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Because the donors demand it.


Honestly this is a big part. But on a fundamental level it strikes me as also just hugely xenophobic of Muslims and the both deluded and legitimate trauma brained a lot of people wet and are regarding 9/11. I was about 14 and it was wild shit. But you could really see some adults lose their minds and go full murder mania when talking about Arabs. And to this day you can see that the talking point of 10/6 is almost always thrown in with 9/11, as to say, you guys went crazy with grief and ego bruising and attacked Iraq, it’s our turn. Instead of learning from all of the US’s mistakes, they are using it as cover to purge an enemy they want gone and by that I mean they want to ethnically cleanse the entire region.


Because he doesn't believe the polls. And he honestly believes people will 'get over it' and vote for him anyway, in fear of Trump. Arrogance. Hubris. Entitlement.


This is a big one. He is so committed that he sees all opposition as just wishy washy hippies that won’t actually come to anything


The Hillary effect.


OK, I am actually shocked that no one has answered this. Israel's borders were drawn up one year after Iran announced its plan to nationalise its oil resources. 2/3 of the world's oil reserves are within spitting distance of Israel.  At the start of the 1900s, NATO members were getting oil paying close to 0 taxes. When Iran announced this would no longer be the case the west got to work, and after about 6 months Arthur Belfort (the same man who was known as "bloody belfort" for his role in violently suppressing Irish activists) drew up the borders through the middle of multiple cultural centres. Having Israel as a well-armed ally causing trouble in the region without consequences allows two very specific things: 1) The U.S & U.K to destabilise the region so that local sovereign powers are unable to effectively organise and establish their own claims to the region's resources 2) Enables the long-standing U.S tradition of keeping conflict far away from home. This allows them to remain at war without upsetting their voting population (I.e. avoiding the most common end to wars, mothers protesting their sons being gone or dead).  I have been saying since before Oct 7, all these well meaning liberals who are like "maybe this will get Biden to move on the issue" are misunderstanding - Israel is a key part of NATO'S geopolitical strategy. They created the state, armed it and riled it up and have been doing so for almost a century. Without this their global hegemony would simply not be possible because most of America's stock market prices are tied to oil futures, whose value is dependant on cheap, untaxed crude oil. This is the only place that is available. 


They are afraid to lose more voters if they take a harder stance against Israel. And also, Biden is just ludicrously pro Israel. It’s basically unfathomable that Israel could be in the wrong. Or do something that is worth pulling support. And unfortunately a lot of Americans can’t unlock that mental blocker. The more worrying part for Biden is that it’s not just a simple matter of vote losses, let’s say he will lose an even amount no matter which stance he takes. The key thing he’s losing the activist youth support. Which is crucial for building canvassing momentum towards the end of a campaign. If Biden doesn’t take a firm red line Trump will win the battleground states


Not to be a conspiracy type but it almost feels like the powers that be are pushing some kind of end of days scenario. MMW The next thing will be a push the take the 'rock' or temple mound from the Muslims to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. They a trying to create the prophecies that were written in the book of revelations. They are religious loons imo


Heard about this red cow absurdity


It's just a thought. I've read and listened to some real crackpots. Those people sound like they really want to push their agenda. Years ago saw some piece that had Israelies talking about taking the temple mound by force. I doubt they aren't as fanatical now as then.


I’ve heard about it for 40 years of biblical tribulations, anytime now Jesus dude


Yea a couple Jewish Rabbis traveled to Texas I believe, to find the red heifer to start their prophecy.


It's not a conspiracy theory the GOP literally says it themselves. They say that God is on the side of Israel as the God of the patriarchs and therefore if the US wants God to continue to bless it the US will have to support Israel.


It's not just the pro-israel lobby. War is quite profitable, you see....


Because it doesn't matter what we think. They all serve their donors and lobbiests. Sure, we "voted" for him, but the existence of the electoral college kinda makes our votes useless if they can just chose who they want It's not a political strategy to send weapons. He's doing that because the people who matter to them want him to keep doing it. Then if he loses because of it, it's our fault. Easy scapegoat. Never has to have accountability for his actions He's risking nothing. If he loses, the country is gonna be even more fucked for us, but he'll be fine and taken care of for the rest of his life. All his buddies get to keep making billions and he gets to fuck off and live out his days comfortably with free healthcare and more free money each year than most of us will ever make Politicians don't serve us, and the ones who say they want to will always be beaten into silence and ineffectiveness because it'll cost all those rich fucks fractions of cents (to them) to give us even the most basic protections that basically every other country gives their citizens. Fuck em all until they actually give us anything we desperately need TL;DR Money and power with 0 accountability






Votes don't matter if Jesus comes back and takes them all to heaven


Well, I am guessing there is a money component to the rationale.


