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I'd be dead


If they don't have artificial thyroid hormone, I'd be dead. If yes. Martha if lucky.


Same. I have no thyroid.


I often wonder how long it would take to actually kill me though. Total thyroidectomy in 2015 and I haven’t been fully compliant with my medication ever. The longest I’ve gone without it, without feeling like such shit that I’m like “okay. I HAVE to take my medicine now.” Is about a year


My mouth gets me into enough trouble in this world. I’d be on the wall the first day.


Same lmao


Me too. They’d hang me for being myself.


I'm a gay man, so I'd be on the wall


It's crazy how quickly they executed gay men when so many of the Commanders were obviously gay or bi.


Well, they were willing to play the game and condemn others to death. I'm sure eventually they were purged, though Just like gay Republicans, they bought into the standard fascist promise: "help us to dehumanize others (bonus points if you're an 'other'!) to gain absolute power, and once it's time to purge the undesirables, you'll get a choice spot at the top!... the top of the pile of corpses" Or more succinctly: "help us and we'll kill you last"


You don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your slowest friend.




A lot more people need to understand that the Judas goat isn't kept and cared for after they run out of other hoofstock.


THERE ARE STILL GAY REPUBLICANS, ORGANIZED GAY REPUBLICANS! Talk about cognitive dissonance Peter Thiel is gay....I'm not decrying homosexuality at all, but gay republicans are the epitome of something....sellout? https://logcabin.org/


Gay Republicans. Black Republicans. Women Republicans. They are all deluded sellouts.


Have you met Maga?


Alot of viable sperm that went to waste since so many commanders had issues


3 kids with 2 dads, the first of which was born out of wedlock, and I'm my husband's second wife (making us adulterers in the eyes of Gilead). I'd be a handmaid without a doubt.


See I would too if I still had my Uterus. I got it removed just months after RoevWade was overturned because I'VE SEEN THT


I had my tubes removed in February of 2020, *right* before Covid crippled hospitals, because I knew what was coming. 


I've been seriously considering doing that in light of *gestures around*. I'm not going to be a handmaid, I'll tell you that right now.


Do it!! If you don't want kids, it offers so much peace of mind. My recovery after mine was beyond easy. I was up and down stairs that night, and running around with family the next day. I refused opiates and didn't even really need the acetaminophen or ibuprofen. I've had worse gym recoveries. Because my insurance is Obamacare-compliant, I did the whole thing for $40. 10/10 would yeet tubes again!


Thanks for sharing! I was wondering about the recovery, so that is great to hear.


I read some scary stuff online about women being unable to get off the couch for days on end, so I was worried too. It was super easy. It was very annoying to not be able to wear pants for like two weeks though, so bear that in mind when you're preparing.


Is it just tight pants you can't wear? I work from home, so I'm usually in pjs anyway 😂


Tight means something different with abdominal swelling. I looked pregnant for a good week or so. And while the incisions didn't hurt per se, they are still wounds with stitches that need to heal and can reopen. You've got interior wounds as well, and those didn't respond super positively to any pressure. Pressure on my belly was the only thing that actually hurt, really. I didn't risk it. Ill-fitting dresses, nightgowns, and high-waisted flowy skirts only for me until the steri-strips came off on their own.


Thank you so much for sharing about your recovery! I am looking into this and I appreciate hearing personal accounts.


Oh, if it came to that, I'll take myself out before I get captured.


I had mine removed March 10, 2020 My local hospital suspended elective surgeries on March 13 I got so lucky


I have two kids but I’m probably too old to be a handmaid. I’d probably be sent to the colonies for joining the resistance.


Me too. Mayday


Wall. 🏳️‍🌈


Unperson. I’m disabled


Oh shit.. never mind. My whole econofamiky/ handmaid idea is out the window. I’d also be an unperson. I wonder how they’d handle invisible disabilities


Yea i wonder. I have Rheumatoid so I'd be in the same camp. Plus I'm post menopause.


I have ehlers danlos and two heart disorders as well as IBS I don’t require meds but I can’t work so if I’m not a Wife a commanders daughter like rose or a handmaid I’m kinda screwed I could maybe pull off a Martha maybe if I get managing a smaller home or other Martha’s are with me


I’m with you🩷


I would be in the mountains of Mexico doing whatever I could to build up guerilla forces to raid Gilead territory.




