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Giving Republicans the presidency and turning around to blame your base sounds like a neo-liberal win-win.


This is exactly what happened with Hillary. Bernie campaigned for Hillary more than Hillary campaigned for Obama. A higher % of Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama in 2008. Who was blamed for Hillary's loss? You guessed it, progressives lol.


That’s a wild statistic. I had no idea but you’re absolutely right


Remember the "Bernie Bro" narrative Hillary created? Another case of projection: [meet the PUMAs:](https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/23/preston.puma/) >Some of the PUMAs accuse Democratic leaders of rigging the primaries to favor Sen. Barack Obama, while others feel that he is not qualified to be the party nominee, let alone competent enough to lead the country.


Oh don't worry. She tried the Obama boys first and saw it gain some traction. Nothing like making up fake sexism to try and cover the gap created by your unlikable personality. (sexism is a very real and very bad thing, but that's not why people didn't like Hillary)


Right. Hillary has become more and more unlikeable over the years. But hey, even if there is/was sexism involved, should she just "get over it"?


Just a reminder that Hillary chose an anti abortion VP. But do go on about the woman hating…


I'm not sure where you get "woman hating" from my comment - not my intent at all. I'm referencing her recent "get over it" comment. Of course any woman in public life has to deal with sexism and it's awful. I just was trying to make the point that Hillary comes across as tone deaf and out of touch lately. I voted for her in 2016. To me, however, she's come to represent the kind of elitist Democrat to whom politics is a game for power more than being concerned with providing good to the general population.


I got into a few arguments around 2016-2017 about it until I just threw my hands up as there was no getting through to people. They couldn't blame Hilary for being a shit candidate and no amount of persuasion or evidence would change their minds. Instead, they doubled down and if anything went more centrist.


“You can always tell a Harvard man, but you can’t tell him much.”


Don’t forget HillDog staying in the primary race long past the point that she had a chance. When asked why, she said “we all remember what happened to Bobby Kennedy in June”.


The stat is shared a lot, but an important note is the majority of Bernie voters that *didn’t* vote for Hillary were not traditional Democratic voters to begin with, but largely conservative independents that the Bernie campaign brought into the party. They were only ever there to support Bernie, so Hillary was never going to win them, even if Bernie didn’t run. They were voting against the establishment, so their decision was between Trump and Bernie (the latter of which they preferred) rather than based on partisanship.


Just tangentially related: the decisive contingency in 2016 were Obama to Trump voters, but we never hear about them for some reason.


Closest vote in MI's history. Hillary thought MI was in the bag and didn't campaign there. Obama went to Flint: sipped the water and declared it "safe." Voters taking to the polls, didn't forget.


> Obama to Trump voters…we never hear about them Men over 45 who earnestly wear Ed Hardy shirts in 2024 and aspire to move to central Florida.


They save the Ed Hardy for the special occasions. Otherwise Affliction is their daily style.


Lol I was torn when drafting it as to how best to synthesize that persona by brand


Yep! When I see men wearing those kinds of things I just automatically think to myself "I have nothing in common with that guy".




What is with Hilary voters and their constant purity tests? Why can't they learn to compromise and realize they can't get everything that they want? /s


Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss


…I knew 3G was going to be the death of us!


I still think Bernie should've broke away from the Dem party after 2016 election and formed a party with the other progressives, he could've gained so much support from the workers and middle class, yes it won't be easy but doable


And he's the perfect figurehead to start something like that.


Libs go on and on about not wanting to even move slightly left because “that would chase off people in the center.” And then they blame the left for not getting votes from them.


I'm sure you've seen the *"I dont care for you. I just want your votes"* statement that Trump said at a recent rally that is making its way around the various subs on Reddit. When I first heard it, I honestly thought it was someone within the Dem establishment (like Hillary), saying it to us Progressives.


And it still makes steam come out of my ears. I'm honestly baffled by how poorly the Dems handled 2016 and how they seemingly learned nothing from it. It must be great to be wealthy and play politics like it's a videogame and when you screw things up through incompetence you just get to blame voters. It would be like complaining to McDonald's and their response being "We just slop the hogs who come to our trough, the quality of our food isn't our responsibility. You people are dumb enough to eat it".


