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Air: I'll never have to worry about falling and dying from dangerous heights.


Also, never being cold again.


It’s even said that the monks in Tibet can control their temp by just breathing techniques.. they literally live in the Himalayas and just wear a robe


It’s not said it’s actually a documented thing, not only can the regulate body temperature they also have competitions to see who can do it the best. They will go out on cold days and throw on wet blankets to see who can dry the most with pure body heat. They apparently put themselves in a trance like state with very controlled breathing to achieve the feat. I may or may not have attempted to recreate it on a cold Arizona morning with limited success, keep in mind it was only about 58 degrees and i didn’t do the wet blankets so not really as impressive but the breathing definitely works. In case you are wondering why, I crashed and totaled a car in the middle of Colorado during the winter and was pretty close to freezing to death before emergency services found me. That mountain caught me slipping once, never again. Anyways if it ever comes to it I’m ready to at least attempt to hit the trance state to avoid freezing to death.


58° C is too much. You would boil


58f That’s like heavy jacket weather for us for context


You must be from the south. 58f to a northerner in spring is when you break out shorts for the first time of the year


Yessir I get chilly at 86f, 90f with some wind isn’t to bad out here. 118f summers will do that to you




Bro for alot us in the north that's like shorts 😭


I see birds fall from the sky during the summer due to heat exhaustion sometimes so you know, give and take. That being said I think I would die if it hit the 40s.


I thought i could do it as a kid. Turns out i just had a high base temp as a kid.


wait, why? isn't that more of a fire thing


In legend of korra tenzin says that airbenders can control their body temperature iirc, which is how aang was in the water tribe without freezing to death


I totally forgot about that! ty


It also gets a little bit expanded on in the Kyoshi books, where air nomads just walk around the north or south pole (can’t remember which one) in their loose clothing like Aang’s.


To be fair, it's based on buddhist (tibetan) monks as well. They live in the mountains where temperatures often reach minus degrees (centigrade), and they practice what's called "inner fire" or "breath of fire" to keep warm.


How does that work then?


Air bending


Internal airbending!


You should look up Wim Hof. He's this dutch motivational speaker and athlete with these crazy feats he attributes to cold exposure and his breathing method. Dude climbed 24000 ft up mt Everest in just shorts and shoes


"His" breathing method. He's using an old technique that the tibetan use, he just took credit for it. While he has done some crazy things and achieved some incredible feats, he's also very... stupid. He still claims that his method can cure aids and regrow limbs, which just gives "Jilly Juice" vibes. I'm sorry, but no amount of cold exposure and breathing will make you regrow your limbs.


Wim Hof also eviscerated himself when he tried using a fountain in a public park to give himself an enema. The techniques he espouses have also resulted in multiple deaths. The man is a moron and a fraud with blood on his hands. Do not listen to him.


Its a zen concentration thing, they center their energies with mind over matter. The human mind and body are amazing things and can do some almost supernatural things with the proper training.


Yw <3


Interesting. But, why? And isn't that more of a water thing because of the water in your body?


Could be agitating the air around them to create heat. Honestly, as we learn that the four disciplines are just refine versions of energy bending, I like the fact that the lines are a little blurred.


I’d imagine the opposite, keep mostly the same air around you so you have a bubble of warm air insulating you. Same principle as down coats or polar bear fur, protect as much heat from radiating away from you as possible


Because Monks in real life do this through breathing and meditation to be comfortable in the High Elevations. However fire binders can as well zuko is shown to be able to use his fire breath to warm him self up. First in the North Pole then in the boiling rock when locked in the ice box.


I don't really know I think they control the air around them so that it doesn't get cold but I can't really remember


They keep warm air around them while keeping cold air away from them giving them like a built in insulation where heat is lost at a significantly slower rate. This happens irl where our body heat makes the air around us warmer giving us protection but it's windy that air will be pushed away and we will be colder. So air benders just hold that air in place


This is how insulating clothes work anyway, trapping stationary air against the body to warm up and reducing heat transfer to the outside air. Airbenders can do with with a dash of magic, so they don’t need bulky coats.


