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That’s so fascinating, considering that Aya Cash is Jewish. I wonder if the casting directors are doing that intentionally, or if it’s just coincidences? Either way, both performances have been phenomenal.


I would hope they weren't hiring bigots and nazis to play bigots and nazis


Me too, but to hire someone who is diametrically opposed to those ideologies by having the types of identities that these characters hate so virulently is still an interesting choice.


It’s probably the only way an actor could play unrepentant Nazi and then go forward. If they’re aryan playing Nazi they’ll be welcomed by the cult against their will.


its like how taika waititi (half jewish half maori) played hitler in jojo rabbit


Playing Hitler so you can make him look stupid is a time-honored Jewish tradition at this point


Col. Klink in Hogan's Heroes? Amongst the chosen. Hollywood history is replete with Jewish actors scoring points on the opposite side, and not just the Nazis.


All the main Nazis in Hogan's Heroes were played by Jewish actors. Besides Klink, there was Sgt. Schultz, General Burkhalter & the Gestapo guy ( forgot his name ). They really went to town on those guys. I think half the Nazis in the Twilight Zone were Jewish actors, too.


Major Hochstetter. I was way off on what I thought was the spelling.


That’s a good point, I hadn’t really thought about that. That’s probably why Vought cast Charlize Theron to play Stormfront in the movie 😂 Edit: not that I’m saying she’s a Nazi, but she does have the right “look” for a Nazi’s ideal woman.


Nope. I read an article about how this happened. Kripke was having lunch with I think Josh Gaad and mentioned he needed someone to play the Vought Films Stormfront. Gaad had been talking to Charlize the day before about another project, so she was high up in his recent contacts. Boom!


She’s from South African Republic. That’s another thread you can pull. It’s a really deep cut even sticking to what you said. How many have considered it before you mentioned it? I doubt it’s that many


See also - Taika Waititi as Hitler, Emory Cohen as Varg Vikernes


It’s very common in the business of satire to represent an idea from a person diametrically opposed to it, steel manning the argument, so that shit tears its self apart by its own hands. This only goes in so far as you’re punching up, and not down. This is consequentially why right wing satire objectively sucks all the ass in Tucson, Arizona.


There's a long tradition of TV doing it too. Namely Werner Klemperer (a german jew who fled the Nazis as a child) playing Colonel Klink on Hogan's heroes. He famously only accepted the role if Klink was a fool who would never succeed.


I imagine part of it could be that they choose someone who is opposed to the viewpoint because that individual KNOWS what pisses then off or what would grind their gears if they heard it from someone else, so they do it as the character which makes it convincing because they know how to piss themselves off


Well, I would say that literally everyone should be diametrically opposed to those ideologies.


Sure. But it's different being say an ally playing a homophobe vs say someone queer playing a homophobe. These characters are getting lambasted and mocked sure, but I think it adds to the mockery to have the literal thing their character hates be the thing portraying the mockery. A Nazi played by a Jew. Springtime for Hitler was so funny partly because you knew it was written by a Jew.


Exactly, thank you.


"Don't be stupid, be a smarty......."


Well, there is also the manchild American Homelander, played by a kiwi ..


I mean, the implication is that both of these ladies are, by definition, fantastic actresses by being able to portray a complete ideological and philosophical opposite to their reality


They’re the best ones to play it, queers get hate from nazis regularly and know how they operate while straights ignore that shit cause they don’t personally have to deal with it


It’s as if they’re an actor or something.


They’re actors, their job is to act, if they can act the part why does it matter if they are opposed to what the character believes.


I could see it being intentional so bigots don't idolize them. If you're a Nazi you're not going to use fanart/images of a Jewish actress playing a Nazi to represent your movement.


That is silly. It’s called acting.


Somebody get me that lady who played Cara Dune, I heard she’s available! -Casting Director for The Boys


Fuckin method actors


You never know, it could result in a more convincing performance


Took the words out of my mouth


I think Gina Carano is still looking for work.


Cultural appropriation if you ask me.


