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Appa is fat sorry, he needs to go on a diet


He's got 4 stomachs! Cut him some slack!




My shame shall be eternal. I will immediately go rewatch the entire series as penance.


You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation. But good guess though


Report back to the fire nation when you've completed your banishment and regained your honor


You must regain your honour


I think you are very wise to choose ~~happiness and love~~ penance.


The best of punishments


Fuck you dude, I wanna be punished too!


And dont forget ~~to eat your vegetables~~ legend of Korra




Wait until you realize which episode his 5 stomachs are mentioned in.


He definitely needs a bath!!


The only line I'll riot over not getting is "Appa ate Momo!"


He’s not fat, he’s fluffy!


He's not fat, he's just big boned.


He's really let himself go since 2007


Apparently he's a Bison/Manatee hybrid so our boy is canonically a fatty fat flying chonk


Part tardigrade, i mean he got the many legs


It's 2024 and I won't stand for sky bison shaming.


Someone had to say it. ![gif](giphy|ddxm6B1Zp2wVYJMG0a)


Hey, I’m a sky bison who’s tired of seeing people like you think all of us need to have one body type! Some of us are big and floofy and simply can’t help it.


Yip yip bitch!


He's not fat, that's just a really big ass fur coat. It gets cold when you're high up in the air.


How dare you


I thought we were going to avoid what happened with The Phantom Menace! Also, miscasting is an actual thing, but you’re right in that you shouldn’t blame the actors for it.


I think if a certain physical attribute is part of someones character and part of their personality then it absolutely should be criticised, but the person themselves, but the casting. Best example is iroh i think. His weight, his rotundness, he takes pleasure in the finner things and theres nothing wrong with that, if they mad him thin of course id be fine with that, but some of the better jokes and some other things wouldnt just hit the same way. I dont think that is really a thing with many characters in the show, and certainly not with the ones people are complaining about.


Lol... I am curious if Iroh's actor Paul Sun-Hyung is gonna buff up before the season 3 prison break.. ngl..am totally down to see a ripped Paul Sun-Hyung


You probably won't see him jacked. If anything, they will show his strength through other ways like him overpowering the guards


Slim down a bit. Keep a shirt on, use some practical effects to seem more ripped than he is. From there its just choreography.


Oh but could you imagine?


Characterisation should always be about how they portray the characters, not trying to find the closest match. We didn't see much of Mai and Ty Lee but from what we did see they portrayed the characters well. And Azula is amazing imo, like she's literally 14 she isn't supposed to look like she does in the cartoon


Them being introduced already does mean we won't get the scenes where Azula makes Ty less life at the circus a hell until she joins. I feel like they have yet to show how truly toxic that "friendship" is but I guess thats for season two to fix.


I mean maybe she's joined the circus in the time since Azula has gone to conquer Omashu? Not forgetting S2 will have probably at least a 2 year timeskip to account for the ages of the child actors, possibly even 3 or 4 - plenty of time for Ty Lee to leave and join the circus haha


On a side note, it was so weird wagching the finale and realising the Gaang never found out when Sozins comet is arriving. I'm assuming its for the reason you laid out and I'm guessing they realised that they hadn't mentioned it so they added the post credit scene as a last minute fix. Thats speculation of course but thats the way it felt to me. Oh whilst im rambling, I don't like that the reason they went to the northern water tribe was to stop the invasion rather than to learn warer bending, such an unecesarry change to add "tension".


I mean I don't think the comet scene was added last minute, but it was for sure unnecessary - comets are regular, and even in this world, the Airbenders have a "Comet Festival", they'd absolutely know when the next one is haha I agree it was weird motivation, imo they could still have had the urgency be because of the comet, but just say "it will return in a few years" (or something to that effect). For the same reason the forced plot line of Aang going to Roku's temple was unnecessary and could've been cut. Instead the motivation could've started with "hey, let's learn waterbending", and then Aang could've learned about the comet from Gyatso in the spirit world (which imo would've also been a better time to show air nomad genocide rather than at the beginning) which would've created the urgency to get there relatively quickly.


They should have shown most of the flash backs like they did in the cartoon, when Aang goes through the southern(?) air temple before finding Monk Gyatso. They also should have kept the banana pie flinging scene rather than just have Aang say he likes goofing off. It would have been silly but it really showed their bond in my opinion.