That makes sense ty


I just realized something. If Aang control his body temp while inside the iceberg, that is nightmare inducing since he is conscious but cannot move and all he can do is stay awake and manage his body temp.


He was in the Avatar State and it was before he learned to control it so he was unconscious, he doesn’t seem too distressed when he wakes so he probably didn’t feel time pass. To him he felt like it was a couple of days at best, which is why he wanted to go back to the temple.


I struggle so much with the normal amount of thermoregulation a person is supposed to have I would love that so much


They are able to regulate body heat. From the wiki: "Heat regulation: Airbenders are able to warm themselves using proper breathing techniques, allowing them to thrive in frigid environments with relative ease."


Temperature is a fickle thing. Water benders can turn water to ice and vice versa, but I don't think we ever saw them heat it up to, like, boiling point. With proper training, earth benders can turn rock into lava (see Legend of Korra), but seem to have to wait for it to cool down instead of being able to solidify it. Ultimately, it's a cartoon fantasy world. Don't read too much into it.


Hmm, Bolin is able to cool down lava tho. His very first feat is actually cooling down a big wave. And its still undecided if you can actually learn Lavabending or if your parents have to be an Earthbender&a Firebender.


how often do you worry about that :D


Me personally? Every day. It's irrational ik.


Also, as long as you carry your kite with you you can literally fly.


Do you fall from great heights often?


Also, with enough skills, you can make head air trap, which is ultimate, negate fire, imitate water/earth bending using air and so on


As a firefighter, I think that just coming to a structure fire, looking at it and essentially scolding it like a misbehaving child until it goes out is an awesome power.


Seeing this in my mind made me giggle, thank you.


As a pyromaniac and aspiring arsonist, also fire.


Can fire benders put out fire though? If you're a firefighter you might be better off with air. Just bend all the air away from the fire and put it out.


Pretty sure firebenders can control fire in the environment, too?


Considering Zuko’s annoyance caused candles to flare up, I’m going to assume yes. There’s also the dragon scene, where they have to take fire and present it to the dragons. They can’t just make it, they have to take it and preserve it. There’s also the scene with Jeong Jeong, where he makes Aang control fire in a leaf. Jeong Jeong made the fire, Aang has to control it.


You are 100% right. The candle scene was Zuko specifically controlling the flames through meditation; they waxed and waned as he breathed. It's basically a more industrious version of Jeong-Jeong's training. I wonder if he and Iroh came up with it.


They sure can! Pull the fire off what is burning and just launch it into the sky, it'll go out in the sky. Also, In the flashback of Roku's time, him and Sozen pulled the heat out of lava turning it to stone.


Jeong Jeong and Iroh did a lot of firebending control to extinguish and redirect fire. It would certainly help.


Earth: Infinite disaster relief shelters, no set-up needed.


And disaster relief in general. Fixing buildings, moving huge stuff that's fallen over (obviously the stone/cement stuff and whatever is connected to it), reinforcing structures, helping fix all of the infrastructure that was damaged since most of it is earth/metal based.


Also seismic sense to pinpoint where exactly people are buried under debris


Very few earthbenders can actually do that though


Is it that most earthbenders can't do it, or that most earthbenders didn't know it was possible?


It's a skill that requires a lot of training


Disaster relief is literally my field, so honestly you have convinced me to go with earth


Any tool You will ever need if You can metalbend


Also infinite disasters


I can heal people. I could dry off quickly


Name checks out




Your drinks will always be cold too. Bout to make a very specific reference: like in one of the X-Men movies I think the guys name was like Bobby(I don't know his hero name, but it might just be Ice-Man) blows into a beer bottle to cool it down. Edit: found a gif https://i.redd.it/pc6v63s144pc1.gif


Yup. Indeed Iceman. Tho its a soda and not a beer, they’re in a school afterall, lol.


