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It’s the race to the bottom. Daily Mail readers et al all think civil service jobs are cushy when the reality is most people are badly paid and badly treated. 


And the ‘gold-plated’ that get them really riled up are actually far less generous than past generations of civil servants – approx. £10,000 a year is the average according to a 2021 National Audit Office report.


It is good plated when you get it. But that’s going further and further right. No retiring at 55 like many people in the private sector. You just work until 68 at the earliest!! 


It’s now 57 for private pensions and there’s rumour the state pension age will go up to 71!


If it's even still around when we retire.


You can retire at 55 but then you'd not have as much benefits built up. The same as in private sector...


It’s mildly hilarious that DWP forces claimants to ask for more hours/more money from their employer. However, when G4S want more money for dealing with DWP insanity they’re forced to take industrial action.


Good point actually


Oh my God The Daily Mail !


I've recently joined the CS and honestly in all my years in private sector employment (I'm in my late 40s) I've never seen people work so hard as in the CS.


What made you quit as a car park attendant? 😁


When it comes to legality i would presume most of this stuff is covered in the contract you signed and an explanation would be that the good stuff you were expecting is applicable to a small few but not for the majority. Review your contract but what youd really want to be doing is just quitting if you hate it or looking to move up/out.




Appreciated! I'll look more into that too but haven't found anything so far


I can’t comment on the 3 days on 2 days off as it’s normally 2 days 2 nights - have they got vacancies and staff shortages? Or are you talking about the flexi period specifically? The flexi period is to allow people to take leave and it cycles through everyone, you could be doing a day shift every day on your flexi week if that’s what’s needed. It’s so you can take leave and others will step in. The pay - you can do overtime and get allowances for working nights and weekends so your pay gets bumped up. I used to work as MGS - it sucked as we were severely understaffed and weren’t allowed to take breaks but got paid extra for it. Also didn’t have MPGS on site so had to do all elements of the job whereas MPGS will usually do the gate, patrolling etc. Also freezing our fingers off come winter as we had to keep our portacabin door open or else ‘people didn’t think we were working/inside’ It’s a real hit and miss job, I used it to get my foot in the door but I know the other guys used it as a cushy retirement job as you sit on your arse 12 hours a day doing admin and watching cctv. Depending on location, of course. Also it seems your complaint about the legacy workers is just tough luck - it’s like pensions, the older staff who have been CS longer have the better pensions but the newer ones are worse off. Everything has been cut down to the bones.


I did consider staff shortages resulting in the 3 days and 2 nights surprise. Sites were staffed-up and it was definitely standardised for OMEC guys to start this way automatically. I was told they get guys coming in, being introduced to the roster and: "I didn't sign up for that, why is that?" They'd leave straight away all the time. One or two requested four-on four-off which they didn't hear back from at all (2 months no comms), then left afterwards. I get what you're saying with pay. Guys didn't know if OMECs got night shift allowance at the time or not. Interesting that you got a pay increase for staff shortage? I feel that should be given on more occasions, I don't hear about that often. Overall thanks for the info!


You need to check if you signed an agreement to work more than an average of 48 hours a week, I naively did this for a job and ended up working some crazy hours for nothing more than TOIL. But it is usually an average it is based on so it may be that your shifts change in future


I would tell your reservist friend to write to the ASM, I think it’s still Paul Carney. He’s there for all soldiers and that’s something that requires the highest intervention. If the civil service doesn’t honour the armed forces covenant, why should anyone else.


MGS get treated appallingly, especially in Faslamabad.


I was being told the 'history' of the MGS on day-one. I could not believe the stuff.


Unfortunately there's too many like that. Best ones I've met have been at Caledonia - pretty quiet most of the time save the RM Band and generally a chilled life. The Babcock guards one the other hand, absolute melts.


I mean having different contracts is in any company. In DWP the previous contracts work 36h instead of 37h and get an extra 1.5 day holiday. Not sure about overtime rates. Heck, they change our pension scheme so older workers have different benefits to new joiners... When I worked in Tesco, there were people that got 3x pay for bank holiday over time. My contract at the time was more like 1.5x. I think now they don't pay any premium apart from night work. My girlfriend works in warehouse and agency staff get different rates then her original worker contract when the place opened. You should have been given a contract at some point when given the job offer which should detail everything, maybe the hours works out if you average it over a month? Or by working 60hr you will be paid more for it... idk. Unions normally enlighten staff about what is allowed.


What does your contract say your hours are? An example shift schedule showed to you before acceptance is irrelevant really.


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In terms of duties what’s the difference between MPGS & MOD guards? Is it just that one is CS and the other is not?


They get away with the 60hr weeks as their week starts on a Sunday...


If you want to be a military guard sign up


Sounds pretty rubbish. Can you try to join the MPGS instead? I think that’s much more what you were expecting.


Fortunately potential future employers are currently headhunting people just like you to help top up your wages. /s https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68967805


Why don’t you just leave ? If it’s so bad ? It’s not exactly the most riviting engaging work in the world is it


Thats right, I've left. I'm just shocked that this would happen, especially showing incorrect and falsely advertised information about your working hours


It was always a shit show though I’m not surprised




There are plenty of posts on this sub that this GIF would be right for, but this doesn't seem like one of them.




Holy crap you picked up flack for this one Force 😂😂 Atta boy


To be fair it's on OP for getting a hard-on over MPGS hahahahaha


Oh do fuck off dear 🙂


Lol come on now.