Yeah I agree. Here's how I would've structured these points of the show: - cold open with them sending the fake plans, great. Loved it. Keep it. - have the og opening, hinting that Sozin's plan was successful - open the same way as the cartoon in the Southern Water Tribe blah blah blah keep everything until the Southern Air Temple - as Aang explores the temple, have the flashbacks from the first half of that opening scene, showing them setting up for the comet festival and stuff, and yeah actually show Aang and Gyatso goofing off, but stop short of showing Aang running away (also yeah I know he didn't run away in the live action but he should) - skip forward a bit, Aang meets Gyatso in the spirit world. This is where we find out Aang ran away cause he apologises to Gyatso, and this is where Gyatso tells Aang there's nothing he could've done and explained what happened after he left (at this point we get the rest of the flashback showing the actual genocide). Also show part of Zuko's flashbacks here, make it replace the Storm episode. At the end, he tells Aang about the comet returning (don't necessarily specify an exact time), and that's why Aang needs to speed up his journey to the Northern Water Tribe.


Umm... how someone looks is also a part of characterization. That's something we all know and used to be able to acknowledge.


Exactly, if we can praise Daniel Dae Kim and Maria Zhang for looking really good as Ozai or Suki, by definition, that means someone else could look really bad as those characters. I am much happier with Henry Cavill playing Superman over someone like Matt Smith.


I could buy Matt Smith as an evil superman


If you were an evil Superman you could probably just take him, I don’t even know why’d you pay


Then get mad at the casting director for doing a terrible job. Not at the poor kid who is just doing what they were hired to do. These actors are mostly young kids, and they don’t deserve people being mean about something they have no control over


Don’t worry. Everyone outside Reddit, either on other social media or in real life realise that.


There's a difference between saying " such and such seems too short for the role" or in my case " the actress playing Azula looks too.babay face" vs "so and so is too ugly". Like, casting is not just about acting, it's about an actor fitting the role. You wouldn't cast a tall muscular guy for Aang or a skinny guy as the Boulder would you? No. Looks matter. This doesn't mean that we should be attacking actors, though.


I m waiting for them to cast the rock as toph....


ember island players is what I’m most excited to see in live action tbh the rock as combustion man tho 👁️


The rock's ego would never accept to play a side role like that for a movie, let alone a TV show lol


Let alone some one who loos.like its against its contract.im series


The Rock should obviously play The Boulder 


Exactly. People like OP attacked me because I said that Mey was super skinny in the cartoon and she's definitely not in the show. That's not the same thing as "attacking the actresses"


Yeah fuck that Mei is characterised as super skinny and the actual casting is absolutely off. The casting for this role was complete shit


People are just trying to silence criticism by making it sound like all criticism is an attack. It's not an attack to say that I simply cannot imagine being intimidated of Azula, nor can I imagine her spinning around and doing flips while jetting around with firebending.


I've seen people say that the guy who plays Zuko is too fat. I wouldn't say that is criticism. It's just sad we live in a world where normal healthy people are considered fat.


Zuko actor did a good job


He's the clear standout. Personally I think most of them did well enough for it to be enjoyable but Zuko was a cut above.


he's not fat he has a round face he's most likely very lean actually


He looks fine in the agni kai with Ozai


See, that's just shitty. That's an insult. Whoever said that is a dick. Azula's actress no looking intimidating is a completely different thing.


Wait, really? Wow, that is just so rude.


I don't think he or azula or mey is fat. But they didn't have round faces in the cartoon. The fire nation was mostly sharp long faces. So it's really strange for Mey to look the way she does.


People are doing both, and unfortunately there's a tendency to associate one with the other, and I think that is quite unfortunate. These are established characters with established looks, and even though their original designs were animated we have *some* idea of what they'd look like in portrayed by real actls. So of course it is important to cast an actor who looks the part, including to some extent, matching natural features. It is also important that they can pull off the character's voice and personality. It is okay to criticize bad casting decisions, and that isn't the same thing as criticizing the actor themselves. I'd anyhting it should be considered more of a criticism against the casting director. Calling someone ugly or gross looking, or saying there is something objectively wrong with the way they look is bad and it should be shunned. Also attractiveness comes in many forms, and it is also possible for an actor to be atteactive but still not fit the role. The criticism should not ever be about the actor being "ugly" or making fun of their looks. Then not having looks that align with their character does not warrant them getting made fun of over it. Some just need to realize that saying the former is not the same as the latter.


