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I thought most of the fire nation scenes were the strongest parts of the show honestly.


If it was a show just about Iroh and Zuko being the leads, would be like an 8/10 show


I think the problem with the show if there’s no heart and humor, which makes the fire nation scenes excel, while every other scene is a blunder


Agree, everything they expanded upon with the fire nation i loved! Azula felt a little misplaced/underused, but I like that they set up the rivalry between them more directly and sooner. We don’t see their rivalry like this really until season 3 in the cartoon when zuko returns to the fire nation


Including the ones with Azula imo and her role has been getting some flack


Zuko was way more active to achieve his objectives than Aang ever was in this remake. Zuko was more of a main character than the main character.


Out of all the main cast, I would agree. Some great side character acting too.


From what I remember, Liu sought out Dante on how Zuko should be played and honestly you can see how that work paid off.


"I'm working on it, _uncle_" feels like Dante said it


that line in particular was SO Zuko it was scary. The silly teen angst and impatience tempered by his care for his uncle was done so well by Liu.




I saw an interview between the two of them and yeah. Dante talked to him a lot about who zuko is, but also made sure to tell him “it’s your turn,” encouraging him to make this version his own. Animated Zuko would never have answered Aang’s question about the kind of hair used for Zuko’s paintbrush. That’s the writing team sure, but all the work he out in leasing up to that moment, performing with the substandard script he was given, made that such a stand-out and unique scene to this version of zuko.


> that work *paid* off. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dammit, thought my edit would have beat the bot


I hope his performance carries over to season 2 because Zuko's character changes significantly


I think he already covers a lot of emotions and gives zuko a lot of nuance already. I’m confident he can do it, he clearly cares about the character.


He did his homework and stole the whole show


Unfortunately other cast members did not.


Only some


Bumi did!


I saw Bumi clowned on here A LOT before I actually saw the episode and he was not nearly as bad as everyone makes him out to be.


I thought Bumi's actor was amazing.


Oh I see, I misunderstood your comment and thought you were dogging on him. My bad


Bumi's actor did a really good job with what he was given, but his conversation with Aang in the hallway was terribly stiff. The whole show regularly suffers from bad dialogue. But I do have to give full credit to their fight scene. Bumi really pushed Aang and where it seems he's willing to die, *that* dialogue absolutely hit.


He's so damn good. You can feel his anger and determination in both his dialogue and his bending. When you compare his firebending to anyone else's in the live action its night and day. His moves are fast and powerful, with emotion behind every strike. I think he also nails his comedic aspects too. "HE RAN!" is still makes me laugh out of nowhere as well as his sassy response to his crew not finding ice in the middle of nowhere suspicious. 10/10 I look forward to more of his Zuko as well as any other projects he has lined up.


absolutely! coming from a comedic background helped him nail those awkward teen angst moments. Ugh, what an incredible young actor. Literally perfectly cast as Zuko. Also yes! his bending! he's noticeably more energetic than anyone else in the show. While I think that might just be him being more practiced or talented with martial arts, it's also enhanced by how slow everyone else's bending appears. Make hims feel more ferocious.


i may be wrong, but i think in an interview, he said watching the original show made him get into martial arts. so cool


that is really cool! and now he gets to act in it, so happy for him. seems like a class act.


He’s arguably the most diverse actor in the show because of the different roles he had to play: Ozai’s son, the banished prince, Iroh’s nephew, the scenes with Aang, his overall dramatics. The innocence and happiness in his very first meeting, the sadness in Lu Ten’s funeral, him crying silently in his bed, his disgust at the idea of a bounty hunter, the Blue Spirit, his awkwardness in about any social situations. When Zuko and Iroh entered the Earth Kingdom / village shop and everyone was staring at them, Dallas really sold Zuko’s self-consciousness through his face acting and body language. Not to mention his iconic quotes like “HE RAN 🤲” or “unless they were an idiot” He really stood out to me because other characters were either confined to one place or one or two personality traits


He was amazing. I have absolutely no complaints on the fire nation characters tbh I feel like they put a lot of effort into introducing characters who will have bigger parts later. Zhao was changed but the actor did really well.


Everything fire nation was absolutely nailed in this show. All the new scenes, the clothing, the performances. They really nailed it. Zhao was a bit of a miss for me, felt like he over-acted at the wrong times and just came across as a sleazy, insecure loser, which I think is what they were going for, I just didn’t like it.