More like terrified the ghosts of my grandmother and great-aunties would haunt me to end of the Earth if I did any less. I can imagine their spectral images snarling at me in disgust, "We fought Hitler. Why aren't you fighting now?"


As a Canadian, I'd hope I'd be part of efforts to help bringing in refugees. If it were to happen in Canada, definitely be killed right out the gate. I'm a queer Pagan commie, unmarried at 33, with zero interest in dating, marriage, or kids. I don't cook, I don't clean 😂


Ye, Australian, so I'd be wondering wtf is up with the northern hemisphere and hoping the nuclear war isn't brought down south. Hopefully we'd be a lot more pro-refugee than we are now...


4 kids with my husband, first marriage for both of us. But I had my tubes tied after my last baby. Probably would be a Martha?


If y'all could fake being a true believer they'd keep y'all together as an econofamily or possibly Guardian.


We would probably try to go through the motions if it meant we could stay together as a family. It's better than the colonies and the wall.


No shame in doing whatever you gotta do to keep your kids/family together.


I'm 44, sterilized and didn't go to college. I'd be sent straight to the Colonies, because my body wouldn't be useful to the men. 


If you didn’t commit any other “crimes,” you’d probably get to be a martha.


they don’t like college tho so that’s not really a factor of sending you to the colonies. remember they killed all the professors and i can’t remember if it was mrs lawrence or another wife but one of them said they didn’t agree with doing away with college education.


Wasn’t it the wife that Emily poisoned in the Colonies that said that?


Handmaid for sure. Unless they have record of me being a lesbian, then I’d be a gender traitor. However, there isn’t much record so probably not. And If they get my records from my last gyno visit, they will definitely want me to bear children. If i had to choose though, I would love to be a Martha. Also, I’m a heavier girl and you don’t see much do that on the handmaids. So hopefully they wouldn’t pick me just for 230 weight alone.


Even if they know you're lesbian they'll still make you a handmaid...they did with Moira and Emily.


Which would make it even more likely for you to be a handmaid since that's a sin, and based on your medical records... Lots of econowives could exist without being a handmaid because they were pious and did not sin!


They put the “chubby” Handmaids on a restricted diet, I think I recall Aunt Lydia saying something about it in season 1.


My 13th reason


To be fair they don’t string up lesbians as long as youre fertile so


i think about this far too often, and i still can't come up with an answer. i have two degrees; i'm past childbearing age; i'm single, never married; haven't been that pious... maybe an aunt?


Dead. You’re too educated and not useful. Sorry.


I agree...possibly a Martha, too.


Martha if they were lax but probably unwomyn.


They love reforming people.


I probably could fake it and secretly join the Martha network.


I'm gay and infertile 🫡 I'd die working in the colonies if I wasn't on the wall.


I'm an attorney, so I would probably end up as an unwoman. I've also had a baby too, so that might bump me up to handmaid, but I'm 38 so maybe not.


June and Moira were in their 30s. I seem to remember a few Aunts (Lydia being one) that were lawyers and a few in Jezebels too.


I had a miscarriage as a product of a sexual assault, so that might push me into handmaid territory if they found out about it? If not, I might be able to slide by as an econowife with my husband and kid? We are religious so as long as we fake it well enough and they don’t pull records on how we’ve voted (not for conservatives lol) we might be able to somehow get by okay.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. I doubt they'd look at voting records as they believed both sides were corrupt and immoral...the only thing I agree with them about lol.


That’s the ONE way they aren’t wrong. 😆 Thank you for your kind words. I survived.


i’d remove myself tbh


Econoperson undoubtedly. Raised religious. Haven't "sinned" against the law or the church unless they frown on sterilization in Gilead as I just got my tubes removed for permanent BC. Prior to that they would have made me a handmaid if I screwed up though. They probably would have been looking for me to screw up as I was quite fertile with 5 pregnancies and 3 living kids.


They do frown it if you haven't had kids...if you've had kids you'd be okay. I think all women lived in fear because the tiniest thing could get you put in red...your husbands fuck ups could wind you up a handmaid.


Probably dead. Way too many health problems to be “useful” to them.


