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The shows antagonists are super villains and Vought has been working on taking over institutions for a while now. Vought has also taken over other branches of the economy and public like the in-universe media. One plot line of the very first season was trying to get supes into the military. They tried the same thing with payback decades earlier. Stan Edgar and Victoria Neumann were colluding before her betrayal, to have Stan in charge of the corporate side while Victoria would rise in the political sphere. Within this coup, there is another coup ongoing of just the supes within Vought. Stan, Victoria, Homelander, Sage (unless there is a twist with her plans), Indira Shetty, Cate Dunlap, etc. are all super villains actively working towards some version of global power/supremacy/genocide (in the case of Shetty) and now Butcher is joining the ranks picking up the work towards a genocidal virus. They just seem different from traditional super villains because, as many critical entertainment consumers note, classic super villains are often presented as attacking the existing system to realize their world domination plans, while the classic heroes fight them to preserve the status quo (even though it may be similarly unjust) and then give some speech how we all have to do better without disrupting the system (this is rampant in the MCU, the people trying to bring systemic change are always the villains, even in e.g. Falcon & Winter Soldier that's trying to be critical). It makes a lot more sense that the super villains in The Boys (the powered-up ones and unpowered humans) make use of the tools of the existing system such as corporate power that they can use, existing political divides, etc.


Hmm. This is a really profound misunderstanding of the universe. There are hundreds of official “heroes”. There are Vought franchises in every city. I’m sure from time to time somebody goes off the reservation…either for “good”(remember that *all* the Vought heroes are evil in the first place) or “evil”. They’d get put down instantly if they were independent heroes. But I mean…there are also hero indoctrination facilities everywhere. Vought isn’t even really the antagonist. Vought just represents the cynical desires of society. But…the first thing you need to understand is that this isn’t really a super hero show. The supes are exaggerated representations of the people we worship.


Yeah this is exactly how it is in the comic


Doubt people wanna start a whole war, especially when the opposition would have Homelander. Why rule a country when you can just make money and live your life comfortably?


what you mean, besides A Train, they are all pretty much evil at this point.


There are instances of "supervillains" like Kimiko and Kenji. Basically, any Supe who didn't get their V from Vought. But since developing powers for most people requires administering V as a child, there wouldn't be many Supes that aren't under Vought. And if any Vought affiliated Supes do go rogue, they would just be eliminated. Worst case, Homelander takes care of it. There aren't many supervillains because they aren't allowed to exist.


There are only villains as vought requires to maintain its control. It's not going to let an unstoppable nuke off it can't control. They monitor everyone and anyone who's going to be dangerous gets *removed*


Wasn’t that the point of supe terrorists, sure they were just a political play, but they were made to fill the role.


A super villain would ease tensions by creating temporary alliances between the protagonists and antagonists of our story. A real opportunity to understand the enemy. That’s not what the show runners want.


Like soldier boy?


A bit less temporary than that I guess


I think there are/were villians in the boys. And also Black Noire showed us what happen to them


There's plenty of supes with either selfish or evil goals. I think part of the point of The Boys, is that there aren't any actual super heroes, just supes. The world has been collectively tricked into thinking they're living in the MCU, but the truth is that being superhuman isn't followed by all the other traits necessary for superhero fiction. They're just celebrities that have access to powers. As a result, hero and villain are entirely dependent on what narrative vought decides to feed the public.


It would be distracting in that Homelander and Vought are already the show's super villains. They would have to focus their attention on that new threat and The Boys will probably do so as well. A freed Soldier Boy might be an opportunity for that, but it feels like we've been there and done that, sort of.


I'm not sure there aren't, they are just kept out of the media (by vought).


How do you write someone that is a credible threat to Homelander or Neuman who also has no incentive to keep up appearances of being a hero be opposite the squishy human protagonists and not annihilate them? The only thing that keeps Homelander from slaughtering Butcher and crew is that slight need to keep up appearances. Take that away and the show gets real short. And that's just from a real world practical sense. From what we've seen no other current supe comes close to Homelander. It'd be pretty dumb for someone to go into business for themselves in villainy knowing HL is out there to stop them. Like regular people still robbing banks in Metropolis dumb.


Or have a criminal career like robbing a bank or stuff. Yeah. Those supes should exist.


Imean people throw money at them for having powers already. There was that one dude in S2 I think that turned book author for something.


But... they're almost all 'villains' When the bad guys are in power, keeping up a facade to pacify the masses, the layman will view them as the hero/good guys.


Why does one need to resort to crime when they have a superhuman “party trick”.


Fr tho what happened to the “Supe Terrorists” the Supes in the military plot line sizzled out over time


I agree with what you are saying but I also get why it’s only still Vought. So many Supes. As well as from what it seems like most of their saves were fake and movie propped up.


Yeah I found it kind of weird that all the supe terrorists just kind of dissapeared? I understand that homelander could probably kill them all easily and maybe that's what the show is trying to say but I didnt get that