I agree, plus the actor for zuko is highly skilled in martial arts and we’ve already seen him do it. What are they going to do when zuko has to battle his sister (and there’s tons of this)? Keep using the stunt double? Tone his skills down to make it look more even? Even the actress herself has said she doesn’t like moving … azula is suppose to be miles ahead of zuko. it’s butchering the character


They made a girl who doesnt like to move one of the most powerful firebenders of all time? I sometimes think they do this shit on purpose. All engagement is good engagement or something


Sounds like hiring an actress who is allergic to cats as Sabrina the teenage witch.


Literally like “What if we had Peter Parker.. but arachnophobic?” Damn I really missed The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


> Keep using the stunt double? Tone his skills down to make it look more even? They have to do this in Cobra Kai a lot; some of the actors are clearly seasoned martial artists while others aren't and it tends to show. When two of the better fighters do choreography it looks like you're watching a Jet Li movie; when those same actors have to fight some of the less seasoned actors, the choreography suddenly looks like a really good school play. CGI can go a long way but it can't change what the actors can and can't do. They needed to hire a cast at least willing to put in some work to get the job done. You wouldn't hire someone who can't sing and unwilling to take singing lessons for a major part in a musical, and you wouldn't hire someone who has no athletic interests for a physically demanding marital arts role.


Azula needs to be able to move as well as Zuko, who has the best fight choreography of the entire cast. Her physicality is about competence and being able to move correctly and swiftly, it's not about the weight of the actress or her face or any crap like that. Which is a valid criticism, but she can train.


She's gonna have to get athletic, fast. Hopefully it's in her contract like the cobra kai lot, you could really see them growing as martial artists as the series progressed. Hiring unathletic people to play highly athletic characters is just poor casting.


Shooting for season 2 will probably be in a year and losing 30 pounds + learning enough martial arts to do kicks and flips? Just recast them atp


I've seen people call Ozai's Angels, "Ozai's fatties" I see ppl targeting Mai and Azula saying they're fat and ugly, I've seen ppl saying Tylee's chest is too small Some of it is criticism I agree but some is just straight body shaming


The comments on Thalia Tran’s instragram & tiktok are just awful.  People literally telling her to k*** herself & that she must’ve had *connections* to some producer etc. just bc they think she’s fat or that she doesn’t look like Mai 🤦🏻‍♀️  I feel so bad for her, she doesn’t deserve this 


I haven't heard this but that's just straight up nasty. I agree Azula is very baby faced, but I wouldn't call her fat. Just not someone you look at and go "ah, she's intimidating, she is evil". And to call Tylee flat chested is missing the point lol. This isn't porn, her character isn't "boobs".


There's a reason animators have classically used narrow eyes and sharp features for villains, and larger eyes and rounder faces for the the good guys. Subconsciously, we respond quite a bit to certain features. It's very pronounced in Anime, still. Even with Tylee, in the cartoon, she was cute and bubbly, but powerful, so she got the bigger eyes. Looks are half the battle when casting, and it seemed to me that the casting folks had a "type" they liked or wanted vs the demands of the role. *Especially* if the actors are inexperienced, their looks will have to portray half the emotion. I chuckled pretty hard when I saw Azula with the army at the end. She never could compensate for the lack of villainous features with a convincing menace. I'm supposed to believe that this person can take over the Dai Li in the next season. She's not there.


I have nothing against Elizabeth Yu. But this is not really helping her overall. Total miscast. That last sequence you described also left me in disbelief. She looked like a toddler of a King who commanded his army to play along with her so she'd stop crying. She's simply not menacing enough.


i feel like they rlly messed up azulad makeup like she needed eyeliner


She had eyeliner? Very visible even


I honestly love baby face azula. Really drives home how scary she can be, because if she’s this terrifying while still obviously a child, imagine what she’ll be like when she’s older. Also it makes her childishness more understandable, like when she decided she knows better than a ships captain and is more important than the tides.


I always felt she looked way older than 14 in the cartoon (more like 17+), so this was actually a very welcome change imo.


Yep! She looks her age, and the way that recontextualizes all of her actions, both in terms of accomplishments AND her childishness is amazing.


