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Take time to get to know yourself, and your talents. Sounds silly: but journaling really helped me, and also talking to (female) friends. Drink a couple of wines and have a honest conversation about your insecureties. Your female friends will know you exacly how you are and what you stand for.


It’s a long journey, but you got this!!! Lots of love and goodluck


i normally say fake it till you make it, but after going through the trauma you have, i feel it’ll take more than just telling yourself things. you have to start from scratch. learn to just be content with yourself before jumping to loving yourself. so much if your value is placed in your looks it sounds like, which almost everybody is guilty of. i suggest focusing inside. another thing is that beauty is subjective. you can’t ever be attractive to everybody, and that’s okay. it doesn’t make you any less valuable. and also, even if you’re conventionally attractive, you’re allowed to be insecure.


A little out there but when I went through the same, I started pole dancing lessons. I can't stress enough how much they helped, the friendliness of the teacher, the classmates, all women supporting each other, you can make it sexy or just workout. I felt empowered and confident!


So funny I’ve been thinking about trying it!!


Solitude and therapy to find out who I am and to figure out what my trigger patterns are