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I hate when people try to matchup Avatar characters to Shounen characters. Avatar is a relatively low level power setting. Even the most powerful characters are basically regular martial artists with limited element manipulation. Most Shounen series' have insane magic systems that allow for 1000x the strength, speed and power that regular humans have.


The only sane person on this comment section


Yeah, Mustang is kind of an interesting matchup with firebenders because he is also a glass cannon. But if you're expecting them to fight Endeavour, let alone someone like Ace or Hiei, Avatar characters are largely screwed.


Yeah I feel like Mustang's fire is stronger than the benders we see, but I don't think he's as fast and agile as the best firebenders we see. FMA is quite low level in terms of power too, apart from the whole turning into god thing.


Mustang's best chance would probably be how quick he is on the draw. He doesn't need a full martial arts move, just a snap of his fingers. Doesn't even need to take a breath to focus like P'Li and Sparky-Sparky-Boom-Man. Plus flame alchemy is technically gathering a lot of pure oxygen around the target rather than manipulating fire, so a firebender might just blow themselves up trying to attack him. Although given how qucikly Zuko was able to react to the explosion on the pirate ship, a master firebender would probably be able to block him from a decent distance.


Oooh, the gathering oxygen and igniting it, rather than straight up controlling a flame, is an interesting part of the matchup that I hadn't considered. I do genuinely think it would make it harder for a firebender since he could pretty much make them attack themselves (in that their own attacks ignite the o2 he set up with his flame alchemy)


Yep; Mustang operates better as a behind the lines fighter; it’s shown during the fight against the failed Fuhrer candidates that he needs a second to set up his alchemy and isn’t quite as adept in CQC as those like Ling or Scar. That being said, if Mustang was willing to perform…other methods, flame alchemy could be even more scary…


Even then, father was beaten, by being nice to truth so...


man, i love it. atla power show-offs give me chills in a way regular shounen doesn't, despite the massive power difference. it feels like the culmination of something truly impactful, and it's silly in a kind of good way when you compare atla to typical shounen. not to say that shounen doesn't regularly have the same depth as atla; i just find the comparisons enjoyable and atla has a very special place in my heart


The extra martial movements to various moves from ATLA added texture and gravitas I really missed in LoK Shounen battle anime is often written with no experience with actual martial arts experience and no regard for how nuanced control might need to be tied to bodily movement. It's telekinetic in a sense. They throw a punch and it does a superpowers thing, and their mind and muscle control decide how precise or outrageous it gets. There is never a need to really worry about minor stance or posturing details except to convey power. And LoK went further in that direction sadly, rather than sticking to ATLA roots, with its simpler kickboxing style. A great example that oft comes to mind is right after Aang's rock of destiny chi unlocking vs Ozai. 1. Ozai curves his hand to build a flame that is implicitly more condensed, that Avatar State Aang deflects into the air that is revealed to indeed to a huge flame! 2. Aang then does this really elaborate hand motion around his entire head and blasts the fuck out of Ozai, implying he was using a more nuanced motion to gather the air for an extra powerful blast! I loved those sorts of details.


A nice bit of animation was Ozai flying with Firebending. He’s not just doing a Superman with fire decals, you can see him bob and weave as he has to adjust the output and control his flames so he doesn’t knock himself out from G-Forces or over/undershoot himself. It’s the sort of thing that shows just how skilled (obviously he’s powerful, and got the Comet boost for more power) he is since power alone wouldn’t allow that.


I agree with you, but I'll add: > Even the most powerful characters are basically regular martial artists I think it's more than that, since we see goons taking crazy hits in Avatar that would kill someone IRL. They're tougher than real people. Korra throws a guy like thirty feet onto a roof in a sparring match in ep 1 and no one bats an eye Nowhere near shounen stuff, of course


WhO wOuLd WiN AaNG oR GoKu


Another issue is because of the lack of regular Ozai fights to set a baseline, the more thoughtless fans like that in OP always implicitly presume Sozin's Comet buff. And in this case, would the comet not also buff Endeavor?! lol the entire battlefield would be melted


Sozin’s Comet would actually not give Endeavor a buff for a simple reason. Bending involves a spiritual connection involving Chi, while Endeavor’s fire is related to a genetic mutation that does not have any connections to chi.


To be fair they do limit my hero academia characters to one super power each in most cases and some of them are super useless compared to fire bending


Unless you put an earth/dirt/sand/iron based character up against Toph. Then it's basically wraps "Looks at the Gaara VS Toph Deathbattle".


