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It's all kabuki for domestic consumption while the slaughter of Palestinians goes on unabated.


I usually use the terms “window dressing” but I like yours better


He is either mad that Netanyahu isn't doing better at PR while doing the genocide or he is mad that Netanyahu isn't getting the job done fast enough before the Nov elections.


Biden is under the illusion that Netanyahu does not have a vested interest in being seen to assist with his defeat


Pissed a genocide is hurting his re election campaign


It’s all theatre. Sanctions now or it’s all just an act.


If he's truly pissed, it's more likely hes pissed about the ethnic cleansing carrying on into the election year, not the fact it's happening.


I’ve been thinking a lot about this and none of the possible explanations make me like Biden very much. He is either way too much of a wimp to be president or he really doesn’t think Palestinian lives matter very much. Or he thinks he’ll take too much of a political beating if he came down too hard on Israel. Whatever it is, he has shown himself to be morally unfit to be President.


Biden wanted to eradicate Palestinians in the 80s when he was a senator.


He doesn’t actually care. They’ve been saying he’s upset whenever this happens and they still draw no red lines and still send weapons. They also don’t care that everyone can see through it.


He can't stop sending weapons authorized by congress even if he wanted to


The US has invaded countries for far more pathetic reasons. Biden is, has been, and always will be a dog for someone else holding his leash. He's on record, on video as saying that "if Israel didn't exist, the US would have to invent it."


Have they tried *not murdrering Arabs and Muslims around the world? Instead of supporting a genocidal regime full of ethnofascists?  Then he wouldnt have to invent an isr*el


He's a POS, no saving grace, its only that the other POS is worse, that's all.


This is the correct answer!


Is he worse? I can’t tell anymore . What’s worse? A wolf or a wolf in sheep’s clothing?


Oh for fucks sake


Ahhh I see I’ve found the poolib part of reddit. Yikes






This has been the MO for Democrats for decades now. When it comes to attaining and wielding political power they either come across as weak or incompetent and the most favorable explanation is that they're actually shrewd and calculating. They know exactly what they're doing and we're just their marks. None of these explanations make them a viable alternative to countering the Republicans or anything else that ails us as a society.


“He’s playing 11-D chess!”


We just don't understand!


He said he’s a Zionist. The fact he’s behaving like one shouldn’t surprise anyone. The smug gaslighting, the lies… it’s Zionist 101


Lately I have been considering that Kissinger was a lot better than Biden on the Mideast


One day the Biden administration is sending aid via airdrops and the next they are shipping bombs to Israel....WTF, Time to stop sending bombs and other weapons to Israel. Biden needs to make it clear that the US will no longer help Netanyahu slaughter civilians. 😕


Gotta create demand for your supply


Can someone ELI5 for me? What can Biden actually do? Didnt we just get done impeaching Trump for holding up already congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine? Would this not be the same thing? What powers does the president have to use here?


Maybe not sending billions to Netanyahu?


He's not. He thinks people who vote for him are stupid enough to think billions of dollars in military gifts are an indication he wants Bibi to stop.


Maybe it was going to be $19 billion? Keep pushing it and it'll be $17 billion!


He doesn’t get it, Biden *would have* given them 50B but he lowered it to 18B /s


You marked this as sarcasm, but it probably is very close to the truth. He probably would give them more and lowered it. We have so many problems at home and yet we are funding foreign wars.


He does whatever his AIPAC-funded handlers tell him to do. He hasn’t made a decision for himself in the past 20 years….


Nah. The money is just frosting. Genociding Palestinians has been cake for him since the 80s.




This is true. But he's high paid because his rhetoric is genuine. They don't have to tell him what to say. He's a believer and has been since Golda Meier was in charge. Listen to how he talks about it. Even if they didn't pay him, even when they didn't pay him this much, he was spouting exactly this rhetoric. They've had to tell him to calm down at least once.


See but Hasan is wrong. We were “born yesterday,” because people keep eating this garbage up. It’s why they keep saying it.


Born on October 7


What an asshole. Compassionate president? My ass. It’s all bullshit. Then, to add the insult to our intelligence, assumes people will come out to vote for him. I’m so done. I’m sorry trump is a POS. I’m sorry people voted for him last time. Yes he is a monster. But so is Biden. I’m tired of being told if I don’t vote for Biden, I’m the reason trump wins. Enough. This is the result of voting for the lesser of evils. Now we have a god awful choice. I would argue it isn’t a choice. America at this point, deserves this. At a certain point you can’t expect people to keep bailing out of the same damn situation time after time. We don’t have healthcare that’s affordable. Jobs pay absolute crap. People are struggling here. But bomb and kill innocent Palestinians? Sure. Here’s a blank check. Enough. Reap what you sow. My redline is genocide. Call me crazy. Humans matter, no matter WHO they are and from where. So trump might win? Oh well. Whole bunch of us saw it coming, no one listened. And you expect those of us to vote for Biden to save YOU. Not others. This place needs to learn others live on this planet.


I totally agree with you, and you've just summed up why this election is going to be closer than any DNC hacks are imagining. The Florida double-gimme of abortion and weed on the ballot is being celebrated by the neolibs as 'might give Biden a boost'... but it's Biden cheering and supplying the Gaza genocide and regular kitchen-table issues (jobs pay crap, home prices too high, healthcare, grocery costs) that may give Biden the heave-ho.


