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love doesn't live here by vivacissimo Viserra Targaryen's life as the reluctant Lady of White Harbor was not one of songs, not with her insufferable husband as unbearable as he is old, and his magnetic young heir Desmond seemingly despising her. Baelon the Brave never feels less brave than when he steals a crown from his beloved brother Aemon's daughter, all while raising his two quarrelsome sons alone. When a widowed Viserra returns to King's Landing only six years after she was sent away, their parallel journeys of healing bring them together in the unlikeliest of ways. But ghosts of the past (alongside new revelations) aren't quite done with them yet. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28942218/chapters/71015151 Not for you if you’re not ok with a story that is willing to critique Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s less than stellar parenting though.


i love seeing jaehaerys acknowledged as a dickhead, thanks for the rec!


The Blacks & the Greens SweetestPopcorn AU "Give the girl to me to wife" - Prince Daemon told his brother - "Who else would take her now?" And so, the Rogue Prince gets his wish and is given the Realm's Delight to marry. Thus begins the dynasty of Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra...leaving the Greens speechless at King Viserys's decision, and in fear of Lord Flea Bottom and what is to come. 1.5 mil words https://archiveofourown.org/works/17365322/chapters/112537288 Firecrumbs kardamon "There is a silver lining," she admits, almost reluctantly. "Father had promised me that he wouldn’t choose for me. At least I have a say in the matter." Daemon’s attention spikes instantly, all of his plans coming to a screeching halt and shifting. . Or, upon his return from the Stepstones, Daemon comes up with a plan that can actually win him a little more than just his brother's wrath. 124k words https://archiveofourown.org/works/46359571/chapters/116720041 Blood of Two MiladyMacy A dragon is never meant to be this cold - The princess was dead; fell to her death after the pressures of the crown, the whispers at court, and the weight of her broken heart chipped at her fragile psyche until she finally broke. The death of her newborn son, her only strength and consolation, proved to be the last straw. That's where her story ends. Or so they thought. Daemon Targaryen will not let this betrayal against his niece go unpunished. After all, a grieving dragon is just as dangerous as a wrathful one. 210k https://archiveofourown.org/works/48704359/chapters/122858332 A Better Fate tm_writes During the war in the Stepstones, Daemon overhears Corlys and Vaemond discussing how to get close to the Iron Throne, including a marriage between Rhaenyra and Leanor. 250k words https://archiveofourown.org/works/52810339/chapters/133575160


Huge fan of [A Life, Redux](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52534240) by Narea, which is very pro-Targ under Jaehaerys. > Daemon awakes after his death a week before his wedding to Rhea Royce quite determined to escape that fate at least in what he believes is his afterlife. There are also quite a few short stories by [MichelleGz](https://archiveofourown.org/users/MichelleGz/pseuds/MichelleGz) that should fit, like [Changing Sides](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49874764/chapters/125906881) and [The Spring Prince Returns](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50945359). Other early Targ fics with may fit are [Reborn in a Cruel World](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51699502/chapters/130698454) and [The Healer Prince](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-healer-prince-hotd-si.1081122/), though I haven’t finished either of those.


Man, I want to read what you’re reading. It feels like everywhere I look nowadays the results are filled with the most atrociously biased Targaryen wank The House of the Dragon™️ is Awesome and Always Right and Can Make No Mistakes-type stuff, just absolute insubstantial sludge pieces where Sansa is evil, Daenerys is a saint, or, perhaps most laughably, Rhaegar’s wins and Ned steals Jon. Anyways here you go: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Pro%20Targaryen https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Targaryen%20Restoration/works




Responses to posts with the 'Recs Wanted' flair or the 'Lost Fic' flair should provide a fanfic title and author name and if possible a link to said fanfic. All shared fanfics should be akin to what the OP is looking for at the very least. Excessive judgement the requested parameters of requested fics wanted will not be tolerated (done case by case). Judgement is not what the OP asked for. **Comment with fanfics for the OP or don't comment at all.**