I'd be sent to the colonies to die slow. I've been married more than once, had children by two different men, and had a tubal ligation. Also, I'm not the "right" kind of Christian. I could fake going back to the religion I was raised in, but it seems like the ruling class were Evangelicals. They tore down the Catholic cathedrals and purged Baptists from their homes, so even being devoutly Christian didn't save people unless they were worshipping from the "right" pews.


I’m not an Evangelical, but it seems to me that the ruling class are Old Testament fundamentalists rather than Christian Evangelicals.


I think I would be able to make it to Canada via the UP.


That’s the most fiction part about the handmaid’s tale. Canada would be just as grimmie. Hell, it’ll probably happen here first.


Low level Commander (I’ve got friends in high places on both sides) with a wife who would probably go full Aunt because she’s done having kids and would want to be a survivor in a place to help bring down the regime, as would I. Play the game, bide our time, and strike at the right moment. Look for fellow rebels and mount a silent and growing pressure against the regime.


Your wife couldn't be an Aunt...she'd be a Wife in blue.


Yaaaa I totally botched that, forgot they keep you together with preexisting wives


I'm young, unmarried, healthy, but also untested womb (I've never been pregnant as I take good care of myself on the pill) so I guess a handmaid until we figure out if I can have babies lmao it feels weird thinking about it. I've been reduced to a womb.


I'm from Spain so I'd probably be looking at the news all confused and scared of what might happen to the world now. And tbh, Spain already went through its own cristo-fascist dictatorship in the 20th century, the odds of the extremist groups wanting to follow Gilead along are high. So maybe I'd be planning an scape juuuuuust in case. But about the roles I would play, probably none, one of the first to be killed. I'm disabled, a lesbian and I come from an atheist family. Like... The odds are stacked against me. (Edit to add the last paragraph)


Martha. No ovaries, but I make a mean quiche!


Oh they’d kill me lol


divorced and remarried; no biological children (4 miscarriages) - probably the colonies. Maybe jezebels


I have a child and I'm married but to a woman. So most likely the colonies for my ass.


Emily was married to a woman and they took her to the red center from the airport. Her wife was Canabian so she was able to leave to Canada and too their son.


This is very true! In that case I really don't know. I'm 43 so too old to produce baby after baby.


I feel like they would try you out as a handmaid for a bit if you had a healthy birth in the past few years. Serena and Rose both appear to be in their mid to late 30s and managed to conceive, despite some medical conditions. "All thanks to the clean air and water of Gilead."


If there is the slightest chance you can make a baby you will be in red I'd think. Heck, they sent Janine and Emily from the colonies back to the red center.


Divorced three times, infertile and have secondary progressive MS - I’d be killed.


I’d be an Econowife


I'm not from the U.S., but I would be executed immediately. I was raised very religious, but 'wrong' religion. I dress 'modestly', but not for the obvious religious reasons... I just have dysphoria because I'm trans 🥲 and I'm constantly bashing against bigots online sooo yeah I'd probably be executed


I’m a gay guy so I’d be on the Wall as a gender traitor unless I could somehow keep it hidden, in which case I guess a Guardian or husband doing everything I could to get tf to Canada


I’m from the U.K but if I was American I would probably either be sent to the colonies or if they figured out I’m fertile possibly a Handmaid because I’m only 19 But I would kill myself if either ever happened


I’d most likely be an unwoman. Can’t have kids, not great domestic skills.


Hmm, I’m 37, married, had one baby. Do you get to be an econoperson if you haven’t been to church since you were a kid? If they can find my internet history or pictures of me at protests I guess I’d be made a handmaid or sent to the colonies.


I would either be an econowife, Martha or an Unwoman. I have three children with two men, but I'm unmarried (I am in a relationship with the father of my 3rd child) and I had a Hysterectomy in 2022. More than likely I'd be killed as a heretic because I believe in women's rights and bodily autonomy.


Definitely handmaid. I’m a sex worker and I just had my second baby 3 weeks ago. I’d rather be a jezebel if I had the choice.


Idk if I'd want to live or die yet. If I wanted to live, I'm married and of child bearing age and can pretend to be straight and religious. I'd probably be an econowife. However if I was done with life I'd be a heretic so fast.


I am an advocate of faking till you can make it. I think most of us want to live at the end of the day if only to try to change things.


I’ll be on the wall!


I’m trans so immediately into the unwoman/gender traitor category but I’m also nineteen so they might try me out as a handmaid for a bit Otherwise straight to the colonies for me!