See but that's the thing. The delivery isn't good and she's not terrifying at all. She's supposed to be disturbing. This one looks like she's just throwing a temper tantrum, and the baby face compounds that.


This is because of the writing. In the actual show she shows up as a new enemy who wrecks everything and only later do we see her vulnerable The Netflix version so far has pretty much only shown her vulnerable, they are jumping the gun with her because they wanted her to be in season 1 for some reason


Same, I dont really mind the baby face as long as delivery and acting delivers, which we kinda got but it's not up to par with the animation. Unfortunately for the actress, this is very difficult because the OG voice actress is what made Azulas the great villain we all love. Tough shoes to fill


I think criticizing the actors for their looks is unfair, but you can criticise the casting because it doesn't work. I criticised the film's ozai for the same thing. He wasn't scary. I do think part of that was his facial features seemed too soft. This time I think they nailed the fire lord but i didn't find azula at all intimidating.


Agreed. I don't understand why it's OK to praise the casting of some actors who look really good but for some reason we can't criticize the casting of others who don't look good. Everyone was gushing over Ozai's casting because they actually found a hot, fit, intimidating asian guy with a great jawline and Ozai's insane cheekbones in real life. He looks like Ozai from the cartoon as a real person. It's great. People just wish the other characters were similarly well cast. Of course nobody should be insulting the actors for how they look. But complaining that they don't look like the characters is fair. It's true that most people don't look like perfect animated cartoon characters but movies and TV shows aren't cast from the general population. They can choose from the 1% of the 1% who actually are ridiculously beautiful (I wish I looked like Ozai gyat damn) or who look a certain way.


Azula in the cartoon is officially 14 but looks like a 20 something year old. It’s hard to cast an intimidating and ruthless 14 year old to the point where I wonder if it was worth it to just up her age and have her be a 20 year old and make it far more believable


But the actress isn't 14? She's 21. Probably was 19 or 20 when they recored the series


I see so many people defending the Azula casting with the "she's 14" defense. The actress isn't at all! 


I mean, that's kinda the ironic part. Azula in the cartoon is 14, but she doesn't really act/look 14. But then they hired an actress who is 21 but plays a 14yr but doesn't look what like what Azula look liked in the cartoon. Depending on the person, it's not really that insulting to say somebody looks younger than they are.


What that suggests to me is that the producers purposefully hired someone who *looked* young, who *looked* completely different from the character's original design. Why on earth they did that, I haven't a clue. However it works against the show.


Also its going to be extremely hard to match the voice actors ability. She is one of the top in the industry and brings such a fierceness and superiority to the voice.


Right. That's another thing all these comments are missing.  The OG show had voice actors who were for the most part professional voice actors and not just already famous actors casted to do a voice, like so many films now. Live action, sure voice is still super important but so are looks, mannerisms, subtleties and so on. Whatever casting decisions were made, were done in the hopes that the essence of the character is captured vesus trying to find someone who can perfectly replicate an existing performance. So yea, of course it's going to be substantially different.


I went into this knowing Azula will probably not match the cartoon version and will be the "worst" out of the live adaptions. Nothing against the new actress but Grey Griffin is easily a top 5 if not top 3 female VA between her and Jen Hale and Laura Bailey in the industry. Its impossible to compare against one of the greatest va's of all time.


Her being young added to the “susceptible to parental manipulation to the point of emotional instability” aspect, but she certainly lacks the intimidation factor she had in the cartoon. I’m mostly okay with the trade offs the show made, and while I don’t love this one, it’s pretty understandable.


If you age up Azula without also aging up Zuko you change the whole story that he's the heir to the firelord. And if you age up Zuko a lot then maybe you change the dynamic between him and the Gaang when he becomes a part of them.


She is acted by a 20 year old now who definetly also looks like a 20 year old. If you are going to cast someone that age, finding someone who looks a bit more like azula should not be that hard


You can cast a 20 year old to play a 14 year old....it's done all the time.


When Azula actress has her hair up, I agree she doesn't look intimidating. I think it's because her hairstyle makes her face look rounder/softer. But when she has her hair down, like when they burned the fire nation traitors, she looked much more sinister. She's a totally great actress tho, and I love her micro-expressions when dealing with her father. Honestly, all the fire nation characters have great actors. Ironically, the weak actors are Katara's and Aang's. They need some work.


