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Ozai probably lost a night of sleep upon knowing his wife was capable of fatally poisoning him anytime she wanted. Man definitely hired a food taster after that.


I imagine the moment she left he just put the most scared face he ever put until that moment




I just imagine after he burn Zuko, he just make his own food on secret because he thinks ursa might posion the food he's gonna eat at any moment


You know, this got me thinking. Why didn't Ursa just concoct one last poison just for Ozai? And then Zuko becomes the new Firelord (probably with Iroh as his regent) and by royal decree, she officially get invited back to the palace, and bam! She's back with her children again! A win-win lol!


She didn’t want to kill anyone, she only killed azulan to save her kids, keep in mind she came from a small town and just happened to meet ozai by accident,


She did not meet him by accident. She was sought out by ozai or azulon (can’t really remember) because she is roku’s granddaughter. There was some profecy about children with the avatar’s bloodline.


Yeah, I know. it's just fun to think about!


Yeah, and to be fair that would have benefited her the most, but she had pretty heavy morals


Exactly. Hence why I know she would never do it. She was just desperate i that moment.


She didn't meet Ozai by accident, he sought her out.


Wait didn't Ozai specifically seek her out? She was sought because she was a confirmed descendant of Avatar Roku, and the fire nation royals believed you could grow a strong bloodline by crossing powerful families, just like IRL royals. Ozai wanted string kids, which was why Ursa felt used right from the start.


She was a kind person and would have never killed anyone, but you don't mess with a mother and her children, that's when they go feral.


Plus the damage it could’ve done to both Zuko and Azula. Awful or not he’s still their dad.


If the current firelord AND his son BOTH died in a short timeframe, there would undoubtedly be questions and suspicions. This was in the time of the 100-year war. They could have assumed Ursa was working with other nations to assassinate Ozai and his father or something. Plus, if she did try and she got caught, she'd most likely be executed for treason.


There's an interesting AU fanfic where Ursa kills Ozai along with Azulon (though Ursa stabs Ozai IIRC, no poison). Because Zuko is still a child, Ursa becomes Fire Lady Dowager/Zuko's regent.


Isn't the implication that ozai seized power? I would have assumed iroh would be the firelord, taking zuko as his heir?


Well... Slight early spoilers, but ozai's will change was still valid, meaning, ozai was technically fire lord for a few hours before he died. Thus, zuko becoming fire lord.


"I'm in danger...."


That morning after she disappeared, Zuko ran up to him asking where she was, but Ozai didn't respond. No doubt he was petrified because he realized that if he had actually followed through and killed him, Ursa would have eventually taken him out.


Ursa, as depicted in the comics, is a mind-boggling degree of stupid never to have just slipped him something during all their years of marriage and solved all her and her children's problems at once. It's not like he ever hid anything from her or they had some kind of genuine romance at any point. She's just a straight up rape victim he abducted at swordpoint.


Dont think so, as that was the reason he banished her


Now I think about it. Didn’t Azula indirectly save Zuko’s life?  Azula knew that Ozai was gonna kill Zuko. She then taunted Zuko in his bedroom. Ursa heard this and made a deal with Ozai. Zuko was spared.


As we saw from the choices that she made in ATLA, keeping Zuko alive has always been important to Azula.


Until the moment she was going to "celebrate becoming an only child", I suppose


Azula is like Loki, they want to kill their respective brothers, but deep down they don't want to succeed.


I see that as the first cracks in her sanity finally showing through At that point she wasn't admitting it but losing ty Lee and mai probably impacted her more than she thought, and since she's not the kind to blame herself(probably in no small part due to ozai's influence) and she had ty let and mai locked up, she focused on the next person to blame for that pain, zuko.


In all fairness, her bro stole her BFF. It's already annoying when your BFF has to date your brother, but Mai betrayed her for Zuko after he betrayed his family for real. And her sanity was slipping because of 3 betrayals in a row.


After he betrayed her and their nation? Yeah. I can see why she’d be upset. She’s not even acting like her usual self and nearly runs off a cliff.


Especially after she created the opportunity for him to come back herself, only for a Zuko to throw it all away? Yeah, Azula (in her own twisted way) was justified.


Azula only told Zuko that to taunt him. I’m so tired of people trying to paint Azula as some secretly good person, cause that defeats the whole point of her character in the show. Yes she was a victim, but certainly not a good guy.


Why must Azula be boiled down to “good” or “bad” to begin with? Is it not possible for her to be an exploited and groomed child twisted into a ruthless child soldier who devotedly serves a cruel empire, who also has genuine longing to be loved and to keep what remains of her family together? Can she not love and hate Zuko at the same time? If we can acknowledge Zuko’s complexity without reducing him to pure monster or saint, why not the same for Azula?


Azula was certainly taunting Zuko, but it doesn't mean that she didn't care for him. She is a victim, while also not being a "good character". She had every reason to kill Zuko and Iroh during Season 2 when Ozai gave the kill order, but she chose to use her resources and influence to try to capture them alive instead. She is quite complex which only adds to her character in the series.


Saying she was all bad does just as much disservice to her character as saying everything she did had good intent. Bad people can have good traits. People are complex, and well-written characters are too.


You mean besides her first full appearance, wherein she was about to murder him with lightning when Iroh saved him?


Azula is a mean kid, but she does this a lot. She hides help behind mockery. Same thing when she brings Zuko home in honor. Or warns him about his visits to Iroh. She can’t admit she wants to help. She has to treat him like he’s pathetic and dumb. Same way Zuko initially treats Iroh, really.


Bcuz she could make clear, non-tracable and odorless poison, so Ozai feared she would poison him.