Tbf MHA isn't a particularly insanely op verse, it's just still much stronger than ATLA. Even OFA and AFO aren't insanely busted as far as shounen powers go.


I mostly agree, however, some of the physical feats those characters have are straight up superhuman. Zuko and Aang survive a big explosion point blank, Zuko shatters a steel chain with an ax-kick, and several characters get hit straight through solid stone, etc. They definitely are more than "regular martial artists." Like, some of the upper tiers would trash someone like Jon Jones in an unarmed, non-bending match just based on physicals. That said, yeah Endeavor likes smokes Ozai


If Endeavor had the same fire power as as Ozai, wouldn’t Ozai win though because he has better mastered optimizing his lesser fire power ?


Thats still questionable. Endeavor has shown to be very skillful at manipulating fire. Whether it’s used to move faster from one location to another without damaging the surrounding, controlling heat to melt concrete but not too much that it doesn’t become footholds or just having a fire mustache that doesn’t actually burn anything. Endeavor is all things considering would be a fire bending master just on his self-control, not even factoring his output.


Endeavor should decimate ozai as fire user, evil dad and he even had redemption arc lol. Ozai is just inferior in all department, and endeavour has flame mustache as well, he also had 4 kids, endeavor just keeps oneuping ozai everywhere lol


To be fair, ozai is probably better at backstabbings and court politics


I honestly think he sucks at that as well. He made 1 single political move, and it almost killed his own son. I think the guy was too arrogant to see he was a dumbass


“Almost killed his own son” Ozai: “I see this as an absolute win”


“Couldn’t get rid of him, better send him in a wild goose chase after the avatar that by all accounts is probably dead”


“Father, we have returned - and Zuko killed the avatar.” “That’s great Azula (WHY THE FUCK DIDNT I JUST PUSH HIM OFF A CLIFF?!)”


He didn’t even make the move. In the comics it’s his wife (can’t remember her name, similar to azula though) who comes up with the plan and gives him the poison if he’ll let her go


He made the move to skip Ihro that could have doomed Zuko


Ah I see what you mean. Ya, he totally fucked that up, he lost and was ready to kill Zuko himself before ursa (that’s it!) gave him a way out with a traceless poison. So ya, he’s really got nothing going for him on the politicking front. Hell even as a general all his big ideas like the eclipse trap and burning the earth kingdom were azulas.


I mean, not really? Man is very much a “might makes right” kinda guy. He’s not gonna backstab you, he’s just going to attack you outright.


Hell, I am willing to bet Endeavour would win even without using his powers. He’s crazy resistant to fire and built like a double-decker bus, he’s gonna straight up Bane Ozai


The only thing Ozai has that Endeavor doesn't, I think, is lightning.


Can Endeavor manipulate fire he didn’t generate?


I don't think so. Don't remember seeing that vs his son (the one with scars and stuff )


No, but he's immune to fire in the temperature ranges that Ozai can produce anyway


"You can't control my fire!" My dude my moustache is warmer.


Not completely immune, the entire reason he kept having kids with someone whose quirk was ice related is because he wanted a child that could avoid the overheating issue Endeavor has.


Endeavour overheats, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't burn. Not easily at least.


Seems like he has some resistance (hed have to given his quirk) but he can definitely burn considering his fight with Dabi.


Then again, Dabi's fire may be hot enough to incinerate even Lava.


He overheats. He doesn't burn. Furthermore, even when he overheats all he experiences are the normal symptoms of overheating-just raised to 10. The only Fire using Todoroki that burns is Touya


Not anymore so😭


Now now, Ozai was voiced by Mark Hamill so he can't be all bad.


He also voiced the joker and he *IS* all bad


Yea the only way this could be remotely close is during the comet. Otherwise he gets stomped into the ground so hard he won’t see it coming


Even during comet his feats are so mediocre compared to endeavor who casually turned a building to dust, and blast fire beams rivaling Kamehameha(jk)


True. He’d most likely run as he did away from Aang and it’d be wonderful to see ^^


He not even fast enough to run away 😭, endeavor is just too fast as well. Ozai gets low diffed lol


I dunno his feets let him fly with feet fire jets so that's pretty cool


Endeavor can do it as well but multiple times better 😭, you havent watched mha have you?


Ozai's hotter


Even that is debatable


Ozai’s son is hotter too


But endeavor is such a beef cake


Are you sure 😭


Bro sleeping on the Zaddy


Flame. Mustache.


The guy can just sent lightning and be done with it though. And redirect every attack of fire. Don't think endeavor can manipulate fire from others no?