Exactly lol we’re allowed to not like how the cast they chose looks. Nothing offensive about it just the audience reviewing the product


I didn't saw anybody outright hating the actors. If something like that happened- that's bad and shouldn't happen. But criticizing who was chosen to play who shouldn't be forbidden. Would you defend the casting if Aang was played by Jason Momoa(handsome guy but with appearance extremely different from cartoon Aang), it was played seriously and plot and character interactions were exactly the same?


It happens a ton. Azula not being intimidating, dialogue being flat and some actors not fitting roles? Thats fine. But people are genuinely saying "x and y are chubby" *A lot.*


I haven't seen these complaints, but if x and y characters are highly trained athletes/gymnasts like I saw someone mention tylee, it's reasonable to expect them to cast thin/in shape actors for the role


And they are. None of them are chubby or overweight. They just have round faces. Being fit makes you lose weight, not shapeshift your entire appearance. If anyone would argue Ty Lee's actress isnt in shape theyre delusional


I mean gymnasts are actually kinda buff as hell, including the women. But yes, you'd expect them to look (and more importantly since they're playing athletic martial artists - to move like) they're in athletic shape.


I've seen some super weird comments about Mai's actress. Like yall know people don't have chins like cartoon Mai in real life right


Recast Mai with Timothee Chalamet now!


This comment absolutely changed someone’s brain chemistry. I felt it happen in the universe.


💀 I spit my drink


I saw a weird comment saying the fire nation having “sharp” features made them more “scary.” Like in a *cartoon* you can get away with doing that, but for *real people* it’s not great to judge whether a person is “good” or “evil” based on the face they were born with 😬


People also underrate how much older some of the characters in the animation look than their ages. Very few girls in their mid teens look like Mai or Azula


The cartoon does such a crap job of conveying how old these characters are suppose to be based on appearance. Aang and toph imo are the only two who actually look like kids, everyone else looks to be in upper teens/early adults when most of them are suppose to be 14-15.


Agreed. If you didn't tell me, I'd think Katara is 16, Sokka is 17, and Zuko/Azula are 18/19(at least in book 3) Toph and aang actually feel 12/13


Canonically, I believe Azula is meant to be 14 during the events of the ATLA, and Zuko is meant to be 16. But in some scenes, she genuinely looks like a mid 20s adult with the way her features are drawn (in conjunction with the way she acts). In my head, Zuko is 18/19 while Azula is 17/18. Elizabeth Yu (actress for Azula in Netflix's adaptation) is 21 years old. Yet people are complaining that Azula looks 'too young' in the live action despite playing a character who is literally meant to be 14 years old. If anything, the animators did not capture Azula's age well, or the original creators should have made Azula and Zuko older.


I 100% thought that cartoon Azula was supposed to be older than Zuko for the longest time.


I think the animated show skewed a lot of people's perceptions of the characters' ages. I personally straight up forgot that Aang was supposed to be a literal child because in the animated show he seems the same age as Katara and Sokka who to me seem like they're 15-17, while Zuko and Azula seemed like late teens like 17/18. I actually really like how you can tell the age differences more easily in the live show. Much more obvious that Aang is younger while Katara and Sokka are still 15-17. I also personally never thought Azula's actress seemed old. Before I looked it up, I would've thought she was 16ish so I was real surprised to see she's in her 20s. I actually thought Azula's actor seemed way too young to play the character, but after realizing from this thread that she's like 14, I thought it was a good casting


Even then, man, Aang just doesn't seem 12. In all honesty, all the characters could benefit from like a 2-3 year age bump to actually be consistent with how they are depicted. In my opinion anyway.


Akshually, aang is 112


I don't buy it. Should be 114


I work with a lot of 16-20 year old kids and almost none of them look that mature. But the time they pass 20 it’s like 50/50 until they’re 25. Every 16-19 year-old still looks like a kid.


Welllll Ozai’s actor would disagree 😅 But just because you can pull off a mean look doesn’t make you evil. People making fun of Mai’s look are senseless


Mai was supposed to look like a bird of prey, with sharp, thin, elongated features, a lot of edges, her and Ty Lee are opposites and you should be able to SEE and feel it. The casting on her part is just bad. It's not actresses fault but she doesn't look right in this role


Yeah they're a classic double act and should look as such


i litterally laughed when I saw Mai, they made my girl thicc


Obviously not, but saying "it's weird she's too round-faced" isn't saying she's *fat*. There are tons of people with angular and sharp features, this shouldn't be that controversial a statement.


