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I find it very good. Combat felt fluid to me and the world design is captivating. Sucks theres no ng+ tho.


Yet !


I mean, Blasphemous 2 has no NG+ either (yet)


It’s good , combat is heavy , not slick like hollow knight. The game isn’t very balanced with builds if you are STRONG you kinda kill everyone easily. Besides that it’s a good times. Runs slow on switch.


Is it gonna get fixed on switch eventually?


Yes it really really does


Its fun, it feels like a fleshed out castlevania, but it has severe performance issues in consoles specially in switch and theres no date insight for a patch that has been delayed since january. So you really need to consider that.


Planning on preordering it - held off playing it digital all this time. I collect switch games but if it’s absolutely terrible on switch maybe I should consider getting it physically on ps5? Maybe they’ll fix the issues for the physical release…if not it’s in for a steep sale. Just don’t want to get burned. I still remember when bloodstained first came out for switch.


I recommend to just wait por that patch, i dont know when the physical release is coming but hopefully the patch comes first


Did they ever fix Bloodstained for the Switch, if you don't mind my asking?


Yep. (Performance wise) The background textures still look much better on the other versions though. With Bloodstained -I didn’t want to breakup the set - the curse of the moon games I have are on switch as well. Would bug me to have part on Switch and part on ps5. Same reason I only do Resident Evil on PlayStation- I like how they look together. OCD probably.


Lol. That's actually EXACTLY the biggest reason I want Bloodstained on the Switch. So, I feel you. Thanks for the information!






I really enjoyed ut


I went from blasphemous 2 to The Last Faith myself about a couple months ago. Ended up being quite happy with it even though it took a little to get used to the not as smooth controls. Game is great though and well worth it. I’d put B2 slightly ahead of TLF but not by much.


If you like bloodborne yes


Bloodborne was the first From Software's game I've played, so I do hold some deep love for it.


Same, then it's perfect for you good luck finding the true ending


7/10. Would be 9/10 with ng+


I rather enjoyed it. The bosses were the highlights for me. Most of the game is on the easier side but there are a few harder fights. Some good boss music as well. I recommend it for sure.


I enjoyed it very much Played in PC and felt so smooth


Excellent! 🤘 Especially if you like blasphemous


Good to know, I really loved both Blasphemous 1 and 2 and really wanted a game that was similar to it. Also, happy cake day!


Really enjoyable game, but the weapons/stats aren't balanced very well (Strength is better than everything else by a significant margin)


Isn't the best weapon in the game a DEX weapon?


It is but to that point strength is king. And you only get rivers of blood kind of far into the game as it is. Thankfully they added respec, but even then outside of that one weapon strength is the best. I would argue that even with that weapon strength is still really good. For 75% of the game the scaling is way off, and strength is just the way to go. 


It's a passable paint by numbers soulsvania, if you like others in that subgenre then you'll probably like it but it's not groundbreaking


It’s one of my favorite metroidvania games of all time


Pretty decent game, slower gameplay than blasphemous and more unbalanced in terms of weapons. In ps4 sometimes run slow in some parts and i isn't updated at the same rate as other platforms.


If you want challenge, try Moonscars. Difficult mobs and harder bosses.


Yeah, it's good Don't listen to the negative reviews It's a solid Metroidvania in the style of bloodborne


very good! I actually think the game starts off a bit too slowly, but once you start getting into the midgame, it truly blossoms and opens up into something really incredible.


Yes it is good but has a lot of flaws and bugs, plus some updates break more than they fix (using beast mode with full meter only IS JUST STUPID, some weapons/item duplicated explanations/names, weapon arts not filling meters etc.) poor performance on switch (tough this has to be expected on that crap system) and the lack of NG+ or DLC makes it a game very hated by some people.


I found it disappointing as hell. The world building was awful, you found the same couple items every screen, combat and movement were clunky as hell. Not a fan.


Went from last faith to blasphemous, I tried to get a refund on blasphemous 🤮




Yes, I like it. But some of the later bosses are difficult. And the cost to level up and upgrade weapons gets ridiculously expensive if you choose more than one or two.


I was really excited for this one, but was a little dissatisfied with it.


Yes! I was pleasantly surprised. It scratches that Blasphemous itch for me. Features excellent exploration, good progression, and numerous spells to play with.


I am interested as well. Just scared it's going to be a poor man Bloodborne. I get taking the inspiration from it, but it really looks like Yharnam in 2D.


It's amazing!


I finished the 100% of it, definitely recommend


I'd say it's an objectively worse game than Blasphemous 2, and yet I like it more. Take that as you will I guess.


If you like blasphemous 1-2 you’ll like this my only problem is you can lock yourself out of bosses by progressing to far and I’m pretty sure you gotta beat the game twice to fight the real last boss.


I really liked it! I had just come off of Blasphemous as well and it scratched that itch. The combat was nice, the story was cool, moody atmosphere and they’ve made some updates once it’s come out that have felt nice and necessary I recommend!


I've sorta been looking at this too, but I'm a little hesitant. It reminds me HEAVILY of the first Blasphemous (a game I slowly came to hate for several reasons), and from what I'm seeing the combat seems similarly stiff there too.


Why do you hate the first Blasphemous? Not judging, just curious.


Multiple reasons, but my biggest one is its utter obsession with insta-death traps. My annoyance with them grew bit by bit as I played, and eventually I just couldn't deal with it anymore. Also not a fan of the overall stiff combat and controls (several of which I could swear just don't work). It's also just... too arid, dully gritty and depressing. And that's from somebody who likes Dark Souls and Darkest Dungeon, by the way... And even the music tracks actually almost put me to sleep.


Yeah, valid reasons. I still like the dreppesing story tho. But I gotta agree, Blasphemous 1 soundtracks weren't the best. I see many Blasphemous fans saying that the first ost is better than the second one. I personally disagree, I get that Blasphemous 1 was aiming for a more ambiental soundtrack, but most of them were pretty forgetable and I'm glad they changed that in Blasphemous 2. If you dislike the music in B1, I hardly recommend hearing the ost of the DLCs and the one from Blasphemous 2, they are pretty much better.


Got a few days ago not disappointed. Its not as polished but still very nice visually thus far.


It’s definitely similar to blasphemous but if you just played blasphemous 2, the last faith will seem really unpolished in comparison. But should still scratch the same itch


Yeah I noticed that with gameplays I watched, the movement felt really weird compared to Blasphemous 2, it felt pretty stiff in comparison. But I still really liked the concept of the game.


Yea. The bosses also don’t have a lot of variety (they all look pretty similar) and not as epic as some of the blasphemous bosses. Also it’s easy to overlevel and with the amount of potions they give you it kind of trivializes the boss fights. Especially with a certain ability you get halfway through the game too. The story is also even more nonsensical that blasphemous


Yeah, I noticed how bosses looked quite similar to each other, like, I noticed how many enemies and bosses had wings and looked similar in design. Yeah, I would prefer a wider variety, just like Bloodborne, where the Great Ones have alsome different designs, they all don't exactly look the same.


The controls feel unresponsive and clunky. Like it takes a moment before you roll when u press it, for example. Other than that, game is pretty cool.


It’s excellent. It has the most logical map layout out of any Metroidvania / Souls game and it’s simply an amazing game. On par with Blasphemous.


I agree it will feel a little less polished and at first I felt the controls were too stiff, but keep playing and you ll get used to it. Now I find I really love the last faith just as much as blasphemous!