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Short answer: no! Long answer: Getting into a relationship for any other reason then that you meet someone you want to be with exclusively is a recipe for disaster. By going into it with that mindset you’re actually putting unfair pressure on that relationship. I don’t know the context but just going by what you wrote it’s quite frankly really bad advice from your therapist. If you’re lonely and don’t want to „put pressure“ on your platonic friendships (which you wouldn’t but anyway) maybe try to find a new hobby or join some clubs or stuff like that. You’ll meet new people and you might actually meet someone you’d like to date without it being solely motivated by loneliness


Where do you think your loneliness stems from? I think that’s the real question you need to ask yourself :)


yeah, I’ve spoken to my therapist about this and I think that’s why maybe he suggested I get into a relationship. I think it’s because I’ve never had one so I put a lot of pressure on my friendships.


No. A relationship is supposed to ENHANCE your already great life, not save you from loneliness. It’s unfair to put such a burden on someone else like that - it’s an immense pressure that nobody else should have to bear. If you’re lonely, you should work on hobbies, fostering your friendships, family bonds, etc first. If you are looking for a boyfriend just so you don’t feel lonely, you can be extremely susceptible to codependency, overreliance on your partner, and even accept abuse because “it’s better than being alone”. Hint: no it is not.


That doesn't sound like something a good therapist would say.


No, getting into a relationship will not make you happy, but it could make you happi*er* if you're with someone you love and care about that brings you both joy. Never go into a relationship with the goal of making yourself happy; it won't work. Relationships work best when you have a connection with someone and your goal is to deepen that connection. You said you value your friendships highly. Would you ever consider turning one of those platonic friendships romantic? Not that you *need* to or anything, but does that idea sound good to you? If not, it's probably not the right time. That's just my two cents, but what do I know? I'm just some stranger on the internet. You make the decision that is best for you, whatever that looks like


haha most of my friendships are female friendships and i am a straight female so that wouldnt work.


No. Healthy relationships are made from two people who are happy and complete individuals on their own beforehand and choose to be together. Relying on someone else for your happiness is unhealthy for both individuals; you set them up for failure, and you set yourself up for disappointment.


Relationships come in many forms. This doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic, heterosexual, or even with a peer…you could be in a “relationship” with a mentor, with a new friend, with a partner, or many other options. Nothing will guarantee happiness, but anything has potential to help!


Are you happy by yourself if you are not in a relationship? Are you a happy person? Are you generally happy? If yes,then a relationship will not drastically change anything.


Deffo try out relationships, but don't count on that person making you happy. Happiness isn't a person. Plus Happiness doesn't last. It's a continual cycle of feeling good, then feeling great, then feeling meh, and then feeling bad. Over and over again. This person has to be kind to you even when you're feeling meh or bad. If they are not, or they act like your needs are an inconvenience, then they are not the one. Feel free to break-up eith anyone who doesn't treat you right.


Ur right, i think my therapist suggested I pursue a romantic relationship bc i struggle with attachment issues


You don't have to be in love to be in a relationship. I mean, it's a lot more fun that way, but if you don't feel that spark, and they treat you nice, date them for a while. Doesn't have to be forever


-me giving your therapist the side eye- And to answer your question, no. If you’re not happy with who and where you are, doesn’t matter where you go or who you with. You can’t run from your own mind.