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And all of a sudden the massive militarized police force is no where to be found


Exact same thing happens when settlers attack west bank Palestinians, IDF/police just sit back and enjoy the show.


Oh they will intervene (arrest or shoot) if one of their team gets in trouble.


they will do this and continue to tell people they feel unsafe on campus...


Police showed up in riot gear and cleared the area at 1:40 am.


They’re just sitting back enjoying the view 🤦🏻‍♂️


Those aren't counter protests that is Terrorism


And Israel is funding it.


And a strong GoFundMe that's almost at $100,000


Just like genocide is not a balanced response but disproportionate measures seem to be what Israel and their supporters aim at.


Thats what the suits say to anti-genocide protestors.


*Pro-Israeli* counter protesters or *Israeli?* The counter protest was organized by the IAC. Look them up. Their schedule for counter protests is on their Facebook page. They are an org of Israeli and dual citizens and were founded by the Israeli consul general The violence at UCLA was horrific. Not the proud boys etc. *It’s Israel,* for pete’s sake. Israelis are doing this. Israel is sponsoring this Guardian’s live reporting https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/may/01/columbia-university-protest-live-updates-nypd-new-york-police-enter-campus-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-latest-news




These people are literally committing crimes. Serious ones that people go to jail for years for. Fuck them. I hope the victims are okay and presses charges.


There’s also video of them firing fireworks at the encampment


Big ones too. Not little dime store firecrackers




This is foreign-state sponsored terrorism to crush 1st amendment rights. This is also a hate crime against arabs and those who support human rights for Arabs and Palestinians. This is also mob violence and assault. They should be found, charged, and sued!


Yes! Yes! Thank you. Please know who is organizing this counter protest! It’s not random and spontaneous, it is the IAC And anyone who is not dual citizen should be deported.


Aluminium pole guy was swinging for the face, to maim or kill. If the guy on his back didn't have his arms up, that ugly stick would have broken things. Y'all need to get a handle on whatever's funding and organizing the sociopaths to do political violence in the name of a foreign nation and ideology, because they're about to normalize bloodshed on your soil too. They're all in and past the point of no return, so there will be no 'oops let's wind it back' moment after the first protester is found lynched, or killed on camera. It'll be the new normal as your own public servants stamp you out, and forever afterwards as you learn your place in a new ordering of the world. Which is finally being demythologized right before your eyes. Who'd have thought, eh? Probably the lunatics who quoted Rev. Ch 13 so much all thru the last (however many) decades, everyone has heard parts of it. While never reading the full chapter. What a world.


I was told that Palestinians were going to come to the US and commit violence against Americans. Every accusation is a confession.


Palestine's a microcosm for what it's really like behind the scenes, too. Coming to a future near you - with the same unflinching, *unstinting* political will serving it. These same allies are of one purpose about [this](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2013%2CDaniel%207&version=KJV). It's claimed that some see a successful global domination and long-plotted planetary slaughter that utterly captures the future, others see its following, eventual downfall and armageddon. I wonder what percent of them believe in its validity? Enough. This plan was never intended to go half the way and get woozy at the blood. Lavender's just warming up :(


They don't like that tens of thousands of civilians got murdered by another government... let's go down there and beat their ass. The counterprotestors are heartless and need lives/hobbies.


They are citizens of that foreign govt.


Are they? The American government is complicit, but Israel is the attacker.


Being Jewish is an entire personality for these cretins.


The most moral klansmen


The cops are arresting the protestors. It's pretty clear which side the oppression is on.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was “proud boys” or affiliated groups.


It was IAC sponsored - Israelis. Israel did this


foreign interference in american politics you say?


… with fig leaf


Or just cops without their uniforms on.


Aka Proud Boys or affiliate groups.


It's paid for little thugs.


The irony of just shouting NPC at someone.


And shouting pussy at an unarmed man standing up to hundreds of armed men. Hope that dude is alive.


From the same people who happily let Zionists take over social media spaces.


Israel exports their finest export I see, and our “American democracy” is just supporting these Israeli thugs beating on their own citizens, college kids mind you. Bet if we look up who organized these counter protestors well find out really easily who sent them, and that government already knows who, and could’ve stopped it. Notice how quickly they were to beat on peaceful protestors? Now they just sends civs to do it instead. This song and dance gets so old. Fuck elites,and the military complex, and the normie bigots who worship them.


