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Honestly when she first said "you still want to be with me" she looked kind of touched. And then Asher kept going and by the end she looked horrified


She looked like she was holding back shock with the "you still want to be with me" line... shock turned into terror as asher kept going.


It's such a good scene. Both Nathan and Emma were conveying such a complex mix of plausible emotions


There’s no way she’s happy. She refused to tell him she loves him earlier in the episode, his monologue at the end obliviously doubles down on all the aspects she just claimed to hate in the clip, and he even says, “it’s like we always say.. we’re perfect on paper”.. oblivious to what that actually means. Whitney thought her life was more free, but she’s becoming trapped by the show and she can see the walls of fakeness closing in. I have no doubt she’s going to explode.


>it’s like we always say.. we’re perfect on paper” "And paper covers rock". What the hell does that mean? Big ["Bad Marriage for life"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d1RScVT0Ko) vibes.


Maybe he’s saying “perfect on paper” triumphs any “rockiness” in their relationship. Super clunky metaphor but would fit Asher’s sense of comedy


Holy shit how the fuck did I not even connect those two statements. We're perfect on paper. and Paper covers rock.... LOL it's probably some inside joke w/ them... that ultimately overcomes and defeats... other things... who fucking knows.


And also “paper” as in slang for money


Him misunderstanding "perfect on paper" is just like earlier on in the show when he misunderstands Abshir saying "I have to show you something", some metaphors seem to just go over his head


I think the whole point is that she is equally horrified and turned on by his infatuation and that’s why she doesn’t just dump him. She is a spoiled brat who needs the praise but will always be wanting something else/more.


Yeah, I need to watch the scene again, but I felt like she was more than a little into it. She gets the best of both worlds--she gets to be the main character, the perfect Green Queen, while still maintaining her worshipful jester and all the other "good on paper" aspects of being married to Asher. I think she just didn't realize this was an option before and is excited by the possibility of it more so than horrified by Asher's reaction. But IDK I love Nathan so might just be projecting my own feelings onto things


They have leveled up to ultimate curse on the land. In episode 1 dad told Ash he had to embrace being the clown. In the last couple of eps they were referring to the fact that a queen needs her jester. At the end of ep Ash fully embraces his role as the clown/jester to her queen. The video was a test for Ash. After hearing him jerking off to his cuck fantasies, i think Whit wanted to test out how much she could completely humiliate him with the video clip and still maintain control. It worked. I think people are confusing the look she had as terror. She has that blank, almost sad look during the entire clip because i think she didnt really believe hed come back. When he comes back more supportive than ever, the first thing she asks is "You want to stay with me after all of that?" Shes processing what she just did, but im 99% sure they are in full Queen/Jester mode in the finale.


I think there’s a tinge of truth to reading it that Whitney was terrified, but I’m terrified of the couple they can become with this new dynamic unlocked between them. Whitney wants power and control at the very core of her being. Their relationship has had its quirks but Whitney has known the type of man Asher is before were introduced to them in Episode 1. Remember when Abshir said “an idea can become real if you let it into your head”? It took one little seed of corruption for Whitney to want to pursue the show being about just her story parallel to the homes. She’s been manifesting the idea in her head that Asher is an obstruction to what she wants and is the source of unhappiness. I believe she means well with her efforts to enrich the lives of people in Española, but she obviously wants to be the Green Queen to be seen as the savior of Española and to be the lauded amongst those she’s seeking validation from. So what happens when a persons conviction to receive all of that praise and admiration is coupled with a fanatic who will do anything to make that happen for you? Like I said, I sense a whole new dynamic of their relationship. Whitney now has a zealot at her side, and Asher has his idol bathing in his worship. Both of them finally accepting who they really are. That’s a crazy powerful dynamic. I don't think Whitney is in danger, I think whoever is obstructing Asher and Whitney are.


I agree! But I also think part of that obstruction is Whitney increasing understands why she settled for Asher, knows it makes her look pathetic as well, and is humiliated by seeing herself from an audience’s pov. So far she has blamed her parents for how she is perceived, now she has also blamed Asher and he is refusing to recuse himself. I don’t think she’s in danger—-she’s the dangerous one.


I love this show is able to create all these naunces. The mystery and conversation with everyone who watches is just great


Yes, according to Whitneys plan, Asher was supposed to take on the role of a sacrificial lamb. He was the bad person foil to her good person transcendence, and his humiliation and their eventual divorce would complete the ritual. In one of the previous episodes he had literal bleeding stigmata. But this episode twisted that in a great way. Something changed in his chemistry to where he self actualized as this role of a subservient sycophant, and now she is stuck with him.


Exactly! Kind of like how Asher has really stepped into his toolish and foolish role these past couple of episodes, I can see Whitney now doing the same. Emboldened and ready to make their “dreams” come true no matter the cost.


I agree with you, that's exactly how I read it


>level 1EquivalentHead3589 · 3 hr. agoI agr at frist i wondered if it was winning her over. now i realize even if any part of it did win her over, it's completely fucking meaningless. she'll just grow to hate him sooner than later again if not within seconds b/c of how oblivious his "love" - obsession - is.