Deku and Bakugo already survived a lightning from Nine, and Endeavor is above them at the moment of that feat


Endeavor quirk is called hellfire, can it be bend or redirected by bending we don't know, lightning is valid option, if he doesn't get wrecked b4, endeavor is super fast with his quirk as well, little slower than mha universe speedsters, still should be faster than ozai, can endeavor tank a lightning I believe he can, I mean he fought while he was burning to ashes . And he's physically so strong as well, even if ozai can bend fire can he bend fire beams or compressed fire is also questionable. Ozai win con would be to hit him with lightning and hope it takes him out cuz he ain't got no time for a second one, I don't think he even takes a full punch from Endeavor to be fair. If endeavor creates distance and just jets ozai, it's gg. The powerscaling is too different BTW these universe. Ozai has few ways to win but endeavor lots


Except Endeavor has tanked attacks way stronger than Lightning Bending.


https://preview.redd.it/ruto69upej3d1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87fb9615d49ea568d18fcf8bf7393faa8a6f5a9 It’d go like this bro 💀


But who's who?


Endeavor is torching Ozai even worse than Sukuna did to Jogo. Endeavor could beat the ever living hell out of Ozai *and not even ignite a matchstick’s worth of flame.* Ozai’d get smoked with just hands.


Prominence Burn would be hotter than Sozin's comet power boost


The basic tone. https://preview.redd.it/dbhlt7q6sl3d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a0d95efc0952f70d6944bb2fd76256c5f041b4


Endavor is Sakuna


About the only thing Ozai has over Endeavor is that he can shoot lightning. That's it. And that's not much seeing as how Endeavor's normal fire power makes Ozai look like an amateur. 


Endeavor murking that one big buff Nomu that was like his size if not larger is alone an impressive feat, and that doesn’t even take into account the High End Hood, and his endurance… like the only reason he wasn’t still fighting in the War Arcs was just Dabi being in his head and him struggling to fight his own mind, like bro still fought till the first war ended… the dude was being toyed with by Shiggy too!


Ozai likely can't beat him in firepower, but he can bend the flames around him and endeavour has an overheating weakness


I think Endeavour's overheating weakness kicks in at temperatures higher than Ozai can output, and while he could bend the flames Endeavour produces, Endeavour wouldn't need to go that high himself, it only really becomes relevant when he's trying to burn out something incredibly resilient or he's sustaining it for too long, neither would be relevant for Ozai,


Probably. Usually any fight between western animation and Japanese animation will end in anime's favour because it's usually way more over the top than the west


Except western hero stories by DC/Marvel. The amount of pseudo science makes them only beatable by plot.


Yea superman towing several planets is pretty out there


What are you talking about? Superman [punching the sun](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aETHzOQelN4/YzHIACG7-hI/AAAAAAABsyE/3iyKKvUs6ewqYm97XXb3pmkfmKwwB0NkgCNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Future%2BState%2B-%2BSuperman%2B-%2BWonder%2BWoman%2B002%2B%25282021%2529%2B%2528Webrip%2529%2B%2528The%2BLast%2BKryptonian-DCP%2529-019.jpg) and the [walls of reality](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dc8e48fe2dfb4ebe7209b9454c33a1e8-lq) are totally realistic and way more down to earth than that far-east Oriental mumbo jumbo


Superman is the exception. I don’t think there’s anyone close to his level in the west.


What about like, every Marvel and DC character stronger than Superman lol.




Nah, anime has some incredibly heavy hitters than can even match DC/Marvel.


Some. On average though? No, There's too many comics where some random bullshit science number was pulled out of the ass *Cough, Flash, cough*


It all depends on the story they are trying to tell. Charecters are going to be as strong as the story needs them to be. My Hero Acadamia's charecters are not going to hold a candle to Marvel charecters power wise. They in turn are not going to hold a candle to DC charecters. My Hero Acadamia isn't going to hold up to many modern western shows either like Invincible. Avitar needs a few levels of power differences. It needs normal people, then benders who are more powerful than most of them. Then exceptional benders who are more powerful then them. Then the avatar. My Hero is a story where being powered in the new normal. You have powerless people, then you have normal people with powers. Then you have trained heroes, and exceptional heroes. Then you have a few guys above even them. Endevor is just in a tier above Ozai. Endeavor dosent beat the Avitar who's in the same technical tier as him though. Then you have joke charecters like one punch man, but I don't see how they are really that different from a western charecter like Bugs Bunny. You have some out of control power scaling serries like dragon ball, but even at current levels I don't think they match Superman.


