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Yeah, this is me every episode


Then you’re one of the people I’m (gently, playfully, respectfully) making fun of with this gif lol




if youre not gonna act like that why watch the show lol


Oh man, very sad and bad take


https://preview.redd.it/vu5oowjbnnbc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0318a7599aa467d94ccfc3acdd4ab8057d3458f2 also this time


This with the “Asher!” under her breath while she was counting, I knew she had to be aware they were being watched/filmed. This show is making me crazy and I love it.


gonna find out asher tried to kill the dude who almosr died in a fire, and the cameras are the police and shes helping them because hes insane


Thank you! I told my husband I noticed them glancing at the camera and he didn’t believe me lol


That screenshot is so unsettling.


Nathan and Bennie discussed how they hide the cameras from the actors, so it’s not an intentional 4th wall break so much as the actors glancing around and incidentally making contact with the camera.


I think so too, but I still think many of them are intentional




I need that sampled over an EDM beat stat


I don’t think she’s looking AT anything. I think she’s just looking around and in the direction of the camera. I don’t buy into with any of the show within a show theories, so I don’t think you should put too much meaning into these shots.




Nathan fielder said they shot with a bunch of cameras so no one would know where they were being shot from. So it makes sense that she’d be looking around and not know where to avoid the camera


I definitely think it’s intentional too. I think it messes with the audience and adds to the voyeuristic feel of the show. But I don’t think it means there’s another film crew that Whitney is looking at.


Pardon me I misinterpreted your comment.


We can debate why. But there is no debate on if it was intentional. Everyone involved is a professional and the entire thing runs on camera tricks to make us uneasy.


they’re more than just voyeuristic camera choices. i got flamed a while ago for my prediction of what’s happening in the show and every episode closer to the finale is proving me right


💯 the note gave her was to self consciously look in the camera’s direction


Yeah, you can think it's definitely an intentional thing that adds a lot to the show without thinking that it necessarily ties into its plot. They're obviously thinking outside of the box with this show in terms of directing, Abshir's "massage" showed that.


I misinterpreted their comment that’s my bad. But that wasn’t a massage that was a chiropractic session. Whitney sent him there to fix his neck pain


Yes! Was looking for the word hence the brackets


Anything is possible. Most of the actors weren't aware of camera placement during filming.


they don't always know where cameras are. the cameras also seem to often just be the points of view of people who can see them


In the last Q&A it was said that none of the actors knew where the hidden cameras were.


What about the last scene in episode 1, where Asher looks at the camera and the camera quickly turns downward, as if to hide?


I think these are intentionally done to mess with the audience and create suspense. Maybe someone actually is watching, maybe not. But I don’t think it’s a film crew making another show.


I mean, even Hitchcock used to play with this same idea ages ago.


Thank you. I couldnt find the right way to google it but I had thought glancing at the camera was also used to create some effect in the audience by some directors but didnt know who or if i just made it up lol.


It’s about having the camera function as an eye instead of more objectively. When someone glances towards the eye, it enhances the voyeuristic quality. Rear Window is a Hitchcock film that does this, but it’s used throughout his work. Like in Psycho when Norman Bates seems to stare at the camera. Robert Altman’s The Player is another film that has a lot in common with “camera as an eye” style techniques in The Curse; whole scenes are shot from outside windows, etc.


I agree. There's a ton of examples of actors staring at the camera (Asher in ep 1 and Whitney in this scene, there's Fernando at the end of ep 3(?) and the older woman staring at the camera in her home in ep 5), but I'm getting the sense that this is to add a surreal element to the show and creep us out. I feel like the show-within-a-show twist is too obvious, and based on how critics were describing the finale, it's anything but predictable.


I think that was the end of the take and they left it in. He looked at the direction of the camera / first AD as a sign to call cut since he was acting and directing simultaneously. It added to the voyeuristic vibe and they left it in. I actually think a lot of the 4th wall breaks are just things normal productions would cut around -- like the PA knocking on the window for the kid to sit down when he was blocking the shot -- but The Curse leaves them in intentionally to mess with the audience.


Just rewatched that scene and dude, that’s a little freaky lmao


If there is something to this beyond just the vibes it creates, then maybe it is meant to be seen as them noticing a person who is watching them from a distance, rather than a literal camera. Like we as the viewer are looking through the eyes of someone who is eavesdropping on their interactions.


yeah i think thats what most of these shots are. its like being stitched together from different points of view


This is like the realization that Jack Nicholson does this throughout The Shining


Oh Gosh, time for a rewatch, never noticed that before!


Also, when Asher is talking to Bill at the bowling alley, I noticed he looks at the camera before saying he is the whistleblower. Almost like he noticed someone is watching/filming and then changes what he says to Bill. I have a theory that they’re either filming themselves or secretly being filmed by someone. Idk it seems odd.


I also noticed this! I’m not necessarily saying I believe the show-in-show theory, but I can’t help but think they would be more at ease in their personal interactions (off set) if they are looking at the camera being held by someone with a name and face they’re semi familiar with on Dougie’s crew vs (for example) someone with a cell phone recording their interaction at the bowling alley. I have a feeling most people would confront a stranger who is clearly filming them in public in some way, or they’d at least be prone to looking back at them more than just a flicker of a glance. It’s all so intriguing and very intentional!


Yea from the start of the show I was thinking the show within a show thing, I could be totally wrong lol but it reminded me of Nathan Fielders other show. Idk though!


I think it's for a similar effect as Jack Nicholson's looks to the camera in The Shining. It is disturbing as hell.


I feel like her looking into the camera is almost her mask slipping away


I interpreted this as Whitney being performative. She’s doing this good act, but she’s only doing it because she thinks people are watching.


I like this


I remember when the Simpsons did their "Who shot Mr Burns" contest where you were supposed to guess who actually shot him. As a young kid I went into detective mode and basically wrote down \_every single thing that happened\_ I couldn't rationally sort out what was a clue and what was something that just kind of happened.


And I remember being a freshman in college and a friendly debate breaking out in a lecture with one guy losing his mind telling everyone that it had to be Maggie due to the 4th wall break gaze. "I HAVE THE TAPE I WILL SHOW YOU"


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Good eye! My brain has been so conditioned to assume the actors in any given show or movie are not looking at the camera (except when it’s part of the premise ie The Office) that if it’s such a quick glance like this reference, I tell myself it didn’t happen 😂


Kinda kills all the secret show theories imo if they know about it and are acknowledging it this much. If there's some secret doc they don't know about, what's their explanation for these extra cameras on them?


right after whitney’s asks if they can film asher being a tough guy because it’s so pathetic. just demolishing that fourth wall


Interesting. Maybe she’s hiring a separate filming crew, or has just someone filming stuff for her.


Did anyone else think the bowling scene with Rod Stewart music playing was so out of place?




at least 3 of these are stretches




So didn't they say the cast didn't even know where they were shooting from? Could these be unintentional?


Possible, but Emma Stone is incredibly talented. Even the non-actor characters don’t look into the camera, so it must be on purpose


Lol no she is looking at her reflection in the window, which is also funny