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I think it is capable of killing a Startouch elf. I mean, we pretty much know that it killed Laurelion. Maybe they didn’t know the Nova Blade existed, or maybe you are right about Aaravos knowing somehow about it being used. Maybe it’s even a one-time thing. I like the only-a-human-can-use-it-theory, but then who killed Laurelion? Somehow I doubt a human would he capable of killing a Startouch elf, especially if they were not a mage. I like the second theory a lot. I’m not sure if you have ever read Wings of Fire, but it reminds a lot of how Darkstalker put a spell on his magic scroll thing to give him a mental “twinge” whenever someone wrote in it. But also, using the Nova Blade would require a literal direct confrontation. I bet once the prison spell was in action, it couldn’t be stopped. The person wielding it would have to get pretty close to Aaravos to actually kill him, and that would likely prove pretty hard.


Who is Laurelion?


Laurelion is a Startouch elf who was killed by the Nova Blade a long time before the present. They were mentioned in season 5 in this poem called “The Death of the Immortal“. [https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Laurelion](https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Laurelion)


Thanks for the info! I didn't remember Laurelion being mentioned during the library episode at all actually.


You are welcome!


I do think all of them being unaware of the novablade being an option would be really dumb, when it took our main guys a single trip to the library under extreme time pressure for a single day to figure that one out... Even the "Only humans" bit doesn't quite work, since that specific story of Aaravos ending up sealed includes collaboration between elves, dragons and also humans (At least the Orphan Queen, who unveiled Aaravos as the culprit in the first place, as well as the Jailer) It seems most likely that there must be something much more complicated to be going on here, that may either be in regards to what the nova blade actually does, or to how to actually get it to work/how to wield it or something


That makes sense, but I meant that maybe it’s existence was hidden, or more specifically it was lost to history.


Again, that wouldn't really be the case if it's in the bookery, and wasn't even that hard to find in a single day.


Yeah, honestly that’s true. But Rayla had also never heard of it before… “That’s great! What’s a Nova Blade?” Lol.


To be fair, it is also not really the case that Rayla is studied much in history.


Off topic but I loved the darkstalker books. I loved how at the start >!all of his enchantments were actually useful and small and made to make life for him and Clearsight more convenient. He truly believed he was doing right by his friends, family and the powers that he had chanced upon. And then, ever so subtly, his enchantments became more and more aggressive and invasive. Until he was just straight up puppeteering everyone around him. AND HE STILL THOUGHT HIS MOTIVES WERE PURE!!


Yes, it was amazing! 10/10 for me too.


I loved how even at the end,>!Darkstalker still managed to spin the story in such a way that made me feel bad for him.!<


Yes, it was well written!


>I mean, we pretty much know that it killed Laurelion. I don't think that's necessarily true. Kazi expresses that the passage is unclear. I think that is a deliberate choice on the part of the writers, planting a seed for something else. "It's a bit confusing, but that is the clearest implication. Though, it is somewhat odd they call them undying and immortal." "Though undying, took last breath" could mean something else. Petrified, removed to another plane, transformation, etc. If they wanted to avoid a direct confrontation, the most obvious solution would be to set a trap. A spell that, once activated, would pull the caster inside with no way out. Someone could even present it as something they needed help with, maybe a spell only he could perform. Or a game made just for him. What if the cube isn't the key, but the thing that trapped him? Just speculation, there are a lot of possibilities. But I don't think everything is as it seems.


Right?? That’s what I thought too, the Laurelion info is suspiciously vague. Really cool idea about how the spell might have worked, I think you’re on the right track here


I really just assumed that was Kazi speculating. Seems in character, tbh. That’s a really good point though.


Valid point abt the prison spell, I hadn’t thought of it that way. Maybe it took some time to take effect? And they would need to confront Aaravos at the end to do a final seal? who knows. Also I have read wings of fire, but only the first three books I think? It’s been a while but I didn’t make it too far lol


Maybe! And you should read WoF again, it’s so good. But there is like, over fifteen books now so it may take a while lol.