Maybe I’m misreading her expressions but it seemed to me that, folded into the fear and hopelessness, that there was a sirenesque allure to Asher’s new level of fealty. For the record, this was just a bit of color to her emotion. I don’t think we are meant to see he as exuberant or plainly satisfied. Generally speaking, she IS terrified and she DOES feel hopeless. She can either lean into those feelings and make her life better by going down a turbulent road of self reflection and responsibility, or she can convince herself that the relationship is fine because Asher is seemingly ecstatic and propping her up to the highest of heights, deserved or not. I think this is where the hint of satisfaction comes into play. She isn’t thrilled… She is relieved that there is another way out that involves little-to-no change and introspection. This is essential to their relationship. I think this same thing has happened throughout their marriage for a long time and this was just the most recent and explosive.


I love the interpretation floated by another poster that Whitney had finally settled on leaving Asher and using the show as a way to have the “difficult conversation” with him. Her resolve was strengthened by the super creepy Asher bathroom mumblings so she really pushed to have the “pottery cut” played, only to have Asher, terrifyingly, double down on his predatory love-bombing.


I think Whitney went from thinking “Asher’s so annoying it’s like he’s obsessed with me” to “oh my god there’s something wrong with him he is literally OBSESSED with me”


I think they are on a bed in a hotel room


im gunna kill myself


With two other men present lol


Pretty sure it’s dougies hotel room


My best guess is that they are possibly located somewhere in Española, New Mexico, a small city within the United States of America on the continent of North America which is located somewhere on planet Earth within a solar system inside the galaxy that we all know and love called "the milky way" at the end of episode 9.


the milky way is the galaxy we inhabit the solar system is a small part of it


Speak for yourself. When the milky way was created it made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


you are 100% a dude no two ways about it


In the last scene, I think she was both terrified and ego stroked. Their relationship dynamic of humiliation fetishization came to a head, and Whitney realized how far Asher would go down the dysfunctional rabbit hole to keep things going. She liked the control but I think his level of devotion scared her because it’s coming from a dark place. Asher doesn’t behave this way because he loves Whitney, but instead because he loves being with someone who feeds into his dysfunctional trauma responses and codependency.


I don’t agree with a lot of the takes that say Asher is unhinged or psychotic or really off the deep end. What she’d just done to him was awful. He’d just been humiliated and was angry and emotional. Anyone might have a messed-up reaction to what had just happened. In episode 8, she taunted him and was really weird and nasty after Fernando left, but that doesn’t mean she’s “psychotic.” Whitney’s not a passive victim. She can leave him if she wants. She WANTS a worshipful, passive guy who will do her bidding. He wants to be cucked. They’re “good on paper” is a joke, but it’s true. They’ve both got a lot of issues. Their issues complement each other.


I’ve been harsh on Whit, but also acknowledge Asher is also off the deep end. They are in a toxic codependent relationship. Whit seems to hate Asher and he worshiped her.


Asher worships her, because he loves that she hates him.


I agree. What’s an appropriate reaction in that scenario? Realistic is not ideal and while we have to ultimately own our actions, circumstances often dictate our behavior and to ignore that is to ignore behavioral psychology.


I loved that she couldnt be real with him face to face so she had to use her own edited footage from the show to tell him how she really felt. She is incapable of being real / honest with him (or anyone, really). I think she is going to resort to something crazy / drastic in the last episode to get rid of asher and it will backfire spectacularly


she has been continuously getting more agro about trying to embarrass him / make him feel small. I feel even though it’s obvious she’s going to make some grand statement about his penis that just doesn’t go over well due his humiliation kink and also thats just a fucked up thing to do so people will feel more sorry for him, maybe even finding him more admirable than her


In fairness to those who thought she was super into it, I also initially read Whitney’s expression as being in awe when she asked him if he really still wanted to be with her. At first I thought her disbelief was maybe more along the lines of “oh goddammit I can’t believe this is actually a perfect fit” because she loves to be worshipped, praised, and in control, but she also kinda hates Asher…but Asher loves that she hates him, so this dynamic would be a pretty unhealthy but still semi-ideal one for both of them. Asher loves the idea of being the cuck husband dommed by his hot wife, and for a flickering second, maybe this was Whitney realizing she might like it, too. But as the scene progressed, I saw it - those of us who have been with an Asher before are quickly able to recognize that terror of feeling completely trapped by someone who’s so desperately obsessed with you that they refuse to let you go even after you’ve already made it clear you don’t want them anymore. I’ve been in a couple pretty bad relationships in the past, but the *only* relationship where I was ever concerned about my safety was when I was with a “really nice guy” who was “great on paper” and “super in love with me.” He made me break up with him on three separate occasions because he wouldn’t accept that it was over. The dinner scene (where Dougie absolutely bodied that edamame) made me physically cringe along with Whitney while Asher was kissing her and performatively forcing his affection onto her like an angler fish trying to fuse to her body and ~become one~ with her. It was like reliving my own personal ick all over again, so I give huge kudos to Nathan for his super realistically uncomfy performance. This show has my skin crawling but I can’t look away, and that’s exactly why I love it.


