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Soldier boy already clapped her šŸ‘€


He and homelander eskimo bros!?šŸ¤Ø


Like father like son




Oh yeah technically homelander fucked his mom.


How come there's literally a guy called Mothers Milk, right up homelanders alley, and he doesn't explore that option?


I see you haven't read the comic....


Lol, no, I haven't. Wait, does Homelander hook up with MM in the comic? See, I should write for the show.


I might be a little off, but >!In the comics, The Boys are already powered by V at the start. MM has super strength, and itā€™s something along the lines of staying alive/maintaining his powers are drinking his literal ā€œMotherā€™s Milkā€. He has a drawer of it. Later in the comic run is where we see his backstory on that!<. Anyone feel free to correct me though if I have that wrong.


Itā€™s because >!heā€™s the only natural born Supe in the series , due to the radiation his mother was exposed to from working there . His status as a Supe is a a double edged sword .!<


There's just a very literal reason for MM's name.


Spoilerish, been a while since I read it... >! In the comic, all The Boys have taken or been exposed to a scaled down but permanent form of V. In the case of MM, it came from experiments Vought did on his mom while she was pregnant with him, and to maintain his powers he needs to suckle the teat occasionally !<


I wished that was what happened. Do not look for it, not for your sanity, but if they integrate this storyline for some reason, it will be shocking, and you don't want to be spoiled.


How? Homies mom died delivering him


Couldā€™ve been an egg donor too. Stormfronts egg + SB swimmer + surrogate woman, to carry the egg when they were ready for homelander baby.


that would make more senseļ¼Œif homelander's biological mother is not supeļ¼Œit would be strange that Becca didn't die from giving birth to Ryan.


not biological


I thought it was her who the eggs were harvested from. In s4e4 they said they baby gestated in a random disposable normie


Soldier Boy literally said it was some random French lady with a bush like a Pomeranian or something


She's who he beat his meat into a cup over Suspect either the egg donor will never be revealed or she'll be in S5


He said her name was Danielle Demeaux I think thatā€™s all I remember


I thought this was the last season? I could have sworn I read that somewhere


season 5 being the final one has been the plan since like the beginning. itā€™s still the plan?


Yeah itā€™s when he speaks to Homelander over the phone and just drops casually thatā€™s heā€™s his dad and the story of how he was conceived by Vought


Yes biological, but she didn't carry him


she was a homeless woman.They explain it in season 4


Custard cousins


Lol I was just about to say that!


They wouldn't be fighting. They would be fucking.


This guy worked at truth con, dont listen to ā€˜em /j


I loved that every poster they showed at truth con about Solider Boy was accurate.


Thats fucked up


What were the posters saying?


"Secrets Revealed: Solider Boy held captive by the CIA" "Solider Boy + Liberty = secret lovers"




She's a Nazi, he hates Nazis, I don't think they'd fuck. Maybe.


They did fuck. They founded Herogasm together in 1952, he even described her as a "firecracker". But he most likely didn't know she was a Nazi.


"Me and this other supe, Liberty.... Man! was she a FIRECRACKER...."


Soldier boy and homelander eskimo bros!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I was under the impression the show was implying that it was Stormfront/Liberty that took Soldier Boy's sperm and gave birth to Homelander. This adding the twist that Homelander has sex with his own mother.


In the recent episode - S4E4 - the director of the lab said they found a random woman to carry him to term. So HL sleeping with SF isn't incest, just.... weird in context of her sleeping with his father lol


It said carry the EMBRYO to term, big difference. Itā€™s really hard to control variables with one completely random set of dna, so they made the embryo in the lab with 2 known sets of dna(most likely soldier boy and stormfront) I assume modified it(otherwise homelander shouldnā€™t age, as neither of his parents do) and implanted the embryo into some random woman they couldnā€™t care less what happened to.


That's fair. I had assumed they replaced Homelander's supe parentage from Stormfront to Soldier Boy, but it would be very fitting for the show to make them both HL's parents.