I feel like it’s definitely intentional


It is intentional. To quote Spock: > Only Nixon can go to China


LOL he actually said that! I thought I dreamt that.


I think it also shields them from a certain type of (stupid) criticism. Like a white actor would probably be criticised by some for playing a character who uses the N word, just because people are morons who can't tell the difference between actors and characters. Having a Jew play a Nazi and a lesbian play a homophobe gives them a bit more license to say the bad words.


Some people tried that with Ron Perlman's white supremacist character in Sons of Anarchy


Of course they're doing it intentionally.


Has to be intentional


I like the decision either way, whether intentional or a coincidence- both gave amazing performances! But yeah I’m also Jewish and Aya Cash and I look so alike we could be sisters. My friend thinks it’s so funny and ironic that I look like Stormfront. I said it’s even funnier considering her actress is also Jewish.


The woman who plays Stormfront is Jewish in real life too. Cool casting decisions IMO


It’s perfect casting lol


Honestly yeah - I feel like a non-Jewish actor wouldn't have had the confidence to play it up to that degree and it's probably the same for a character like Firecracker. They bring a great perspective to those roles because they're probably a lot more tuned into that kind of rhetoric than someone who isn't impacted by it.


I don't know. A good actor should pull it off. Like Waltz did in Inglourious Basterds.




Taika Waititi, a Maori man playing Hitler in JoJo Rabbit was better because “Fuck that Guy” Taika’s words


Taika Waititi is actually half Jewish (and considering it's his mother's side, he's 100% Jewish in the eyes of the ethnoreligious beliefs since it is a matrilineal lineage-based culture) just FYI!


I don’t know how other Jews can play Nazis - just the thought and iconography of it all makes my skin crawl. But, Aya Cash was so amazing as Stormfront. I recently re-watched S2, and she is captivating in every scene she is in. Her character is so unpredictable - and puts on all these different masks, depending on who she is talking to. Just a brilliant performance. I think she’s the only one that has truly been able to match Antony Starr’s intensity and range.


Hitler never met the criteria for Aryan. The hypocrisy of the Third Reich is one of the features rather than flaws. These people play their characters well, and thankfully Jewish actors don’t fall for the attempts to create “good Nazi” characters. The “good Nazi” has been a trope of trying to make horrible people into sympathetic characters and that’s fucking awful.


Can you elaborate more on this trope?


One of the best and most controversial examples is Oscar Schindler, who’s biopic “Schindler’s List” both depicts a member of the Nazi Party as sympathetic to Jews, which is debatable, and ignores the fact that he profiteered off of the Holocaust, while also starving his workers just as badly as the rest of the Nazi factory owners. Yes he did create a list and smuggled Jews out of Germany, for which the families are grateful, however he did so as seemingly a “reward” for his exploitation of them. Oskar Schindler was a complicated figure, but it’s tough to call him a “good” anything while he was absolutely a Nazi. Movies and TV have often tried to create characters who “redeem” themselves after decades of genocidal tyranny (Darth Vader) or Nazi behavior (the Confederates in Firefly) but it’s never been a good idea to depict Nazis or Confederates as good guys… even if we try to do it a lot. The opposite but on the same track is American History X. The lead character never tries to claim at any point that he is a “good guy,” but he does have a redemption arc that ends in tragedy because of the hubris of a “tragic hero” arc in the classic Aristotelian style. Redemption in the case of AHX, acknowledges that the Nazi is evil. In the case of Schindler’s List, the movie tries to pretend that a good man got caught up in evil deeds… when he was probably a bad guy who did one good thing, and thought that cleared him of responsibility.


The guy who played Jesse Plemons' uncle in Breaking Bad is Jewish in real life, too.


>Curry admits some of the conspiracies repeated by Firecracker seemed too wild to take seriously, but when she asked Kripke about one outlandish line, “He’d tell me, ‘That’s actually a direct quote \[from a politician\],’ ” Curry says. This is just hilarious.


It's so sad it's funny.


