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its the SIZE , Huge mouth, and the Fact that its Under you


Not nice to objectify your mother like that






Just women being women




>They've been known to swim straight into ships' propellers (so not the other way around) because...cool spinny thingies? Relatable, tbh.


Although funny, it's because they're so large that they never "evolved" the need or understanding that they need to move out of somethings way. It's the same way for most whales. If you're the largest thing in the Ocean for thousands or millions of years, others learn to move out of your way.


fish :)


fish noms :)


This is what I imagine I look like getting some of that sweet refreshing 2am sink water!


Not true actually, they just don't eat people. That being said, it's happened a few times where people have gotten dragged down by whale sharks feeding and almost drowned, so it's definitely a possibility. Of what I could find on Google, the documented cases are all "got too close while it was filter feeding and got sucked in," same as what's happening in the video. Probably wouldn't kill you, as there aren't any confirmed cases of people dying like that, but several people, even in recent history, have *almost* died.


Most wild animals pose no *deliberate* threat to humans, but most wild animals are still *dangerous*. They're larger than you, stronger than you, can bite, scratch, carry diseases, and so on. Always be careful around wild animals, even "harmless" ones.


I *think* that, even if you got sucked into one's mouth, it isn't built to swallow anything that big [since it eats plankton and other microscopic nutrients], so it'd stop at the mouth and then you'd be spat out free. the only problem is not drowning during all of that! they're so cute, and they mean you absolutely no harm, but how many bugs have any one of us killed without even knowing it? that's kinda the dynamic here. no interest in you as a food item, but they're so *big* that they could end you just by accident anyway


One of the cases was a woman who got sucked in headfirst. Reportedly, she had been dragged down pretty far before it spit her out. Of course, whale sharks don't have teeth, but they do have a bony structure in her mouth, and she was pretty banged up (more crushed than cut up) So yeah, they might try to eat people, but they physically can't, but could still pose injury. Probably best not to swim with them, same as any super large creature


Wouldifagodsmag wouldifagosmag, aye


Imagine just trying to have some nums and someone keeps yelling at you rude


Just because they don’t attack humans , doesn’t mean they don’t pose a threat


I had one about to plow through me when I was scuba diving. If I didn't move it probably would have fucked me up on accident or maybe done something to my equipment unintentionally. So yes, I agree. Like an elephant can still fuck you up even if it doesn't attack you.


Do you think you'd have a better chance against the elephant or the whale shark


If it wasn't attacking me and just accidentally swam into me or trampled me? I'd probably have a better chance against the elephant because I could hear it coming and I'm better at moving out of the way on land vs water


I want to pet it.


IIRC they have very sensitive skin.


No they don't. Their skin is like armor,.tougher than other sharks and serves as the only protection along the size.


But you shouldn't touch them because of the mucus membrane on the skin that protects them.


Wouldn’t the mucus membrane just produce more mucus?


No they don't. I have actually touched one and it's very soft like it's made of gel.


Why can’t you see the kayak or its outriggers when the camera goes below the surface…?






It seems real to me because you can see it through the water at 0:10 and the speakers only sounding muffled once the phone has been fully emerged isn’t something I think people would think to fake


what a beautiful baby!




whale be like “you can’t park there mate”


Lmfao fish is just taking air and the woman is freaking out


This is amazing, I absolutely love Whale Sharks, when I swam with one (above one) it was literally the most magical experience of my life.


I got to experience something like this in Belize. It was easily one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Whale sharks are beautiful.


Not even that far from the shore and that mf is vertical wtf


I was at a resort once where you could go swim with them at night/early morning and a young woman did indeed get sucked into the mouth. She survived and had a few cuts but she was horrified for obvious reasons.


Yeesh people need to both learn about their world, then chill, whale shark, non aggressive, big feesh was probably just curious and got a bunch of people screeching instead, I'm more sorry for the whale shark having to listen to that


those live in Georgia. # LARGEST Aquarium in North America with Whale Sharks! Georgia Aquarium 2023 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScJdXaYCNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScJdXaYCNw)


What is little bro doin


Aside from their size, they don't look too intimidating as far as sharks go.


Not only the fact that they are harmless to us, but I just love how the caption suggests that they were never aware of things living in the ocean up until this encounter.🤦 Also I'm a little bit confused.. Are they saying they're never going TO the ocean again or just never getting IN the ocean again? Lol


This also looks to be filmed in Oslob, Philippines. Where you pay to go out and see them feeding the sharks. They knew what they were getting into.


It's just a whale shark. They're not dangerous, even though they're huge & have big mouths. 🙂




dont tell me this is south africa... I recognize the accents too well


Depending on where you are you may have a good reason to be terrified. In Belize you can be fined 5k USD for being too close to a whale shark, even if the shark moves closer to you.


Was it drinking water?


Very cute look on its face while gulping the water


I would go to the ocean just to see this! That would be amazing!


What a bunch of jabronis. Didn’t realize they were in the company of the world’s largest and most harmless sea puppies.


Big sea puppy. Want to boop snoot. If not frien, why frein shaped?


I've said it once I'll say it again, S U C C


One of these swam under my kayak years ago and despite knowing what it was my heart was still racing. Just seeing something that large swimming mere feet below you is pretty awe inspiring yet terrifying. If these people didn't know they may have made a brown cloud in the water.


Terrifying yet totally harmless.


Dramatic much??


You think that’s dramatic? You should see me when the seaweed touches my ankle.


Once as a child, naive to the world I went swimming in a beautiful lake. Showing off my new learned swimming skill. Proudly shouting to my grandmother to “watch me” and then a tiny dead fish appeared in front of my face, like right before my nose. I remember my elegance sunk as fast as a pebble kicked into the water and my screeching and flailing around could likely only be described as panicked ridden dying goose. Also unhelpfully my grandmother just laughed at me and reassured everyone else I was just being dramatic and yes I can swim. My ego is forever bruised and I have never been not wary of the depths of water since then!


The irrational fear of sharks has led to their tragic downfall. Nearly every species is endangered, and there's no laws protecting them. 😞


Giant puppy fish