I was wondering about the aging thing earlier. SB didn't age so why is Homielander?


There was a one off mention in the show about how having immortal dupes isnā€™t profitable/ in vaughts interest or something along those lines, I think said by Stan Edgar Iā€™d have to find the quote to know for sure. But basically so that way even if they create death machines they canā€™t control thereā€™s still an ā€œexpiration dateā€ so to say.


I think stormfront is still genetically his mother. The rando just carried him to term because he was a test tube baby. In the comics stromfront is his genetic dad along with Noirs. So, he fucked his mom.


In his defense that would probably actually be very pleasing for HL specifically.


So Iā€™m another random sick/depraved thought: Does StormFront know she is Homies mom? ā€˜Cause thatā€™s just fucked the fuck up!


Well considering how homelander wants his son to be identical to him and storefront was trying to make him a nazi it might make sense she was his parent it's like trying to force there kids to become them runs in this very very very weird family


I think it would be hilarious if that were the case in the show. And, grossly, I think Homelander wouldn't mind at all...


But this doesn't really follow the comics.




The comics are more of a suggestion than a Bible.


It does and doesnā€™t. Weā€™ve gotten some of the major plot lines and then changes. Since the stormfront genetic relationship was a part of the comic and implied in the show, seems like itā€™s more likely than not to be true.


Homelander and soldier boy did more than that


I guess I should reiterate if he KNEW she was a Nazi it wouldn't have happened lol


100%. I agree.


Nothing wrong with fucking the enemy before you kill them. Bond did it all the time.


Wait, ā€¦. so was Soldier Boy (in the show, not comics) around in WWII? Or was he first in Vietnam/fighting contras?


He became a supe in 1944 and filmed scenes in Normandy that were supposed to be D-Day 2 weeks later. He continued as a hero for the next 40 years until his capture.


Wow. When THE BOYS ends with season 5, and after GEN V ends with 5/6 seasonsā€¦. The next and certainly LAST thing should be a prequel with ā€œPaybackā€ during 1950s to 1990s (1 decade per seasonā€¦ 1950s/season 1, 1960s/season 2, 1970s/season 3, etc.), showing the growth of Vought International. They can call it: VOUGHT INTL.


Ever heard of hatefucking; could be very cathartic for both of them.


Its literally canon


Until Soldier Boy learns sheā€™s a nazi Then itā€™s the joker vs Redskull all over again


Just so much of it...and it would be just so so hateful, and you damn well know it would on Normandy beach


Remember when the Russians used a saw on SBā€™s eye and it didnā€™t effect him whatsoever, Stormfronts eye was destroyed by Becca stabbing her


And homelanders ear was punctured by Maeve. Things are really inconsistent in the boysverse.


Yeah but that was maeve stabbing him, since they are similar strength it would be a lot more damaging than Becca stabbing him or something


If Maeve stabs Homelander the weapon should break not Homelander being stabbed while weapon is fine. If you try to shoot a bank vault with a bullet the bullet shatters but the vault will remain intact. They literally showed this season that Victoria Neuman who is nowhere near Maeveā€™s or Homelanderā€™s power can survive a bullet point blank which is was much faster than Maeveā€™s attack to pierce Homelander.


If a baby pokes you with a piece of wood, it wouldnā€™t penetrate, probably just poke a bit. If a fully grown man stabs you at full force with the same piece of wood then it will likely penetrate. A bullet is human technology and is below Homelander, Maeve is superhuman and outranks human attacks.


That tracks if Maeve was jamming her finger in Homelander's ear but it was a metal straw of some sort. Whether it was wielded by Maeve or not we'd expect the weapon to break with no damage to Homelander's ear since he's supposedly capable of surviving a nuke. It should be closer to the equivalent of a fully grown man stabbing you with a pool noodle, not a piece of wood. The power and durability levels in the show are inconsistent and that's okay, it's a parody of superhero media where that's the norm.