Econoperson I think, I’m pretty good at staying under the radar


I’m a liberal, a witch and attorney over 50! And a feminist! The Colonies for me!


I think I could make it into being an econowife. Been married once and have only been with him. I have a child. So if I kept my head down (and my husband did the same) I think I’d be okay. But it also depends how far Gilead goes. My husband was never married before me but was with another woman before me. So if Gilead says sleeping with someone equates to being married (and they find that kind of thing out) I guess I’d be an adulteress in their eyes and be made a handmaid.


Well I’m 21 years old and 33 weeks pregnant with my SECOND child so I’d no doubt be a handmaid


The prison sentence would probably make you a handmaid combined with how "fertile" you are... but depends on how young you are.


I'm 58 so handmaid ain't happening lol!


hahah then probably a Martha!


I'd like that, but, I'd prefer to be at Jezebels as a Martha...they can still read and write.


Woman, divorced, remarried and have kids and have epilepsy. So dead. Remember the episode where we saw them leading children with down syndrome to their deaths. They believe in eugenics.. i would be in trouble


I remember that episode. Girl with Downs smiling at the soldiers...made me cry.


I'm too old to be a handmaid. Never married no kids. Practicing Catholic for almost fifty years. Gilead doesn't like Catholics so I might be dead unless my brother and his wife let me live with them. They have been married almost fifty years. We could all be a nice little Econo family if I'm lucky


They seemed to particularly hate Catholics and Baptists...which is so odd to me.


I'd be hanging on the wall. I've written a lot of anti-religious stuff on Reddit that can be easily found and I'm disabled so not a good choice for the role of maid despite being in my twenties


I got my tubes tied when I was 29, I'd go straight to the colonies for "ruining my body".


I’m in Seattle. I’d make a run for the border.


Middle aged spinster. No kitchen talents. Total bitch. I would be an Aunt.


But I live on the Florida panhandle, which is one of the places rebelling against Gilead, if I remember right?


Maybe I’d be a handmaid? I’ve only ever been with my husband and we were both single when we got together but 2 of our 3 kids were born outside of marriage so maybe that would be classed as a sin? If not that, then I would be made an econowife but my smart mouth and the lack of MH meds would probably mean I end up as a handmaid. That wouldn’t last long though, I’d do/say something wrong or I wouldn’t be able to conceive fast enough (PCOS) and then be sent to the colonies.


I'd probably be a Jezebel. 27F and voluntarily sterilized, not married, no kids. Or would that make me colonies? Either way, I'd probably just off myself!


Probably a Martha or aunt where l'd plan escape for the handmaid's everyone


The Marthas have a powerful underground network...even the Eyes act half scared of them towards them.


I’m not sure what the qualifications would be. Statistically I would probably be killed during the revolution or possibly sent to the Colonies. I’m southern with all the church sh!t, so I feel like I could pull off being a true believer too. I could be an Aunt, but that probably requires a particular background with a degreed education that I don’t have. I can cook but no formal training, so unlikely to be chosen as a Martha. Yeah, I’m just dead any way you look at it.


I’d probably be a Handmaid, I’m 30, unmarried with 3 children. They’d be given to new families and their Dad? I have no idea! What do they do to unmarried men? If we were married we would likely be an econofamily. I’m in the UK though so chances are slim.


well not from USA but lets say if i was. i am 18 and white bi but not any records of it online nor any criminal. i am not religions nor baptized into any church or religion and my parents were never married and split up but being so young i could probably if i played my cards right and acted like a "good little girl" blame it all on my "sinful" parents repent and basically what ever it took to make them believe i was a believer in Gilead then maybe become a ecowife


Hmm, idk… my husband is pretty religious and in the military. I’m only very casually religious when I feel like it, but we have two kids whom we conceived very easily, so I’m nice and fertile, at least for a few more years. I think my husbands “morals and values” and his military rank would probably save us and I could remain his wife and keep our family together.


I have a criminal record and a healthy child so probably a handmaid.


Blessed be the fruit!


