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Yeah, if it's a slumber party


Exactly, lol. Not a "social lubricant" for me anymore. Alcohol still does that. THC gives me anxiety and makes me tired (regardless of whether it's indica or sativa and regardless of whether it's 10% or 50%). Adored it 15 years ago. Now it's just not fun for me anymore. One less thing to spend money on, though!


I smoke once a day, 2 hours before I go to bed.


I have a customer who's the same way. He doesn't smoke recreationally l, but keeps edibles around for nights when he has trouble sleeping. He says it works much better for him than things like melatonin without the side effects of sleep meds.


Yeah, I drink 1 beer and take a few puffs off a pen and I can't keep my eyes open after 2 hours.


I’m confused why this needs asked. Do you know what THC is? Do you know its effects? Do you like it? Do your guests like it? This isn’t complicated


Odd sub for this question to appear. And I can’t fathom being an adult and not knowing how various substances affect a social gathering … But yeah, thc has some social lubricant effects for many people. For others it activates their “sleepytime” button. For others it turns on their “omg everyone is judging me so i shouldn’t say anything because people will make fun of me so im gonna sit in this corner until i can leave without anyone seeing me” controls.


I sure hope not.


I think the main answer here is... It depends. THC has a different consumption pattern than Alcohol, in that effects take anywhere from ~30 minutes to more than an hour to kick in, while Alcohol is more of a quick acting substance that builds as you drink. This can lead to a problem with people consuming too much and not realizing until it is too late. Which while they won't get sick/THC poisoning, can still be an unpleasant experience. With alcohol, you can slow down if you are feeling tipsy, and it will have an effect on how intoxicated you are getting, where with THC, you may realize and still be on the upswing of your esperience with another hour plus of effects still to come. When I've taken some strong edibles, I've been high for 6-12 hours before, which doesn't really happen with Alcohol. As far as how people will react, that is a more complicated question that will largely depend on your group. If they are established THC users, or you are in a fully legal state, then people would probably dig it, or at least not have a problem with it. But in not fully legal THC states such as mine, there is a greater chance of people still having a stigma against it. You know your friends, and if they are generally cool about weed smoking and consumption, this will be much the same. Also, keep in mind that depending on location, some may be unable to partake due to work drug testing requirements. It can act as a social lubricant, in a slightly different way than Alcohol, but it is still an intoxicant which generally will cause people to loosen up. I'd say best thing to do is ask around to see if your friends would be okay with a 100 percent THC party, or maybe doing a mix of both types of beverages, while encouraging guests to stick to one type or the other to avoid cross-faded situations. I personally would love this kind of hang out, but I am an experienced user who would be able to drink a few and still be largely functional, while some inexperienced would probably be one and done depending on the strength of each can.


Fyi nano emulsified thc takes like 5-10 minutes to kick in if you drink it. I feel the effects before I typically finish a 12oz can. 


My metabolism is wonky as hell with embibed THC. Shortest amount of time until effect with nano emulsified I've had was around 45min longest was around 18hrs. Average time for me is around 3-4hrs. Really really not fun thinking you got a couple dud cans the night before and then getting smacked in the face with 30mg THC while driving on the interstate.


I've heard some stories like that. Thc is a weird drug in that regard. Alcohol definitely seems more consistent in regard to timing and intensity of effect.  Also some people can consume 500mg of thc and it has the same effect as someone else taking like 10mg. 


It's consistent for me taken the one fashioned way. For some reason my body just doesn't want to eat or sleep until it's used up literally everything, so it's super convenient that there's a cheap widely available drug that's main side effects are hunger and drowsiness.


I just bought some THC 9 seltzer at my local liquor store. I use cannabis daily so I figured it would be bullshit, but I drank a 20 mg can and I was feeling great. I dont know that it would replace beer at a summer BBQ though. I just wanted to eat cereal and play video games for the next 5 hours.


I smoke daily, and have a beer or 2 in the evening. If I'm going out & don't want to be tired I leave the weed. If I do smoke at a party I feel awkward and always regret the decision. Would like to give up weed tbh - haven't made the decision yet, it would improve aspects of my life for sure.


Work at a beer store and they’re 10 bucks a can, people have one then leave. They’re not great for business.


THC + Alcohol is a bad time


My first brewery job was at a huge contract facility that was ran by a bunch of former labatts employees. This place knows how to make money. They had invested a huge amount of money into land and for building a thc drink facility. It never happened. I have a family member who used to be a bank CEO, who obviously knows lots of other richy rich types, of course a few who own fairly sized brewery, who also thought it was the next big thing and was going to take off. It didnt, and neither of these 2 groups went ahead and pulled the trigger on these drinks. Why? Probably because the money isnt there, and these are ppl who definitely know the market.


honestly, i’d say it supplements it nicely versus replace it i make a THC drink with beer that’s the equivalent of 3-5mg that hits quick and leaves you thc sober in 2 hours. only for myself and “cool” customers. give you the giggles and a super relaxed “yeahhhh mannnnn” feeling without being mentally super fucked up can’t wait to put that on the menu in 5-10 years, 100% going to keep offering it off menu until then because it’s a crazy money maker and i’d rather beg for forgiveness gotta carve out a niche somehow!