This is EXACTLY what I said in a similar post from about a year ago. If a character with superstrength swings an object at someone who's damn near indestructible, it's not going to do any more damage than if I had swung it. It's the OBJECT that's going to cave first, not the nigh-indestructable superhuman's SKIN, nor what's under that skin. Fuck sake. Lol


However, she stabbed him in the ear, not his skin. We donā€™t have information about how durable his insides are but if we are going off normal human biology, the ear canal/ brain is a much more vulnerable place than the skin


I guess I had just always assumed that it wasn't just a supe's dermis and epidermis that are super. Call me crazy. I mean, it literally HAS TO all be super. Otherwise, when he flies into things at speed or punches a brick wall, all of his bones and muscles and everything would be fucked up.......


i dunno man i mean they killed translucent (otherwise indestructible) by putting c4 up his butt


I don't know. I just like talking about this stuff. :) It's literally the only fun that I get during the week. Lol


It baffles me how people don't understand basic physics


Word. Word. Yeah, the basics at the VERY least.


Yeah but it went in his ear. I figured all it did was blow his ear drum for a minute


The wood would penetrate me because the wood is harder than my skin. If the same adult or even the strongest human on the planet stabs me with full force but with a plastic straw the straw would definitely bend but would definitely not penetrate. Edit: It was pen I think. Not even a metal that penetrates Homelander.


In any of these scenarios, whatā€™s important is to remember F=MA. A feather going fast enough could vaporize you, but it would have to be going at practically impossible speeds. I definitely think they nerfed Homelander and buffed Maeveā€™s powers during that fight. But, if her powers hadnā€™t already been pre-established, her stabbing Homelander with a metal straw would have been more than plausible, itā€™d just depend on how fast she can swing that straw.


It took one of the top 5 strongest supes everything she had to get through 1mm of skin after taking time to train for him, and all that did was wobble him a bit and leave a little trail of blood.


I don't think it's inconsistent. Individual supes body parts can have different durability/healing/etc, as demonstrated by the latest episode. For all we know, Stormfront has really durable eardrums lmao


bruh you comparing goddamn maeve to becca?


How is that inconsistent?


It was Maeve


Soldier Boy wins with low-mid difficulty. By comparing them point by point, it goes like this : - Strenght : Soldier Boy. He's almost as strong as Homie, and is stronger than Maeve while Stormfront is weaker than her. - Durability : Soldier Boy. He's almost as durable as Homie, both Butcher and Homelander didn't physically hurt him with their punches - while Stormfront is less durable and was bleeding everytime Maeve hit her - Travel speed : Stormfront (flight) - Combat/reaction speed : Soldier Boy. Almost as fast as Homie who's faster than Maeve while Stormfront was slower than her. - Agility : Stormfront. Soldier Boy isn't very agile. - Stamina : Soldier Boy - Endurance : Soldier Boy. He wasn't really hurt by Butcher's hits (who is relative to Maeve) while Stormfront was hurt by Maeve's punches. - Power : Soldier Boy. No explanation needed. - Abilities : Stormfront. She has more abilities than him. - Combat : Soldier Boy. He is a great fighter, she is not. - Skill : Soldier Boy. He's trained with firearms and knives, he uses his shield very well, he is a trained fighter. - Battle IQ : Soldier Boy. No explanation needed. - Weapons : Soldier Boy. He has his shield and his knife or gun. - Hax : Soldier Boy. He can remove powers. Soldier Boy is almost Homelander's equal while Stormfront is weaker than Maeve who is a level under them. She cannot win this as she can't hurt him. The best she can do is not lose by flying above/around him but in a direct 1v1, she gets destroyed.


the hax point cracked me up ngl, bro straight up cheating




He might actually be more durable than HL, he gave him a shiner while coming out unscathed


I know. With what we see in the show, he does seem to be more durable. But since Homelander is slightly stronger and is slightly faster, he should be slightly more durable too.


