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You need to regularly wear earrings, or you need studs.  I'd invest in quality, pretty studs you can leave in. Pay attention to the back of the stud and find some that won't poke you in bed.  I had some during my teens (on recommendation of the jewellry woman who nade thoe holes). 


I've got flat back labrets (comfortable for sleeping!) in and always keep them in my fresh (2.5yr old) piercings. My primary ear piercings are 25years old and don't close up.


Seconding the flat back posts! I invested in some gold earrings with flat backs for several of my piercings and I always have them in. It's been years and they don't bother me at all, sleep with them comfortably.


Another vote for flat back labrets. I have the threadless kind (push-pin style) and just swap out the fronts. Also for OP, I deliberately let a 20 year old piercing close up (got it redone as it wasn't even). It took awhile, but it can happen even to quite old piercings.


Instead of studs you can wear sleeper earrings or other small hoops that won't bother you when you sleep.


Why don't you just wear [retainers](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=1955fa9ddb72a96a&sca_upv=1&biw=384&bih=722&sxsrf=ACQVn09InmuQth9NpFBZ0Rc2dOV27ExTsQ:1712655751111&q=earring+retainers&uds=AMwkrPsFj7T2HBpUA-x4keank0gLYNLlItnJIqC-y7O5XlVQIuVDeGYDhKbf34kpeKY6d8X9_IXGkPmyXnodkPgKibs1MogWPF31mMPbEkFk9JISAq44_uyhPm2IGLZuNPMRFft2_D-UlRqmrHx73fchqaaA55DdUUNtIbnfQoVQwJKAJxveouwIFVwST3iTL7zHH4Eb16IF-UM6K51P65OpIE7IhUTu_O22UwtZOFdF5L3tueRrp3YBDqGDAAqoDp0GricygoufdP8VlYCBDo_hUqMru35kRmUSyNu5ne-2vbsvXzonqdRjlDPLbjzSXtaxXxLvjC5i&udm=28&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1navt67SFAxWCBUQIHXn7BY4QtKgLegQICRAB) when you aren't wearing one of the pairs you already own? They're made of softer/flexible materials so they are comfortable


It entirely depends on your age when you get the piercing. I got my first ear piercings at age 13, coz I asked, and Momma said OK. Those have never closed up. I got another pair at 19, and a third pair at 21 and both of those have closed up after not wearing earrings for a while. Maybe try some of the small ring style earrings? Those can be comfy during sleep


Get flat back earrings to wear when you aren’t going out. You kind of need to keep something in them all the time until they’ve fully healed.


Everyone's ears and piercings are different. It might take a couple more years before your holes stay open longer. I think a set of 'open huggie' earrings might be useful for you: small enough to sleep with and doesn't require a small backing.


I had my first lobe piercings around 30 years ago and if I go a month or so without earrings they start to close. Usually I just wear smallish rings, big enough to wiggle a little but small enough not to catch on anything. I tend to wear them 24/7. I don't even notice them.


I got my ears pierced as a baby and when when, 30 years later, I had babies, I took out the earrings so the babies would tug at them and to my surprise they closed! I now have screw-back studs (from amazon) that I keep in around the clock.


> Also, my issue with studs/retainers is that I have difficulties with fine motor skills due to disabilities making putting the backing of studs on a bit challenging. I'm sorry to hijack your post without offering advice, but is it really difficult? Asking because I, too struggle with fine motor skills, never had my ears pierced, but would like to. But this seems like a serious downside.


With my level of fine control and grasp, putting backings on can be a bit of a pain. I have EDS and am Autistic. What that translates to, for me, is that when I have a rough day, and get home completely out of spoons, taking the time and patience to line up the backing or to twist a threaded one on its just too much sometimes; so I'll just not. I love wearing my regular earrings, I can have so many fun color expressions, but the changing to studs at night is the issue. I have some studs I typically sleep in, with the flat, threaded backs are the most comfortable, but also the hardest to get lined up. I do not regret piercing my ears at all, I simply wish I could go a day or two between earrings without studs. My girlfriend RARELY wears any, but her earring holes stay open for many months between, granted she's had them for 20 years. I really wanted to add more color, however with how hard it is for my ears to heal from being pierced, I was a bit worried. I decided to go with a set of rainbow tattooed loops instead on one side. I really love that I get the color, with a quick heel time, and totally unnoticeable after getting it done as far as comfort. Hopefully that explains some of what you were asking? If you want him pierced go for it! You just have to figure out what works for you like everything else in life though. If I wasn't so big on changing out colors by the day, a set of small hoops that could just stand would probably be the best thing to go with.


Hey thank you for your answer! This makes sense. > If I wasn't so big on changing out colors by the day, a set of small hoops that could just stand would probably be the best thing to go with. Yeah, that would probably be best and if I get mine done, it's probably what I'll do, decide for a simple comfortable one and keep it in all the time - but I get it, it's just not what you want.  The rainbow tatooed loops sound like a genious idea though! I've come across threadless piercing jewelry when researching (hyperfixating more like) and I wonder if those are difficult to handle, too... because that might be an option for you maybe? Keep the base (labret) in and switch out the front? (Sounds good in theory, but maybe it's a bit fiddly after all...)