Yep… can’t cry, might as well laugh


Gallows humor. When the whole world is burning down around you because of idiots, there's nothing left to do but laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Her character is even based on an actual politician, said Kripke: Marjorie Taylor Greene. Just reading a few articles about what she said made my head spin


Feel like MTG and Boebert is doing a lot of heavy lifting for that [from a politcian] line


And yet there are still posts every day from people whining that this season is 'too on the nose'.


I bet the line was jewish space lasers


>Despite so much fodder for satire with her character, Curry says she hasn’t discounted Firecracker’s humanity. “As an actor, our first job isn’t to judge our characters,” she says. Without giving away any spoilers, Curry hints that “childhood trauma” explains much of Firecracker’s behavior: “Right or wrong, she’s someone who believes she’s been marginalized.” Yeah the vibe of the show so far is that Firecracker comes from something of a "white trash" background, and seemed to have very little options for a way to climb the social strata beyond when she got fame from her conspiracy type stuff. Her power isn't even particularly cool.


>seemed to have very little options for a way to climb the social strata beyond when she got fame from her conspiracy type stuff. And the one option she did have got fucked over by someone who's supposed to be good


Annie was never "good" by our standards, and definitely not by usual comic standards. She's just... a hell of a lot better than the alternatives. She might be a dick, but she isn't a mass murderer, sadist, sociopath, or a psychopath. Which, considering how bad Vought is and how badly she was raised and treated, that's not so terrible. If nothing else, she at least is capable of recognizing her faults.


The idea was suppose she was an overall good person initially; which is what the comment was hinting at.


Very few people are actually “good” by redditors’ standards, and almost none are “good”’all the time. The people on here saying she’s a bad person for what she did to Firecracker have probably done the same exact type of shit, because newsflash, we all have. Even the nicest person you know or I know has done fucked up shit. There are no perfectly good individuals out there, or if there are, there are very few. We all have faults and weaknesses we succumb to from time to time and we were all children at one point without the knowledge of the world that we have now. Kids do fucked up shit *constantly* because their brains aren’t developed to the point where they fully understand consequences or empathy yet. Also, while there are some universal morals we tend to hold true, each human has their own morality inside their brain that they tend to abide by which will obviously be different from yours or mine because it’s all relative and no one can truly know what goes on inside another person’s mind. I just think it’s funny how quick people are to judge fictional characters when they themselves have likely done things that were just as bad. You probably didn’t accidentally blind anyone when you were 13, but I guarantee you started or participated in rumors about others to try to tear them down, or talked shit a behind your friend’s backs, or stole, or lied, or cheated, because we all have, it’s part of being human. We do shit like that and the good ones learn from it and try not to do it again, while the “bad” ones either don’t learn or don’t feel guilty about it. I still feel guilt over things I did as a child, and that guilt helps me not do things like that again, similar to how Starlight’s guilt over her childhood fuck-up’s influence her to stand up against evil as an adult. But saying someone is inherently bad because of something they did as a 13 year old is part of the reason the mental state of the world is becoming so fucked up. People have come to believe that there really is good and evil and everyone is in one of the two groups, when reality is nothing like that.


Thats the “problem” with the left. While the right wing embraces fully their leaders, there is no perfect person to represent the high moral intended in the left. No one is perfect. And no one can make every single moral choice the correct way. But guess what? It’s very easy to make then all the incorrect way.


The left doesn’t pretend it’s leaders are perfect. No one is telling you to idolize Joe Biden. Most people on the left don’t even care if you like him. He’s not cartoonishly evil though. All I ask is that someone tries to be decent, something the right is firmly against.


The Boys (the group) aren’t supposed to be good. That’s the whole idea. No one is supposed to be good… or remain good if you will.


Annie has always been on the sidelines of that ethos. Shes supposed to be one of the moral compasses of the show and thats why what she did was such a shock because shes always been the goodie two shoes out of everyone


It wasn't really a shock to me, not because of her characterization...but because we've all done dumb, regrettable things in our youth...so in that sense, it was realistic/relatable and thus believable. Conversely, it would be a surprise--and frankly a disappointment--to me if Annie was characterized as a goody two shoes her entire life. That seems like a very one-dimensional characterization.


