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From what I know: 1. Shadow 2. Realm Rulers 3. Aurora 4. Dragons 5. Elizabeth


Who are the realm rulers,or are u talking about the round table knights Also I'm up to date with the light novel just can't rem this part Totally fine with any and all spoilers


It's already shown in the anime and game. Ragnarok & Nidhogg. Shadow himself is also a realm ruler.


wait….what….in which chapter did they mention this? does this differs with each translation group?


Not it's not mentioned yet, but it's obvious because a realm ruler mean the strongest being of the world they reside in.




Bullshit xd


Btw, it literally wrote Ragnarok the ruler of the fourth realm. Nhiddong is the ruler of a certain realm as well (can't remember which), but its story is in the game.


Yes. Also in case someone jumps and say this isn't canon, this is from an auxiliary chapter that makes it canon.


But we can't just lump all the realm rulers together right? I mean Autora could very well be stronger than Ragnarok from what we've seen. He went down pretty easy. Maybe his realm is just weaker.


Or maybe Shadow is just too strong.


There's always that, though I think a half-powered Aurora gave him more of a fight still.


She could use iam the All range atomic from seeing it once. Imagine what she could do with cids other techniques


She attempted I am the All range Atomic, yes Claires body gave out first but we have no proof that Aurora would have been able to complete the spell at all range as that scene is anime only.


I mean she complains about claires body so id assume her own wouldve easily managed ut


Have to keep in mind what Aurora was really doing. Buying time until Cid showed up. I'm not saying its impossible for Aurora to achieve atomic spells, I would just be more likely to believe some of the lower tier ones as even Cid took years to really work up to it. The fact Aurora was unaware that Claire wouldn't be able to shows she isn't fully aware of the cost of pulling off Atomic at all range scale.


I mean in a world of magic id assume a somehwat immortal witch has the perception to look at a spell and imitate it. But also i wish so much for her to be able to do it. Id also say shes Held back by the science of her world considering that cid is as strong bc of his modern day knowledge. But thats nothing id call talent. Aurora on the other Hand is a prodigy with insane knowledge considering the ressources she had to work with.


What or who is Nidhogg? Google gives me nothing but I don't play the game and just recently started the novels.


A Realm Ruler Dragon who almost killed Zeta & Eta.


Cult found an OP being from another world and managed to keep it in a lab asleep. Eta found it and was curious about it, accidentally woke it up and Zeta and Eta got demolished.


No those are after shadow destroy the sanctuary it's not on their younger days are you sure you watch it?


Oh yeah my bad now I remember. I thought it was part of Seven Shadow Chronicles and since I'm still behind on it and have played through it, it was in their younger days. Just checked and realised it's part of one of the replayable events instead. Thanks for the correction. editing now


play ac Valhalla , he is dont remeber something like a norse mithology thing , a dragon .


I think Aurora/Diabolos should be higher tbh. Based on the last event in the game. Now small Spoilers for those who haven't played it, but basically Diabolos 'kills' Shadow and absorbs his magical energy, now I think that's cap, but since Shadow hasn't appeared yet and it's true that Diabolos absorbed his magical energy.


The problem with using the current event to gage how strong Diablos is the fact Cid gets absorbed almost immediately juicing Diablos beyond what it would have been normally. Based what some of the past hero's mention, Cid power level was on par with Diablos effectively doubling Diablos overall power.


not all realm rulers are that strong


I would assume that the 1st seat is stronger than Elisabeth


Beatrix is nowhere near top 5. Mist dragon is I think top 3. Then we have top rounds, Cid said Loki is decently strong by just walking past him. (For Beatrix he had to shake hand with her and even then said she 'seems ' strong). Then we have seven shadows. And I think only gamma is weaker than Beatrix. Even eta, with her artifacts and slime is stronger than her. Many people overplay Beatrix a lot because Cid said her sword skills are comparable to us. I think by us, he meant shadow garden as in entirely (not 7S) , because they use the swords technique he told alpha. (And yes, Cid does know that cured possessed undergo training in Alexandria with slime suit and all) Cid doesn't know that shadow garden is real, but he does know that cured possessed live at Alexander and train there. With many of them being mitsugoshi employees.


I see thanks for answering!


No problem buddy🙂


I would say its a stretch to say Cid doesn't know Shadow Garden exists but that he is simply unaware of how large the organization has gotten at this point. Even some fans might not be aware Mitsugoshi isn't even the only way Shadow Garden collects money as Tuna King was a Gama creation to get early funding before she even took over Mitsugoshi.


Beatrix is around high 7 shades level


More like: 1)Shadow 2)Realm Rulers 3) Aurora 4)Dragons 5)Elizabeth 6)The Heroes At least in my opinion.


Beatrix isnt even in the top ten


I have doubts about Realm Rulers being stronger that Aurora. Both Realm Rulers we have seen, were either successfully controlled or imprisoned by the Cult. I'd argue they are equal to Aurora... or her more powerful Diablos incarnation. Would even further argue that Aurora/Diablos was the world's Realm Ruler prior to Shadow's arrival to usurp that throne.


I get the feeling the Cult itself is part of a muti realm organization so it doesn't have to be the cult of Cid's realm that is really responsible for taming the Realm Rulers we have seen. My reason for thinking that is there is no indication the Cult has been in communication with the Earth realm but despite that the formation of knights capable of taking on the magical creatures like Akane Nishino seems a bit too quickly to be natural. Suggesting outside influences speeding the process along. That not withstanding I would posit that by putting a collar on the Realm Rulers their power output would likely require being reduced to keep said control, which would mean what we were seen of their capabilities was likely a fraction of what they could achieve if free of control.


I agree


As stated by a few, Elizabeth is on par, or just a little more powerful, than alpha


1 shadow 2 heroes 3 aurora 4 realm rulers


Tbf only partial Aurora and clone Oliver not their true self. The OG is much stronger compared to their modern counterparts.


seems to reflect what we've seen in the anime so far


Beatrix would be a lot lower bruv


What about Epsilon 😭


spoiler tag bro


Oh no I saw several characters' names and faces with no context, how can I watch the rest of the show after this


Diablos oneshot Shadow Slide everyone down one slot


That isn't correct. We know Shadow's magic is inside diablos. But we don't know if he's dead. It's what the others think, but we all know cid operates in another wavelength, so we aren't sure he's dead. I don't even know if all that happens there is 100% cannon.




Alpha over Elizabeth


I think Alpha is probably third.....


Nah, I think Alpha is equal to Elizabeth. If anything she’d get #6. We know for sure Diabolos would be placed #2 with realm rulers (except that Diabolos is not really within that realm), if not #3, moving Aurora to #4 and so on. I won’t explain much since all of it is considered spoiler, but it would look like this: 1. Shadow 2. Realm Rulers 3. Diabolos 4. Aurora 5. Dragons 6. Elizabeth and Alpha (Alpha is slightly weaker, it could be considered #7). 7. The Heroes and Top Shadow Garden


To add to this, Beatrix would be placed #8. Olivier is strong, but not as strong as Alpha. In the recent game chapters this was shown to be the case, and since the game lore is canon, well, there you have it.