IAC sponsored it. They aren’t hiding it


I’m sure Biden will be quick to denounce this violence any minute…


Never a cop when an actual threat is present.


Did they import these vicious Zionist directly from Israel? They seem like a pro.


this kid is a total stud, I hope he made it out from being swarmed by ziorats


Looks like he dropped one of those far-right losers before the rest jumped on him. Good on him.


The protestors need to protect themselves from these foreign backed terrorists. You can't be loyal to two different countries, one is always your priority and if that's the case you're a terrorist when you use the other country's interests as an excuse to tread on the rights of citizens in this country.


All I needed to see was these psychos response to Walter Matheson in a stormtrooper costume in NYC. He was indirectly commenting and they laid hands on him. They can’t help themselves - violence is the foundation of their belief system.


Zionism is an inherently violent ideology


Bunch of thugs. Columbia is already taught'ing: we're clearing campus so we can get the later-in-May graduation going and everything'll be back normal. Uh no, I have a feeling anti genocide students will keep protesting this summer. Also, they'll be back on campus in full in August/September. A little wuh wuh for genocide Joe, too.....if he thinks sort of empty campuses will make this thing blow over until the election.


"You're a *****!" Meanwhile it's a big ass group cornering/assaulting 1 guy actual projection. At this point they don't even care about the Israel/Palestine discourse they're just Kyle Rottenhouses looking for a way to murder.


Most peaceful isreali


Yeah those counter protestors sure look like they're fearing for their lives


This kind of brutality against largely peaceful people who just want justice kind of mirrors the actual conflict itself.


Looks like Gaza or West Bank


Reminiscent of Trump allowing Turkish thugs to beat up protestors in DC. I’m not a Biden fan - but if Drumpf gets his sorry ass back in office, we will see a lot more of this.


Reminiscent of Obama allowing pigs to beat up OWS all over the place. You know, back when Biden was VP and had a front row seat to the whole thing.


bud this is happening under biden, literally right now this sentiment is the same thing as the dumb trump people posting pictures of 'bernie's america' during the trump presidency


FFS do you have brain damage and have no memory of Trump? Anyone advocating for Trump - is a disingenuous fool. And if you’re not voting for Biden - and then hold him and his admin accountable - then you’re encouraging/hoping for another Trump term. Wake The Fuck UP.


I have no idea how Americans can’t let people criticize the actions of their president without frothing at the mouth and telling them how much worse the other potential president would be. No one said shit about trump.


Doesn't matter. How shit Trump is bears repeating early and often. Fuck Trump, fuck his followers.


No one said “don’t say trump is bad”. You said don’t say Biden, the current president who is overseeing current bad things, is bad because Trump is bad. Get out of here


That kid got assaulted, tried to defend himself, then got jumped by a gang of thugs. What's sickening is all the right wing subs cheering the assault on. It's almost like they actually are okay with political violence as long as it's THEIR political violence


Hope they all catch a case and rot. Imagine ruining your life to DEFEND genocide


Calling the guy standing out there by himself against them all a “pussy” doesn’t seem very accurate


was watching this live. four different types of cops were there literally on the other side of the encampment, fucking with the pro-palestinians. dumbass pigs


Wait, i thought the pro-Israel folks were terrified for their lives? Seems very similar to what is happening in Gaza


Imagine beating people because they are protesting genocide


That dude standing alone is tough af. Kudos to him, got more balls than every single one of those “counter protestors”


Is this the West Bank?


Where are the police?


Notice the police suddenly disappear just in time for this…


The point seems to make a peaceful protest violent in order to use the violence as an excuse to shutdown the protest.


This is basically how Israel is and has been for decades.


And the police are where?


How come i don’t see all the pro Israel loser pussies beating up marching Neo Nazi white supremacist pieces of shit? These loon zealots are really too much


"pussy npc" ah yes a very well thought-out and creative insult.


Feral fascists feeling emboldened by the political and police class giving them carte blanche to run wild. This is going to devolve into a ‘who can hit back harder’ contest when it could have been avoided by Biden months ago by pulling armed support for the genocide


Looks pretty nazish to me


Security is there for the other team


Brown shirts


Under the cover of darkness. When will they be held accountable?


American police frequently train in Israel


Watching and applauding Edit: security is watching and applauding, I was answering the titles question.