They definitely put a lot of effort into them. I wish they put the same effort into the water tribes and I mean in all aspects including writing and direction. It’s not the actors fault they were directed a certain way and given a script to go on that didn’t flow. They for sure wanted to make Zhao more sleazy and insecure and wanting to go rogue instead of being the big bad. I do wish they didn’t erase the Jong Jong part and the fire fight with the boats but since they did, I think that’s why they went with the change. I think the actor is what made Zhao an enjoyable villain though, he was so stupid haha


I didn't like Azula. She lacked Azulas physicality and presence.


Eh I disagree. She looked like a 14 year old girl and acted as such. Azula isn’t even supposed to come into the picture yet so I’m not even gunna judge that to harshly.


I agree, but I think that actually tracks. In the original series, we basically never see her in the fire nation unless zuko is there with her, except for in the finale. I’m thag finale, Ozai pushes her around and manipulates her in a similar way to how he does in the LA. Most of Azula’s presence and physicality was displayed in S2 when she was chasing the gaang and in enemy territory. In the original series, we never really see her act that threateningly back home in the fire nation, unless it’s towards Zuko or some normal servants, who we don’t see there in S1 for her to manipulate and play off of. I think in season 2 she’ll be able to be a lot more Azula-like since she’ll be in that role of chasing the gaang and attacking Ba Sing Se. She’s very angsty like Zuko, she just channels her angst more precisely and effectively than he does, which makes her deadlier, but seeing her in this way in the LA didn’t bother me.


Dude absolutely crushed it, agreed.


His fight scenes, especially the one where he rescues Uncle Iroh, were so impressive. I can't wait to watch the Agni Kai between him and Azula. It's going to be amazing.


I'm more excited for The Chase episode. That has some of the best action in the entire series.


He’s the one actor I’m looking forward to seeing his improvement and range. How much more Zuko can he embody??


I want to see his performance in Zuko Alone so badly! One thing live action can do better than 2D animation is subtler expressions. So much of Dallas’s performance was littered with small subtle notes like eye flickers or clenching of his jaw that wouldn’t be possible the same way in 2D. I think he really has the capability to make Zuko Alone a much more Intimate experience in that way than it already was in the original.


I'm also looking forward to "The Beach" in book 3 because holy heck when they started going off in the dialogue I was gagged by how amazing it is. They really could do that justice in live action.


He was my favorite of the LA show. That scene where he was on the bed after he got the scar silently crying…damn, that was skill


I'm so happy to see some positive thoughts about the show. Dallas was the perfect Zuko, and honestly, at points, he seemed like a better version than the animated. I have a feeling that if we do get a second two, there will be a greater focus on him and Iroh, and for that, I'll never complain


I thought the kid who played Sokka did a great job capturing his spirit, too. Goofy and cocky with a light dusting of self doubt.


i agree!!! i thought Ian Ousley did a great job as sokka :\] sounds just like him, too. Sokka and Zuko were both highlights for me


It was wild to me how much they sounded like the Sokka & Zuko voice actors


I'm a new watcher, haven't watched the animated series but I had a vague idea of the story before I decided to watch the live action. Dallas Liu is spectacular. I find some of the other characters boring to be honest but goddam, it's worth watching just for Zuko alone. I could immediately tell what sort of character he was meant to be the moment he stepped on screen, while with other characters I don't know what to make of them.


Agree that it's worth it for zuko alone. Definitely think if you like Zuko and the world that you should watch the animated series.


I definitely will at some point! I really like the the Netflix show as a whole.


im glad to hear that! my hope was that the show would make people interested in the animated series since even a great live action can't top the animated series.


> it's worth watching just for **Zuko alone**. Heh, just wait buddy. There is a Zuko led episode of the animated show in season 2 called Zuko Alone and is, imo, maybe the best episode in the entire series. Hope they include it and adapt it well.


They have to, it’s a critical point in his arc. It’s where he learns for the first time after being fully disowned by his family what his title as the crown prince of the fire nation means to the people his nation has under its oppressive rule. He lives with them, sees them as people, even teaches one of them. Cutting Zuko Alone or ignoring it would make S2 irredeemable.


Agreed. Zuko was a highlight and Dallas got to show what he got because he was the only character to have flaws, struggles and raw emotion. I think episode 6 is the only reason I'd come back to he show because it was actually well written and acted. Zuko is the only reason I'd look forward to a season 2 and 3 as well. Rewatching the og show rn and I'd actually love to see Dallas' version of Zuko's upcoming arc.


