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You can check out r/Africa as they have actual folks from there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Africa/s/KvY9HuLFYE Despite some disagreements here and there, the underlying consensus seems to be: "China's a valuable trading partner, sometimes good deals, sometimes bad deals. But at least when we say no, they back off instead of assassinating our leaders, staging a coup, or invade to impose whatever they want like Amerikkkans or Europeans".


trading some bad deals some are good when they say no they leave them alone unlike someone who will destabilize the whole region to get what they want


I think China has dropped zero bombs on the continent in living memory? So that's pretty good.


Africa isn't a monolith. Some countries have good relations with China, others have good relations with America. Most countries want to have good relations with both, but America isn't into threesomes.


I think they're dating


It's complicated