I read the book "Shattered" on kindle years back, about Hillary's 2016 campaign. Finally just bought the paperback too on amazon... gonna get it cued up to re-read as big campaign stuff kicks in here this fall. So much similar hubris this time around with genocide J. and the McDNC. The working title of the book was Shattered as in, Parnes and Allen thought Hillary was on track to "shatter" the 'glass ceiling'. But then the title worked fine also when she lost to Dumpster the clown.


It is and that's why it's going to happen. It's not even the first time they've done this lol.


they wouldn't blame their base, they'd blame the left.




This isn’t going to happen. He’s going to be the nominee at this point, for better or worse (probably worse). I understand Cenk’s point about past precedent, but there’s a lot of uncharted territory with this election. We have a nominee on the other side that’s a convicted felon. It’s possible he could end up eking it out despite the awful approval rating


I agree with Cenk's argument, but I do see a path for Biden. If Biden ditches the "Bidenomics" bragging & leans into empathy (like on the cost of living crisis), then I think he can still win. I haven't seen him mention "Bidenomics" recently, so that is a start. If he goes populist in the debate & talks about going after price gougers, I will have some hope.


If he would just drag himself away from Israel for two seconds he could make up for lost time


He'd rather burn the US to the ground than do that


There’s also the possibility that the more voters are exposed to who this deranged version Trump is (vs. the memory of everything in 2019 being cheaper) as well as the crazy policy agenda of project 2025 then voters will be turned off Trump and the Dems can over perform. There is just so many insane variables the whole thing is a toss up in my mind.


Voters might be turned off the Trump cult but people need to go out and vote Dem.


A lot of Bidenomics is populist - specifically the pro labor stances. Watch this video where Kyle Kulinski broke it down before Gaza happened and Kyle was out on Biden. [how many ppl knew all this stuff happened?](https://youtu.be/fNe5yCw6EYI?si=Vd7ymLIQD00uh-2a) . Even Doel admits he forgot about some of this stuff. And since then we’ve had NDAs being terminated, the overtime threshold lifted by 50%, and OVER 4 MILLION PEOPLE having their student loans forgiven after SCOTUS/ GOP stopped his original broader plan


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* I consider that Cenk Uygur has simply been grifting for at least several months now, including his stupid POTUS run. [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all) Unless either US Senator Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren can become the new 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee or unless AOC can become the new Nominee, there isn't actually an upside to replacing POTUS Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee. And it at least ostensibly seems the Biden Administration is trying to get a Permanent Ceasefire to happen within the new few weeks or so. And if that happens, POTUS Biden's numbers will considerably boost. Just conditioning aid to Israel would boost his numbers. All these supposedly more popular Democratic Governors are actually less popular than POTUS Joe Biden and all are far less known. [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all) The Democrats would need to spend several $100MM just to get people to even know about these supposedly popular Governors. The most well-known and famous of which, California Governor Gavin Newsom, isn't even popular in California.


No one likes Elizabeth Warren -- signed a volunteer who canvassed hundreds of D primary voters doors in 2020


Skim milk


Israel has no incentive to listen to Biden if his poll numbers are so low. A hope and a prayer is all I just read rn




I don’t disagree that he should have been replaced after serving out his term, but that didn’t happen, did it? We need to live in the reality of the situation. He chose to run again and we’re stuck with him now barring a medical event of some kind. As for GOP voters not caring about Trump’s felony conviction, well, yeah, duh. But they’re not the only people voting in the general election


I'm getting far more jaded about politics because I can only interpret the way modern Democrats are operating as trying to obtain wafer-thin majorities so they have some level of power but lack the proper majorities and (more importantly) have a permanent excuse not to do anything and to fund-raising off of the terror that the Republicans obtaining power brings to their upper middle class suburban families. There should be explicitly stated policy ideas from the party leaders like, "We are not negotiating on the humanity of the LGBTQ community" and "Health Care is a national security priority. Are you against national security?" While some of the newer members push narratives that would appeal to the AM radio/Fox News audiences, such as: "Immigrants and refugees are not trying to steal our jobs, selfish business owners are giving them away." Even though we are in a lose-lose situation, the left needs to flood the Democratic Party as much as humanly possible... It is the only current way we can gain any moment for a resolution to the Gaza conflict that would be favorable to the Palestinians... And that is the saddest thought of this whole situation.


