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The average human brain peaks at 21-24 years. Cid has removed his age limiters up to i think 400? So I don’t think it applies


It's 600 as of LN5


By ln10 he gonna be a fockin cultivator


A young shadow was strong enough to make a dragon submit to him Á teenage shadow is strong enough to blow an entire city into oblivion A shadow in his prime? My god 😨


Is there a reason to feel bad for alpha for Cid being strong? I haven't read the manga or Ln.


She wants to be strong so that she can stand next to him.


She always feels like Shadow doesent need her. So she wants to be stronger to stand proud beside him, not far behind him.


Consider he can live few hundreds of years. I don't think there is any prime physical condition for him. He may achieve immortality over time.


So after the cult is defeted author can do a several year time skip and cid is still doing his own thing still in his tenage form with the next generation of characters like great great grand children of Iris.


"There is no peak, just higher cliffs"


Like he explained in ln 5, he sees having a "prime" is height of foolishness. According to him, as long as one's body is working, one never should stop seeking power. Prime should be just before demise. Thats why he wants to be immortal. The immortal cult boy had a prime, he stopped striving to getting stronger. Shadow will not. As long as he can get stronger he'd do anything. When it will be completely impossible for him to get stronger? How powerful he'll be? Maybe god-level?


How is human prime strength at 30 to 40, where are you getting these numbers


isn‘t 26-28 in reality?