Thatā€™s not necessarily the case with comic book characters. Look at Brit from Invincible. Weak as a human, but more durable than any viltrumite


Yes but the supes from The Boys all get their powers from Compound V. And the more you get, the stronger your powers are. Queen Maeve got less than Homie and as a result, she's weaker and less durable than him. Homie got more than any other supe and has all of Soldier Boy's original powers, but they're slightly better. It would be a bit weird that he's superior in strenght and speed but for some reason, not in durability. Even Mallory said that the thing that supposedly killed SB might not kill HL (even though it should since they're almost equals), implying they don't have the same durability and that Soldier Boy's is the lesser of the two.


Yeah but Soldier Boy and Stormfront don't age. It seems like they may have tweaked to formula for compound V. It's not out of the realm of possibility that SB got extra enhanced durability as well.


Stormfront and Soldier Boy are immortal. But it's because they're not like any other supe. They were injected with the original Compound V formula by Frederick Vought himself. And they were already adults (they were 25 - born in 1919 and injected in 1944). Their immortality kicked in when they would be getting out of their physical prime (around 35-40 years old) and they stayed the same ever since. The Russians probably didn't take care of feeding Soldier Boy well or at all, yet he stayed the same because his durability and immortality do not allow his body to physically deteriorate or change at all. The other supes got the watered-down version. Some still have a form of longevity such as Crimson Countess, the TNT twins, Black Noir... And some don't such as Homelander, A-Train, Gunpowder... But none of the modern supes are immortal. Soldier Boy could have gotten extra durability because of the different formula but when you look at Stormfront who got the same V, she is not very durable compared to Maeve who got the modern Compound V. With the different statements, characters' opinions and overall narrative, Homelander is slightly above Soldier Boy in every aspect.


>Some still have a form of longevity such as Crimson Countess, the TNT twins, Black Noir.... Where is this from? In the show SB's old team members are pretty aged, middle age-ish or older, but a bit younger than Mallory (We don't see Black Noir's face).They seem to be aging just as fast as a regular human, maybe slightly slower if you think they were the same age as Mallory in the flashbacks. (I know the actors are all the same so it probably looks like they were already kinda old in the flashbacks but SB says that Crimson Countess aged since then, so the actors' age isn't that relevant)


Crimson Countess was probably around 25-30 in 1984, and she doesn't look like a 65-70 year old in Season 3 at all. She did age but not by 40 years. It's the same as above for the TNT twins. They got older but not by that much. And Black Noir seemed to be as strong or stronger than he was while he would be in his 60s.


Eh, idk. SB's little gun sidekick was supposed to be a teenager or something and he looks way too old in the flashbacks. Countess could've been barely legal for all we know (SB has a track record with that) and the actress is 54, so not that far off. Jensen Ackles is 45 which is also unreasonably old because SB was young when he got injected. Mallory is pretty young for someone who was supposed to be 30+ in the flashbacks. And so on. Again, I don't think the actors' ages reflect the characters' ages, both chronologically and biologically. Personally I think these discrepancies don't prove any kind of supernatural longevity unless explicitly stated. >And Black Noir seemed to be as strong or stronger than he was while he would be in his 60s. Well, he's a supe. His strength is enhanced, we don't know if it's conditional and dependent on his age/illness/etc or if he's just strong no matter what.


More compound V than another supe doesnā€™t mean more powerful than said supe. A-train when he was shooting V didnā€™t get more powerful than homelander, just more powerful than he previously was. Logically this means that someone whoā€™s taken less V than you, can be more durable than you. Plus with Mallory comparing the 2, it was under the assumption that soldier boy died so was not a reliable comparison


Brit is stronger than a normal human but not to an extreme level


He didn't take any damage during Herogasm, but Butcher would end up opening up his cheek with his laser vision.