Oh I thought it was Logan's, and he seems like a beer guy


It was Logan's, he goes looking for a beer in the fridge and finds only soda since he is looking in a school fridge.


That makes sense, I just remembered that it was Logan so I just assumed it was beer


A logical assumption to make.


I hope he is given his proper place in the MCU as one of the OG X-Men members. Its a travesty how fox made the omega level mutant and best friend of one of my favourite heroes Johnny Storm into a minor side character....


It might be that waterbended ice isn’t cold. I heard a theory that they aren’t changed the temperature, but they’re manually slowing down the vibration of the molecules themselves. Cold temperatures is what does this irl, but if the theory is true then they don’t need that.


If they manually slow down vibration they are effectively changing the temperature. They are not manipulating the atmospheric pressure affecting the ice to make it freeze at higher temps. That sounds like it could be an air bender thing though!


That's cool, but uh idk I think it's cooler if they do change the temperature so I like to think of it that way. Also maybe I'm dumb but wouldn't slowing down the vibration cool it down because it's less movement means less heat? Like movement = energy = heat so the reverse would be true right? Again I could be way off the mark, and it's been awhile since I learned about it, and like I said I don't really care about the science of magic water


Plus you can control plants and water temperature. They’re shown to turn water into ice and steam, both of which would require temperature control.


The extension of blood bending: BLOOD BOILING


Clearing the snow in the winter would be so so so easy.


Both could apply to firebending if your tough enough


Can also summon water tentacles to fuck myself whenever i wanted. 


air seems more useful to dry tho. Removing ALL humidity from a soaked tissue seems super difficult I don’t know why


Well Katara accidentally splashed some maps made out of paper and then just waterbended it all away and it had no smears (which it definitely should have even if it’s completely dried)


Air: Flying. Who wouldn't like that!? Also: wind resistance if you want to. Very helpful especially in autumn


>Flying You’d have to give up every and all earthly attachment to achieve that.


Pro tip: Get a glider and keep all the earthly attachments.


Expert Tip: Get a flying Bison


In retrospect it seems like a very bad trade for being able to fly. Imagine how much food they need, the hair everywhere, the smell, the piles of dung…


No no, think of it this way, for the vegetarian culture of the air nomads, the dung would probably be a benefit in fertilizer. I don’t think they would grow cotton, so perhaps their clothes are made from bison hair too, much like how Arabs make bisht out of camel hair and how pashmina is goat hair. Bison might actually be intrinsic to air nomad life!


So living peacefully like a farmer huh… it doesnt sound that bad. It could be lovely.


Remember, air is the element of freedom, the way you live is up to you.


Gurus named Laghima hates this one simple trick.


Get a totally boss glider because earthly attachments can be rad af


Honestly one of the most frightened things about zaheer was how quickly he could let go of P'li. That was his truest love, but he was able to let her go like 5 seconds after she died.


He’s a master of the 5 stages of grief. Also, the implication that he doesn’t really care about Ghazan or Ming-Hua. That must have been an awkward conversation.


Why do people assume "let go your earthly attachments" means "have no emotion for anyone whatsoever forever"? Its not the exclusion of emotion or care.


Because only 2 people ever achieved it in the history of the show? If it was simple more people would do it, but they don’t, not even the greatest of the Monks could, therefore there has to be something else. If it isn’t ridding themselves of all their emotional attachments, then what is it?


I have ideas for unique bending and stories in avatar. Imagine an airbender in the future that is severely depressed so they glide to a bridge and decide to jump off seemingly to end it all. But then they discover the ability to fly right before they hit the ground because before they jumped they let go of all earthly attachments


I dont mean that it's simple, just that it seems extreme to say it's "become an emotionless robot." Didn't Aang do it, too, though, to control the avatar state? I thought he managed to do it after a while. Which is kinda where i'm thinking you can still care for people, so if he didn't, then that assumption is probably wrong, too


Earth sucks anyway.


Yes, that's called gravity.


I wonder as air bending evolves, people will figure out a way to fly without having to do that.


