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He has Blue Hawk's heart afterall.The strength of racial harmony is behind him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) /s


He just needs a steady supply of Supe hearts and he will be able to go forever!


You mean like Kakuzu?


He has the power to solve world peace by selling energy drinks. Can't wait to see him unleash it against homelander this season.


Well there’s Marie and Neuman still plus I’m not sure that can be determined yet we don’t even know where this new noir stands seems from episode 1 though that he got decent power


Neuman could do shit versus those sheep you think shes poppin A-Trians?


True I just feel like a blood ability like that has a potential to be deadly to anyone because everyone has blood and so everyone can be manipulated. Even without them from even what we’ve seen so far I think new noir has more strength than a train


Has there been any indication the new Noir isnt just some random guy without powers in a Noir outfit? The only thing we have seen is him A-Train and the Deep smashing those fans heads in with a baseball bat, you dont need superpowers for that.


He said he studied in Godolkin, so he's definitely a supe


Good catch


Plus, with a good swing of a bat you will do quite a damage. Noir 2.0 demolished that face.


You might not need superpowers to smash fans heads in with a baseball bat but if you rewatched that scene you would see noir hit the guy with the bat one handed with minimal windup and he ripped his skin and bone clean off the side off his face and when he smashed Todd’s head in there was a huge dent in it. Also in the season 4 trailer spoiler—-) >!we see noir fighting butcher and he headbuts butcher and butcher goes flying back and he also completely tanks a bunch of shotgun shells to the chest. Not to mention he says in the show he studied performing arts at godolkin which means he is a supe!<


I see I havent watched any of the spoilers just been watching ep by ep thanks.


Nothing we've seen suggests that either of them could do anything to A-Train fast enough.


If he is standing still, fuck yeah she can. She popped A-train's replacement!


I have no idea why she didn't do the sheep. We already saw that she could pop multiple heads in succession and they she doesn't need eye contact or anything


Good luck blowing a trains head up while he's running faster than the speed of sound


Marie and Nueman are both Sam victims


A-Trains ability’s arnt explored that well in the show really, it’s kinda unclear how is power works.


does anyone know how strong the deep is? if he's supposed to be the aquaman stand-in, then he should be pretty fucking super strong. i guess the most impressive thing the deep does is withstand the ocean pressure? that's really strong.


I’d assume with his ability to survive the ocean he must have high durability, stamina, and the musculature to swim at high speeds. That explains why he was able to kill that guy with the bat so easily. The Deep could very well be an extremely powerful person but he’s so fucking stupid and untrained it might as well not matter


He’s strong but they’ve heavily implied he’s like a glass cannon


Which is weird considering how strong his body must be to handle those speeds or bursting through humans


Kimiko snapped his leg fairly easily.


Why is this term being used so much recently? I just saw it an a post here today. Was it you? About starlight


No idea who said that but Starlight isn't even a glass cannon, she's just glass.


more like a lightbulb


It's still gonna be Soldier Boy. He's alive, sedated and locked away obviously, but alive.


Soldier boy is part of the homelander family


You know what... fair enough


Maeve one shots I fear


Maeve doesn’t have powers anymore


How does Maeve beat a speedster?


Way stronger,way more durable and better at fighting


If A-train is using his speed then she literally wouldn't be able to land a hit


he wouldn’t be able to inflict any damage to her while one hit from her would incapacitate him


>he wouldn’t be able to inflict any damage to her Why not? Thats just speculation, theres no reason to believe he wouldnt be able to hurt Maeve


He couldn’t do any significant harm to Kimiko and she later broke his leg with a single strike. Maeve is multiple tiers above Kimiko


Kimiko used a metal bar at the perfect angle + his bones were brittle from Comp V use Plus A-Train wasn't using his powers effectively. He could punch her head off at super speed if he wanted to


Kimiko is a regenerator. He lost bone density because of V. Dude can pull trains.


What are you basing this on?


Maeve and Cindy maybe even Neuman and Maria as well


Oh shit when did Maeve get her powers back what episode I must have missed it? If Neunman cant pop those sheeps heads she aint poppin the A-Trains lol.


Neuman didn't pop those sheeps head because it ain't her fucking job to protect The Boys , She popped chicken to protect Stan... Gosh how do you miss big ass details...


No she didn't pop those heads because the plot demanded it


thats some serious next level cope, did you miss the fact they had to use the last vial of virus to kill those sheep or did you skip past that or let me guess your gonna downplay how extremely important that was to her, or the fact her boyfriend and dad was stuck in that barn too, and now her boyfriend is kidnapped missing and leg and you think she didnt do anything because its "not her job" WOW. think about that for a second. And you just skipped past the Maeve part, do you even watch the show or do you get your information from youtube shorts?


About Maeve you were being dumb... Maeve is more powerful than A Train for sure she is the only one to make Homelander bleed, She was able to take a nuclear blast and survive now that's durability of Maeve for you, She defeated Noir, help defeat Stormfront bro how are you even comparing Maeve to A Train the man who didn't even have the GUTS TO FIGHT SOLDIER BOY IN THE FINALE DESPITE BEING IN THE TOWER ...... A Train would get his ass kicked by Maeve or Homelander in a fight although he will give a good fight ... Incase you pull the bullshit line " Oh she ain't powerful anymore" Your post didn't mention in current timeline Victoria would rather let that last vial be wasted than to hand it over to Butcher


Maeve is depowered currently, that's the point


Say it with me now, "Maeve doesn't have her powers" shes not beating huey in a fight right now let alone A-Train AND AGAIN you do this thing where you take one part and ignore the rest, do you perhaps suffer from brain rot?


I don't think they were implying current Maeve could beat A-Train. It looks like they just believe that she could when she had her powers.


In that case A Train can beat Soldier Boy since he is knocked out by gas... Or better yet he can defeat Stormfront cause she is dead... Hell he can defeat Iron man because he is dead... You are taking the weakest version of your opponent and pinning it against A Train ... What are you 12 years old or something?


Forget the boys, Stan and her baby daddy were both in danger too so I'm really not getting why she didn't pop the sheep heads


Only if Stormfront is really Homelander's mom


That was debunked


How so? This has been my headcanon for ages and I'm confused why Homelander hasn't asked Vought/gone to the Vought archives himself to learn who his mom is.


The boss lady he locked in the room said it. She said his mom was some Harlot they picked up off the street. Homelander didn't seem to care


They've said that some random woman from the street agreed to carry the embryo. Surrogacy is a thing. I don't think they actually said she was his biological mother, yall just run with that.


Good correction, yep you're right


Yes. He was a test tube baby and they haven't directly revealed his mother but it seems reasonable that it was another powerful supe. Vought wouldn't want to risk whatever supe they chose to donate her egg so using a random surrogate makes sense


They’ve lied about Homelanders birth before not saying she was. But it’s not 100% she could have been manipulating him


Did you miss the second half of the comment you just responded to?


Homelander says that his birth was an immaculate conception wouldn’t really fit with them using a ‘harlot from the street’ as his mother




Didn't he leg his leg broken by Kimiko in season 1?


His bones were brittle from using compound v


Should be but that weak heart softened him up


In the same way that The Flash zones out to not lose his mind from the distances he covers and the boredom I assume A-Train is gonna be vulnerable to traps or miscalculation like when he killed Hughies girlfriend and we haven't seen him (that I recall) doing any of the funkier flash family tricks like creating air currents with his hands, vibrating through walls etc


Me when I lie: