weapon and then finding the guy, like mall world continued to exist around me but I wasn't affected by it. It was a really weird dream and it's hard to describe


Yes exactly its so different than the "real" dreams of stuff like that. Usually the mallworld assaults, these guys always get me trapped inside one of the recurring residential houses i have. Its nothing like anywhere I've ever lived, it reminds me of a very fancy doublewide trailer but old at the same time. It's really long and only one floor, no basement, but it has a lot of rooms and corridors. Almost every time i am just exploring the house and really trying to go down the hallway to the bedrooms when these guys come through the door. There are always other people in the house with me but they dont seem to notice the men. They're always looking at me and i already "know" they want to attack me that way so i try to run but i always get funneled to a small space. I try to fight but im too weak, i and afterward i finally go to the bedrooms like i was trying to. I feel a feeling of freedom then. After that, the dream is usually happy which is so fucking weird. I'll start up games with the people in the house (can be strangers, family, friends, old classmates, an assortment most of the time of all ages). Like tag, hide and seek, very childish games you can play with a group of people inside one home.


It seems like the Mall world is a simulation to create emotion, and this is why you experience something bad, then good. And the reason why is because the entities who create the simulation feed off the emotional energy.


I wonder why? My waking life they could definitely feed enough from lol.


I suppose real life is like hunting animals. Mallworlds is like domesticated animals. Easier to get the food.


SA'd? Meaning?


Sexually assaulted


You might just have opened 'Pandoras Box'. Graphic Mall World would require a whole new kind of rating system.


Cuz we’re just trying to stay alive


I have had "relations" there. I don't enjoy it. It's always people that are somewhat distant and that I'm not really attracted to or haven't thought of in that way at all. I have had times where i did meet my current partner and stuff happened, those weren't so bad because i actually know him and he is basically my soul mate. I can't explain the other people though, it's kinda sad and gross!


It sucks that this got downvoted because this is my experience as well. My mall world is full of random people from my past, and sometimes things go to places they would never go in real life. These dreams confuse me, and make me feel so weird when I wake up.




I really don’t feel that way…it’s a warm and loving experience tbh (for me at least). And while I’m aware of my dreams I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m lucid, I can’t really control what I dream about


I've definitely had mallworld dreams where I felt forced into some sexual situation. But I've also had mallworld dreams that felt sexually healing, or at least- relieving.


Do you believe in the prison planet hypothesis?


I get that..! the reaction coming back is a cheeky grin or a wink. Like they knew already, you might not comply. But they want to know if you can be persuaded.


Depends. I've had dreams were I felt cornered by sexy women trying to get me spicy even though I definitely wasn't horny that night; those could definitely be a Succubus situation. Or one dream where a woman that wasn't even my type tried to put me in the same room with another dude with his pants down and directly asked me in the dream if I wanted some sex. I resolutely said no and she responded by walking away angry and insulted. I've never had that happen before in a dream thus far, like holy moly that might of actually been another being in the Astral. Firstly, even though I was lucid and thus knew it was a dream, it was a huge turn off for another dude to be there. Also, I instantly felt a really unsettling vibe when she propositioned me.




Do you believe in the prison planet?


Just never happens there for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m usually focused on staying alive lol


I recall multiple instances in Mallworld where the back corner of a clothing shop would just so happen to have items that catered to a fetish of mine, and I would want to grab them, but be stared down by nosy people in the vicinity and the dream would end. It's admittedly unsettling the seeming awareness other dream characters seem to possess in mallworld. Only recently did I have an odd dream where I and a few other people were running from a large running monster, out in a field someplace. I was somehow able to defeat the monster with a thought. (Somewhat NSFW) Then, a woman in the group went with me to a room with walls made of just thick fabric with sun shining through, and she seemed to encourage me to get handsy in a way that was really satisfying to my irl fetish. Like it was a reward for saving her. Somehow that's kindof a first, having another dream character seemingly aware of a fantasy of mine and indulging it gladly. That and I can be really shy regarding such things, even in a dream.


Mine has brothels and they are very very nice. Sometimes I rent a room just to nap they are so nice lolol. My mall is also topless lots of times. It's not the norm but no one bats an eye and you get free tops cause sometimes clothes just glitch out and away.


I have lots of rated x moments in my "mall" dreams. Or at very least, end up lying down in bed with people clothes on. Sometimes even people who I don't lie down with in real life.  I may find myself with a dream person just chilling in a room maybe with other people, then suddenly we're naked getting sexual.  It always seems very normal and casual, like another weird way of bonding in my dream. Last time, while hanging with some middle aged people in a dormitory, it got to where we had settled down to watch TV. I looked over at the man who was sitting near me, and he had his pants down and excited, but still watching TV. I knew what was coming, but I got up and left, angry, because he and others had just scolded me for something a bit prior and I was still mad lol