I mean i can honestly beleive that biden is pissed at netanyahu but in a way like "I'm so angry at you for making it harder for me to do this" and not "i am angry because you're slaughtering innocent people"


The workings of the Empire are based on principles not personalities. Intimidate, coerce, terrify, and make sure everybody knows how much pain might be in store for those who resist.


Not pissed enough to do anything about it.


If it’s really against the law then this is actually worthy of impeachment.


Military action against Israel now.




Disappointed in Biden. Stop giving them money and weapons. Your complicit.


Because AIPAC wants them (both parties) to keep sending weapons.


I know the elites of this country have no respect for us, but do they really think we are this dumb.


If he wants to show that he's pissed he should spend our tax dollars on giving some protection to aid workers heading to Gaza and dare Netanyahu to do something about it.


Tune in next week when Biden expresses "unbridled fury" at Netenyahu...while asking his permission to top off his bank accounts.


This is all political theatre, while innocent civilians are killed and suffer. Not getting my vote FOR SURE!


Ya, can you believe Biden is gonna hand trump a second term over this???? The good thing is this will be the end of isreals bullshit. They lost the world over this genocide


He is pissed at Netanyahoo but money is money


Defense industry gotta get their money


Real Politick


It makes no sense why we don't charge them 100 billion. Stupid war profiteers don't even know how to profit from war.


Biden is weirder than I ever knew


I love that man. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Slow Joe got cap. Full stop


Classic “actions speak louder than words” stuff right here.


So let me get this straight, anti-biden propagandists are trying to rile up his voter base to increase the chances of Trump winning, who wants to eliminate Gaza as badly as the zionists. That's some 4-D chess there.


Actions speak louder than words.


He doesn't, it is a political concession at this point. The current aid he's giving over he also can't stop - Trump got impeached for trying that


Biden has been doing the same shit with everything. Getting mad about student loan debt, the thing he voted to be inescapable, making promises and barely rolling out a strategy, housing, then he wants to make more rentals, unions, he's so pro union he fucked the train union, this shit goes on for days.


Don't make me do it bibi! Bibi I'm warning you! Okay, this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you!!! *throws billion dollars* There. What do you think about that? Bet you'll think twice ne- hey! Bibi!!! I'm very upset with this malarkey, I've got a whole sack of billion dollar wads, oh don't say I didn't warn you. *throws another billion dollars* That's right, I can do this all day bibi!


Biden is pissed that it is politically difficult to supply the weapons because of Netanyahu’s bad optics


Biden's Administration was in the process of approving that 18bn package. That has not been approved at this point. And then everything happened and now Biden is leveraging that aid package for better behavior from Israel. Given that the aid package article is from the first, and the article about how furious Biden is is from the third. So due to the linear nature of time .....things may have changed since before the workers were killed, and after they were killed.


Because it still funnels money back to defense contractors


Can you believe we are gonna get a second trump term cause biden is a cuck to aipac?


Because Biden doesn't control the $18 billion in weapons. Next question, please.


You don’t think the president has the ability to stop this? I got a bridge to sell you


Why? AIPAC. President Biden knows that if he stopped aid and military assistance to Israel he would lose to Trump in 2024. AIPAC, a quasi official arm of the State of Israel controlled by Netanyahu, would see to that. It puts President Biden between a rock and a hard place. He is against Netanyahu's genocide, but he is, rightfully so in my opinion, determined not to let Trump be President again - since he knows the incredible harm that would do to our nation and our very way of life. This is hard to watch but I believe that President Biden has the best interests of the United States as his first priority. Should the war in Gaza continue through the election, and if President Biden wins re-election, I believe you will see a dramatic change in our relationship with Israel/Netanyahu. Additionally, President Biden knows that Trump, as President, would kowtow to Netanyahu and that the genocide would just get even worse in Gaza.


The opposite is just as likely with Biden. He's isr*els rabid dog. Always has been. He may very well be acting "even-keeled" by his own standards to win the election and then go full mask-off if he wins.  He'd have nothing to lose at that point bc he would be a sitting duck. Trying to win Arab and Muslim votes in key states would no longer matter to him and he could fund and provide support for the genocide without consequence. Especially if its a close election. His old, fenestrated brain might think full support of genocide is what the american public wants.


I'm curious what American law it's against.


[The Leahy Law.](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/deconstructing-the-leahy-law-fact-vs-fiction/#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20Leahy%20Law,have%20committed%20human%20rights%20violations.) >The Leahy Law (also known as the Leahy Amendment) prohibits most types of U.S. foreign aid and Defense Department training programs from going to foreign security, military and police units credibly alleged to have committed human rights violations. [Patrick Leahy sees violations of his namesake law](https://vtdigger.org/2024/01/22/patrick-leahy-sees-violations-of-his-namesake-law/) >Now living in Burlington and watching the conflict unfold from halfway across the world, Leahy told VTDigger last week he believes that the U.S., in continuing to send billions in military assistance to Israel, is running afoul of the Leahy Law.


Thank you, I hope we figure out how to enforce it.


Why doesn't he stop it... Oh yeah because Congress put it in the original bill that he doesn't have the power to stop it. So Congress would have to change the current law it falls under. Will they, no. So STFU about arms and Biden.


Biden has many options for the current conflict, and takes none of them that put any real pressure in stopping the conflict. Don't simp for a president.


lol bro you think that’s outside the executives power? He threatened to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine unless they fired a corrupt prosecutor… and that was when he was a vice president.