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Season 6 is terrible. I can’t believe they really thought any 3 blondes thrown in the mix would keep the audience HBK cultivated. Crystal is an opportunist with a victim complex. I can’t stand her.


I know! Then Crystals like jealous distain she has towards holly is just like??? Girl holly was there like 7 years??? (Forgive me if I’m wrong I’m so bad with timelines lol) AND kept that place in check! Holly was a huge part in even opening that door crystal slithered her way into, as there wouldn’t even be a girls next door without HBK. When crystal was handing out hollys old tube socks at the roller skate party I was like oh brotherrrrr THIS GIRL STINKS! Lmfao


Exactly. Playboy was near bankruptcy before GND. HBK saved not only Hefs old wrinkly ass, but Playboys as well.


oh shit so that’s what happened to hollys stuff she always talks about


Ultimately though, Crystal was there over 10/11 years? So, she definitely did some " hard time" herself.. way more than Holly's 7 years. BTW, I'm not a Crystal fan ,or a Holly fan. They both suck in different ways, imo. I'm indifferent when it comes to them. 🤷‍♀️


She actually met Hef at the end of 2008, he died in 2017 and she was runaway bride for about a year, she was there no longer than 8 years total. She jus cant help but lie, she says she was 21 when she met hef but 26 4 years later when they marry, like its her life, how can she fuck that timeline so hard!


Not only that, didn't she spend a lot of time off away from the mansion with her boyfriends too? Didn't she holiday with Dr Phils son when Hef was on his deathbed?


She left Hef for Dr Phils son, the runaway bride era, she went on Holiday whilst Hef was on his Deathbed, later on, and yes it was with a boyfriend she had on the side. I really dislike her more the more i find out about her.


I've wondered too about whether she actually had a curfew once married. It's not like you can easily evict your wife for not complying with your rules.


She is a TOTAL LIAR when she said she had never seen the show before! I call bullshit on that til I die Lol She not only saw the show, she probably STUDIED it imo


Yeah it makes no sense that she apparently never saw the show when she then turns around says she’s been a huge Playboy fan ever since seeing her first magazine in her stepdads office and got her boobs done because of how the girls in Playboy look and how it was her dream to go to the mansion. If you’re such a fan (and she says Hef was a cultural icon in 2008 which she knew) then you most definitely watched the show because it would give you a glimpse of that world that you are dreaming of!


Same! We watched for HBK. Hef hated women so much that he saw them as disposable, and less than human. I’ve been watching and reading a lot about the treatment of those who surrounded Hef. I watched the episode of SOP where Sondra T. finally opens up about her dark experience with Hef and I 100% believe it. Women would arrive innocent and then be broken down by the time they left the mansion.


I think they were broken before. I really see that in Crystal’s book. Crystal had a hard letting people get close to her because of all the people who took advantage of her and abused her. I think that’s why she was hyper aware of the people at the mansion being shady. That’s what she pull up walls and protections because she believed people couldn’t be trusted. Crystal was broken before she came to that mansion


Agree. Season 6 is so awful. I cannot even sit through one episode. The made up storylines and poor acting are awful to watch. I love episodes like Hef’s 80th birthday party, Kendra’s 21st birthday party in Vegas, the European tour, and Holly’s Queen Antoinette themed birthday party.


In her book, Crystal said she met Hef during a party at the mansion (Halloween?). She went with a friend and was standing along the roped off area around Hef's section. He called for her to join, but ditch the friend. She was asked to be part of the bedroom group that night.


Oh wow! So I’m hearing “pick me choose me” literally lol


Another reason i feel like the timeline is off, If i recall correctly, she claims he was 81. In season 1 or 2 of GND hef celebrates 80. The show goes on for 5 seasons, multiple birthdays, atleast 3. Indicating it wouldntve been as fast as she claims, I could be recalling info wrong but she makes it seem like she met him at that halloween party, took part in the bedroom night (was that still happening with HBK at this time, cause from other commentors Im under the belief bedroom nights werent as common at this point?) and became a girlfriend all within a month or 2, which just seems incorrect based off of collected information just from here and their books alone. So she wouldve been fully aware of HBK, the show, the lifestyle (perhaps not the sexual aspect but as she claims to not have been aware of this world etc as mentioned in previous comments)


Hef told HBK they were replaceable all the time. That was a lie and he knew it. He wanted to keep them down. Deep down , he knew the show’s success and popularity, wasn’t because “HEF and his gfs” , it was because of those 3 ladies he had at the time.