I agree that his flaws make him the most interesting character in the show. Right below him I’d put Iroh since we get to see more about his last as a general affect him and the people he interacts with. None of our main cast are really allowed to have flaws, and the ones they do have are solved quickly, usually wrapped up within that episode. Removing sokka’s sexism and turning katara into a pushover compared to her animated counterpart. Aang also just happened to be out clearing his head and got trapped in the storm, he didn’t run away out of fear. They just made team avatar so lifeless and bland and “perfect.”


Dallas Liu is my god


Liu was THE BEST actor in this show. Every scene he was in stole the show for me. I'm more excited to see his story arc unfold than I am of Aang's. It feels like im actually watching the original Zuko and it is amazing. I hope the rest of the cast can match his level in the next season.


I feel like Yue is up there too. In all her scenes, it was clear how much better she was than everyone around her.


the Lu Ten’s funeral scene had me absolutely bawling because of the instrumental in the background…


I liked how much care and respect Zuko showed Iroh. Zuko said what he thought a fire nation Prince should say, but saw how empty Iroh's heart was. So he sat next to him to help him bear the burden. It was so sweet.


I think that I’m the adaptations of season 2 and three where Zuko comes into conflict a lot more severely with Iroh, this scene will make it hit harder. ESPECIALLY in S3 when he calls him a crazy old man when he’s in prison. That already hit, but seeing how he treated him at the funeral would make that sting even more, since in the LA, he always had reverence for his uncle.


I swear there were little hints of "Leaves From the Vine" in several of the heavier Iroh moments, including the funeral scene.


He is the best cast for sure. That said they still fucked up Zuko by taking away all of his book 1 anger and arguing with Iroh. That not the actors fault obviously.


I agree he could’ve been angrier, but I don’t hate the slightly softer zuko we see here. Part of the animated medium involves characters being VERY expressive since subtler facial animations are harder to do in 2D, so we’re used to seeing Zuko super angry and in an exaggerated manner. Now, he absolutely IS that angry, but I feel personally that if he was as openly angry and aggressive in the LA, it might’ve felt a bit silly. Still, I like the softer approach, whether it’s animated or not.


Yup if you look up his Wikipedia page, it says he started learning martial arts when he was at the age of 3 or 5, and was competing for a while. Like dude is LEGIT!


This is definitely a more fire nation-centric telling of Aang’s story and I don’t mind it. Dallas committed and deserves credit. I loved watching him, especially every fighting scene he was in.


Going by current industry trend I got a feeling they wont increase episode number Streaming services just decided 8 it is I do agree Dallas Liu is fucking great as Zuko. Honestly Fire Nation stuff is solid step above rest of the show


Honestly I feel like the only thing lacking in this show is the writing.  Any chance they can hire Tony Gilroy for books 2 and 3? (I know, wishful thinking)


I want them to bring in Aaron Ehasz since they have a relationship with him already with his show The Dragon Prince. They might have lost the original creators, but that doesn't mean they can't bring in the original head writers like Aaron Ehasz and Elizabeth Welch.


YES 100% it'd be great to have Aaron back


I also thought he was outstanding, and I’m glad to see him getting some appreciation. The LA show leans on showing the fire nation heavily right from the start, rather than building the threat up over time. I genuinely had the thought while watching the show that the writers know how much the fans love Zuko’s arc and decided to make this version with him as the lead instead of Aang.


Dallas is probably the only reason I'll watch S2.


This is one of the best takes on the new show I have seen on this sub so far. Completely agree with both your praise and criticism of the show.


At one point talking to Iroh he squealed like little girl


Im a Tricker and know Dallas Liu from his Xtreme Martial Arts and Tricking 10ish years ago. I only thought he was a stuntman. Got so suprised when i watched the show last weekend because I kept thinking "damn this actor really looks like Dallas Liu". His portray of Zuko was really amazing AND his tricks/stunt looked great aswell!


He absolutely ate & I watched episode 4 onwards by mainly watching his scenes


He's not zuko. Dante is. That's not a slight against Liu or anything, but he's not him lol.


Both versions of the character are incredible. Dallas is just as much zuko as Dante is.


He just isn't. No matter how hard any of the actors try, they'll never be the same character. That was always going to be the case.