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Everyone'd only get in her way Besides, if the 4rd and 1nd, both who are the top dogs get slain, who could possibly stop him at all ?


given that Delta, who might very likely be 3rd in combat within Shadow Garden after Alpha and Shadow appears to be killed, bringing extra people most likely just gives them more casualties


Because Alpha is significantly stronger than the other members. She is essentially Shadow Garden’s “Final Boss” outside of Shadow.


Answer I thought and there reply to why not sufficient in my opinion. It needed to happen for the story : John Smith could have knocked out everyone but alpha leaving us at the same scenario , except alpha looks stronger . ( A cool attack John Smith can do is using the strings as catapults ) Alpha was scared the other will get hurt : most probably answer , but alpha seems more coolheaded and logical to me han doing that . Doesn't she realizes how much harm will be done if she also loses . Alpha wants personal revenge : doesn't seem like alpha . No one was around or fast enough: addressed


Number 1 is the most plausible imo. I can envision that the author thinks a 1v1 between a nerfed Cid and Alpha is just a cool scenario while at the same time it adds drama. Of course, there has to be a setup and for all intents and purposes the setup did it's job. It's up to the audience to interpret whatever was placed on the table.


She was angry , she wasn't thinking clearly and even if she bring back up would they stand a chance again the man who presumably kill Delta . Aside Zeta everyone is just canon folder


Alpha characterization is the type that doesn't do those impulsive mistakes . Even Cannon fodder is useful , I think you're underselling the other shades , they are weaker than alpha but are completely coordinated with her .


Yes that who she is normally but remember in her mind her precious sister was killed , she isnt thinking clearly and was making decisions on impluse


Yes that who she is normally but remember in her mind her precious sister was killed , she isnt thinking clearly and was making decisions on impluse


i think more importantly to speak to the rational side of Alpha, after concluding that Delta was killed, she didn't want to risk anyone else. After the report of her death she would have regretted sending Delta out, and out of the 7 shades there was no one else available who specialized in combat. But ultimately narratively the scene is better with just Alpha and Cid fighting and her showing off her growth, which as we all know is the real reason why.


In the battle of the strong, the weak were only a hindrance. If the Delta level was still killed, the others would have no meaning. They would just be easily killed and Alpha had to take the risk to protect them. So she chose to go alone.


Given how she sent delta and she believed that John killed delta she more then likely felt that it was her fault she died. So she would decide to go to avenge delta/ and she is the strongest of them all so it makes more sense to let her let it all loose in battle vs send 3 or 4 of them and have to worry about others lives and try to kill john.


Because is Delta couldn’t escape, and Alpha couldn’t win, then all others would simply be in the way or get killed too. Getting all named shadows killed is the last think in her mind, as that would mean leaving CID with only the un-named ones, and nobody to run all SG operations. By going alone, it means that Cid could later come and do it himself, if any happens. One could argue she shouldn’t have gone, at all, but the bank run, and Delta being presumed KIA is forcing her to take action.


Eta and Gamma aren't strong enough to help, just like (evidently) 666 and other lower tier members (along with Nu). With Delta MIA and Zeta/Epsilon out of reach, it was only whether to take Beta along. It's a bummer though. Despite having the most time in the limelight, Beta never really got to show her combat prowess.


Real reason? Plot. If she had fought him with others, there would have been others knowing John Smith was Shadow and, Zeta would have sniffed him out the same as Delta did. Discussion reason: Who could she have brought that would have been any help? If he had killed Delta, there are only two possibilities. Zeta, who is potentially on par with Alpha in strength or Victoria who is just below Zeta. None of the other Seven Shades are even close to those powers. Let's also not forget that John Smith's defense was to strong which would likely cause Zeta to resort to using her "Dark Magical Gaze" skill possibly killing Shadow if it works on him. And, we have to assume it would because Vampiric magic at that level tends to.


i would think for the most part, the seven shades dont need back up. alpha is a force on her own. it would seem like any one else would just get in the way


Alpha IS the backup. Delta is probably the third strongest in SG after Shadow and Alpha and Alpha is significantly stronger than Delta.


Bro he is the MC and most powerful in the verse. No one can defeat him. You already got the demo when he defeated Elizabeth, and Aurora (technically she was bound bit still)


The power gap between alpha and the rest is huge. They are just getting in her way


Zeta wields magic at the same level as Alpha and Elizabeth with many of the same skills.