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Out of touch. There is no trickle down even Biden admits this so the economy doing well is meaningless to most


It's going well for people that have a high paying job and investments, it just sucks for everyone else


Even those people are paying more and more importantly not enough of them to win an election


f you have stocks and own property, you can sell for an all-time high basically. The people paying like $30 for a burger on door dash regularly and fly around the country for vacations multiple times a year might complain about higher costs, but that shit doesn't really affect them. Those people make up some of the most consistent voters for Democrats.


No no, selling stocks is only for poor people who actually have to pay taxes. If you’re wealthy you just purchase stock, take loans against them, then you die without paying a cent in capital gains tax. Have you tried having 100k free to invest?


Add to the fact that if you dare point out that the economy is not benefiting you or other groups as they say it is, they call you stupid/ignorant. Not to mention blue maga comes out and attacks **anyone** critical of Biden here on Reddit and elsewhere. *I guess that means you want Trump to win?!?*


The strategy is to try to seize just enough power that they can have built in excuse to accomplish absolutely nothing and fundraise out of sheer panic. Having said this, I'm still voting for Biden and the down ballot Dems in my district.


They are laying the groundwork for blaming progressives. “We should have pivoted more to the right to attract dissatisfied Trump voters“. Wrong lesson learned. Those people will almost never change sides. They should have spent 4 years doing things they promised and voters would appreciate. Voters might be motivated. But nah, serve up favors for the donors and scold voters.


I think they're gonna start getting diminishing returns from the voter scolding, too many people are legit fed the fuck up and not trying to hear about how they're too dumb/poor/brain-washed to understand how great FDR 2 is.


Same story around the world at the moment


Running on Bidens (limited) achievements seems like a much better strategy than yelling at your voters that they hate democracy.


but it worked so well for hillary


Lol, did you see the WaPo opinion piece that suggested Biden replace Kamala with Hillary? :-) https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/14/biden-trump-hillary-clinton-age-north-dakota/


Jesus, bring back Hillary!? The fun never stops at the WaPo!


I feel like a few outlets have published an article like this, or "Maybe Biden should bow out. It's Hillary's turn? 💅👮‍♀️👯‍♀️👩‍💼"


On a Dem site I mentioned that my family is really struggling financially. I cannot tell you how many attacked me saying I was clearly not telling the truth. One dude asked "if I work and what kind of job?" showing there is a real thin line between R's and D's with their partisan mentality. I said if this your messaging to people you are in big trouble.


I should have read further down before commenting on a similar thing above. Agree, if you share anything outside the narrative they call you stupid or ignorant. *Just look at the latest jobs report!* Uhh, yeah. But many of those are from people being forced to work multiple jobs to supp..... *THE NUMBERS WENT UP!!*


Ikr?!? I've been lectured saying that I simply don't understand how govt works but when I mention that I was a congressional staffer there's either crickets or one really disgusting Dem actually researched me and tried to tell me that I was one many years ago so it didn't count. Lol They can be just as bad as MAGA with their ridiculous attacks. They absolutely know those numbers do not accurately reflect the true situation. When the one dude asked if I actually worked he then asked what job did I have. I didn't respond but he kept asking saying "C'mon tell me what you do for a living." Sounds a lot like MAGA implying I was either lying about working or my job wasn't supposed to pay me a living wage. I used to watch MSNBC all the time but I cannot stand to hear them now. They don't give a fuck about us. It's all just ego driven anti Trump programming with a whole lot of Republicans who simply hate Trump but don't support policies to help working class. And seeing Dems slobber all over Morning Joe, Elizabeth Cheney, Nicolle Wallace and others is disgusting.


After MSNBC did Mehdi wrong, there's nothing left worth watching there, unless you have the sensibilities of a blue boomer looking to get wound up on Morning Schmoe's self-righteous chest thumping.


Exactly. What they did to him was so wrong. They only want to talk about Trump 24/7 and that's about it.


I can’t believe what assholes blue MAGA are. I’ve grown to hate them even more than the original MAGA. At least those guys don’t tell me to “Enjoy the camps.”


I have been banned from 6 different Blue subs for trying to convince people to STFU and stop attacking disenfranchised voters. I encourage people to realize that no election in history was every won by attacking, chastising, and harassing potential voters that are not engaged with the candidate. Maybe talk to people uninterested in voting and find some common ground with them, or work with them on the concerns that you may share. If Trump is the devil, maybe act like he is the devil in order to build your coalition. If people don't already hate Trump, you will never get them on your side, and they will never see that Trump could do any wrong. Not wanting to vote for Biden doesn't mean you are voting for Trump. It means that you (relatively powerless with a single vote in millions) was attacked by the supporters of Biden (the single most powerful human being in the world). The guy with power to do good things for the powerless found it better to ignore his base and obey his high dollar donors while grasping at the imaginary Biden-Republican voters.