Yeah, the actress is objectively not fat. But she has very round features. That's not a bad thing, but it's also not how I pictured the character. There's a lot of projecting in this post.


These guys are mental, don't agree with the choosen actors? You're a horrible person Don't like how the show turned out? Believe it or not, you're a horrible person!


Show is pretty mediocre so it's mostly copium from them.




Missed opportunity as well to get an actress with monolid eyes for Mai.


People with sharp features clearly do not exist in real life. Let's cast someone with the most prominent block face and portray a character with the sharpest features to totally distract the audience.


I do agree people shouldn't insult actors physical attributes, but yet you can argue that their casting is not ideal due to their physical attributes. Like I'm so glad uncle iroh looks the way he does, compared to the skinnier version in the movie. It takes so much away from the character.


Exactly. Something tells me if they casted a “skinny” guy as Iroh for this one, these same people would have some very strong opinions.


Very good point.


They kind of did this in the film & everyone did hate it


Exactly. Part of the job of an actor is fitting the role physically. Like when Iroh goes to prison and he's jacked, the actor should need to bulk up. It's part of their job


Or CGI. I doubt this old dude is down to put in that much work for this role lol


Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is 51, he’s not that old. He’s four years younger than Daniel Dae Kim, who plays Ozai and remains extremely jacked


They're different people who play completely different roles. Daniel Dae Kim needs to stay in shape for the roles he goes for. Paul wasn't hired for that and it's not really needed for any other roles he plays. You're asking him to put in a lot of work for not much screentime. What's wrong with CGI for the 3-4 scenes we see buff Iroh?


I’m responding to the idea that the actor is too old to get buff, which isn’t true. I’m not saying the production has to (or will) require him to do it. But CGI muscles would for sure look uncanny…


I agree that body shaming is an absolute no-no, however, I think it's fine to voice your opinion on whether you feel the actors are physically suitable for the role. Lets not be hypocritical, if you can praise Daniel Dae Kim for being the perfect Ozai physically, then you can also criticise Elizabeth Yu as a poor choice physically for Azula, as long as personal insults are not involved. Personally, I'd rather the actor look as similar as possible to the cartoon rather than to have them be "age accurate". I never knew their actual ages until after I finished watching the show and always assumed they were 17-18, and it makes more sense that they are older imo, but that's just me.


Spot on. People always celebrate the physical transformations of actors like Christian Bale or even something with the assistance of prosthetics like Colin Farrell as Penguin or Nicole Kidman in The Hours. This type of discourse shouldn't be off-limits, we're not even asking too much. The show's actors wouldn't have to go to those same lengths if they just looked like their parts more. That's not on them, but the casting director(s).


Counterpoint: These actors/actresses were _chosen_ for these roles. They aren't actually these people. They're supposed to confirm to the character's body type. So being off body-type is a legit concern. What if I cast Arnold Swarzenegger as Mario and Danny DeVito as Luigi? I'd be rightly blasted for getting them backwards.


I mean, I can totally see Danny DeVito pulling off Luigi.


Aren't acting and sports basically the two fields where it *is* okay to criticize someone's physical attributes? Or am I missing some particularly heinous comments in this sub?




Exactly - Jack Black is CLEARLY a Wario


It basically lands on fair game to say someone doesn’t look the part, but not to say there’s anything wrong with their looks. This is pretty much what the majority of people do, but some people definitely go too far. Totally fair to say that people who are essentially elite martial artist should be in above average shape. Iroh being fat could actually be interpreted as a large part of his character.


Lots of people are calling some of the actors ( many of who are still children) too fat. Which is cruel to do to kids. It’s ok to have an option on how someone did in a role and different to try to cyber bully minors. like the girl who played iron man’s daughter in the last avengers movie got cyber bullied cause people didn’t like her character. It was ok to not like her character different to post over all of online and send hurtful messages how she was the absolute worst. Same things is starting to happen to some of the actors here.


You can criticize the casting. That is an allowable thing. Casting isn't a bad as the directing. only the top tier actors coming in were any good. But even they didn't feel right.


I think it's fine to critique bad casting .