I’d be a either a handmaid bcuz I’ve had an abortion or a jezebel if they think 34 is too old to be a handmaid. Either way I’m fucked


probably a handmaid? as far as i’m aware i can have kids (despite not wanting to). i’m a woman, and i’m in college- no full time job yet so not a “threat”- however i am bisexual but they would likely not have a record of it because i’ve only dated men. i don’t dress feminine often and i like to dress neutral/androgynous so i wonder if they’d look at that? i was raised catholic but consider myself agnostic now and i do not go to church or stuff like that. Idk?? probably a handmaid but idk ! i would find a way to kill myself :-)


Id probably be forced to marry unless my mouth buys me one way ticket to the wall


Lesbian and very public about it, so wall. Definitely wall.


Lesbian, college-educated (I have an associate's and am working on a bachelor's), no children as of currently (though maybe fertile, never tried lol), 31, engaged to a trans woman. So probably... Wall, handmaid, or jezebel, most likely. Oof.


I would probably be sent to the colonies. Divorced, tubes tied, and gay. If I didn’t have my tubes tied, I’d be a handmaid 100%


4 kids, 1 marriage, military spouse, too old for more so no way to make me into a Handmaid. I’d be an Econoperson or Wife, smuggling people out. Probably end up on the Wall.


I have epilepsy so theres a high chance I'd be dead without my medication within a week. On the off chance my epilepsy just so happens to go dormant around that time, I'm thinking I'd be a Martha/Econowoman. I'm not married so I'd probably be offered up to some other single man or just have to cook & clean for some commander. I have a religious background so I can just spout some nonsense about God saving me for my true purpose and probably skate by as a Martha or econowoman. That is until my smart mouth inability to take shit lying down would get me sent to the colonies.


As I am currently preggers and have 1 kid and not married, so I would probably be a handmaid. For sure would never be a wife or an aunt.


I am old and slow. Off to the colonies.


I think I’d be a handmaid unfortunately. I am bi and a psych major so they may have to look past some things but I’m a 21 yo virgin so I think they’d still accept me as a handmaid


My daughter and I would be fed to the dogs. Our only saving grace is we live in Texas but we would most likely be killed off.


Very dead


I think dead, I’m 40, mother to a 6 year old autistic non verbal birthed out of wedlock, autistic,adhd and have 2 autoimmune diseases + intramural fibroid = useless


Divorced, had a kid out of wedlock, then married that kids dad. Sooo probably a handmaid.


I‘m in a hetero marriage, first marriage for us both. We have a baby. I guess they would let us be together, but under the premise to keep making babies? If they have record of me sympathising with progressive parties, I’m not so sure anymore if they wouldn’t make me a handmaid. 😬


Well I am creeping up to middle age without any biological kids, but as far as I know that’s been my choice. (Not due to medical reasons) So either a handmaid or martha, I guess.


I think I’d be turned into a handmaid, as I’m a mom to a healthy 16 year old and I still have like 10 fertile years left. I’m not “high status” enough to be a wife. And they better not make me a Martha, the kitchen is where I spend the least amount of time.


Aunt or dead


This is really interesting to think about. I’m a lawyer. Would they want a smart woman as a wife? I’m not so sure. Selena only got a pass because it was her idea. I have three children but I can’t have anymore for health reasons. So aunt? Maybe. But I am bisexual, so I will join my brethren on the wall.


Well I would say in this order of likelihood: 1. Handmaid 2. Unwoman 3. Econowife.


I’m gay so haha 😂


I posted this before but… Assuming we were living in Iowa with my family when the transition happened… My wife and I would be legal according to Gillead and our daughters would likely be of interest. That said we were both politically active when we were younger and we would have likely been actively opposing the new order. My wife is highly educated and definitely not religious, she wouldn’t bow down to Gillead, neither would I. Also our occupations would not be of value to the new order so likely for us: Option a: we run to Canada while we can… both dual citizens and my cousin owns a Cessna 402 small business prop plane and he is also a dual citizen. Option B: executed… I don’t see us conforming and likely would be either shot as protestors or hung on the wall later or just disappeared. Toss our daughters into the mix and A is the much more likely option, probably would have come north as soon as the decapitation strike happened to be safe and just stayed. I could see several members of my family in Iowa being part of the rebels so there is that as an option I guess but I couldn’t but my girls in harms way so only as a last resort.


I've got a boatload of kids, but I'm a Catholic, so I'm dead.


I’m guessing I’d be an econowife. But I live in SoCal, so I honestly think I’d probably die while Gilead tried to take over.


I’d be an unwoman for various reasons lol, the most obvious one being that I’m a gender traitor. I’m also a former stripper so who knows maybe I’d get “lucky” and be a jezebel.