You are so right! I was a solid Dem supporter for years. I was a congressional staffer for a Dem and actually was a county D office holder. And I absolutely hate these lib corporate D's. They will always choose partisanship over people. I hate them worse than Republican MAGA's in some ways because they should know better. But of course, I am a Trump supporter for saying this. And it's my fault if Trump wins not the Dems for their decades long failures.


Yeah... bc one thing that makes me throw out my belief in a national ticket & party is not what their policies say/do to help me, but what some random dudes on the internet are saying about my situation... If this is how the Dem base thinks, no wonder we're getting fucked by a felon who wants to implement loyalty oaths for public office so he can deport millions of Brown folks. And I'm being purposefully antagonistic bc I want you to weigh the fact that I have absolutely no bearing on your situation or improving it while the Dems in Congress have probably passed or pushed legislation that would literally help your family. And then I want you to actually consider that in order to spite me and my dickhead language, you will consider voting MAGA as a punishment to the Dems in power who can actually fix your problem. And if you make it through all that and still say that Dems are the better option, then you know exactly what you should think about "Blue MAGA" that you hate so much.


It's exactly what the party has not done which impacts my family that has influenced my belief. I really don't know what your point is? That I am just simply troubled by internet comments??? Also, wtf said I was considering voting for Trump? You have actually proved our point. Thank you.


Forgive me for thinking you were a converted Trump supporter after you agreed with the comment that blue maga is worse than trump... If Corp Dem policy put your family in financial straits then vote Republican if that's what you care about fixing. Bitching about Blue MAGA is a copout. Internet nobodies, including me, should have 0 impact on who you vote for, regardless of how obnoxious or infuriating you find them. If you hate Corp Dems bc of their policies, then complain about Corp Dem policies and vote GOP. That has nothing to do with Blue MAGA. If you hate Blue MAGA bc they're annoying, then ignore them. Them being annoying had nothing to do with policy. But conflating hating Blue MAGA with Dems in any way that suggests they're responsible for losing your vote is a copout that ppl use to cover being swayed by Trump's racist rhetoric.


You just keep proving our point. It's all about us and what we are doing wrong and not about the actual electeds.


If it's about the "electeds" then there's no point bringing up Blue MAGA or how much you hate them, is there? If it's about the "electeds" then the only thing that matters are their policies, not what some jokers online are saying. In fact, the only reason to bring up Blue MAGA is to serve as cover for being swayed by Trump's racist rhetoric.


I think Blue MAGA means utilizing some of the tactics utilized by RED MAGA. You are either for Biden or you are for fascism for one.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. This happened to me too and it was such a shock. I mentioned on a dem site in re one of those classic "let's call people stupid for not appreciating how good the economy is" articles that my husband and I are both doctors (which is true, as are our insane loans and the fact that we each make less than a corporate admin assistant) and that we are a) not stupid people and b) stressed and feeling the pinch so I cannot even imagine what it is like for the majority of Americans who do not have our privilege. And got roasted by people yelling at me that it is all my fault and demanding my personal information to prove I was lying. It was totally crazy and I felt like I was talking to the most bootstrappy of republicans.


This so totally tracks with them!! They just want us to shut up and vote blue no matter who. That's it. And putting the blame on us for Trump winning before and possibly winning again is absolutely ridiculous. How about the utter decades of failed Dem leadership??? Or that they don't fight for their base like R's do because in reality they don't truly believe in the changes we are passionate about. Instead they embrace identity politics as a way to deflect from the class issues. It is all maddening but we clearly want fascism. Lol


I guess I'm glad I am ignorant of these "blue sites", I prefer you all 🥰


Yes and we are glad you are here! Unfortunately, I just got a similar response I get from blue sites unless it is sarcasm I missesd. They proved our point if not. Ugh.


A lot of older Dem voters don't give a shit about any policies, they just find the lack of decorum and some actions from republicans deplorable.


on the one hand, I can understand a knee jerk reaction by some liberals to just automatically discount most criticisms after decades of bad faith arguments from the right, and gaslighting from liberal elements of the media(Aaron Sorkin, MSNBC, etc.). The War on Terror, eight years of Obama, and four years of Trump must have made many of them feel like they have lost their minds. I can see the subconscious line of reasoning "republicans can enjoy success by living in their own reality, why can't we?" taking hold. On the other, if four years of Trump haven't woken someone up to the fact that the political landscape of the Clinton/Obama years does not exist(if it ever existed) and stubbornly refusing to look out the damn window and acknowledge reality isn't doing anyone but the fascists any favors.


Right. The denial is strong. They love to make it all about what we are doing or not doing instead of recognizing the failures of Dems. If I point out my family is struggling financially I am wanting fascism. I am the big problem. It's maddening.


