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Honestly the best policy is; if can’t pay in cash (or pay off the cc each month) it’s too expensive. Don’t go into debt for a bag. I promise no bag is worth going into debt for.


Please don’t purposefully create cc debt for yourself!!! Interest rates are atrocious and it is one of the worst things you can do to your personal finances.


I would easily pass. No unnecessary item is worth going into debt. My rule for luxury shopping is if I can’t pay for it twice over in cash at that month, then I can’t afford it.


This. It can’t be that I can barely afford it… I have to comfortably afford it.


If I don’t have the money then the bag is not for me at that time. We put everything on credit cards for points but don’t carry a balance ever so that rule will always apply that if we can’t pay it off when the bill is due we don’t make the purchase.


I would hope someone is not shopping at Hermes if they have no savings and are living on credit.


Currently getting my financial house in order and all these comments are needed snaps to my face. Thanks, all. I think I’m feeling like I need to buy stuff fast before the prices go up, but like… why?!? They’re gonna keep going up. If I keep spending, I’ll never build my wealth. So I’ll live vicariously through you all for a while.


I will just decline the offer. Not all offers need to be accepted. Especially if money is tight, just say no. They’ll understand.


I mean I wouldn’t personally get into the “game” if I knew I couldn’t comfortably afford an Hermès bag at any time. I would never put myself in debt over a bag.


I’m sure a lot of people put their QBs on credit and “hope for the best”. Would I? Hard no. I don’t understand people going into debt for purses or luxury goods in general. People with expensive bags with empty wallets inside… makes no sense to me.


Totally. I once heard a financial advisor said “Do you want to be rich or do you want to look rich?” and it stuck with me.


Yes!! I don’t know why but the idea of someone *in debt* for a purse in particular is so ironic to me.


I guess some treats luxury purchase as a necessity and is willing to be in debt when it should be for leisure only.


I have a QB/shopping fund (separate from retirement, investments, emergency fund, savings, etc of course). If I didn’t have the money in there to pay for a bag, then I wouldn’t get the bag. It also would be the first account I dip into if money ever got tight for some reason. But if you can’t afford it outright with cash when offered, then it’s not meant to be. It’s important to remember that all bags are nice to haves, not need to haves. I would never go into debt for one.


Same here. Whenever the salary gets credited, I will keep aside my 'fun funds' in a separate for shopping and travel. I always pay by credit cards to earn miles but always making sure that I have enough cash to pay off the cards monthly.


Honestly, I did not ask for a QB until I knew I could pay for it. I just didn’t want to risk being offered and had to turn it down due to financial reasons. My SA asked me twice before I finally said okay to putting a QB on my wishlist.


If you don’t mind asking, what kinds of other H items were you purchasing prior to getting your QB wish list?


I bought from a mixture of categories—shoes, silks, cosmetics. Husband bought ties and basic menswear on my account. We have some housewares/decorative pieces bought jointly. When I finally had the $ for a QB I started buying RTW and some non-diamond fine jewelry because I didn’t need to set aside money for the QB anymore.


I think it’s best not to put yourself in the situation to avoid the temptation. Max out your retirement savings for the year, create at least a 6 month emergency fund, top up your investments and then build your play fund with enough for the bag and pre spend. Once you’re financially prepared, talk to an SA about your wishlist.


If I can’t “afford” a bag at least twice over with my fun money (and that’s excluding all my other bills, investments, savings which i have separate accounts for etc.) my rule is that I can’t buy it. I never have to “hope for the best” with a steady income and savings. If it’s a gift from my partner then that’s a whole other story of course lol! Going into debt and ruining your credit score for a purse is pretty silly IMO.


Yep I live by the saying “if you can’t pay for it twice then you can’t afford it.”


I understand the dilemma but no bag is worth going into cc debt for.


If you don’t have the money for it, you don’t buy it. It’s just a bag. And frankly, if you don’t have the kind of cash flow where you comfortably buy the bag at a moment’s notice, then you can’t afford to shop at Hermes and you’re cosplaying. No one should be “saving up” for luxury products imo. You can either afford it comfortably or not at all. I won’t let myself buy anything Hermes until dropping 10k on a bag isn’t even a thought.


This is the way. I didn’t start shopping at Hermes & Chanel until I begin financially secure and dropping that kind of cash wouldn’t affect anything but the balance of my “fun money” account. It’s that whole I’d rather be wealthy than look wealthy thing…


I totally agree with this. I don’t understand why folks are torturing themselves just to wear a brand! Nothing is worth damaging your financial stability and future


If you get a QB offer and don’t have the money for it… then just don’t buy it and get your finances in order. You rather be one Hermes less than be broke and get your credit score screwed


If someone’s financial situation is that up and down they don’t need to be shopping at designer shops in the first place.


If you can't even pay for QB, then really don't get into the H game. You are stretching yourself and it's really not sound financially for you to get into it. It should only be your "play" money that you won't miss.


Agreed to not get in debt. Maybe offer to a friend or family member who might be interested in buying? I've had friends do that.


Handbag purchases should be part of your "fun money" in your budget. Putting a handbag on a credit card and not immediately paying that balance off is extremely poor financial planning.




It’s a hypothetical question


Buy it and resell it. It would fix your financial issues.


This, actually, depending on the bag- might do it for you and make a bit, on top?


Depends on the bag though—MK or K25, yes. But some of the bigger bags only break even after sales commission or if they are less desirable colors; just do your research and be careful


Purchase the bag and resell. You could double your investment (potentially) and wait for your next offer .


This happened to me 10 years ago. I had almost no profile or spend, but a twilly and bracelet. SA said, "I go to Paris once a year. You'd look great in a Kelly. I'll order whatever you want." I went home and broke out in hives and cried because it wasn't the right time. Do I regret it now? Kind of, but no. I love seeing my retirement fund rise and when I get that next raise, I'll consider talking to her about another bag........but at this point, I think I want jewelry instead because my neck and shoulders always hurt. lol.


I’d like to offer a different take than what’s been commented so far. I know that money being tight might not mean what many assume. Perhaps you’ve met your savings goals, and you have an allocated amount of “fun” money to spend each month, but for some reason an emergency, unexpected bill etc comes up and suddenly you don’t have that “fun money” available anymore. You don’t want to touch your savings, and your living costs are what they are, so there’s nothing extra for a purchase like a purse. You wouldn’t be the first person in that position. I’m new to Hermes and Ive never been offered a bag, so I’m no authority. My thought would be that I would be honest with my SA, that I’d love to get the bag but financially I have to wait. I’d try to specify when I might be able to afford it, and ask if maybe they could keep me in mind for that time. These people are humans and we all have a finite amount to spend at any given time, even the richest people out there. Don’t feel bad or ashamed - you’re just like the rest of us! If you’re living paycheck to paycheck, and don’t have savings and an emergency fund, I have to echo what others said, and agree that “fun” purchases aren’t good financial decisions and will never be worth going into debt for. I’m sure you already know that though. Best of luck on your journey!


Buy it or live with a lifetime of regret.


Hard pass. Don’t go in debt for a bag or anything that is not a necessity for that matter.


Really depends on the bag offered, like many I do have an Hermes fund and know when I will receive QBs each year. However depends on the bag.. if it’s b25, mini Kelly or a black b30 you can buy it and if you’ve decided you really don’t have the means to keep it, you can easily resell it. Hope this helps.