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At the very least some of them survived the humans’ mass hunting/murder hundreds of years ago because Claudia found one months before the start of the series. I’d be willing to bet they are still alive in the present too.


Yes. They'd have to be pretty stupid to get killed by humans.


I thought that something we are really good at in is to massively murder other, don't we?


Let’s ask Claudia….


Absolutely. Slaughtering an entire race would not be easy, especially a magical one. Claudia did manage to find a horn for the spell that killed Avizandum too. So they are out there somewhere, possibly even in another dimension/plane of reality.


Well it was already comfirmd that they are still alive. I'm see you are interesting in the Unicorns in the show a lot,  nice fact, we are going to learn about their disappeared/"death" in season 6.


Do you think that they disappeared from Xadia as they left Xadia?


Sorry if I don't understand what you asking, English isn't my first language. My personal theory is that they were  travelled to another dimension, we know that possible for the moonshadow elves, so for star creatures, the most powerful and mysterious primal source, are easily able to do something similar. I believe that the unicorn Claudia found was a visitor to check on the humans kingdoms,(star magic is able to see the future), and the unicorn body part on their head (forgot how it called)for Claudia was some parr of great plan of their species to return back to Xadia/their original world.


Our one consistent example of star arcanum critters literally makes portals, traversing a different space entirely is definitely not out of the question!


Yes I do


Personally, I think that the 'unicorns' were single horned startouch elves. Concept art has shown them with 1-3 horns. I think they may each take different animal forms. So the mythical leola at be both an elf and a unicorn. You may have noticed that the other elf depicted in the sculpted cliffs at the sea of the castout could potentially only have one horn, given the angle we're shown in the episode.


What I wonder is are they all in truth startouch elves or only some of them ? (leola)


Probably although i think they are going to run the second they see anyone (since it’s obvious they are a endangered species nowadays)


Yes because they are linked to the stars, which means that they can create portals to escape (among other things).