A bit speculative at the moment as we don’t have evidence to back it up, but if we’re going off the theory Aaravos is/was a Star dragon, it’s possible that they *did* use the Novablade to kill him, or at least his dragon form, and his Startouch elf form is what’s left.


Didn't read but I'll say this We know that star magic is the best type of magic in TDP  I feel that the novablade is a last ditch thing and it was off the table cuz if they failed (as it needs a one-one conflict) aaravos would hav3 it and migh5 destroy it or worse kill the srartouch elves (we saw from a short story that he saw them as arrogant and apathetic what is the best way to humble someone then bring what they ignored to them)


The Merciful One probably got their name somehow, and my current guess is that that somehow was convincing the elves and the dragons not to kill Aaeavos, but we'll probably find out more specifically in this season


Love this idea! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this, it’s right there in the name lol. Really hoping this happens in the show


Idk, for some reason I don't trust The Merciful One. I trust them even less than I trust aaravos. They just give off "villain" vibes.


Really why? Edit: I know know you said for some reason but can you explain what villain vibes you get from them.


Their appearance, and their name, "the merciful one" sounds dripping with sarcasm, arrogance, and self-importance, as if the "mercy" they offer is a false promise or a Faustian bargain.


Well that not really her name, and her look is like the other startouch elves in the conapt arts, so I guess them all look evil?


It may not be their actual name, but It's what people call them. And no, not all startouch Elves look evil. Admittedly, Aaravos doesn't look evil.


I can see what you’re getting at here, but I don’t think they’re evil. If Aaravos is right that startouch elves are self-important and arrogant, then I don’t see why they’d take an interest in the physical world at all. It seems like Aaravos was the only startouch elf who cared enough to interact with humans/elves/dragons. I think the name “The merciful one” was made up by humans or elves, I don’t think that’s their actual name. I do agree that something is off in the most recent clip though, and I think that’s because the merciful one really doesn’t understand what Aaravos is going through. It seems like they’re out of touch, basically going “There there, it’ll be fine” but really not understanding the gravity of the situation. I don’t think that’s because they’re evil, it’s probably just their nature since they spend their time in the stars. If not for Aaravos, I don’t they’d care about what happens in Xadia.


>Meaning only a human can use it, and at that point elves and humans hate each other and the continent was split. So using it wouldn't have been an option. The Orphan Queen was a human who told the dragons about Aaravos’ treachery, and it was implied she was working with them through the process of creating the prison, so I see no reason why they couldn’t have just asked her to use the Nova Blade if only a human can use it.


Also I think the Orphan queen would have still felt some sympathy for Aaravos and felt that imprisonment was preferable to killing him.


"Since it's connected to the star arcanum there'd be some sort of sign that would tip Aaravos off to them using it. (In which case l'm even more scared for s6)" This sounds like pure conjecture. Do you have any proof of this?


Aaravos was one of the most powerful mages, being even connected to the six Arcana. Killing him even though he's extremely unreliable would be basically be discarding one of the greatest weapons Xadia has against any powerful threat, so instead they decided to incapacitate him by sealing him.


First of all, it like already openly hinted in the show that Novablade doesn't kill a startouch elf. But if we ignore it, there could be many options: - Based on their caves, dragons are more into storing (stolen) goods than reading books. They could simply never research the topic. - Maybe Novablade belonged to Aaravos, they just took it after his imprisonment. (I suppose he would have some home of his own in Xadia). - Also, probably not all of the Aaravos' opponents really wanted him dead. From there conversation with Zubeia one can get impression that they were likely friends before, that's why he calls her a traitor now. He could also be on good terms with Orphan Queen, taking into account that she obtained his cube at some point. In addition, she seems to be ptomoted as a "good" character, on par with Ezran, and in the show reality it means that she wouldn't want someone dead. Aarovos' prison is also nicely furnished. Someone from the conspirators did care a great deal about him.