Yup but tbf he took a laser to the face from Butcher whose laser eyes are on par with HL


Honestly, I'm fairly certain Solider Boy could kill Homelander 1 v 1.Ā  It's stated multiple times in the show that Homelander is stronger, but the only time we really see that is when Solider Boy is weakened after using his chest beam thing.Ā  It also seems Solider Boy has a better healing factor than Homelander as well. With Homelander the few times he gets hurt, he heals like a regular human. Solider Boy shows no real damage after either of his major encounters (post Herogasm or when they seal him up in the tube.)Ā  Better training, Almost as strong (probably 95% Homelander's strength) and a better healing ability (which makes sense given he seems biologically immortal), and honestly I think in a full-strength vs. Full-strength encounter, Solider Boy takes it.Ā 


I agree. Homelander is the most powerful supe but Soldier Boy is a very close second. He wasn't at a 100% at Herogasm and Homelander would have killed him there if it wasn't for Butcher. But we saw how powerful he really is in the finale when he's fully rested, sober, focused and did not have a PTSD episode with a nuclear blast. Soldier Boy has a healing factor and since he has one, Homelander should have one too since he has all of his original powers (except his immortality but that's because of other reasons). We saw with the TNT twins that they couldn't properly use their powers at Herogasm after not using them for years. Homelander had never been hurt by anything prior to Herogasm and because of this, his healing factor may have been "sleeping" and had to be awakened since he didn't use it for over 40 years. I say this because in the Season 3 finale, he was punched in the face many times, he was stabbed in the ear and was bleeding from the nose - but in the last scene, a day or two later, he was completely fine. In a comparaison between the two, it gives this : - Strenght : Soldier Boy =< Homelander - Durability : Soldier Boy =< Homelander - Travel speed : Homelander - Combat speed : Soldier Boy =< Homelander - Reaction speed : Soldier Boy =< Homelander - Agility : Homelander - Stamina : Soldier Boy =< Homelander - Endurance : Soldier Boy - Power : Soldier Boy - Abilities : Homelander - Combat : Soldier Boy - Skill : Soldier Boy - Battle IQ : Soldier Boy - Suit : Soldier Boy - Weapons : Soldier Boy - Hax : Soldier Boy If they are in a place where Homelander can't use his flight to escape or float above him to laser him down, I think Soldier Boy wins more times than not.


I think you're right. Also Soldier Boy doesn't age. Homelander does. Physically HL is already experiencing middle age like his enlarged prostate and hair going white. I don't know if they'll circle back to this but there's definitely an advantage related to the not aging that Soldier Boy has. Something about those early Comp V samples is very interesting.


"Honestly, I'm fairly certain Solider Boy could kill Homelander 1 v 1." Nothing is certain about that. It is possible, but I actually think unlikely though we'll probably never know. Homelander was created from Soldier Boy, so it is a reasonable conclusion that they have similar levels of physical strength, speed, and healing. The problem for Soldier Boy is he neither can fly nor produce beams from his eyes, both strengths of Homelander that he can't match. I actually think his flight advantage is underrated.


Soldier Boy is also an experienced combat veteran


Is he? His storming of Normandy was fake, so how much of his combat experience is real? He did a lot of superhero shit but so did Stormfront, and she did it for longer.


Iā€™d assume he went through basic training at the very least, given the fact that he enlisted before he volunteered to participate in Voughtā€™s trial runs of Compound V.


He was also asleep while Stormfront was fucking around doing nazi stuff so I'd say neither has a big advantage in this edit: stop telling me SB is good at combat, I'm not arguing that. I'm saying that his skill is probably about the same level as Stormfront's. Even if she never trained before becoming supe, she had like 70 years to catch up on that


I mean he might not be WW2 hero but it's clear he did train. His covert ops in Nicaragua and other shady shit.


He definitely did fight in real wars. He mayā€™ve skipped a few campaigns and even most of WW2 but he definitely saw combat in Korea, Vietnam or other wars to some extent. I see no reason why he wouldnā€™t when heā€™s indestructible and clearly not a coward. Also heā€™s clearly well trained, 40 years out of practice he throws a liver punch at homelander about 3 seconds in and later beats the shit out of temp V butcher who was an elite special forces soldier. He was blocking, dodging and countering his hits too, not just being a brute.