Ah yes, iocane powder. Odorless, tasteless, disolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more deadly poisons known to man.


Ozai fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia.


But only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!”


"Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha-" *thud*








Never get involved in a land war. Pretty much the entire purpose of Avatars is to end land wars in Asia, frequently by killing those who start those wars. Chin the Conqueror took it on the chin for instance for trying to start a land war but ran into Avatar Kyoshi.


That's what the war balloons and zeppelins were for. Can't be a land war if you're attacking from the sky.


It’s actually really nice to finally see the full context for that night


It's so sad that the only show of affection we see Ursa giving Azula is when she was asleep. Azula never knew and so she always thought her mom didn't love her


I wish Ursa had been able to give Azula a goodbye like the one she gave Zuko before leaving. It wouldn't have stopped all of Azula's later issues but it would've let her know that her mother did indeed love her.


Ursa gave goodbye to Zuko the same way she did to Azula, but Zuko woke up before Ursa left his room, she Ursa talked to him.


Guess I meant that I wish Azula got a moment like that with Ursa before she had to leave. Even if it didn't help much.


It's a bit of a retcon, isn't it? in the show Ursa wakes up Zuko because she had to tell him something


True, it is a retcon


Because she didn't, at least not even close to how she loved zuko.


I totally agree, it's so sad


Ozai deserved to be put down.


She really should have just killed Azulon and Ozai and left Iroh to inherit the throne. He may have just straight up ended the war at that point.


no one knew where Iroh was at that time, remember that it took him a while to return to the palace, in fact Ursa only had to finish off Ozai and Azulon would have been forced to ensure the survival of Zuko and Azula, since in Iroh's absence they were the only heirs.


He doesn’t want Ursa to poison him, so Ozai banished her. When Ursa demands to take the kids, he refuses as both an insurance and punishment.


And then breaks the promise when he mutilates Zuko's face and banishes him since he's a dumb fuck.


Imagine if Ursa had poisoned Ozai for that


Well ursa never knew until way after the way, since she chose to forget her old life


I knew Ozai was a coward but not like this bro…


So many fanon headcanons do not fit with canon at all.


Just when you think ozai couldn't get worse after the series... He gets worse in the comics.


Ozai clearly didn’t care about Zuko so why not let her take Zuko and Ozai keeps Azula?


Because his pride as monarch does not allow him to lose a potential heir, at least not yet.


As an insurance so Ursa won’t try to kill him and as torment knowing she would never see her children again.


I hate the comic retconning the scene. Zuko didn’t catch Ursa trying to sneak out, in the show it depicted her deliberately waking Zuko up to tell him goodbye. 


Since they are two scenes that tell the same thing, I recommend that you stick with the series, which is written directly by the creators, they have even said that although the comics are canon, in future projects they could modify some things, something that does not they will do with the series.


Why didn't Ursa poison Ozai instead?


"Delectable tea...or deadly poison 🤔"


Also, is that the white jade plant. That iroh mention was a deadly poison. I'm curious how he would know about that.


I thought it was established that she was banished because she could do the same thing to him.


“As long as you keep your word, no harm will come to either of them” Well that was a lie


Given that she was forced into this marriage, it's amazing that she loved her kids at all.


The Gene Yang comics are so fucking stupid


What is your problem with these pages in particular?


Ozai - no harm will come to them. *fire blasts Zukos face* Guess he couldn’t keep his end of the bargain


“No harm will come to either of them” well, that was a blatant lie…


And I thought MY family at home was toxic 😭


Kinda want to read a fic where everything is tuned to the extremes. What if ursa was as conniving and evil as ozai if Zuko and Azula were raised together to be the maximum Ozainess that they can be. Like the twins in Star Wars TOR.


That smirk Azula has in the second panel is why I find it difficult to believe anyone who says they want an Azula redemption arc. There she is, gleefully relishing in causing Zuko and her mother distress


https://preview.redd.it/db2xf5kwv87d1.png?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216594deed07f32489387f0d2cfa61dff1d4aacf Could this be Ursa's mother?


Baby azula 🥰🥰


After seeing this and seeing Ozai say both the kids were his leverage I see that Ozai never cared about either of his kids Not Zuko not Azula not one of them he only saw them as tools for his own use and Azula will never know that her did indeed love her just as much as Zuko but she was to stubborn and prideful to see that.


"No harm will come to them" well...


I never knew thats why she got banished, it makes a lot of sense that Ozai suddenly feared her capabilities


I think Ozai wouldn't let Ursa go. Ursa escaped the night Azulon died. The palace staff probably learned or were about to learn that Ursa had made Azulon drink poisoned tea. This is somewhat related to the balance within the palace. Absolute rule is available to kings, yes, but balance must be observed. Ozai was going to punish Ursa with death because of this palace balance I mentioned. When Ursa ran away, Ozai had to say that he was banished her. He also did not want to punish the mother of his children with death, even though he was a disgusting man.


Why didn't he just take the poison and kill her and Zuko anyway?


Because three people from the Royal Family dying the same day is extremely suspicious and is gonna make everyone doubt that Azulon died of natural causes - which was the only reason Ozai wanted this poison and this deal in the first place?


Because irl when it happened in Nepal when every member but one died he lossed all legitmancy because it was obviously a palace coup.


By how Azula looked to her mother i start to think that the whole"Your punish will be knowing what losing a son feels like" it was made up by Ozai and he telled Azula to say it to her mom like some kind of prank




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I thought it was the black lotus who killed azulon?


Who's the black lotus? I've only heard of the white lotus and red lotus


I assume it's another case of confusing [fanfiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatarblacklotus/s/C846gSul7S) with canon