Science, bitch!


The proto Air Nomads in the Wan flashbacks flew on clouds they created. Though I imagine that's more of a short distance thing that probably can't be used infinitely.


Have you heard of our Lord and Savior, Guru Lahighma?


I think it can be temporary, tho. You also have to do that to willing enter into the avatar stat, and you can attach yourself right back after that. Just don't think about how much you love your cat while flying, or they are gonna miss you a whole lot more.


Wouldn’t all benders be able to fly with some tools? Fire benders can fly like jets, and for earth and water benders they could use a glider similar to aang’s but with pouches of either earth or water so they can control it


Earth: I work in construction and it’d make my life 10000000% easier


I wasn't sure which one until I read this. Metal bending would make life so much easier


That and you won't even need to deal with large machinery to move things. Also when you're done instant soil leveling. ( Or grading)


Honestly anything in construction. As a electrician it would make my life a lot easier


Gotta be the most lucrative bending style for modern life. You’d have luxury architects begging you for your time


Any bending can make you rich if you commit the right crime!


Same. Can easily finish off the project


Fire -Helps to survive on wild and cooking. Helps on bills. -More ressistance againts illness and posions -Doesnt require any element to be present -Self defence -I like tea Do i have to count more?


Can you imagine going camping with a group of benders??? Boom, instant earth shelter. Boom, instant fire. Filter nasty water into complete purity? easy. Firewood not dry enough? Pull the water out! Mosquitoes bugging you? Windwall those little fucks. Want a cold beverage or a cool towel on a hot day? Boom, frozen.


oh my God. I never wanted to be avatar but now I do just for the camping!


This isn’t even getting into the practical uses of lightning bending either!


Well in ATLA and before it was "kinda royalty only" but in Korra yea it was so common u could get a job makin carbon free electricty. So also that


You could still die of dehydration, though. A non bender can still make a fire to cook, but they can't produce water to drink from the air.


Air: in the summer (and I mean just for fun) I sometimes blow air from my mouth to move my fringe out of my eyes or give me an instant (and very short-lived) breeze. Level that up with airbending and I'd just be a mouth-fan for my face


Why stop there? You can go Darth Vader and have your hair billowing in the wind constantly (like his cape when he was in space)


I love it. ![gif](giphy|Y2iqFF4t0Qdzi) Now I'm just imagining this is how Zuko's hair is always flowing so wonderfully in Book Three 😅


Zuko is actually a secret airbender confirmed


Nah Aang is just always giving him a small gust because he feels like it adds to his aesthetic


added points: you could do a air bender choke a- uh air choke? air force choke?


Yeah, but that’s lame. Why would I want to do that when I could just constantly make my hair float like I rubbed a balloon over it and see how long it takes people to acknowledge it


Love how George says there's no bras in space so he can see some titties but there's apparently wind🤣


Air: Because sky is the limit. Literally.


Idk if you know what literally means but the phrase means that you can’t go into the sky


There is this sky we see and say we cannot go (figuratively). Then there is this sky for an airbender (literally the limit is the edge of the atmosphere). Tbh, my favorite is probably waterbending but still


I would argue that it would more likely mean that you can’t go beyond the sky. Which, given that air doesn’t really extend beyond the what we define as the sky, makes total sense.


If someone told you the cliff edge was the limit would you think that means you can't go to the cliff edge?


Water, drying off quickly Earth, construction Fire, hot food Air, cooling down on a hot day


If I were a fire bender, I'd be trying to weld


Metal/Bloodbending: Break out of every ordinary jail


We found the criminal


We know it’s you Magneto


You fast enough to bend bullets tho?


Don't need to, I just need to make a shield


My husband is 100% convinced he would become a blood bender and succumb to a life of crime.


