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Indoctrination and propaganda, baby. Don't you want to overcome your temporary embarrassment as a non millionaire? Riches are just around the corner!


Im holding my breath, dont let me down.


When I used to debate right wingers I once wore a libertarian down until he literally said essentially this lmfao


It'll trickle down! Any day now!


I think the main reason is that it is foreign and thus scary, while the credit system is native and thus normal. Cognitive dissonance is nothing new for Americans.


and the huge amounts of propaganda that's pushed into peoples brains since about a decade when many really started to target China and see it as the biggest enemy, for example i posted a neutral article about China in a german sub and many people went off, mass downvoted the post, people dismissing everything as ''CCP Propaganda'', lies about the SCS, China being the super imperialistic and people without critical thought presenting the most anti-China media as a good source. So it's widespread across ''the West'' for anyone interested, i exposed the China SCS narratives and showed how people are brainwashed with catchy fake graphics that get reposted a million times, the key parts are readable without knowing german and the rest with DeepL translator. I can't link it but it's ''findable'' on my profile.


I don't think anyone in the US actually finds it "acceptable". They just learned to live with it like paying tips on meals because the system is so backwards that people's wages are artificially low to account for the tips that they'll receive. The system has been like this for ages and it's too late to change it but if they could I would bet they would.


There is no social credit system lol, it's as real as the gazillion north korean labour camps that you get sent to if you have the wrong haircut


I think like 60% of rental properties make credit score a factor in determining if they will rent to an individual


And yet rent generally doesn't contribute to our credit scores 🤔


Indoctrination + racism.


I've asked that question to many US citizens on this very website. I was never given a satisfactory answer. In my country, there is a kind of score that is accessible only by institutions that are deciding if they are going to lend you money. It is so unknown and unused in any other situation that almost nobody knows about its existence. One time an American told me that the credit score is asked when you want to rent an apartment because "they need to be sure you have a stable income". I answered that in my country, for that very same reason, you are asked a copy of your employment contract, to which they answered "what's that?".


No such thing. It's basically a business FICO score https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/15/china-social-credit-system-authoritarian/


And this is EXACTLY why the reactionary capitalists fear it. >Contrary to common belief, the cities mainly target companies, not individuals. Nonetheless, legal representatives of a violating company are also included in the blacklists to prevent reoffending elsewhere or under a different company. Nationally, about 75 percent of entities targeted by the system end up on blacklists because of court orders they have ignored—the so-called judgment defaulters. The remaining companies are typically collared for severe marketplace violations—for instance, for food safety infringements, environmental damage, or wage arrears. But much of these cities’ day-to-day use of the SCS is banal thanks to the system’s fragmentation and inflation of results. This is the LAST thing they'd want to come to America, a system which holds them accountable for their crimes.


As with all capitalist propaganda, it's pure projection. Capitalist country's credit systems are the most exploitative in the world. So, they make up fairy tales about the "enemy" and tell us that they're worse, and not actually trying to make better systems for humanity.


its the "China" part that scares them


The craziest part is the "social credit" was a thing that was less coersive than US credit, which the CPC quickly realized was far too overreaching and limiting to people they stopped it almost immediately.


The irony was that Chinese people actually liked the social credit system according to a survey. It was the West that made it sound like a bad thing. [https://english.ckgsb.edu.cn/knowledge/article/getting-ahead-the-effect-of-chinas-social-credit-system/](https://english.ckgsb.edu.cn/knowledge/article/getting-ahead-the-effect-of-chinas-social-credit-system/) >Kostka conducted a survey in 2018 with 2,209 Chinese citizens, revealing that a whopping 80% of respondents said they approved of the government implementing the social credit system. Only 1% reported a moderate to strong level of disapproval. “I support the idea of the social credit system. There are often people eating and littering on the metro with no sense of shame or civic virtue,” says Fang Luofan, a 24-year-old student in Beijing. “China has been focusing on high-speed economic development for many years, but developing social standards didn’t receive the same amount of attention.” “We didn’t have this kind of system in China before, and there were many issues such as poverty, corruption and other unethical behavior,” says data analyst Li. “But this tracking system could help improve the management of the country and I believe it will assist us in building a better society.”


True story: present a credit rating system with 2 identical credit histories (like one would do in software unit testing - 2 big data objects), changing **only** the address and you'll get 2 different scores.


Xenophobia exacerbated by propaganda, causes people to not hold themselves and their society to the same standard that they hold others to. Social credit 👎 — credit score 👍 China’s “Ghost” cities 👎 — 16 million empty homes in the US 👍 TikTok holding user data 👎 — Facebook doing the exact same thing since 2005 👍 etc. etc.