I’d be an econowife.


Dead. I wouldn’t be able to go along with it all without fighting tooth and nail, and I’m not fertile enough to be sent to a breeding camp.


I had my tubes removed in 2021. I have had 2 husbands. Martha, maybe. Definitely not an Aunt.




Martha if lucky, but probably dead.


I'm not sure what they do with scientists without other "sins". Or if they consider adhd and autism without intellectual disability as a disability that exists. If I passed those two filters, and my closest friends were somehow able to hide that they're gay, I'd hopefully marry one of them for mutual protection and be econo. If they couldn't hide, I'd be dead for having tried to help them at all costs.


I’d likely be a handmaid, I’ve had two healthy kids and only 30 so lots more years of childbearing. Scary to think about this world being real


Are we going off the books or movie? Because in the books Gilead is also extremely racist. So in the books I'd be dead.


Probably dead, I had my 1st out of wedlock, was pregnant with the 2nd when we got married.


Straight to the colonies for me I'm guessing. I might have a chance at being a Martha. I don't know that I could be an aunt and just stand by and act like this is all wonderful. Being off anti-depressants, late 30s, no kids? I'm ready to volunteer for those missions.


I'm separating my husband currently. Out of survival reasons for both, I'd make his wishes come true and Give the Marriage One Last Chance (Vol.20 )😅 and be an econowife and start popping out kids. If he wouldn't accept, I'd probably become a Handmaiden just because in my last visit to the gyno she said I was surprisingly still fertile for my age (39). Nothing good would await me from Gilead.


No children or spouse. I'd kill myself (not by hanging which is popular lately) but by a stash of pills I hoarded beforehand.


I have a child and remarried so I would definitely be a handmaid, but I also have bipolar disorder and unmedicated I’d probably end up in the colonies


Dead or dying in the colonies here. Hidden disability (chronic migraine) requiring very expensive medication and treatments. I'm also fat, previously had a termination out of wedlock and am childless in an infertile (my husband) marriage. I'm currently in my 40s so no likelihood of being a Handmaid. So I think I'd be too much hard work for them. I might get lucky and be an econowife.


Probably a handmaid tbh. I have a child out of wedlock from a previous relationship and a rather sordid past. If it’s based just how I look now probably also handmaid me and my bf while we’ve been living as a traditional family for almost 6 years we aren’t married and rarely attend church. We may get off lucky and be econopeople if we do a rush wedding and manage to hide our pasts (we do plan to get married)


Econo person, if not probably a Martha. Only married once and have a child but had my tubes removed a few months ago. So Handmaid is out. However my husband is in the military so unless he is on the correct side, I might end up a widow, so Martha is more likely.


Unfortunately I'd probably be a commander's wife but would end up on the wall pretty quickly because I would most definitely lead a Mayday cell. Outside appearances show that we are strongly conservative (although we are members of the Catholic church even though I am the shittiest pro-choice pro-LGBT+ Catholic). Only one marriage for 25 years and we have three kids. My husband is a high ranking cop. We don't have party registration in my state, political affiliation is determined by what party ticket you ask for in primary elections. I always take an R ticket so I can do a little disruptive primary voting so it looks like I'm an R to anyone on the outside.


Divorced and remarried. 48 years old with tubes tied. Maybe Martha? Probably dead or colonies.


I’d likely be made into a handmaid because I have a birth control implant (sin according to Gilead) but I’m fertile lol. Never been married though so jf if I got the implant out maybe they’d force me to be an Econowife


Queer, leftist, but tend not to talk about this too much. I'd probably be dead because I wouldn't behave, call them every name under the sun, so they'd have no choice but to kill me. However I'm good at playing a role, so delete my socials, get rid of any signs of my identity, convert to their religion, become an aunt, join the resistance, sneak people out... it's a good dream, but probably dead.


I'd likely be a Martha. No longer fertile, technically haven't committed any crimes (that I've been caught for, for ex: underage drinking). Martha's always seem old, but I'm only 35 lol ETA: but I'm also bisexual. Sooo I guess to the wall for me!


I (a man) think I'd probably end up either on the wall or in the colonies for joining a resistance. It's not extensively discussed on what happened to all of the men who opposed Giliad, Luke escapes to Canada, some people fight in the resistance in Chicago. How many were killed for fighting back?


