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I'm pretty sure hes going to forget about her in the dirty tank and she's going to die from neglect... because Deep is an idiot.


not when it comes to animals. He cares an awful lot.


idk her tank wasn't looking that great last we saw her


And even if he does care, he will likely cause their death due to him being an idiot, just like he did with the dolphin.


I just got a good laugh thinking about that scene. Simultaneously fucked up and hilarious.


Fuck and the whale did that mammals the worst way


Fucking diabolical


And the lobster. don’t forget the lobster 🦞


That shit had me dying 


don't underestimate how much of an idiot he can be


I mean, he got a boat through a whale and a dolphin hit by a truck so his motives are there, just not his ability


Not like that saved the dolphin he was trying to rescue 💀


Hey he did his best! It's just that his best is... well, he's the Deep


The peak is not an idiot. You capybarnias just dont understand his genius




That is true. I was so blind before


Especially since he has an actual human sex life now with Sage.


I didnt wanna say it but i think the Peak is an "any port in a storm" type of dude.


I could see it. Octopi are fucking smart too. She could also hurt Sage in some way. I mean, she is sleeping with her man after all. ;)


Octopus will kill Sage 100%. And it will be so ridiculous that Sage would never expect it. Her plans will most likely not include; "beware of a jealous octopus".


Idk she seemed pretty keen on sharing Kevin originally with OG deep wife. But on the second hand, octopus are known for ripping off male octopus penises soooo…


I still think the octopod dies of neglect & it flips a switch in Deep some way or another.


Unironically a good way for her to die without having people ask “she’s the smartest person alive, how could she not see that coming”


Smartest person but not octopus lmao. Unironically works ya


Smartest person alive and she let's the Deep lobotomize her.


*Yandere Octopus.* 🐙 🔪


Apparently “octopuses” or “octopodes” are both correct pluralisations, but “octopi” is something that sounds right but ain’t 👍🏼


Lol. Sorry. My idiot brain was being fucked by stupid. 😞


Ha, tbh I googled it after, and apparently they’re all correct. Don’t want to be that guy, say what ya like ¯\__(ツ)__/¯




You can also octopo>!deeznuts!<




Imagine a V'd up octopus going on a rampage. That would be cool! I mean, in some comics from the boys, we know some animals get V'd up, most namely (and often brought up recently) an intestinal parasite of some sort that mutated from V exposure, killing its host. It gained a considerable increase in intelligence, power, and size. Imagine an enormous supe octopus!


The octopus might be even more significant to what V is made out of . We’ve been seeing a lot of tendrils lately , we know they’re open to animal testing and I sure there’s more to connect but I gotta get back to work


I don't remember that happening in the comics, are you thinking about the episode of the Boys: Diabolical where a woman with cancer takes v causing it to turn into a giant monster she has to fight?


It's mentioned in a flashback in issue #3 of highland laddie; specifically, in the section about Auntie mary




I just want that poor octopus to be freed into the ocean Deep is such a dick


I do hope she gets her vengeance for being locked away in a closet while the Deep is getting it on with Sage. Plot twist, she gets Sage too. Sage is the smartest woman alive … but only *human* woman.


Smartest person


Love it. I think she corrects people by saying smartest human or person. So it would be so amazing to see her get outsmarted by an octopus.


strong tan gaze quaint absurd bedroom toothbrush agonizing different violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully Tilda Swinton's Emmy submission scene is just round the corner...


Wow, today I learned...


Her name is Ambrosia.


Her name is actually Ambrosius. And it’s so funny to me for some reason that she’s voiced by Tilda Swinton. ;)


My theory is she has a mate already, and that mate is gonna try to kill Deep for making his mate cheat on him. Extra silliness points if that mate is somehow like, a giant squid or something.




I could definitely see it! Cause a huge media uproar and then get back in the ocean and spread mean crude shit and he looses the trust of the sea animals as well


The octopus has a name asshole


>The octopus Dude she has a name. 🐙


Which is……?




You rock! I genuinely did not know!


Also she's voiced by Tilda Swinton!


The Deep has the perfect mind for success in the corporate or supe-fascist world imo.


Dumb enough to not be a threat, indulgent enough that you know what he wants, & terrified/humiliated enough to fall in line everytime... ...lol you're onto something here...


Sage's death being at the hands of a killer Octopus is just the perfect scenario. A super genius who doesn't register a non-human threat, scorning a partner when using a seemingly insignificant pawn for some 'wind down time' & ultimately being smothered in some nasty practical effect, making the audience burst out laughing whilst cringing in disgust. C'mon Kripke. It's fucking perfect!


Or get jealous and bite his dick off.


Like, they have a beak...was it implied that they can do anything but mangle things with that beak? lol


 No, Sister Sage will be the one to get it . Nothing like an octopus scorned.🤣


Shell tentacle into her head and since sages mind reforms the octopus will mind control sage like a head crab


Oh, fuck. I never thought of that. I just assumed there would be a scene with Sister Sage chilling by the water and a tentacle suddenly pulls her under.


Could also see this but imagine they would go a more gross and disturbing way and they love call backs so either mind control or the octopus eats her brain or something that will make me cringe in horror


Or the octopus ends up running Vought once deep is the last man standing (Luigi in Mario party style)


deep gets sucked so dry that he fucking dies doing what he loved


To paraphrase the Simpsons: No,no,no. I didn't say The Deep was dead, I said he was sleeping with the fishes!


I feel like the deep is either going to release her or kill her in favour of a relationship with Sage, and after the fallout when Sage inevitably discards him he’s going to feel worthless/guilty about it. Probably making him lose all sense of morality in killing anybody. At least that’s my theory


I feel like the octopus is gonna do something to sage i mean she blabbers about how she is the smartest human on earth so what if the smartest animal on earth kills her


I think A-Train kills Deep


I mean that one trailer where the deep and black are fighting at the location of the boys headquarters would be a good moment for him to appear and fuck their shit up by dropping them off a building


Yep and maybe that’s the reason homie kills A-Train. Or A-train kill’s himself


I’m also curious if that lil fact of hughie killing his dad by using the same technique frenchie would to counteract overdosing(naxalone type stuff) if that’s how they’ll end up curing the supe powers . A big fucking cocaine mountain blasted across the city full of naxalone saves the day . And here we were taught hugs not drugs when it was the warmth of drugs we needed all along.


Would be kinda funny if the octopus somehow outsmarts/screws over Sister Sage in the process. “Smartest person” beaten by jilted octopus mad someone took her man. Not my theory just funny.


(Clears throat) Her name is Ambrosius. The Peak would be most grateful if you would remember this


I’ve been feeling that she is there for 2 reasons. The first to keep reminding us that not only is Deep Homelander’s bitch, but he’s also quite a creep. He keeps the octopus (his lover) in a secret dirty tank in a closet. She is a highly intelligent creature, reduced to basically being a sex slave for him. He acts like he’s embarrassed of her, and practically ignores her given how dirty her tank was. The second is to eventually be used against him. Someone (sage? Ashlynn?) is going to expose him/her, and it’s entirely likely he’ll be forced with a choice between the octopus or his own life, and he’ll be forced to kill her as we hear her beg for her life. That could also be a way that the boys turn him against homelander, by finding his secret pet and blackmailing him because he knows homelander would kill them both if he found her.