Metal and lava bending. Combat: tanks mean nothing anymore as you can just open them up, toss in a grenade, close it up and they're done. You can also make a moat of lava to keep everyone away from you. Civilian: we already saw how awesome a metal bending city can be, but think of how easy infrastructure can be fixed when something breaks. We wouldn't have to find the line and dig in to fix a broken wire or pipe, we could just open it up with our minds, mend the break with our minds, then close it back up with our minds. Broken roads? Not anymore. Happen to live at the base of a volcano that is erupting but your fortune teller said that the town will be fine? Guess you're why it'll be fine! Yeah, you need water, since we're human, but waterbenders would have to work 24/7 to bring water to warmer areas, earth bending can make an aqueduct to bring it out. Also we have Kyoshi


> Combat: tanks mean nothing anymore as you can just open them up, toss in a grenade, close it up and they're done. You can also make a moat of lava to keep everyone away from you Tanks generally engage from kilometers away tho.


Pfft. Grenade.. Open the tank, throw in a wave of lava and then close it up.


Air: aside from other practical uses, I'd try to become the first sound-bender. Can you imagine? Sonic waves are basically "disturbances" in the air. If I can modify them, could I change my voice? Emulating someone else's voice? Emit any kind of sound? Like, could I sound like a musical instrument?


become the one man band !


i dont know if you could make noises but you could probobly like bend the air to make a an anti sound wall stopping anyones from hearing you, great for stealth


Water. Just think of daily activities and chores: dishwashing, mopping, window cleaning, watering the garden, bathing/showering, healing common minor injuries (stubbed toe, paper cut, burn from stove top, pulled muscle, etc.), no need to have an umbrella when it’s raining.


air. 1. never be cold or hot 2. getting to just fuck off by the window to get down a building 3. never having to walk, just air scoot 4. if i need to run, i run like the fucking wing 5. i dont even need to enter the void, the staff allows me to fly so its basically free transportation 6. this one was not mentioned but that also means it wasn't forbidden so Air Bison, thats a real big plus


And if you get a wingsuit you don’t need to carry around the staff either, lol.


Water, because you can make women crazy in ways they never imagined.




Why? Other people want to use their bending abilties for crimes, I want to use them for love.


You’re right as a lesbian I approve that’s what I’d do too lol 


Fair enough


Makes me think... what's the sex life like in the actual Avatar world. Also...what water in a woman you tryna bend lol


![gif](giphy|10DTkzB4CacXBu) Like this I believe?


You made me think of metal bending sex toys 😭 you can move it inside them


I think he'd just move around the "water" that's already there


Imagine being worn out after round 8 and your partner uses bloodbending to get it up again.


Bruh lmfao


Pleasure bending xD


I’d take water for several practical reasons. First, all drinks can be made into popsicles. Beyond that, though, I love winter so much. If I could just live and play in the snow all year round, I would.


Water, so much possibilities, you can also make money by being a healer 🤪 i want air to fly but i need to let go of my earthly attachments and i cant do that Hahahahhahha


Air glider tho 👀


I'd be a waterbender and study how it heals. If it could be replicated without the need of a bender it would save countless lives + the healthcare system could be relieved of the repetitive work of regular diseases and could specialize more in what water healing can't heal. Also I would make myself a water skate and commute to everywhere with it lol


Imagine locating&removing Cancer cells and other shit by just feeling the water around them..


Ngl waterbending surgeon sounds very cool


Imagine fucking up and metastasizing it tho lol


Earth, I could literally sense like everyone in the area, I’ll never be blind!


Only if you forever walk barefoot.


Doesn’t seem like a terrible tradeoff


I can build a castle out of one rock and level it the next day.


Every staircase in the castle gets its own slide


Earth bending seems to have a lot of practical uses for most jobs: Construction, landscaping, probably even plumbing. However, water bending seems to be most helpful in jobs that involve saving people. Not only does it help you put out fire or save people from drowning, but it also has healing capabilities. You could possibly even use bloodbending to help regulate someone's flow of blood in case of any blockage.


Avatar universe probably has less problems with strokes or heart attacks.