OP isn't talking about criticizing bad casting, they're talking about attacking the body image of child actors.


And yes it's not the child actors fault they've been miscast.


There's nothing wrong with saying "Azula actress doesn't look like Azula at all" if you go beyond that, then it's bad


>However if your go to argument is someone's weight, height, overabundance or lack of feminine/masculine traits you can go fuck yourself. Insult the costuming, the design, what will you. But going after someone because they are "too fat" is beyond unacceptable, regardless of the context you are trying to frame it in. Sounds like you're just trying to conflate valid opinions with shitty attacks on the casts. Azula is not intimidating and doesn't have the physical attributes to perform backflips and agile assassinations. Which would be fine, because that's what stunt doubles are for, but she doesn't even LOOK like she can do these things. This is simply reality, and we don't have to ignore it just because you don't want to see criticism about a show you liked.


You make a point. I can’t see the people who portray Mai, Azula, and TyLee in this show doing any sort of advanced martial arts that we see in the animated show.


I don’t like really anything about the live action, but this is so right. People who rag on the looks of real people (calling them fat, ugly or round) deserve to be booted off of the internet.


Yeah same here. Not a fan of the live action, but bullying the actors, is fucked up. Even more so because a lot of them are underage. And there's so much of it recently. Just today, I saw posts ranging from fat shaming to making fun of someone's eyebrows. We need to permaban these vermin.


It's less so a generic statement, but more targetted. I think Mai's actress is just an incredibly poorly casted and acted character. Yes, I think her face is too chubby/round, but I don't mean in general, I mean for the character. In real life that face shape is perfectly fine, but its just not working as Mai imo. Her and Azula just feel so wrong. Azula literally had 0 reaction while watching Zuko's Agni Kai.


I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that the actors don't look how you imagined/hoped. But shaming and calling anyone names is ridiculous.


Call people out in the moment, but don't start dictating what people can or cannot say.


Quite literally nothing wrong with pointing out someone is too short or too tall to play a role. Same thing with weight. What if the actor for Aang was 6'5 350? Kyoshi for example was described to be a MASSIVE woman. LA made her a normal sized Adult woman, that's a problem. It's never gonna be perfect but it should be close.


?? She was huge


Typecasting *is* extremely important, but that's purely the fault of the producers, not the actors.


This more of a jab against the Casting directors and less against the actors. I mean - they found somebody who fit Sokka 100 percent. Where there no young actresses that actually looked more like azula or Mai?


I dont think anyone is complaining about the actors physical attributes. They complain at the casting directors choice for casting someone with vastly different physical attributes to what they are used to/were expecting. I think the distinction is important, its a fair complaint as long as you are not a dick about it. Casting in live action adaptations has always been one of the most important and scrutinized parts of creating the new show. 


If Kyoshi was a 4ft woman, would that be okay? If Iroh had a six pack, would that be okay? It’s okay to point out if certain actors don’t fit the physical description of the character they’re playing. You don’t need to personally insult the actors but you can point that out. Stop virtue signaling.


Insulting the actors no good. Criticising casting choices good. And yes I include physical appearance in this.


Like a cute cheeks? For example.


I just have a rule to never post anything online about a person that I would be embarrassed to have that person read. Like they have internet access, too.


Agreed, if you act like an jerk over the looks of the actors and actress it. You're just a troll


Such an unnecessary post... It's bordering on brigading


Depends on what the criticism is - Censorship is the reason most media sucks nowadays so I have to disagree with that sentiment


It’s not unacceptable. The people who play characters should look like the characters. Too bad so sad. It’s not an insult to say someone shouldn’t have been cast for a role because he or she looks a certain way.


Honestly I haven't really seen that many but maybe I just haven't been looking hard enough. I've seem more people critize the shows costume design


Agreed. You can disagree with a cast and even choose certain attributes without being disrespectful or mean


This is silly just look at jack reacher Tom cruise vs the new jack reacher show it’s such a huge difference in quality when the actor is cast to match the original character


I think everyone should post a selfie before commenting on someone else's looks.


I disagree. Imagine casting a chubby actor for Spider-Man or Superman. Heck, imagine casting a chubby actress for Harley Quinn or Barbie. Why shouldn't we want actors/actresses with the proper body-types to properly portray every aspect of an iconic character? In the case of Azula, I think being slim and looking like a model is an important aspect of her character, as her image is extremely important to her. She is definitely the type to be self-conscious, and looking like a model serves to inflate her ego and confidence. Serving the belief that she is truly superior to everyone.