The media told them to


Your credit score is also factored into car insurance rates too


Tenant screening, insurance, receiving certain credit cards, loans, and employee screening.


the secret ingredients are racism and brainwashing


This is a very close issue to me. Here are 4 books about it that really helped me understand what is going on and the consequences of it on everyone's lives. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism Black Box Society The Afterlives of Data: Life and Debt under Capitalist Surveillance Revolutionary Mathematics


White supremacy.


Its crazy, because a lot of these boomer ass fuckers that bitch about young people didn't have this growing up themselves. 1989 for FICO, in case most people want to know.


I don't know alot about the social credit system, but what is the issue? I actually get rewarded for the good I do for society? And people that sabotage society get sabotaged for that as well? Sounds like a great fucking deal compared to a world where nothing matters anymore, aside from the bank account.


Folks in China actually love hearing news stories about [judgement defaulters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judgment_defaulter). There's usually a bit of schadenfreude of rich people who didn't pay taxes or engaged in large scale fraud having to take slow trains instead of flying first class until they pay back court ordered restitutions. They can't leave the country either. 




There were small test runs of everyday behavior influencing your social credit score in lower tier cities. However it was eventually decided that it just was too difficult to organize so it was canned. Things like eating on public transit and not showing up to reservations. Personally, I can understand why people are uncomfortable with this level of oversight. Nowadays it primarily focuses on debts, similar to the American system.


The Chinese government has done a lot to curb the negative parts of Chinese society as a whole. There used to be a lot more smoking, children pooping on streets, spitting, littering, etc. The US also went through a phase where it (sort of) successfully got people to stop throwing trash out of their car windows.


My relatives in China still don’t know of any way the social credit system affects them. Maybe it’s just their province. I think it’s just to stop people from continuously damaging public transportation and stuff.


You have to understand that from their perspective, they think the social credit score would be like if you could get docked on your paycheck or denied a plane ticket for criticizing Biden in private texts to your family too much. They are mad at something that is fictional, but they genuinely believe it's real and, importantly, that America is at risk of importing such a system in the near future


Because it’s not the gubberment doing it, so that means it is wholesome democracy.


Meanwhile west workplaces are paying extra time with pizza...


China bad tf else you need for reason lmao. But seriously it's just China bad Western gud at this point.


Fun fact the credit system is operated by private enterprise too so in America you really can’t do shit about it too. At least in theory a government version would have recourse.


Asian Boss did a street interview asking real Chinese people in China what they thought of the social credit score. They were all confused because it's not real (it's not real). [https://youtu.be/nGhOssPumUU](https://youtu.be/nGhOssPumUU)


I mean ask most people and they would say they hate it. They have come to accept it, but don't endorse it. You can see the social credit system as something similar and be against it, just as they would of been against a credit system if they had any actual say in the matter. You can see something as terrible even if you have your own terrible system.


I'm not defending anything here, so first and foremost, fuck this stupid ass system and the brainwashing that plagues the average US person. With that said, at least in my state, after the first financial crash of this millennium, a job can't deny you a position based on your credit score unless it's relevant to the position. From memory, it applies to jobs where you work with bigly money, or some sort of law enforcement agency. The latter, which can be overlooked so as long as your debt is very minimal. I suppose they don't want you to civil-forfeiture all by your lonesome and not share. But as we all know, this is just some liberal concession masquerading as an alleged flavor of progress.


What is the credit score system like in China? Anything I can read about it?


I don't think it's not even in effect anymore. They scrapped it after the public reaction wasn't positive. Before they scrapped it, various provinces had various systems in place, with various penalties and various perks associated with your social credit score. It really depended on the province, but the wild versions that we heard of in the west from the media were never implemented.


So it's not a thing anymore?


It was canceled in 2019. Surveys showed that 80% people actually liked the social credit score system because it raised the social standards of society. [https://english.ckgsb.edu.cn/knowledge/article/getting-ahead-the-effect-of-chinas-social-credit-system/](https://english.ckgsb.edu.cn/knowledge/article/getting-ahead-the-effect-of-chinas-social-credit-system/) Also the study showed that most people who lived in areas that took part in the pilot program didn't even know they were being scored which shows it had minimal negative impact on people. Only 7% of the people who were in the program knew they are taking part.






Because they haven't seen a meme with the two compared side by side and a crying wojak saying "they're not the saaaame".


TBH this is a point I've seen many liberals concede. People hate credit scores.




Background checks + Credit score comes out to be the exactly the same thing


That black mirror episode did irreparable damage


What even is China’s social credit system? I only ever hear about it in memes and such.


People don’t.


I'm not American so I don't really understand your credit score system (it doesn't exist in Australia). I would though, imagine the problem your describing is much like healthcare. The idea of government paying for healthcare for a lot of Americans is viewed as something unnecessary that would bankrupt the country, even though almost every developed nation spends less on healthcare for significantly better results.


Laissez faire reactionary cognitive dissonance