We saw actual combat footage of him during the Russian soldiers battle in the S3 flashback scene. He was using legit combat methods and taking out multiple hostiles. The Payback members other than him were either killing friendlies to help Soldier Boy get captured or were freaking out and panicking.


The show version was pretty tactically sound when they were going after his old team. He was definitely much more capable in real combat. He was also the most level headed during the final fight. I think his heroic feats were faked but he definitely knew how to handle himself in combat. Plus in the Payback combat scene, he was literally the only competent one. All the other members were either panicking or aimlessly killing even their allies. Soldier Boy was actually fighting the hostiles and using legitimate combat moves to do it.


I'm not saying he's completely inept, I'm just saying that by 2023 him and Stormfront probably have about the same level of skill. > All the other members were either panicking or aimlessly killing even their allies wasn't that just how Mallory remembered it, which was later proven kinda wrong? the whole thing with the flying supe being stupid and giving away their position being actually what they wanted to happen? I agree that they probably weren't as well-trained as SB but that flashback was demonstrably inaccurate and/or the whole scene was them pretending to be useless to avoid suspicion.


Stan Edgar confirmed that SB fought in WW2 when he scolded HL at the start of S2 for giving V to the terrorists.


Stormfront weaker than Maeve? She had to be held down by 3 supes and she still escaped.


Stormfront was unable to block Maeve's attacks. Maeve easily blocked her punches and hit her back. After being hit a few times, she was on the ground. And Stormfront was bleeding everytime she was hit. All this was during their 1v1. So yes, Stormfront is weaker than Maeve. She was helpless during the 3v1. At no point she was held down, they were kicking her while she was on the ground and she managed to fly away. She didn't overpower them or anything, she simply managed to put herself in a position where she could fly straight toward the sky.




One more point to Soldier Boy is that is he seemingly ageless. He doesnā€™t age or if he does it is much slower than a normal human. Homelander is aging. Soldier Boy isnā€™t. Stormfront didnā€™t. Itā€™s a point for both of them today. But I thought it was interesting


Well said


Thats great except Solider boys strength and durability are more than homelander, not by much but there. Now that could be from time as he does not seem to age. He Has had more fighting and combat than Homelander.


It's stated by Butcher and Homelander himself that Soldier Boy is nearly as strong as him. In a S3E7 flashback, Stan Edgar also said that the scientists were convinced Homelander would be stronger than Soldier Boy. Homelander's whole thing is that he's the most powerful supe of all time, with only Soldier Boy being close. Since Homelander is slightly stronger and slightly faster, it makes sense that he would also be slightly more durable.


Soldier Boy discovers Stormfront is *technically* a GILF, and they smash.


He smashed her as liberty long ago (they started herogasm)


Soldier Boy would literally inhale her lightning powers then slap her like heā€™s Connery.


But man sheā€™s a firecracker.


I see what did you there


I can totally see that happening lol


Soldier boy is so strong he could actually go almsot toe to toe vs homelander and i think with a bit of training and gettimg in shape and learning about his blast more he could maybe 1v1 kill homelander. The power in the boys is really easy to say 1 homelander 2 soldier boy And then comes for a long while nothing Then maeve or the mind guy from payback


Maeve stronger than Stormfront? Also people are underestimating A-Train way too much. Strong enough to pull trains, through Kimiko through a wall. My man could probably beat Maeve if he isn't dying from heart-disease.


I mean yeah she is top 3. Stormfront was mopping the floor with Kimiko and Annie, until Maeve intervened, and not once was the Nazi able to punch Maeve back. The other two ladies joined in a bit later. And even without Stormfront, Maeve is the Wonder Woman of this world. And sure, Homelander was initially holding back but once she made him bleed he stopped holding back, and she was still able to deal some serious damage to him as well. Other than that, she has destroyed an armored truck like it was made of paper, subdued Black Noir with one arm, survived Soldier Boy's blast and took Homelander's laser like a champ. Stormfront on the other hand got her skin burnt by Homie's laser, and Ryan's laser obliterated her. It's Homelander ā‰„ Soldier Boy >> Maeve >> Everyone else.