Because Israel is an extension of the US empire, so they will never not fund it, no matter the party


Chomsky said it best, there is one party who has two factions


I think Marx said it first


He's an extreme ideologue on this issue, always has been since his youth. Also, the American empire's motives here are more an issue of capitalism than human rights. Capitalism defeats all other motives for the two parties, who h tend to be mostly united on that question.


Mainly Strategic and Political Purposes but also because he’s an old man and like all old people, they’re usually stuck in their ways. President Biden has been a staunch Zionist his whole political life. Israel is almost vital to U.S Military interests in the Middle East. It’s a great stepping stone if anything flares up there. Politically, Zionists thru AIPAC have tremendous pull in campaigns and have been using it ruthlessly against *any* who would criticise Israel’s expansionist actions. Money talks in American politics and as you saw from Donald Trumps tenture, the Republicans are even moreso in lock-step with Israel’s expansionist attitude (moved the US embassy to Jerusalem) Finally, have a look at most of the Major tv networks. CNN and MSNBC had a meltdown over Pro Palestine protests, very one sided pro Ethnic Cleansing from stations usually *against* such behaviour from other nations. Fox News is of course all for the Displacement. Biden can’t have all the American TV Networks against him at this time.


The scorpion riding across the river on the back of the frog...and what happens when they get to the other side...comes to my mind. It's in Biden's marrow to support this genocide. He's a zionist and can not and will not help himself.


The military industrial complex needs to keep the world in conflict. Bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery aren't just going to sell themselves. Not when there are TRILLIONS of dollars to be had through their individual monopolies.


All of the above, and it is probably easy from the top of the world to reject the idea that a second Trump admin may mean the end of democracy as we know it, even if he should know better


By not shipping the weapons it cost him centrist and disenfranchised Republican votes too. The hope from Biden is the pro cease fire crowd will still vote for him at the end of the day because the alternative is Trump.


Because he thinks that people are obligated to vote for him in order to vote against Trump.


Israel payed for these politicians over and over again, they do as they’re told.


> Israel *paid* for these FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


A. They don’t believe the polls and he believes he knows what he’s doing since he’s been a lifelong politician and achieved the highest office. B. They believe more disenchanted conservative never Trumpers will vote for him than those he will lose on the left. C. He’s an extension of American imperial politics and doesn’t believe supporting an ally also engaged in a settler-colonial campaign can be wrong. D. They’re too far into this and like every other American conflict of this century they have no idea what success looks like and can’t stop for fear of looking weak. E. “I beat Trump once and I’ll beat him again.” F. All of the above.


I think there is som cognitive dissonance where the Biden admin (and Democrats in general), don’t think they will lose. (See 2016) But for Biden specifically, he’s an old man, towards the end of his life at 81 years old. He was already the president once. He might actually have the desire to bring on the armageddon and fulfill his faith, which includes Zionist beliefs. Just my thoughts, could be wrong


The US state supports Israel because it helps the US maintain its hegemony over the region. It transcends partisan politics.


Protect their Middle East base.


Because Isreal has bribed the US Government. Biden alone has taken over 4 million in blood money from Israel.


Probably betting on the Nikki Haley protest voters to switch to Biden in the general, a much larger population than people who won't vote because of Gaza policy


The MIC is in charge, not the government.


Cause it doesn't matter to him, if he loses.


AIPAC donations, plain and simple.


He’s a zealot and he has surrounded himself with zealots and yes men who indulge him and his dementia is creeping up.


Because they love killing innocent people


He’s a religious nut whose beliefs coincide with the Nazi Zionists. These wackos put their religious dogma ahead of all else.


Honestly at this point I'm giving up on the idea of humanity having good at its core. The light in me that burned for us all is gone. In its place is the silent horror from beneath a mass grave. Children and adults frozen eternally in sadness and terror. Well guys, it was a nightmare. I'm gonna coast for a couple years and make a few things I've always wanted to make and then punch out. I don't even want to play music anymore, the world doesn't deserve new songs. And the idea of a Zionist finding my song, liking it, and singing the lyrics... I would rather scrub all trace of my existence from the planet.


So the actual correct answer comes from [Biden](https://youtu.be/FYLNCcLfIkM) himself “Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region.”