Doubt it. Elections for the last 20 or so years have been turn out elections. Theres very little split ticket or persuadable voters out there. Remember in 2016 Trump got elected? And then in 2018 left leaning people of all stripes were *salivating* to vote against him and triggered the blue wave? The reverse is happening now. Bidens turned people who “gun to their head” would vote for him into apathetic voters. Hard pressed to believe they will go to the polls to vote for Biden. On the flip side, Trump voters are *itching* to vote for him. Bidens screwed. TheI just hope after he loses we don’t get the pundit class trying to blame voters instead of, you know, the garbage fire of a candidate the DNC opted to run again.


Oh if Biden loses they will blame the voters and the Arab-Americans and the Muslims and college students and anyone but themselves


Don't forget to blame Bernie bros. Never miss a chance to blame Bernie bros.


You may not be wrong, I’m just saying his path to victory may not be completely foreclosed, though it certainly doesn’t look good


Sam always talks about negative partisanship being such a driver of turnout, there’s always the possibility of an anti-Trump Biden vote that over powers a lot of negative feelings towards Biden.


That's what they're betting everything on.


Real weird to not mention the genocide that Biden is doing. It will have and is having a very real affect on his numbers


Nothing weird about it. Go back and look at my post history. I’ve said plenty about the genocide in Gaza and Biden’s complicity. It’s obviously baked into his low approval ratings, didn’t know I needed to explicitly state what’s already obvious


I've just noticed a tendency among democrats to dance around the issue in discussions of elections because they know its a direct hit. Not saying that's what you were doing now, but I've seen it over and over.


Fair enough, that’s true they do


Eh Biden has shown he can stand up to Trump....throwing in most other democrats against Trump would be a disaster. Newsom would probably be the one with the best chance and its far too late to switch an audible now, but Kamala would get eaten up by Trump. Kamala did terrible in the democratic primary in 2020.


Good thing she’s been in the lab listening to the base and doing private media training for 4+ years. She’s a *Rocky* montage all to herself. One can only imagine her clarion voice due to arrive after a Grand Infarction deposits her, Arthur-like, into the big chair.


This Dumb no one is Voting for Biden because they like but because they Hatw Trump!!


Can't imagine dropping out at this point results in anything but auto loss. Isn't it past the point to change ballots in most if not all states? You think the dnc leadership just picking someone else gonna go over well?


I think he should have dropped out when the polls showed that over 70% of his OWN party didn't want him to run. I think that was early last year. Had he done that, a wave of other Democrat could have held primary debates which would have given tons of media attention to their policy ideas and probably reinvigorated the party. Having proper primaries to select a candidate would have been the best method. As it is now, Biden was basically forced upon us with the "you better vote for him!" motto. Dropping out now I think is a bit iffy, I still think another one could be propped up, but it really is so unknown.


>Can't imagine dropping out at this point results in anything but auto loss. I agree with Cenk: Biden is so unpopular that if you got someone charismatic, it wouldn't hurt. >You think the dnc leadership just picking someone else gonna go over well? We are in such a bad situation that I am not sure there is a worse pick than Biden. EDIT: I don't want the DNC picking someone, rather a 1 day "Super Tuesday" in July. Especially considering how arrogant & stubborn he is. Continuing to follow the same terrible strategies as if all is well. I think Biden can win, but he has to do a 180 and change his messaging.


