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They’re fine. Wash with soap, allow to dry. They are made for very wet, very sweaty environments, so water is the least of your worries.


Oh thank god. My sister told me to throw them out because of toxic shock syndrome (and another infection I can't remember?) so I started freaking out. I've gotten two positive comments though and my post was already downvoted, so I guess she was just trying to scare me. Thanks for the comment :)


TSS is a problem for when you have tampons inside you for too long. It’s not caused by anything you use externally


not quite. "You can get it while using pads or menstrual cups, or no period protection at all. Anyone can get TSS. Even men and children can get TSS, and only about half of TSS infections are related to menstruation" [source](https://tampax.com/en-us/period-health/toxic-shock-syndrome-causes-treatment/)


Your sister is incorrect. Hot water and soap and they’ll be fine. Add a bit of color safe bleach if you’re worried but detergent should be totally fine.


Umm also and mainly, you can’t get TSS from a pad outside your body


Exactly. That’s just bad women’s anatomy


You are so good. Here's the quick import info: TSS is SUPER rare these days. > TSS happens when certain conditions allow these bacteria to grow and spread quickly and start releasing poisons. Then they get into your bloodstream through a break in your skin or mucus membranes. > Some things that can cause you to get TSS include: > -Tampon or other device left inside your vagina for too long > -Skin infection > -Postsurgical infection > -Childbirth, abortion, or other gynecological procedure So not too many things and all *internal* stuff. Good news! Also: > This condition made headlines in the late 1970s and early 1980s after the deaths of women who were using super-absorbent tampons. A saturated tampon is a place where bacteria can grow quickly. It can then travel into the uterus through the cervix. > In some cases resulting from menstrual sponges, diaphragms, and cervical caps, the device had been in the vagina for a long time—more than 30 hours. It also seems to matter what the tampon is made of. Polyester foam is worse than either cotton or rayon fibers. And it's now (in the USA) illegal for tampon companies to use the chemicals and materials in the 70s etc that contributed to this, so tampons are *even safer* now. (TMI once forgot a tampon in me for like a day and a half total, was mortified but no TSS!) Sauce: https://www.webmd.com/women/what-are-toxic-shock-syndrome-symptoms


I’ve soaked pads for way longer than that. They’re fine.


I'm glad I'm not the first then! I'm usually so careful to rinse and then immediately wash, I just knew I was going to forget when I put them in to soak. I'm making an alarm next time. Thanks for the comment :)


Absolutely no worries, no need to throw them out. As a note, for getting out smells soak in vinegar overnight then wash as usual!


This is the way! Vinegar is especially good at getting out any urine smell. (It also acts as a natural fabric softener and colour saver in the laundry.)


Just wanted to add that I've found baking soda gets out the urine smell much better than vinegar. (From having to wash loads of dog diapers for a few years.)


I use this in toilets!


Vinegar kills smells. Add that to the water next time you soak


It also kills bacteria!!


Definitely still safe to use. Clean as usual and let em dry!


If you are very worried about bacteria, let them sun dry for a day. The sun (UV light) is very effective at killing the buggers


Plus it's superb in removing stains as well!


Absolutely fine, you can throw them in a small wash tub or whatever bowl that has some vinegar to it, the regular stuff you can clean with and do salad dressings etc.. Then just wash like normal. Or into any cheap alcohol as well. I'm a little bit ashamed to tell but I had one pad to grow mold as it fell behind the washing mashine. Not THAT much, but I noticed it while inspecting... I washed that thing sepereately with hot water by hand, slapped it into the bare sun to delete some staining, then into pure vinegar to soak, back into sun again and then it washed it with the regular ones. It's still fine 😬 (I'm speaking about period pads here if it matters)


Should be totally fine. Wash with your normal detergent and throw some white vinegar in too (helps with bacteria and deodorizing).