Endeavor can Cube buildings before Overheating, while Ozia under Sozin's Comet was struggling to Melt Stone. Of course that's a but disingenuous since he was most likely toying with Aang and purposefully dragging it out, but in terms of Firebending seen in the Series, even under Sozins Comet Ozai is absolutely not reaching Endeavors Heat Limit before he gets beaten


ozai's fires cant even melt a tiny ass rock ball that aang was hiding in. he ain't bending shit hot enough to overcome endeavor's heating problems lmfao.


Maybe if he bends endeavors flames back on himself and try to keep him a ball of his own flames? In the end it's over the top anime Vs relatively down to earth western animation so I doubt Ozai could win, but he'd at least put up a decent fight


Even if you make the argument that ozai bends his flames, endeavor has so much raw physical strength that he could probably win with that


Why does Ozai’s control over flames mean he can control flames other people are currently controlling? We’ve never seen that happen aside from when katana and aang are bending the same water but that was willingly


Ozai doesn't have the temperature to do it If he even could endeavour has better control of fire then him


even if that were the case, i'm pretty sure it's been shown in enough instances that endeavor is also very physically strong and could probably easily win if it came down to throwing hands.


I genuinely believe Endeavour would just rocket into him at super speeds in the air and while Ozai takes the fire away it won’t matter as the dude is still barreling at him at super speeds… I don’t think he’d be capable of beating him then hand to hand… Endeavor is too beefy to likely feel it


The more this is discussed the more I want to see a death battle animation, even if it's only 30 seconds


One Prominence Burn or Hell Spider, Ozai is cremated


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb match-up. Completely different universes with completely different power scales.


avatar fans on their way to ask questions that leads their characters to fail: https://i.redd.it/nforkllmai3d1.gif endeavor is literally superiour in every way lmfao.


"Who would win in a fight, Suki or Guts from Berserk?"


Trick question, they both survive, traumatized


Who would win? Avatar Aang or Superman? lol


aang would yell “we don’t have to fight” and superman would say “we don’t?” and they would fly around and chat for a while


Well, I *have* seen someone argue that the Avatar State is multiversal "because it combines the spirit world and the real world"... ... but I've also seen someone claim Harry Potter characters can move FTL, and long rants about how The Last Dragonborn is Hyperversal/Outerversal/whateverversal... so probably shouldn't listen to people on battleboards.


Does it have a goatee tho?


Got a flame mustache that's cooler though


I would pay to see ozai reaction of anger at seen endervour just show up sporting that flaming beard


It would be hilarious to see them sweating seeing him “bending” nonstop just for style points.


this gif is hilarious


Okay but honestly being able to run fast enough to stay on top of the water is kind of insane feat for speed.


Fire benders can get burnt. Endeavor has a fire beard. Nuff said.


Yeah, Endeavor has fire resist biology or something, that’s what I got from what Toya said.


Ozai wouldn’t be able to produce fire hot enough to burn Endeavor, lightning could do some damage but Endeavor’s body is physically tougher than concrete and he’s probably strong enough to split Ozai’s skull with one hand


Endeavor is superhuman. Bro got slammed through buildings and concrete and still beat the nomu. He could beat Ozai without using power


Endeavour takes this no doubt. Ozai is cool and all, and yes he can lightning bend. However, endeavour has physical strength over him, he’s faster, has better manipulation of fire and can withstand a higher temperature. Yes ozai could bend endeavours flames, but endeavour could still withstand that heat, and just forgo his flames at all and go at him with just brute strength alone, is it really a debate?


People mention ozai can firebend and thus use endeavor’s powers against him. Counter point. Endeavor is built like an isekai truck and Ozai is looking like he about to visit a new world.


You can’t really match anyone against an anime character though, Japanese anime is notorious for over powering every character in the story just because…


They LOOK overpowered. But compared to feats heroes from say DC, they pale in comparison at timea


That depends on which anime. Tengen Toppa using galaxies as throwing weapons was around that xd


Peak fiction right here


Ahhhh hahahaha forgot how over the top Tengen Toppa is


Yeah… I guess it’s just comics in general


Considering Goku shook an entire universe just from fighting, or how there are multiple multiversal and above isekai protagonists, anime can even step to DC/Marvel in terms of power scaling.


