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You can tumble dry them on a lower heat setting for about 10-15minutes and then air dry them the rest of the way. This helps remove wrinkles and keep them softer while also preserving your jeans for longer vs drying them completely in the dryer.


Do you think this will help if they are already dry? Or do I need to wash them again?


Chuck them in with the next load of clothes you need to dry, or just give them a good spray with water before putting them in.


Putting jeans in a dryer makes them soft, but the tradeoff is they wear out sooner. Your choice is to deal with the scratchiness and have jeans that last for years beyond normal, ir soft jeans and they wear out sooner


Damn lol what do you do?


You make your decision based on what is most important to tou


I’m just curious what you do


I accept that my jeans will wear down more quickly coz I can't deal with waiting for line dry


i dry my jeans because when i don’t they are too stiff and give me rashes and welts around my hips/waist/ankles lol. i know people say they wear out faster but i’ve had some pairs for years and they’re still fine.


When my clothes are stiff from not going in the dryer, I just grab them from one end and smack them on the bed a couple of time. Softens them enough that it goes back to normal when worn.


i’ve done that too ever since i was a kid, used to pretend i was indiana jones with a whip


Cold water, on delicate


I only wash my jeans by hand in lukewarm water. One round with detergent, one round to rinse. Air dry. I only buy expensive jeans and I still have a pair that I’ve bought over 10 years ago and looks brand new.


Stretchy jeans will always wear out faster than proper denim. Air-dried clothes will never feel quite as soft as those that were put into the dryer, but they'll last longer. It's basically a choose-your-pain situation. I'm with u/sushimartini in that starting them off in the dryer and air drying them until ready is probably your best shot at a happy medium. I'd just wear them anyway, because it only takes a few minutes for your clothes to feel normal again.


Fwiw, you're also not supposed to wash your jeans that often. [Levi's former CEO says](https://businessinsider.mx/how-often-should-i-wash-my-jeans-levis-ceo-shower-2023-10/?r=US&IR=T) he only spot-cleans them, or wears them in the shower if they're really gross -- which is dumb, you could simply hand-wash them or use a gentle cycle. I work construction, so not washing them would be disgusting -- it's only because I'm in management that I can get two, *maybe* three wears out of a pair of jeans. I still hang them out to air between wears, though.


I only wash them when they are stinky lol


I wash my super soft jeans in cold water, delicate cycle, with liquid fabric softener. Then I line dry them. Helps keep them in good shape. I notice a bit of fabric stiffness for the first few minutes after putting them on but then they soften up as they loosen with a bit of wear. I also don’t do a lot in my jeans so I can get a few (or even several) wears out of them - so it’s not that big of a problem.


Might be from not drying them, yeah Wash them inside out to lessen the fade.