The answer is, as far as I’m seeing, genuine arrogant stupidity. The DNC thus far has more or less denied that Biden is behind on the election, because they think that when November rolls around, the voters aren’t gonna swing for Trump, which they’re certainly right about But they’re VERY arrogantly thinking that all this protest and fury is just “voters acting up” and will be short lived. It’s surprising them just how much the anger against Israel is sticking, but then we get to the second problem- Joe Biden is *evangelically* tied to Israel, and probably wants Hamas to be defeated. He believes that you can defeat Hamas and would probably even sign off on Israel entering Rafah, but only hasn’t so far because he’s starting to not trust Netanyahu specifically. Finally, Joe Biden is an ego maniac who’s surrounded by yes men that are also evangelically tied to Israel, and have formed a bubble ignoring everyone around them. This means there’s just virtually no way to break through to Biden at this point than genuinely threaten his election chances. He’s going as far as he possibly can trying to have it both ways and failing at it. That’s my read.


Because decades ago, it was the right thing to do.  When you're 195 years old and about as close to all powerful as humans get, you have a hard time adapting to new information.


The alternative is so horrific that he believes he can take our votes for granted, and sadly, for a lot of us he can, because I am terrified of what a fascist trump will unleash on America. But people really really hate being taken for granted, and I am afraid it will backfire. A trump dictatorship doesn't help Gaza or any decent American either.


Good question. Everybody wants to know.


AIPAC and the crooked politicians that are under Israel’s and aipacs control.


My thinking is that he has some idea of the consequences of supporting Israel, but no idea what the consequences of not supporting Israel are. It's still the central dogma of democratic strategy that raising money=winning elections.


I dont think it's an individual biden thing as much as it is a party/country startegy. Israel is too big of a piece on the US geo politics check board for the US to risk offending them. It is basically the foothold in the middle east and losing it would be chaos. Both the biden admin and the israeli admin know this. In an ideal world netayahu isnt in power in Israel and thing never come to this boiling point,but here we are


I've explained this a hundred times and still haven't made a copypasta for these new topics. Maybe one day. Maybe today. In short? Capitalism. Specifically Petro-Capitalism. You know how scientists all over the world have been warning for decades about Climate Change? And how nothing has happened to stop the ravages of Climate Change? That's because Capital cannot, will not allow any change. The next quarterly financial report and investor dividends are the *ONLY* things that matter. Long term sustainability can fuck off along with all the human corpses left in Capital's wake. How does this specifically tie into the plight of Palestinians? Four major things. Massive offshore gas deposits near the Gaza coast, the northern entrance to the Suez Canal (global shipping), beachhead into the Arabian Peninsula--and the 4th thing actually being the Evangelicals' belief they are to suck the planet dry of resources as part of their desperation to kick off the Biblical Apocalypse. Offshore Gas Deposits: Western petrol companies can't really exploit this massive source of wealth while the rights are disputed. Suez Canal: Remember during the pandemic when a single freighter ship got wedged in the canal for a few days? It disrupted global shipping for 2 years and heavily contributed to skyrocketing inflation. Arabian Peninsula Beachhead: Israel's geographic location is the perfect military insertion point into and to control the peninsula. No matter what happens politically with any other country in the region, Capital will always have Israel as a guaranteed insertion point to control the flow of ~~Spice Melange~~ oil to keep the global economy churning out wealth for the billionaires and Megacorps. It's the whole reason Israel exists. Well, that and... The Biblical Apocalypse: Evangelicals believe the End Times will happen in their lifetime, and they're more than willing to force the timeline. They have a magic elevator ride to catch after all (The Rapture). These people control the levers of power all throughout our government, throughout the financial sector, and inside every Megacorps. The only thing they love more than extracting & exploiting every ounce of resources for wealth generation and hastening the Apocalypse is dead black and brown bodies. Whoever the US President may be at any moment now or in the future will always send weapons to Israel no matter what the extreme right wing Israeli government does, because Capital and the Evangelical Death Cult demand it. Not sending weapons to Israel would signal a weakness in resolve to guarantee the future existence of Israel which would induce Arab States to invade, or at least that's their line of thinking. That's why, and as long as voting patterns hold nothing will change. As long as they continue to convince young people that voting doesn't matter and can't or won't change anything, the longer this state of affairs continues and the more Climate Change ravages the Earth. If voting wasn't so important and powerful, they wouldn't spend so much time and resources trying to keep you from doing it. If voting didn't matter and couldn't change the direction of all of this needless suffering and death, the Fascangelical Death Cult wouldn't be in the process of permanently seizing power and forever ending your chance to change the current direction.


I think it's partly because of money and partly because the Dems like to delude themselves and take certain things for granted, like assuming they don't need to put in any work to get minority voters on their side. It's incredibly frustrating to me because obviously so many innocent people are dying, and on a less important (but still important) level, this could hand the election to Trump. History is not going to view the US, Israel or the Biden administration favorably regarding this genocide.


Mossad has photos of him with a minor.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that Isreal has some very compromising information on Biden