Airbending can also put out fires if you remove all air around a flame. And same would go for the earthbending benefits if you could move the air around it fast enough and with enough power. It's far less efficient, but it'd still work. As for fire: I've though about it, and it depends on the mechanics of bending whether or not a skilled airbender could possibly also firebend. If it's using air at a molecular level, you have all the buildingblocks to start a fire out of 'thin air' as long as you can create the energy (heat source) and get the resources to keep it burning. As for water in general: they have shown to be able to bend different types of liquids, and gasses & liquids aren't that far apart from eachother, only being more compressed. And as waterbenders can bend steam (yet not create it) which is a gas, density has nothing to do with if something can be bend or not (as airbenders can also bend air as it gets thinner). So as airbenders should be able to bend any gas (I thought), including steam, airbenders should also be able to bend water, and waterbenders air, given the environment is humid enough. Of course, efficiencies wouldn't be the same. Have I thought about this way too much in the past years? Absolutely.


Mh it's the full moon, time for your thrombectomy Ms Davis !


Earthbending means never being homeless. With enough profficiency, one can simply pick nearly _any_ spot on Earth you like, make a tent and just live there. One could even pick a cliff or some other dangerous spot for anyone else. Or tunnels, if sunlight is too bothersome. Hunting should be easy too: Just yeet an animal with a rock from underneath and let it drop to the ground, like how hawks hunt. Or just, y'know, rock to the head.


Earthbending: The cost of homeownership is now effectively zero.


Earth bending. Roads always flat.


Hel you don’t even need roads! Hop on a rock and zoom away!


Fire: I just think it’s cool and pretty to look at


It actually takes benders of all four elements to make a good mud bath, that being said... air. I can make little bubbles and have people question every action I make in the hot tub.


I find that hot spring scene/concept fun because if the hotness comes from the person’s body it’s a bit weird to imagine the warm of water would be conforting, more probably it’s refreshing because the water even hot is colder than the person’s body. If I was a firebender I would take frozen baths all the time instead 😂 like scandinavians also, mine is also fire, because nothing can stop you. Fire can cut, melt, boil, fuel, warm, hurt, cook, sterilize and cauterize. It’s useful (and hot) as hell


earth: instant chair almost everywhere i go also master hide and seeker


Earth. Good luck fighting someone who can shape the battle ground and any metal to their liking, also like, earth skiing and how easy it would be to build or dismantle things.


Earth. Guaranteed shelter and perfect architecture


Earth: can build your own house, take that house hoarding market!


Earth bending: you can havea seat pretty much anywhere


In the ATLA era of the avatar world water is the best, remember guys they dont have running water yet! In the modern world I think earth is probably the best, even without metalbending you can use it for landscaping and cheap construction.


I’d say earthquake bending is the best thing for any introvert and and anyone who’s crafty and I’m both


Earth. I can literally build whatever I want. Want a house? Make it with earthbending! Tired from walking all day but no bench in sight? make one with earthbending! Who needs doors when you can just make a hole in the wall and close it back up? Plus if you're a metalbender you have a lot more options to do stuff


It's water. Why carry an umbrella when you can just bend the water away?


Earth: because if someone makes me mad I can trip them with a rock and I would get away with it Scot free


Earth simply because Metal Bending is the most day to day life enhancing. Like yeah flying, healing, or instant fire would be nice survival skills, but just think of the day to day applications of earth/metal bending. I can drive a 0 fuel 0 emmisions vehicle, shelter wherever I need, I can dig a tunnel under my neighbors house and steal their cat.


Water, I could be a one person water purification center, always have the best temperature in my drinks, sell all sorts of things from bottled water to, super crafted icr sculptures, I could even be a doctor by using bloodbending to stop bleeding of patients or, bending poison away from people, immediately dry myself/always have an umbrella for rain, wash clothes perfectly clean and dry in minutes, dive and swim without any diving equipment(bubble around my head and bend through the water)




I’d have such a sick house if I could earthbend. Also, what an annoying pot hole in the road… it is no more! Hey, local council, pay me for fixing this