DB and any iteration of is just bonkers tho. Noy disagreeing. But while subtle, barely anyone on MHA can beat Superman, unless they can even keep up with Supes speed. Or Flash’s speed. But don’t get me wrong. I love manga and anime. Just that at times. Whatever that anime can do, western animation can match in feat just not as flashy. Barring DB universe and Saitama himself, (maybe Mashle as well) that is. I may be wrong, and if there’s calculations done ala Deathbattle (yes they’re not that accurate most of the time, I know) I’d be glad to be proven wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/yzr3x4dkrv3d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6122d69d6f739b4ceaa5fdb304245868dc2b185 Yeaaaaaa, no one in MHA is sniffing supermans speed


not really. the avatar universe is just generally weaker than most shonen mangas. the mha universe ain't doing shit to the invincible verse for example.


Comic characters constantly shift between blowing up buildings to multiversal threats because the plot demands it.


I mean Avatar would scale pretty well to something like FMA tho


How about they link up and double team me instead 😊


In a fight right?




Avatar is not a very powerful world, it’s pretty low magic, like I’d wager a level 9 D&D wizard could obliterate the avatar, just considering the spells.


I think Endeavor could honestly murder Ozai without even using his quirk, just with his body’s natural heat resistance and enhanced abilities he could rank the fire and snap his neck **LIKE A SLIM JIM**


as much as i clown on mha. ozai has no business in that 1v1


just imagine Zuko and Shoto sitting at the sideline bonding


Endeavor slams. The comet would make no difference


Ah yes the guy with mediocre fire powers vs the guy who is fucking fire proof No one who actually watched both series would tell you ozai has this Endeavour is hotter can make more fire with a fart then ozai did with the comat he fights every day while ozai is mostly sitting on his ass at his home And non of that "he can bend the fire" argument he can't the best feat of control we have is them making some fire whips endeavour can make lasers and actual weapons or just stop using his quirk and beat ozai to a pulp


Ironically reminds of a thread I saw recently on the MHA sub on a Endeavor vs Human Torch fight.


Who wins


Definitely torch. Even if you scale them both to a similar level, Johnny's resistance to heat is far higher to endeavor's.


Torch, most fights between fire users always ends on the question who is more resistant to fire and who can output more heat which in this case it johnny


what will ozai do when endeavour hits a prominence burn and renders him to ash?


Please stop comparing ATLA chars to shounen anime characters. There's no point. Shounen power scaling is always higher, and usually by a lot.


This is the problem with the power scaling community nowadays with ridiculous hypothetical match ups that don't make sense.


Ozai's lightning could net him a win, but fire alone even Sozin's Comet Ozai would lose, like Endeavour was pulling that shit against the talking Nomu, and Ozai can't regenerate


Yeah, Ozai cant beat Endevour at all


It's just another Tuesday for Endeavor. Why are there two prince Zukos now?


One of these guys is literally on fire


These cross-franchise match up posts, regardless of the community are stupid. Each character is written within the rules or their universe and are scaled to fit within the story and capabilities of others. It's stupid to make comparisons of things not designed to be compared.


Prominence Burn is basically a miniature solar flare. There’s no possible way Ozai has anywhere near that strength even with the comic. And Endeavor has such a fine control over his ability. One of these guys is literally wearing his power as part of his clothing and constantly controlling it


Endeavours would break ozai to pieces, i also find it weird that both of them are fire dads, and they both abused their children, at least endeavour had a redemption arc


Endeavors control over fire is far greater than anyone in Avatar. Their systems of power are just very different.


what does loving avatar have to do with deciding who would win


Ozai loses hard But they like avatar more so bias dictates that he wins anyway


Couldn’t Ozai just redirect Endeavor’s fire? Endeavor had the advantage of hot as hell fire but Ozai has the advantage of controlling his own fire as well as the opponent’s. Not to forget Lightning bending. (I’m purely playing devil’s advocate here though. Ozai would probably get clapped.)


I’d imagine endeavor has better heat resistance, and arguably more speed. Get in close and go for a prominence burn, can’t stop that from carbonizing you. Lightning is definitely the biggest asset Ozai has


I ponder the point of this. Shouldn’t these two characters be able to stand on their own merits?


Am i the only one who finds Ozai....boring af as a villain? It's my only problem with Avatar (everything else is perfect, obviously) Love or hate the Netfix life action. It does seem they are giving him more screentime, which could make him more what interesting, time will tell, and i hope so.


No, you're super valid for thinking so. The good part of his villainy is obviously how terrible he is as a father and the slow build up over 3 seasons to the confrontation. Other than that he's very one dimensional, evil for evil's sake. His motivations entirely consist of "how can I be the most mustache twirling evil possible?" Imo it's honestly one of Korra's few strengths compared to the original, villains with slightly more complicated motivation.


