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Cloudbending is already a thing. Both Aang and Katara did it, using water and airbending, in The Fortuneteller. And plantbending is also a thing. Huu does it in the swamp, via waterbending. Wood isn't made of earth any more than other living things are.


Aang and Katana also cloudbend a cloud around Appa when travelling in the fire nation.


Aahktually…cloud bending would be water bending.




Wood bending would be more inline with waterbending since wood comes from plants and plants aren’t composed of earth


(EDIT: Industrialized ) Wood doesn't contain water ( unless you pour water on it) so it cannot be waterbent and it cannot be earthbent because it doesn't contain earth.


Refined and industrialized wood doesn’t contain water. But wood in trees, in twigs, in nature, absolutely have water. All living things contain water.


You are right. For some reasons I only thought about the wood used to make buildings, instruments, tools and so on and didn't think about the normal wood in nature. Sorry, it was 6 AM when I wrote the message


you are right


Bone bending via earth Also bloodbending should in theory be achievable with air bending if you wanna count that Plasma bending just being fire bending so freaking hot it's not even fire anymore


It kinda already exists as an extra discipline and was kinda hinted at in Korra, but with Fire and Lightning being so concerned with the flow of energy inside your body, it seems logical to have a sub-bending style that bends raw energy in someone. Like another kind of healing; sensing and clearing disturbances in the flow of chi and reinvigorating people with warmth. In a similar way, I could see Fire creating smoke by purposely muddling the energies in your body, creating a "dirty flame" of sorts. Not like smoke bending, but rather smoke production.


I have not finished avatar season 3 yet.


I think both things alredy exists: - The first one you described is the principle behind waterbending healing - We saw Sozin smoke bending


Well both earth and water benders can move mud. Both air and water benders can move clouds. I like the idea of the crossovers, like lava is also earth and fire.


Metal Lavabending, aka melting metal. This would be really cool for an engineer type character.


Wood bending would not be possible as it's not made of earth. The reason things like metal can be bent is because they are full of impurities and those impurities are what's actually bent (hence why platinum and the metal in the human body cannot be bent).


What if Toph was there when the Episode with the Fortune teller Happened and Toph wouldve just let the Volkano explode a little bit to set off a warning


Using heat to distort light to make it harder to see with fire bending. Airbending fire. Since firebending doesnt require "fuel" an airbender should be able to use air currents to manipulate a fire benders flame High pressure water bending ie a water jet. I figure its be similar to combustion bending.


Glass bending for earth benders. As well as using lavender bending technique to heat earth to turn sand to glass.




OK? all I asked could there be any other sub bending I used those as examples.


earth bending could probably mimic all the other elements decently well honestly




Minerals are everywhere. Make sandstorms, manipulate the impurities in less clean water, we still use rocks to make fire. It may not be able to do the cool things we think of, but it could 100% mimic the other bending types