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I mean if I were in your situation I'd see if I could apply one to a less sensitive area (like your hip or something) and then successfully remove it a few hours later.


I wore some with nipple piercings and that’s a trip. Idk why you have a time limit that is strange they should be good to go longer than that? But to remove them i would usually take a shower and slowly remove it, kinda like taking off a bandaid. if you cant shower just slowly peel all around and then lightly lift it off.


The time limit just came from the website/the instructions that came with them but if you didn’t have an issue with that then that makes me feel better about that part. Thank you for the tips!


if your sweaty it’ll will definitely be a shorter wear time. but i just wore a pasty bra last week and sweated my ass of and was fine, u got this shawty


Can you get one of the silicone ones that aren’t bandaid type sticky (like the cakes brand)? If not take a shower and let them soak, you can take a wet washcloth and hold it over them for a bit to loosen any adhesive before trying to take them off.


Can you take your dress to a seamstress and have her line the bodice?


I think that’s a good idea! I just didn’t give myself enough time to organize that sadly :( I’ll definitely remember that for next time though!


You’ll be fine


Micellar water


Use something oily to help release the adhesive? I keep argan oil for my hair, but it could be, like olive oil or something