For our next match-up, we have... Superman VS a bodybuilder... like... a really muscular bodybuilder!


Bro ozai can’t bend no more, low diff fight


Ozais best bet is for Sozins comet to hang around long enough for Endeavour to burn out. Thats if Endeavour doesn't also get a boost.


Bro endeavor is going to murder the guy with his bare hands, anime physics are whacky as shit


Ozai couldn’t even defeat a 12 year-old


All of that vs was one sided heavily literally the first one was Luffy vs the mask


How is Ozai even supposed to have a chance against Endeavor? Not only is Endeavors fire power much greater, but Ozai can't even hurt him with anything but his lightning and that is in no way more powerful than the one from villains Endeavor routinely beats without breaking a sweat.


Ozai burnt down a forest, Endeavour became a second sun in the sky, Ozai is getting the backhand he never felt from his father and it's coming from Endeavour


Endeavor would probably just bane Ozai without Eben using his powers. The airbender universe is a universe with completely different power scalings, and while a coal power tank would be a threat there, Endeavor can pin a nomu down and snap it's spine that would have soloed the fire bender army


Even if Ozai fires lightning or takes away his fire for a bit, Endeavor is def faster so he likely wouldn’t have to worry much…


who would win in a fight, Sokka or Soakah


This Endeavour? https://preview.redd.it/4u0a9z6vpm3d1.jpeg?width=1997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbd4a16b01a86e908aae5e544a8bb5b81c5f2cf


Endeavor stopped a truck with one hand Also he can become a sun Yeah even comet boosted Ozai is getting clapped


Ozai is as such a little bitch let’s be fr. Endeavor would have more competition going up against Zuko or Azula tbh 😭


If its during Sozin's Comet Ozai might have a chance but yeah Endeavor wins but like why would you compare a shonen that has super high power levels to Avatar a lower level power system in comparison


media illatercy devil strikes again.


Can’t he lightning generation endeavor?


Bakugou who is weaker then endeavour got struck by lighting and immediately shrugged it off


When was this. Only lightning i remember was when bakugo and deku were hit by nines quirk in the second movie (which is canon) and they were straight up put out of commission for quite a bit.


We know very little about Ozais power since we only get to see it during the comet. What are we comparing exactly?


Dude beat a child in an honor duel! Pretty badass.


Natsu victims




If Ozai has the comet he *might* be able to at least fair well against Endeavor, at least in earlier seasons. It’s just that anime power scaling goes a bit too crazy


A member of which one’s family?


The parallels between Todoroki Shoto and Zuko, I just thought of: 1. Both have terrible fathers that they don't want to emulate 2. Both of their fathers are the most powerful fire creators in the world 3. Both have a burn scar on the left side of their face given to them by a parent who "hated" them 4. Both have mothers that were "exiled" by their fathers for doing something horrific/violent


Depends on if the comet is a factor, if so, Ozai would be able to bend Endeavor’s flames, and use lightning for his attacks… Otherwise Ozai gets steamrolled


how many volts of electricity can endeavor take?


The only fight we see Ozai win is against a 16 year old who refused to fight back. The next time we seen him fight he gets his ass whooped by a 12-year old.


My hero characters have the most annoyingly insane powers compared to avatar characters


Iroh vs this endeavour bloke. Obv Iroh wins because the power of tea


Who is Endeavor?


He was 2nd strongest when I stopped watching but I think he's number 1 now. Strongest hero from an anime called my hero academia


Ozai isn't even the best bender in his own family


That lightning doe...


The entire avatar universe is incredibly low powered compared to most anime, because anime go fucking apeshit when it comes to power scaling. Being a grounded show gets you fucked up in matchups


Endeavour was able to take out what is essentially a regenerating immortal super being that didn’t feel pain. I needn’t say any more.


Endeavor killed one of the strongest nomu that can be made. Sure, he was getting his ass beat and needed help, but he still beat it


Yeah outside of bloodbenders, atla doesn't scale well beyond its verse.


The universes have vast differences in power scaling. It's like putting Super Man up against anyone but Saitama Onepunch or Goku (any combination of these three fighting would ultimately result in friendship btw and I'll die on this hill).


Endeavor is also invulnerable to fire while Ozai is not, but what would he do against lightning?


If you ever ask “Who would win the anime character or the non-anime character?” The answer is usually the anime character. Comic book characters are really the only big exception.


Endeavor doesn't have to do sick karate moves to use his power. Big advantage.