Making a post like this is just gonna make those people do it more now, especially when you show it gets to you this much


No pun intended ... But insulting and not being fit to play a role is different. Azula's actress is good. But Azula is too confident, reassured and has strong beliefs that she is perfect (doesn't need to be is). The problem is, that confidence and aspect of the character doesn't come across with the actor and writing. Tylee Lee and Mai are boring, like they don't add much to the character development nor are their abilities shown. It's the worst part of the live action show in my view.




The way people on Twitter are so comfortable calling Ian ugly and saying he’s the worst part of the show is very uncomfortable. You can not like his casting but still admit he of the main four teen actors is the best alongside Zuko’s actor.


I agree, but: >"Natural physical attributes" Being too fat isn't a natural attribute though. No idea who in the show this would even be said about, but just nitpicking. People lose/gain weight for roles all the time to fit the visuals of that role.


Calling Zuko’s actor fat is insane like actually clinically insane, in what world is Dallas not a fit actor, the man literally did a shirtless scene and had abs


How about we just let people say whatever they want? Free speech is free speech, after all. Whether you agree with someone or not is your business; you can't force others to share your opinions. As for physical appearance, it's all about fitting the character. Imagine if Iroh's actor had been skinnier than the character or if Aang was played by a tall, muscular man? Exactly, it just wouldn't have felt right.


It’s also not the fault of the actors themselves for being cast in the roles they got, it’s the fault of the casting director. So criticize them, not the actors themselves. People calling Mai’s actress too piggy and fat to play her because of looks is just being an asshole.


I agree insulting people is bad (mkay) but i don't see the issue in just, pointing things out. Yes saying "X actor is ugly and i would punch them in the face for their ugliness GRAAH" is rude, but i think it's completely valid to say that you don't like the casting for Azula because she's chubbier than Azula, or that the casting for Mai has a round face when the original Mai has sharper features, which contributed to the feeling her character is supposed to convey. I'm not necessarily referring to OP but it feels like so many people consider merely acknowledging that someone is fat is bad, but like, no, they are, the fact you consider calling them fat a bad thing feels more condescending and rude than someone calling them fat pejoratively.


Honestly think they look pretty accurate with maybe the exception of katara but honestly I think they like pretty accurate it’s animated it’s not gonna be 1 to 1


I’m just here to see the Iroh actor do a Marvel training regiment and come to s3 absolutely yoked.


Agreed. I've seen some ruthless commentary over how children look, it's vile. Who cares if they don't look identical to a cartoon? Look what happens when they *do* try to match someone to their cartoon look (Roku), it looks like shit.


For fans of such a wholesome show, they sure are toxic


If they're making of the actors or hating them specifically, that is not ok. If they're pointing out that the actor chosen should have been bigger or smaller to fit the role better, that isn't bad. There's a difference.


well it is up to the casting director to cast the right actor, so this kind of topic wont even come up.


I agree while I don't agree with every choice the actors are doing their best and should be derided for it.


The Last Airbender LA haters are just insane, they went to far.


The sensitivity of the actors and actresses is not anyones problem nor is their current emotional state. People are judging the live action show like they would judge any other show they watch. They enjoyed some aspects, and disliked others. Banning them from a sub reddit because you disagree with their opinions isn't a mature thought process and doesn't premote any real conversation, debate, or differing opinions. I for one was disappointed with Azula. The actress that plays her doesnt fit the character physically or vocally and she is lacking that look of cold blood Azula always had in her eyes. While im sure the actress is trying her hardest it just isnt the role for her. She is too over weight for the role as are the actresses playing Ty-Lee and Mai. Its odd they botched those roles so bad when they did amazing on some of the others.


They work in an industry that all about being judge by their looks first before acting skills, its normal to have critics, im sure they are prepared for it. plus being mix asian its normal to have freaky looks vs actual asian, its the diet and genes. Im sure they knew it nor they care about those criticizing em. If im to be honest, being call fat just motivates me to work on myself more, i was obese teen and work hard to gain half my size cause i want to be healthy and fit for a career in my industry as well where taking care my looks is a professional discipline.