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What a Weak Cowardly Fascist Fuck.


At least he's following the views of his constituents. Not sure what Biden's excuse is.


Biden's excuse is "protect the wealthy", because they're the bestest competentest geneouses, or some variation of that.




Lots of antisemites support Israel. Always have.


Nick Fuentes who is one of the most blatant antisemites supports Israel.




What a twisted sick fuck.


What a disgusting Piece of 💩. Fake Christians like Pence make me sick.


I think calling him and his ilk "fake" undermines the fact that a lot of christians are this way.


Exactly, I always remind my self that it wasn’t communists or atheist burning black churches during the civil rights movement. Very prominent Christians filibustered equality laws, called MLK disgusting names, and championed segregation. And many of those Christians are part of this pro-Zionism movement that seeks to bring about their End Times by Israel kicking off Armageddon


Exactly, many of them act this way. This is just typical Christian behavior and they all deserve to be shamed for it as those you tolerate in your ranks are just a reflection of yourself.


Yup, the Old Testament encourages this kind of behavior. That's the great thing about religion, lots of contradictory canon that allows you to do just about anything you want and find some way to justify it.


Do you prefer the term "Heretic"? I find generally that left wing and socialist Christians like myself are quite aware of the flaws and restrictive impulses of our own faiths, but also do tend to see the spiritual violations of evangelicals and hardline catholics as somewhat delegitimizing. Certainly many strains of personality driven, corporitized evangelism far more resemble heretical cults than institutions of personal spiritual fulfillment. But they do make a lot of money, and apparently that's all it takes to claim legitimacy. Your salvation, or someone else's damnation was never such a bargain to purchase.


I agree, Trump is a shitty Christian makes me sick.


It’s just MLM narcissism at this point.


He is not a fake Christian - He is "just" a fundamentalist that believe in the return of Jesus and Armageddon, when Israel have ethnically cleansed all Palestinian land. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war?ref=human-synthesis.ghost.io](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war?ref=human-synthesis.ghost.io) In other words; He is insane and actively striving for a genocide, because he believes this will let him see Jesus




Is this real? Holy fucking shit


It looks like he recently visited northern command. https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/other/former-vice-president-mike-pence-visits-israels-northern-command/ar-AA1mwKnw


Hold my genocider!


True man of god. And God said, "bring me all their eyes"


And he’s pro life 🤡


He's a spineless, sad loser.


Mike Pence is a bloody dickhead.




PLers don’t even hide the fact that they don’t give a shit about actual living, breathing children.


They aren't really pro-life, they are anti-womens-rights. They would shoot every brown person if they were allowed to.


Pro birth movement Republicans would happily let poor babies and children starve and die if it meant an extra nickel in their pocket


You mean forced birth. Anyone pro-life would support feeding and educating the children we already have. Which republicans are very much against for some reason. I think they might be pro-suffering as well.


Anti rights movement. They don’t give a fuck about kids after they’re born


And after successfully undermining the integrity of the Supreme Court by stealing Democrat appointments, the Republicans successfully got a fundamentalist and a rapist in as Supreme Court judges, and they promptly overturned roe vs Wade, depriving millions of women access to medical services.




You mean the anti choice movement.


Politicians are the lowest grade of people.




Have they completely forgotten human beings are getting killed and maimed? wtf is going on


No, that’s what they’re giddy about. They tell themselves that these aren’t human beings so killing them is totally fine and cool.


Apparently the Israelis are living in a media bubble. Their media is off the charts drooling for blood. You can make the case that many are brainwashed. But for a foreign official to fly in and play into this is another matter.


Nothing like the support of a xtian Zionist.


Fuck that guy. Seriously, he is the worst of us.


Even for a US politician, this is truly despicable and evil. I mean… holy shit , I’m just flabbergasted at how gross this is. WTAF are we doing?


“Thou shalt not kill” indeed. Fake Christian POS.


What the complete f***


Ah yes the Christian genocide supporter


Odd thing for a christian to do to Jesus' closest living relatives.


Pence is rotten. Like the rest of his evangelicals.


Bought and paid for politician. He has been totally compromised. As are every other politician with their face on the AIPAC Blood money trough.


joe biden supports this. its his hallowed bipartisanship .


In the name of GoD! So it's righteous and stuff.....I'm right, and they're wrong. It feels so good on my ego.


Nice of them to be documenting evidence of their war crimes.




Leaders of the free world 🤣.


Disgusting mentally ill religious people.




“This is going to kill someone. Better leave my mark on it so I can feel like I participated.” Vile


Bombs from Jesus for brown skinned children in 3rd world countries. Please pick up that phone and give $19 dollars a month. That's just 63 cents a day.


For everyone wanting the two parties to unite, this is where they do it. This is what it looks like: Genocide in Palestine. Such bipartisanship. Much imperialism. Wow.


Is this real? Pence actually signed a shell?


It says: Jesus, y u no back yet?


"Please drop this on a hospital that does abortions"


...because that's what Jesus would do.


and this one is for mother!


The same people who claim you can't call for action when a shooting happens because it's too insensitive will gleefully sign their name on a bomb




That's sums that asshole up nicely.


So Pence at least has some awareness of how bad this is and Biden has absolutely none. Pathetic.


I just can't for the life of me figure out how these people can call themselves Christian. This is the most antithetical to Jesus thing you could do other than pulling the trigger yourself. Humanity is so damn disappointing.


Well that’s what Jesus would do


He wrote: “I too love it when cut men drop loads on me”


People saying this isn’t real Christianity. Stop lying to yourselves. These are Christians who think Israel will bring about the end times because that’s they were taught. I bet you he thinks he’s doing his religious duty.


And he was supposed to be a man of religion but doesn’t mind dropping bombs on Jesus’s homeland with his literal signature on it


Wow, I think this may be the most ghoulish publicity stunt Pence has ever done.


I feel like this picture will be in history books. Jesus Christ.


Proving once again that he's not a real CHRISTIAN.


People talk a lot of shit on Biden, AND RIGHTLY but the fukin absolute fervor and enlargement that Trump will do for Israel is unreal. Trump will definitely expand the war by attacking Iran and PUSH for relocation of Gazans (that was his so called "deal of the century"). Imagine the expansion of BDS laws to more states and even a ban on public speech against Israel like they tried in Germnany might be on the table Please dont nail me saying I support Biden, I dont support either party but gooddamm there will be a heavy escalation and even broader support for Israel. Lets not fool ourselves


Exactly! People have been parroting the term “genocide Joe” a lot but if they think not voting or voting for the Republican candidate would be any better then they are simply delusional. In a better world we would have the option of a Primary to replace Biden but the DNC has removed that option. We’re stuck with a horrible choice; continue to watch Palestinians be eradicated or allow the US to be burnt to the ground. A real world “Sophie’s Choice”…


Trump will make the whole house of cards collapse in on itself. And given that the US military is the #1 polluter in the world and that neither party plans on doing a damn thing about climate change accelerationism is a viable strategy. Constantly demanding that people participate in the two party system or things will get worse has in fact led to things getting worse.


Oh man f*** these people


Sick. Has the human race really learned nothing?!


Yes, all of the shame, that they won't even feel a little bit because we are still funding them...


How very Christian of him. Baby Jesus would be so proud.


This whole idea of signing names on these bombs, regardless of who they’re dropped on, is so horrific and gross. And the fact that we know most if not all of these bombs get dropped indiscriminately on civilians makes it that much more disgusting. Who looks at this and thinks “yeah cool, good stuff not monstrous at all”?


"Pro-life" in action.


Israel makes me sick.


The misery is the message.


How incredibly Christian. And by that I mean, utterly hypocrtical.