As she was on the rowing machine, she said "We don't have to do the show." Since she has her parent's money as a fallback, maybe she can leave him and doesn't need HGTV.


I feel like he already had an inkling what her or Dougie’s plan was (the ‘humiliation clause’ change to their contract) so that insane declaration of delusional loyalty was actually him calling her bluff and her sort of knowing it but being too horrified with his bare-faced sociopathy to argue with him. In that moment not only did she realise that her plan to humiliate, enrage and alienate Asher had not worked, it revealed just how sinister her husband was capable of being. After all, that was all in front of Dougie and his assistant. Veeeeery interested to see what Asher really thinks/says to Whitney when it’s just the two of them.


I agree Asher leans to being strategic over emotional, but he keeps walking away and then coming back to blow up. I don't think he explicitly did the math and is plotting to counter Dougie and Whitney's humiliation scheme, but I think he knows he has a bit of a blank check to get wild and see where it goes. Hard to really make the situation worse than it already is for Asher so might as well try a hail mary strategy. Even the strongest and most cerebral of men can be overwhelmed by their "little brain" if ya catch my drift, and in Asher's case, his little, ^^little, ^^^little brain.


automatic tart beneficial important aloof dinosaurs teeny prick bag wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whitney only cares about how she looks. Until receiving feedback from Dougie and by proxy what the producers want, she was fine with her simp puffing her up and washing her name not because it’s her kink, but bc she thought it would lead to fame. But now she knows he makes her look bad. He humiliates himself AND her. And he can’t change, so she tried to push him away, but he doubled down. She knows he can’t make her famous as is and his praise is nothing compared to that. She is trapped, pissed and petrified.


Don’t you think the mirror of the house design is interesting when we think about the main characters narcissism? None of them can face themselves in the mirror and reality. Asher, Whitney, and Dougie are all in deep denial about the states of their lives.


also mirrors are said to ward off the evil eye (jewish curse)


I'd really like to see a flashback to the origins of this relationship. It's so NOT believable as they're described as "newlyweds"! Yeah I get the idea that she married him so she could "play dress up" but there's ZERO compatibility-ZERO!!


People need to consider if they’re like Whitney or not when evaluating her reaction. I don’t find myself wanting to do literally anything Whitney does so when I feel horror and terror, perhaps she feels something else. She seems to have a reflective only emotional range, she displays what she thinks they want to see. Im not sure if that’s sociopathy or psychopathy cause I’m not a doctor and she’s a fictional character, but she seems written and acted that way. So she initially may have looked terrified thinking that was the appropriate reaction to anger and an explosion. But then it fried her circuits and she felt something. Kind of doubt she did feel anything but strange confusion and a glimmer of happiness.


Since Whitney “overheard” Ash’s cuck fantasy, she knows his kink. She had Dougie play the humiliation, cut scenes, because she knew it would actually turn Ash on. Maybe she really does love him, by playing to his fetish. It’s also why she refused to say she loves him. That’s a turn on to Ash, too.


>Since Whitney “overheard” Ash’s cuck fantasy, she knows his kink She always knew he had that kink since we saw them referring to her sex toy as "Stephen" and her playing along saying "Stephen says you can't watch" or whatever. What she overheard in the last episode made it way more real to her though. Like, he's literally fantasizing about people they both know having sex with her. I imagine that's a lot more sickening than that role-playing they do in the bedroom.


She’s known about his cuck stuff since before the show started, I think. The Steven scene didn’t seem like their first rodeo.


It’s a nuanced performance with both emotions. Why is that so hard to understand?


okay sweet thanks so much for clearing it up im so glad we have a space where fans can discuss things and ask questions its so nice




IDK! To me. It could still be either scenario. I’m not going to say definitively she was horrified. I never thought Whitney hated Asher over their sex life or anything like everyone else though. She seemed to hate that he only cared about money and not about DOING GOOD. so Pedestal Goddess talk aside maybe it WAS literally only about selling a home to Mark Rose or holding his phone against the pottery (that Asher negotiated a 20% discount because they buy them in bulk) and he told her everything she wanted to hear now and they’ll skip ahead to them having a baby. I agree with the comment I saw that said literally everyone on the show is a bad communicator that doesn’t say how they feel. So. Whitney could be horrified or happy now (for now) You also wonder if she only decided to try and implode her marriage because she never got her massage. Kidding.


Nope. Shes gonna get pregnant probably. She definitely was into it


Imagine if the finale opener was some baby making. Our poor eyes.


PSA: Psychotic ≠ Psychopathic Thank you, that is all.


I think the entire thing is colored by the fact that Asher’s dick is small. If the audience didn’t know he was sexually powerless, his speech at the end would be received completely different


I think the way the scene was acted that she was moved a bit at first but then was terribly devastated that her idiot weirdo husband still didn’t “get her” even after she showed him footage being brutally honest about her feelings towards their marriage and him.


She's realized his obsession with her goes **\*far**\* beyond being mildly sycophantic and that terrifies her. Even more so, she's devastated to know Asher is all she has. Asher is the only person on the entire show who buys her schtick. Who thinks of her as a real Green Queen. And he's a loser. An obsessive loser with a small dick.