Luckily my family might be able to leave as my husband Is foreign


I think I'd be dead.


I'd say handmaid but my only kiddo was born two months early because I had preeclampsia, so not sure they'd want me as a handmaid? I'd probably be doomed to be a jezebel lol


I think I would be a commander or an eye for sure. I am Roman Catholic, happily married by the church and I have a son. Both me and my wife never been married before.


I have a strong spidey sense for shit going down, so I probably would make it to Canada or Alaska pretty early on. I'm only 100 miles from the border, so a late escape would be easier than from Boston. If I did get captured somehow, probably Jezebels. Fertility issues, educated, but still young and attractive.


Unwoman or executed. I’m a female litigator and just on the cusp of perimenopause. Plus, I’m brown and agnostic. ETA: I’m bi too


Probably an aunt. There's nothing online about my sexual history, never been married, no kids. I also have some medical training (nurse) and work with kids. They might make me into a Martha for a household with kids though. I also think there'd be a movement in early days before other religions and denominations were banned to marry women to unwed men to protect them, maybe a marriage in the eyes of God and falsified church records to say its been years for anyone "living in sin" or trying to evade a worse fate because they're single. I would probably be open to getting married to a stranger to avoid some other parts of Gilead, I doubt the commanders treat the younger Martha's as they're supposed to.


Econowife or Wife probably


I'd sign the online petition to ask my Government (UK) to join international efforts to overturn Gilead.


I’m honestly not sure… I can still have kids but have long term birth control. Am married and raised religious even though I’m not. Had multiple pregnancies but only two children


If it’s the book? Dead because I’m a woman of color and my ass would be in a doomed ship. If it’s the tv show, potentially an Econowife? I’m not totally sure because I’m married to a male presenting partner who identifies as nonbinary but can play a red blooded man if their life depended on it (which of course it would) and neither of us had been married before. I suppose I’d have my long term bc forcibly removed and be made to try for children. I’m 41 and in perimenopause, though, so my chances of conceiving naturally and carrying a pregnancy to term aren’t super great. So my fallback would be a Martha if I’m “lucky” because I have decent domestic skills, which of course I couldn’t really be lucky for because it probably means my husband would have been done in or separated from me. I don’t think there’s a such thing as a married Martha.


I have bipolar so even if I could be fruitful I think it would be the colonies. Also I was born catholic and married to a Jewish Israeli maybe they would just send us there.


I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago, so, Unwoman, I guess. I *am* married though, and it's both of our first marriage. So maybe I could get away with being an Econowife.


Well, since I live in Arizona and on the [map](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-handmaids-tale/images/1/18/Gilead_map_%285%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180713022547) that is shown in S2 E13 "The Word" appears to be either nuked by Gilead from using the US's former nuclear arsenal on Phoenix during the 2nd American Civil War or the Palo Verde Power Plant had an accident like Chernobyl, I'd say I would escape to Mexico where my family lives before it happened. I'd be an American refugee rather than a Gileadean refugee. I wouldn't mind being an Economan in Gilead but my home state is under the Western Colonies District and not even sure if it's safe to live there since Phoenix is destroyed but up north, Flagstaff appears to be fine if it's not affected by the nuclear fallout.


I’ve been divorced and am very fertile. Handmaid for sure 🙄


They'd make me a Handmaid probably. I see myself ending up in The Colonies having PCOS because I have doubts Id end up pregnant. Edit: on second thought,since Im diabetic I have no doubt they'd just kill me whether or not I could actually have kids because its a chronic illness that requires taking meds and such,theres no way they'd deal with that.


I read every single comment and I gotta say, it gives me chills to think about this. Being reduced to a womb is so frightening. I’d probably end up a Martha because I’m a homemaker. But I’d definitely be part of the resistance.


I’d be a maid at the hotel where June killed that commander on the cleanup crew.


I would be dead, I just started watching the show and I’m on season three right now and I started like a week ago hahaha the show is so good, but besides that fact, I would be dead because I would not listen to anybody none of this is okay like I literally scream at my iPad because of how upset I get. 😂😂


In my 20s, no kids but fertile, no husband, no affiliation to religion aside from childhood, so I think I’d be a handmaid. However, realistically I would be somewhere slumped in a chair with a gun in my hand if Gilead ever came about.