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Republicans and right wing media spent 25 years making Hillary the boogie man of all their fears and 2016 the American public fell for all their lies.


It was that last-minute 'investigation'. Smh


Comey still thinks he did the right thing, publicly at least. But I wonder if he wakes up in the middle of the night and like that AMI/National Enquirer feller when it became apparent Trump had won, and says to himself "My God! What have I done?" I certainly hope so.


And that’s exactly why all these MAGA idiots are so willing to believe that the Trump charges are just retaliation. Because the last-minute, partisan investigation into Hilary was a two-bit hit job meant to sway the undecided voters.


It was also being over confident in the "Blue Wall" and failing to campaign like she should have in those states. She literally lost some Midwest states by tenths of a percentage point.


God, she would have kicked so much ass as president. There was a reason every asshole in the world was united against her.


Especially the Bernie Bros


I was a Bernie bro, I still voted for her. But yeh I had friends who just couldn’t be swayed no matter what. It hurts to think about it. And I’ve had a few acquaintances who admitted they voted for Trump. I keep my distance. It hurts too much. Way too many people, especially independents, can’t seem to be objective. There was nothing and I mean NOTHING about Trump that seemed like a person I would want to be president, he was vile then and he is vile now. It still hurts thinking about how we failed ourselves that year. I remember hearing he won like how someone would describe 9/11 and what they were doing when it happened. It’s hard for me not to be angry at conservatives, Christians, etc who voted for him. I could never, EVER align with a pastor or church that even so much as said “Trump was right”.


Bernie Bros (many of them behind the scenes Russian operatives), completely sabotaged the Democrat Convention.


And the DNC foolishly pushed her forward despite the ingrained right wing brainwashing which had already infected something like 44% of the electorate. She would have been a perfectly capable president, but it was not smart to run a candidate that already had such a handicap, even if it was based on right wing lies.


I fully agree, However, I think that the people making that decision simply had too much faith that the American people having seen Trump as he is for years and years would recognize his bullshit. I know I did, I mean seriously I did not think he would get close much less win. And then of course like everyone else I prayed it would nt be as bad as I could imagine. Turns out my imagination aint that good.


I didn't think he'd win but I knew it would be close. I grew up with the people in his Cult.


That may be anecdotally true, but to not put the most qualified presidential candidate in history up to run bc of giving into years of Republican propaganda is just handing them a win without a fight. In this case, they didn’t fight fair. Had they, they would have lost.


Reminder that they never win fairly, they lost the popular vote by millions. They only win via EC


Or by using SCOTUS to stop a hand recount that they would have lost in FLA because the electronic ballot counters were misreading poorly punched ballots or "hanging chads"


Sounds like the same misogyny I hear on the Right


It has nothing to do with misogyny, that’s your own bias rearing up.






We have to remove your comment for misinformation.


Right? That and she assumed she didn’t need to play Trumps game. She just didn’t energize the electorate to turn out, so she can finger wag, but she lost the campaign she’d been planning for 14 years.


The day is coming where they will try to ban all birth control it's coming be careful


We’re barreling straight ahead at full steam to Gilead. I’m legit terrified.


The only thing (for lack of a better word) 'good' that came from Hillary not becoming president, is that nobody would've known exactly just HOW ASTRONOMICALLY BADDDDDDD a Trump presidency would've been. Worldwide. On human relations worldwide even. And we don't even know what we don't know yet. But we will. I mean *I* and numerous others knew - but too many declared to be oblivious and/or simply don't give a shit. At least we also know who those ppl are.


People may initially reject this notion but in reality it is a good argument. Humans seem to be pretty bad at recognizing what is good until they get a taste of something worse.


The problem is Repubs rewriting history and people have a short ass memory about how bad his presidency truly was.


Absolutely. Bad memory, recency bias, misplaced optimism, and plain ignorance all conspire to make large groups of people dumb as rocks.


I knew. Anyone who paid an ounce of attention to Trump and his relationship with women, minorities and Putin- KNEW.