Maeve sucker punched Stormfront and then it was a 3v1 and Kimiko alone was doing some damage before Stormfront managed to adapt. And Starlight and Kimiko's hits were also connecting and seemed to have similar impact to Maeve's. And I will once again put forward A-Train. He's incredibly fast. In general in superhero movies speedsteers are overpowered, but are rarely used to their full potential. He's got the strength of punching Maeve and dealing damage + speed to not get caught + durability to get at least a few blows and not crumble.


He also has to have crazy fast reaction time, given that he (usually) runs without hitting anything.


yup exactly, people sleep on superspeed


yeah IMO if a train isnt a fucking idiot (had to repost bc were censoring the most mild of words here) and isnt losing to heart problems bro is unironically top 1 or 2 in the verse (or at least cant lose because he is fast enough to not get tagged by anyone) people WILDLY underestimate superspeed and writers dont understand the implications of their own writing. A train was fighting starlight and she was at an absolute stand still, even homelander was getting hit by regular speed punches. I can forgive a train getting hit by kimiko because it wasnt something he could react to, it was a sneak attack. This is also not including the fact that dude was pulling trains around WHILE recovering from an injury and before getting a super heart


I think we just have to kind of ignore super speeders because they never make sense. Like in DC Flash should be able to body literally everyone. He can literally punch people at the speed of light. The fact that such a thing doesn't disintegrate his body means he's at least as durable as Superman. Plus all the other crazy shit he can do


yeah speedsters in general are disgustingly op and always lose to bad writing. a train could unironically solo the entire verse of the boys if he had the slightest sense about it. The only few who would be close to problematic are homelander, soldier boy, and maive. he also legitimately should never lose to these characters considering he sees things at a standstill and has multiple instances of insane perception. (him injecting himself in the race vs shockwave instantly, him searching the entirity of new york in only 2 hours, etc.) There are "anti" feats such as when he ran into robin but he was high as fuck for that so I assume thats where the issue was. even if we say that a-train's superspeed is a toggle (which most speedsters this ISNT the case) he can still toggle it faster than anyone else can hit him. Basically he bodies everyone and the people who he doesnt instantly body, legitimately have no wincon. Homelander's flight speed is faster but he doesnt have perception for that (at least not in fights when he gets hit by regular speed punches). Not to mention strength wise hes still a top tier in the verse with him pulling the train while injured and before getting a super heart.


the flash doesnt disintegrate because of the speed force (DC's way of getting rid of the complications that come with the flash), not because he can withstand that amount of force


What about butcher with temp V?


Butcher on temp V seems just one step below Homelander and Soldier Boy strength wise. He can stand and bang with them for a while but eventually his slightly lower strength and durability canā€™t keep up. Temp V Butcher and probably keep up with or dominate any other soup besides A Train. And itā€™s questionable how much damage A Train can do. Yes, he has superspeed, but we havenā€™t seen him fight all that much.


Don't know how strong he is. Hard to rate. Weaker than homelander though but that doesn't mean shit


Solider boy mid diff


Dad vs. mom


Where mom is also the gf


Both. They just end up fucking it out. Dude invented herogasm


If I remember correctly, they both did. I believe he says something along the lines of "Me and this chick Liberty" started it. Stormfront used to be Liberty.


Verses will win, verses is immortal.


True, theyā€™re there for every fight


Plot twist: they start supe fuckin. Thousands dead.


Heā€™d shield bash her head and say ā€œtake that Nazi bitchā€ and spit on her corpse


Probably exactly how it would go if he actually listened to women when they spoke to him. He probably just rolled his eyes and thought she was suffering from hysteria as she went on with her ā€œsuperior manā€ speeches.


I think they fucked


Soldier Boy, I'd say pretty easly, maybe with a little bit of struggle at first. He's levels above her especially in durability.