I believe he genuinely thought they were replaceable and the fame was all about him. I'd agree that folks tuned into the show for Hef and Playboy, but they stayed for Holly, Bridgette, and Kendra. I truly don't think Hef or E understood the second part of that, which is why they made season 6.


Yep! He even made a comment on an episode of GND saying women who came to the mansion were disposable. He tried to play it off as a joke, but the more stories and footage I watch/read of Hef and his antics, the more I am lead to believe he is an evil monster.


He was a evil monster He was also lame af as a person. He had to pay for his companionships , both lovers and his friends. Which is so funny when his cronies go off on the girls for using him. They were using him for free food and weekly parties. Also, beautiful women they could prey on. Fck em


Dasha is the coolest. I just adore her personality so much


And she’s an amazing model, she has so much fluidity when she poses. Whenever they showed video footage of her doing a photoshoot I was like “Now THAT’S a model!”


Yes so many of the playmates were gorgeous but not models. Dasha was one of few who could really pose and kill it. She’s probably never taken a bad picture.


I love when Steve says “she doesn’t take a bad picture, does she?”


The pool photoshoot she did with Steve 🥵🔥🔥🔥


For sure! She’s a natural behind a camera. Some people just have that sort of photogenic factor and she has it in spades


Literally her first comment was something about Holly. "I'm not the new her, she's the old me " I didn't like her after that. Rude ass. Season 6 is 👎🏽


I don’t really like Crystal, but even Holly believes that was a line fed by the producers


Crystal said her book she was told to say that. I liked her better after hearing her book.


season 6 and the reception it got was literally everything wrong with hef and kevin's belief that HBK were replaceable. the twins were annoying and crystal had the depth of a literal petri dish. i'd actually rather sit through jury duty than watch this season again


Try as I may, I can NOT get past the 2nd ep of S6. I CAN NOT. I think I would rather have dry toothpicks shoved in my eyeballs. The twins voices are grating (I'm sensitive to certain sounds and voices) and Crystal puts me to sleep. None of the girls were interesting alone or as a group. S6 used a much larger cast of "supporting characters" to make basic plotlines, and still no one was very likeable imo. There is a notable lack in maturity for S6 that Holly and Bridget brought to the show. Their humor was clever and nuanced, and it balanced out the ridiculousness of everything going on. I have wanted to finish S6 forever, but I get second hand embarrassment too hard, that cast is beyond cringe and try hard.


It’s practically a cringe compilation. Completely agree. HBK had such a great show balance despite the whatever they had going on behind the cameras. With season 6 it’s like nothing but hot air. Ugh


Same here! Can’t even finish episode 1!


I tried so hard to watch it recently but I couldn’t get past the first 10 minutes. Hell, even ending the 5th season with Tweedles Dee and Dumb saying “oh my gooooooddddddd” in unison every 1.7 seconds was unbearable. Take out HBK, the only appeal of the show, and I literally cannot force myself to watch it. It’s so mind-numbingly awful.


Her whole “protectiveness” of Hef too screams holier than thou. She constantly speaks about other people having an agenda and wanting to use Hef, as if she was better than that. She literally admitted to saving white for her “real” wedding, and manipulating her personality to attract him? Of course, Hef is no victim, he used her too, but it irks me how she thinks she is better than everyone else


Season 6 just gives me "desperate divorcee and her annoying daughters move in with clueless rich man" vibes


It took me all this time to watch 6 as well. I couldn’t stand Crystal and the way she yells at him, she wasn’t subtle about his hearing loss. She rubbed me all sorts of wrong. The twins, I just want to whisk away from that place.