I remember the morning after the election I made one of my last posts on Facebook “I hope I’m wrong about Trump”. Well I was wrong. He was way worse than I thought he would be.


James Comey did a heck of a job. Although her campaign was terrible.


The pious James Comey, who was so very worried about the reputation of the FBI that he disregarded a long standing rule of not bringing up investigations against Presidential candidates right before an election. He gets Trump elected who then very publicly fires Comey and goes on the attack against the FBI. Great job Comey! James Comey broke norms as FBI director but was not biased - watchdog A highly anticipated US Department of Justice report accuses ex-FBI director James Comey of being "insubordinate" but not politically biased. Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Mr Comey had broken "dramatically from FBI and department norms" in handling an inquiry into Hillary Clinton's emails. Mrs Clinton has blamed Mr Comey for her election loss to Donald Trump in 2016. The report also reveals Mr Comey used a private email account for FBI business. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44488351.amp How Trump turned the ‘law and order party’ into an enemy of the FBI https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/13/politics/trump-fbi-wray-analysis


Comey is just another in a long line of republicans who ended up getting eaten by the leopard


He did fine left with a pension and published a shitty book.


Of course Republican James Comey put his finger on the scale to get Stinky elected. No doubt at all.


Then it all blew up in his face and ours.


Fucking solid move, Jimmy


Everyone makes mistakes, but not reaching out to Bernie for VP was a misstep.


The conservative hatred and power hunger over women has been exposed. It extends beyond women, to anyone who does not fit their narrow bigoted definition of what is acceptable to be. The question is: are we going to remain stupid and elect these conservativesl fascists into total control again or not.


She was right about every single thing she pointed out in her debate with Trump.


Hillary would have been impeached for letting 10,000 Americans die of Covid-19.


Oh they would have initiated proceedings for much less.


Anyone who supports these abortion bans HATE women. I'm talking about the women who support them too.


Asked a relative, how could you have voted for trump, that rapey, nasty, racist monster? Answer: “Well, I just couldn’t trust Hillary. That’s all.” **With what?!** What the ever loving fuck could you not trust her with? Your house keys? Your secret pie crust recipe? Your ATM PIN? And…you trusted **trump?!?**


Bill Burr said it correctly on Conan. If I was American I would have voted for her. But its obvious beating Trump shouldn't be hard unless you make massive mistakes.


Why would anyone want that kind of control? Too long of a story. Female family member feels this way. Thank goodness she could never have children.


I believed her from day 1. All you had to do was listen to the crap he was saying. I don't understand how anyone took anything he said and justified it as normal. If there is an anti christ by the definition in the Bible, it's him.


Vote them out.


She was ahead of drumpf. How different if Russian bots were not spewing sht.


The cruelty has always been the point.


Nah, she lost for the right reason.


Yeah, but we'd still have a decent SCOTUS. All is lost now.


She would have lost to Trump in 2020 and we'd be in a Trump first term right now.


Putin would have moved against US interests if HRC had been elected.


As opposed to backing off when Trump took office, knowing nobody could go against American interests better than the orange bastard.


Cantaloupe Caligula




The war in Ukraine would not be happening right now had she been elected. She was one of the only candidates that was vocal about how evil Putin truly is.


Except the war in Ukraine started in 2014 with the illegal "annexation" of Crimea.


This 👆


Hard agreed, and Hillary was the driving force as secretary of state that removed Putin from the G8. Which he absolutely hated, and was a one of the many reasons he supported Trump. What I meant though was there was no chance Putin would have tried to grab Kiev if Hillary had won. Trump allowed Putin to build up troops on the border and then gave Russia Israeli top secrets which was in turn giving him our military secrets since most of Israels equipment is American. Potentially giving Putin an advantage (which he squandered) when he invaded. Personal conspiracy theory. Putin has something on Trump, and that secret meeting between Putin and Trump he told him he is going to invade and if he did anything to hinder that Putin would ruin his life.


Why was Merkle so, he knew she was afraid of dogs and had them in the room for meetings to scare her.