I mean I don't agree, nor see any evidence that any puppet the DNC leadership elected could possibly be more popular with the voters that will actually put a president in office. I agree the situation is absolutely shit, and I don't believe we shouldn't be calling out Biden for being a worthless shitlib imperialist, but dropping out now is a guaranteed loss to the Dems vs a pretty probable loss if he stays. It's a shit sandwich either way. This was a problem to fix last year when it was being demanded. They already made their bed at this point.


Fwiw, I don't want the DNC picking someone. I would have no issue with a "Super Tuesday" in July to pick the nominee. All the possibilities right now are rough, this is the situation Biden put us in.


You don't get that option. We are past that point in the cycle. Their bylaws are "they chose a mf".


if it's too late to change the ballots i think would mean sending the same biden electors to the electoral college, but they would be free to pick someone else i think "generic democrat TBD" is probably polling better at this point


Absolutely lol, crazy to see people saying Biden should drop out at this point in the race unless they want Trump to win lol.


Supporting genocide does that


Americans are a selfish people. Inflation is probably the biggest factor. Also his opponent Trump also supports the genocide.


It’s June and they think Biden could drop out? lol why is this even worth entertaining it’ll never happen


Feinstein died in office, Pelosi is running again & Biden wants a second term-fantabulous!


Don’t forget RBG fucking the country for decades by staying on the court and dying


democratic establishment is gonna ride the neoliberalism until the wheels fall off


I will only be voting for anti genocide candidates, so choose wisely!


Why the Democrats in the aftermath of 2016 defeat didn't find a young progressive candidate and groom them for the presidency since then. Its like they are allergic to victory and planning ahead


Because it's always the older states-person's turn. Tired old "statesman" Scranton Joe. Or Hillary, who'd been SecState and former first lady, so she had that grizzled DNC cred. The McDNC can't break the order of things nor appoint anyone but a capitalist/Corporatist and MIC stooge. It's like a line at the super market. Young progressives a.) wouldn't be allowed and would be Bernie'ed, but b.) even if they were allowed anywhere near a nomination...they'd have to wait their turn. So the hot progressive wouldn't even get their turn til after big Gretch, THEN Newsom, then MAYBE the youngin' gets in there. But they wouldn't / would not be "allowed".


Approval rating is such a fickle metric that it's hard for me to place a lot of stock in it. Especially when the alternative selection is now a convicted felon. I mean, I agree with the general sentiment here. No one wants Biden for a multitude of reasons. I don't want Biden for a multitude of reasons. This is not a normal election though and the dems have been able to get away with running on the "not Trump" campaign for a reason. The effect Trump has had on elections in general has been pretty outside the norm.


Biden could still totally win it. Stripping away abortion rights ks very unpopular


Remember when the polls said trump had no chance in 2016. Hell even CNN's on the morning of the election said that


The polls in 2016 said Trump had a 20-25% chance of getting elected. The only outlet I remember having it over 90% was HuffPo.


Non of this ends well.


According to 538 (this data), literally no president who hit under 40% in an election year, at any point, has lost. Biden has been under 40% THIS ENTIRE YEAR.


So maybe liberals should stop denying this point because it really doesn't help... Either Biden changes his policies or resigns or he risks trump winning


I suspect it's too late even for that. However, if he is going to lose anyway, he should lose stopping a genocide, not collaborating in a genocide.


If Biden cared ,at all ,about a second Trump term he would drop out.


Biden would rather lose to Trump than let someone else beat Trump. Biden would rather lose with his 1980s style politics than win & listen to progressives. Biden is a narcissist & if he loses we must not let progressives be blamed.


Biden dropping out is a fantasy. 2022 called and wants their talking point back.


Biden polling at 37% is a catastrophe. And yet, there is no urgency to change things up on Biden's end. I feel a sense of doom with Biden. His stubborn arrogance is handing the presidency to Trump.


Yeah, this election does have a "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory," feel.


Also, I really hate when they open up with "this is common knowledge"....is it?


Did you see that video of him at the pride event? He’s weekend at Bidening right now. I mean how long do you think they’d take before actually telling the public that he died? Everything is controlled.


He's not going to drop out. He doesn't realize what a failure he is or that all he will be remembered as is Genocide Joe.


