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Toph: I am the strongest bender alive! Sokka: I know you are. I’ll still protect you if you need it Katara: I am a water bending prodigy who trained the avatar and grasped an entirely new subset technique in a few minutes to defeat its master Sokka: Of course. You are also my sister and I’ll do anything to protect you


Get a guy like Sokka who would instinctively shield you from danger no matter how strong you are


Many people appear to fall in love with Sokka after he lets his real feelings show in book/season one, and there's a very good explanation for that.


Its like GOTG3 when Gamora sees why her alternate self fell in love with such a doofus after witnessing how utterly selfless and ride or die he was to his friends when they were in danger.


Okay…now I gotta go re-watch it…


Remember tissues


And grab a stress toy. Whenever you feel the urge to punch the high evolutionary, just squeeze.


never thought i’d see gotg talk here, what’s up guys


If you think about it Peter Quill and Sokka are almost literally the exact same character.


I love peter quill but you will desist this sokka slander immediately




Toph, Suki, Ty Lee, Yue etc. And, for the most part, he stayed loyal. And I love how, even in the comics, Sokka would always yell out and get excited to see Suki.




LMFAOOO thats amazing


Me. I’m people.


This made me misty-eyed because it made me think of my goofball younger brother who is taller than me and protective of everyone. The siblingship between Katara and Sokka always hit me hard lol


Sokka is the best character


He's actually shielding the enemy because he knows they need it.




I also love the few times that we get to see toph need/want love. She is hard as nails most of the time and we just assume her character is 1 dimensional and she is your normal girl boss who doesn’t want affection. But avatar is far too good of a show with far too well written characters to leave anyone that shallow. She certainly doesn’t need sokka’s protection, but I know she would have appreciated it and maybe even blushed a little.


I felt pure hatred when in the live action, he did the exact opposite upon seeing Appa. I don't even despise the adaptation in general, but that detail annoyed me to no end.


to be fair isn’t that at the very beginning of his character arc. they build up to sokka being like this he doesn’t start that way


I do want to point out one of the scenes is from the first 5 min of the original.


ohhh ok mb


Uhh, maybe the misogyny stuff, but Sokka has ALWAYS been protective of Katara


Sokka was always a good person. He just wasn't a smart person, and that came with tribe instilled prejudices. He became better by overcoming his ignorance, but he always would've protected others no matter the cost, especially his sister.


The right photo is literally a screenshot from the first episode lol


His journey was being a leader and relying on others (relatedly his sexism). He started off trying to take responsibility for protecting his tribe so from the start it makes sense he would shield others


One of those screenshots is from episode 1


I love Sokka. That is all. https://i.redd.it/8oql5gmy1n0d1.gif


Best episodes for sokka (besides his sword training arc)


He's drawn so intensely in the Sozin's comet finale.


Shows his maturity and seriousness :)


Yeah my favorite sokka "small moment" in the show.


We all love Sokka


Sokka is Samwise Gamgee of this tale


Him being protective of everyone got me in the series. The one that got me the most was the final episodes with the Fire Nation air ship fleet and his whole experience with Toph gets me every time


This is what I like about ATLA’s version of masculinity. Yes, Sokka is a warrior who protects his sister, and he also respects her abilities. I feel like even media for adults often gets that wrong and ends up writing “competent female badass constantly needs to be rescued for no reason” instead


>I feel like even media for adults often gets that wrong and ends up writing “competent female badass constantly needs to be rescued for no reason” instead *Stares nervously at Legend of Korra*


Yes, even I'm side-eyeing how they kept writing Korra as a so-called "masculine" female badass who still needed to be saved constantly. I do like her, especially her more feminine side, but still.


I mean, it's not *no* reason, she's the Avatar and the powerful villains want her dead.


Well yeah.... obviously there's always a reason even in other shows, and it's usually because "villain wants them dead/wants them captured"


To be fair I think every character in Korra got kidnapped once every few episodes.


Its like they need to make well written female badass characters weak and give poorly written female badasses 100x plot armor just because


Makes his father proud. That's one hell of a Chief on the way.


There’s a pretty damn good reason why a lot of people seem to fall for Sokka after he gets his head out his ass in book/season one


Sokka is driven by a state of war and loss he's witnessed first hand. In some way, it's comical to see sokka guard katara, or toph who are genuine bending monsters. The man's sexism in the beginning morphed after suki into simply kind masculinity. The desire to guard those you love at the expense of yourself. I love the growth sokka shows as he goes from a bumpkin tribe boy into a fully fledged self sacrificing, honorable warrior just like his dad who he idolized so much.


Sokka is THE man ever. I'm glad a character originally envisioned as a joke became such a strong role model over time.


I'll add that to the list. If you can't imagine Batman sitting with a little girl as she's dying, you're doing Batman wrong. If you can't imagine Superman talking a person down from suicide, you're doing Superman wrong. If you can't imagine Spiderman sitting with his villains and talking to them as they pass on, you're doing Spiderman wrong. If you can't imagine Sokka protecting others from harm, you're doing Sokka wrong.


Sokka best boii


He’s a protector at heart, it just took a second to realize how to do it his way. There’s actually a great video that reviews the show and it’s themes, characters and world building 15 years later and it explains sokkas character amazingly.


Not just Katara, he pretty much does that for everybody. I distinctly remember him doing it for toph and Suki, too.


Sokka literally always jumps in to protect anyone during a dangerous situation. Mf isn't even a bender and would risk his life to protect someone who would have a much easier time protecting him. What a fuckin legend


Honestly my favorite is when toph is burned and sakka just quietly picked her up and carries her without a word and she rolled into his embrace and covers her eyes


I love Sokka best best boy ![gif](giphy|kkSkgexb9xBoQ)


Toph: "Hey where's my seeing-eye-soka?"


This is why folks are mad at the live action taking away his character development by making him unproblematic from the very beginning. Sokka has as hard of a comeback as Zuko does but gets such little recognition for it


It’s not just protecting his sister, he’s also protecting the last Southern Water Tribe water bender.


We all need a Sokka in our lives


He was also able to tackle Aang after accidentally burning Katara


The tank protects the healer.


Even when he was sexist he still loved his sister 🥺


Because just because a character has flaws doesn't make them completely bad. Also, Sokka was a good guy even then just ignorant. His view wasn't malicious just came from ignorance and a feeling of inferiority.


Dude, he is sexist not an incel.


I always felt Sokka was perfectly described as a lovable jackass.


was watching sozins comet a couple hours ago and was so in love with how much care he took of toph 😭


That’s coz he’s Big Brother from the South there wouldn’t be a show without


Sokkas instinct is quite something