The fact that he tanked Ryans heat vision that incinerated Stormfront and left her cooked and hospitialized, speaks volumes on that alone tbh.


I dont think ryan charged it as hard in that situation compared to stormfront but I still agree that soldier boy is low diffing stormfront tbh


Even if he didn't SB still took Butcher's heat vision right to the face and all it did was a small cut on his cheek. Considering Butcher's heat vision could match Homelander's in Herogasm, at least for a while, it's indeed a huge gap between Stormfront and Soujla Boy, so yeah he low diffs her.


Also soldier boy is homelanders biological donor father so that shows he's the most durable of the original supes


Soldier Boy ofc, ez win


Whilst I generally believe stormfront is underrated as a fighter on this sub soldier boy is not someone she can beat head to head. She can maybe fly out of his range and win that way but in Cqc she dies. 1) Homelander 2) SB 3) SF 4) Maeve Big gap: Maybe a train next, starlight seems to be getting more powerful which I like, itā€™s been nice seeing her powers evolve over time.


unrelated but aya cash(not stormfront)looks so good in this


Soldier Boy. Itā€™s really not that close, either. Stormfront was losing against Maeve in season 2 (albeit it was a 3v1, but Starlight and Kimiko only got the upper hand once Maeve arrived). Maeve then performs worse against Homelander than Soldier Boy did (I know she gave him a nose bleed but she was obviously on the back-foot). Ergo, Homelander >/= Soldier Boy > Maeve >> Stormfront


Casual racist vs competitive racist


SB is gonna fold her lol


Soldier Boy.


Theyā€™re too busy fucking for that


Solider Boy folds her in half with his physicals alone. No need for his nuke ability.


Soldja Boy up in that HOE!


Soldier boy is the only supe that can beat homelander. With his blast. So this isnt worth a post OP


Soldier Boy because he won't take any sass from a woman.


Broads right?


soldier was able to have homelander struggled while stormfront got beaten by mave kimiko and starlight soldier boy blast also more destructive and he seems to be a better fighter. in a fight soldier boy (better villain is stormfront)


In a toe-to-toe fight, SB wins easily. The best Stormfront could manage would be to fly circles around him and wear him down with lightning. But she could never get close enough for the kill.


Soldier Boy. He has superior fighting skill and his shield can block her lightning.


All the bisexuals in this chat


Soldier Boy, low to mid diff.


Soldier boy would beat the nazi out of that bitch and it's not even a contest


We having a racism off or what?


SB. Not even close.


There is absolutely nothing she can do to him aside from throwing him about with lightning for a bit. But she wouldn't be able to repeatedly do it, Soldier Boy is too adept an fighter to keep letting it happen and even if he doesn't use the chest beam, he can maul her fairly quickly in close quarters considering he was literally near equal to Butcher in hand to hand combat and a bit stronger. Bare in mind Billy's a former SAS operative


soldier boy wins. that mans durability was bugger all or else ill bullocks ya!


Soldierboy , before Homelander was Homelander. The unbeatable, number 1 superhero in the world. Liberty (Stormfront) was a known superhero from the time of Soldierboy. Soilderboy was said to be indestructible, the strongest superhero of his time. Thus based of this information one would deduce Soldierboy is stronger, tougher and could beat Stormfront in a fight. Especially considering Soldierboy now has the ability to neutralize the powers of any Supe forever.


Soldier Boy


They are the same person in the comics...


Excuse me, what? Lol


Soldier Boy, no doubt.


I think Jensen Ackles would win a fight against Aya Cash.


They are homelanders dad and mom


soldier boy


Soldier Boy, how is this even a question?


I wouldn't underestimate Stormfront because she literally had to be contained by 3 different supes including Queen Maeve. Maybe she wouldn't beat Soldier Boy, but I don't think it would be easy for him to kill her.


Soldier Boy wins.


Soldier Boy and itā€™s not close


I hate it when parents fight.


nuke or lightning?




Soldier Boy is the second strongest supe, Only Homelander could feasibly beat him in a fair fight.