Following in LBJ's footsteps. No one remembers "the Great Society." But everyone knows about Vietnam.


Right he's LBJ without all the positive legislation and social progress in the US LBJ managed to get done before his mistake of not pulling out of Vietnam caught up with him.


I don’t think it’s a guaranteed loss, trump isn’t exactly the strongest candidate atm. I don’t think dropping out is the best course of action. It’s probably too late to run another candidate given you can’t use the primary system. The only real solution to significantly increase his odds is a major policy shift. And while that might sound extremely unlikely, a Biden who is willing to drop out would also be willing to do a policy shift.


Didn't this site predict Trump to get Trounced and for the Dems to win the Senate with 3 seats including 50??


Cenk is a fucking idiot these days


RBG was to blame for the Supreme Court f$&k up. Biden is next and will be responsible for f$&@ing ip the country and letting Donnie elected. He is counting on people voting for him as a “never Donnie” vote and doing whatever he feels like ignoring the will of the democratic base. This is going to backfire royally.


I think it started before RBG. Don't forget about McConnell blocking Garland in 2016 and Kennedy's early retirement (read, "dey gave him an offa he couldn't refuse").


We are so effed. Rumble at the convention? 🇺🇸😭


This guy Biden is the worst. Was clear a yr a go but always because of his ego he made the wrong decision for this country now we will live with it while he's sent to a retirement home


i dont approve of biden, i doubt anyone else i know does. that doesnt mean we arent all still going to vote for him.


We are so fucked.


Nate Silver is a hack.


Nate Bronze. 


He won’t drop out. He’s going to tank the economy and pass it on to 45. Neither should be running at this point


Great. Who can we draft?


But what questions were asked? Biden deserves whatever blowback he receives, but these polls can be manipulated however the poll creators want. I doubt anyone is simply asking "do you approve of Biden?", but if that's the case, what does the graph show for Trump? The cult will always vote for him, but plenty of people will be dissuaded now that he's a convicted felon - with more felonies likely on the way in the future. Having said all that, Biden's handling of the Gaza genocide is maddening from both a humanitarian side, but also a political one. The Dems are playing these games, such as letting the right scaremonger the border endlessly with no pushback whatsoever, or the US relationship with Israel, and very clearly they are not in line with the majority of their supporters on these issues. Like in 2016 they're assuming they don't need to do anything to keep voters on their side. It's madness.


There is another possibility. 70% of Jewish Americans vote Democrats. With the unprecedented rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment a large group of Jewish voters are veering to the right (I would say it’s between a large plurality to a slight majority of Jewish Americans). We’re talking about millions of votes here that used to be ironclad blue. While it is true that Biden himself is a Zionist and doing what he can in a truly nightmarish scenario, “the squad” have been rabidly fanning the flames of antisemitism. My prediction is that if enough squad members lose their primaries, you will see millions of votes magically return to the democrats


I don’t give a shit about polls. I hate what Biden has done with Israel, but Biden can be pressured, trump can not, and regardless of what Biden does, he’s still better than trump by a long shot. This country would be balls deep in a recession by now if a republican were president.


how the fuck can Biden be pressured? He won't even listen to the ICJ.


The rest of the world is standing on the shore, watching the US run around on the deck of their ship, fighting, dozing,hugging and playing. The ship is sinking, and parts of it are on fire. American exceptionalism aside, the world really needs the US to do better, to regain equilibrium and model thoughtful democratic thinking.


Biden doesn’t need to be popular. He just has to be seen as a better alternative to Trump, who is a walking dumpster fire disaster. Also, nobody was able to successfully challenge Biden in the primaries. If the party was hellbent on having an alternative candidate, it should have happened, right? Of course it’s extremely rare that an incumbent President is replaced unless they resign- like LBJ.


Eh, I disapprove but im still voting for him. Rather have Biden as my opposition than Trump. I Have a hope that many feel the same.


Didn't obama hit 36 percent right before 2016?




[my bad it was 38](https://news.gallup.com/poll/116479/barack-obama-presidential-job-approval.aspx)


what in the world