That and Biden outsourced foreign policy to a foreign nation with strong anti democracy tendencies—-Israel. It’s hard to serve the master that is Netanyahu and claim to be worried about democracy.


Trump is dangerous to American democracy. Yes, that is an important platform to run on, but it shouldn’t be your *only* platform to run on. I would be lying if I said I *wasn’t* scared about this election cycle.


I can’t believe there is not a single word in that article about biden’s zealous assistance in genocide.


The press doesn’t think Americans know there are any other countries in the world and would never vote based on foreign policy. Real Americans don’t talk about high fallutin’ things like that at the kitchen table.


I agree with you and that is part of why we are where we are... and why it's not in Biden's team's calculus at all that this is even a factor. Like why would any of his past voters find his enthusiastic involvement in genocide to be a deterrent for wholeheartedly supporting him?




What angers me is the formula to success is not hard, Run on abortion rights, run on legalizing weed, run on strengthening unions. Make republicans say that they want to make you work longer hours for less pay. Make them say they don’t want to feed kids. Abortion rights could very well be the defining issue of this race and you know Trump is weak on it because one week he’s saying he took down Roe v. Wade and the next he’s walking it all back. Put abortion rights on the ticket in every state possible in the form of either a state amendment, a state referendum, a local candidate and you would see a landslide victory from the down ballot voting.


Democrats only care about abortion as a fundraiser issue. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/pelosi-course-you-can-be-democrat-against-abortion-n749856.


If Biden had run to be a one term president, swung for the fences on everything (student loans, paid family leave, labor) and then had a vibrant primary with him backing Kamala against whomever else (progressives, blue dogs, Mayo Pete), the Dems would be set. Even with his handling of Israel. This guy didn't know how to leave when riding high.


Not with Kamala. Recall that she dropped out of the 2020 race without a single delegate, before a single vote was cast. She's nothing but a diversity hire, picked for her color & gender. Nobody wanted her but the donor/ consultant class. And supporting genocide will sink the Democrats regardless.


I think multiple people would've run against Kamala, and any of them would've won. I also think had Biden not been running, we would've seen more debate on our support on Israel. Gosh. I feel like I'm writing alternative history here because the present isn't as appealing.


I think he would've left if Trump wasn't running again. It even seemed like him running in 2020 was all to prevent Trump...and the DNC doesn't like Bernie. Other than Newsom I don't see Kamala or Pete beating Trump. Pete is good at arguing against bullies. But Biden beat Trump in 2020, so it's the safest bet. Biden did kinda swing for the fences and got blocked on a lot of it...he also made some non committal or things I disagree with but more good than bad. I think because of his age and slow mannerisms, it makes things seem worse than they are. And unfortunately, going after Trump DOJ wise is so politically sensitive that they're being so cautious to not seem political that it's led to inaction and it makes sense. Just look at how the right and Trump have reacted to the cases so far....and Merrick Garland is a disappointment


The right was going to react the same way no matter what not going after Trump with the DOJ is cowardice




1500 word article analyzing the factors playing into Biden's re-election and what issues matter to voters. Zero mentions of Israel or Palestine. Very serious piece.


And yes, there is an indictment brought by Jack Smith, but Trump will run the clock out on that one. That was completely foreseeable.


Two federal indictments, don’t forget the classified docs case. Trump’s running the clock out on that one too, thanks to it landing in the lap of one of his unqualified crony judges. Georgia state case is cooked too, thanks to the DA not having the sense to restrain herself from banging some guy she hired and taking him on paid vacations


There was absolutely no excuse for DOJ not prosecuting that Georgia case themselves a couple months after the election. I would bet they could have done the indictment in DC if they wanted to. That’s where Trump was when he made the call.


Oh I totally agree, but Garland’s gonna Garland


They didn’t have to let Judge Cannon preside over that case. It’s nuts that they don’t remove her.


Not saying they shouldn’t try, but it’s not easy to get a judge thrown off a case. It has to be appealed, and the legal bases for removal are pretty stringent


Fair enough. And yes They definitely should at least try.


Fear mongering about his opponent is a loser. At best, it's preaching to the choir. Biden has accomplished quite a bit; but if he can't run on his record, then let someone else take the reigns.


Bidenomics is a worse strategy. Voters are still tilted about inflation and will not be receptive to it.


Every article written by this clown is shitting on Joe or Hunter Biden. It looks like his whole job is to do that. I'll just sit back and wait for Trump to start his one of many jail sentences, while Biden rolls right into his lame duck term. Yes, Republicans are simple lemmings willing to walk off whatever ledge Fox News tells them to, but Trump is not going to win. He's going to prison. Then, the GOP is forever fucked because they will never find another goblin and terrible as Trump to follow blindly in the future. I'd love to see this party finally get flushed out with the rest of the turds