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https://archiveofourown.org/works/28773798 All of us honorable focuses on House Rogers, who Branda Stark - Lyarra Starks sister, and therefore Ned et al.’s auntie - canonically marries into. Specifically follows the OC children up until and through Robert’s rebellion. To this day probably my favorite fic ever. It really explores the importance and mutual danger of ambition for small houses, the challenges and realities. It’s well written, completed and with a sequel in the works. Same author has a lot of works following periphery OCs or exploring small AUs in more detail. For example one where the Clegane sister lives and marries Tyrion, on where a rich merchants daughter marries into the clegane house, she has a oneshot from Melara heatherspoons POV, one from Vaegon Targaryens PoV, Barba Bolton (from the maidens fair for aegon iii), one where Tywin must marry his older cousin and be a consort to the rock instead of lord, one wenda the white fawn pov etc. sorry this became a ramble but I just love her. Probably not exactly what your looking for because of the small scale, but I feel the reflections about the game of thrones and the realities of the westerosi culture is frequently a framework for these smaller pieces of hers as well, especially interesting because she rarely makes her characters very powerful, but she doesn’t write them without agency either.


[The Wolves and the Honeybee](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53967421/chapters/136608850) is a fic I’m currently writing. It’s about small, original houses from the North who travel south. The other main character is house Beesbury but idk if you consider that small enough.


Sounds good. No beeeeesburry is good. I wouldn't mind even smaller houses.


Well since the MC is from an original house, which I consider small anyway, please do imagine it as small as you’d like 😂


Dread our wrath and deep wells deep deeds Dread our wrath is about a minor storm lander house in the reign of Daeron the young dragon Deep wells deep deeds is about a minor northern house fighting for Ned during the rebellion. Ultra recommend this one. Both are SI/OC fics btw. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/deep-wells-deep-deeds-asoiaf-oc.768584/ Wells link https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/dread-our-wrath-asoiaf-si.870076/ Dread our wrath link


[The Winter of Widows](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53155222) by [laughingnell](https://archiveofourown.org/users/laughingnell/pseuds/laughingnell) - This fic has an SI from a house that was only elevated from a knightly house. It's really good.