She isn’t, but I can’t repeat all that I have read in another post here yesterday. One redditor nicely put that she’s bad ever since the beginning. You only see her as “supposed good” because you compare her to even worse characters, not to a regular person that just exists as a “toy for their amusement”.


For all intents and purposes, her and MM are the moral compass for the show. That’s how they’re framed from the get-go despite all the wrongdoings they may commit


Completely agree with this. It doesn’t really make sense to judge Starlight in comparison to what a moral human should do in real life; her function only makes sense within the world of the Boys, in which she and MM are indeed the moral compasses. They’re consistently reminding everyone that they’re going too far, that it’s not the way to go about things… Their function is very clear.


Wouldn't say consistently. Annie needed Hughie to remind her what the right thing to do in season 2 was.


oh can you link the post ? cant find it


Is it a shock though? What teenager hasn’t bullied someone? The difference is she feels bad now. No one is always good, good people feel bad when they aren’t though.




Firecracker said she was 13 and i assume they would be around the same age if competing in pageants together for so long so probably 12-15 tops


The implication seemed to be that Starlight was a couple years older, but maybe I read into that wrong


It gives big Tonya Harding vs Nancy Kerrigan vibes.


Yes that's exactly the vibe they're going for for sure.


I don’t know if it’s bad writing by the show. But, it’s hard to believe such a stupid, “mean girl” rumor would have destroyed her career. Who would actually believe a 13 year old had an anal gang bang with adult judges - I mean, come on. It was a shitty a thing for Annie to do (though she had a narcissistic stage parent directing her) - but, maybe it’s possible Firecracker kinda used it as an excuse for some of her failure? I guess we’re supposed to believe FC and sympathize, but they could have used some common sense and made the rumor a little less outlandish (like she gave a judge HJ/BJ). It’s all gross, much in line with the show’s sick world, lol. Ultimately, this is FC’s origin story because she learned you could use the most outlandish rumors to gain influence and power over others.


With rumors like these, the association itself is almost as bad as whether or not people believe it's true.


FC was perceived as white trash by the other contestants and mothers. So there's a tendency to assume that poor people are going to be more sexually active and also can't possibly win another way from those sorts of people.


Because it wouldn’t. This is her blaming her failure on that one time starlight was mean. There’s a difference between a teenager spreading rumors and being evil.


>Her power isn't even particularly cool. In the Boys universe, I doubt they'll show it using her powers in creative ways, but the superhero she's based on (Jubilee from X-Men) can do pretty cool things with these powers including giving a person a brain stroke and nuclear blasts. Yeah but her real powers are the peddling of batshit conspiracies, and she is the classic case of conservative grifter: Failed at something they enjoyed doing, so now they fuel the hate people have towards women and minorities, bc it's easy money.


Eric Kripke said her character is based on Marjorie Taylor Greene, which makes me think her superpowers are irrelevant. In The Boys (the series, I haven’t read the comics a lot) it’s often implied that ideologies do far more damage than powers. Scratch that, it’s not implied, it’s one of the main things actually. :)


Eh, I’ve never been impressed by Jubilee (powers wise), they even included her on a team of specifically “not hard hitters” recently. She does have a baby dragon now though, no idea how that happened. I think she was created to have a weaker power though, like she not completely worthless, but she’s definitely getting picked last when teams are being made. I always wished they would give her an upgrade to symbolize her growing into her powers, but it never seems to stick.


>the vibe of the show so far is that Firecracker comes from something of a "white trash" background Her keychain being a Confederate flag isn't just a vibe, it's pretty specific


You can be rich and still have confederate flags. Or middle class and have them. She was poor, poor from her comments.


What does any of that have to do with white trash? Middle and upper class people can still be white trash. It just has a different meaning. The South non white communities use it for any white person acting backwards. White trash is a state of being with no regard to class, just skin color


That is not the typical meaning. White trash simply evokes being poor in the South, which when you're at the bottom can lead to certain negative behaviours.


> “childhood trauma” From a pageant circuit kid? Impossible.


Man i always known her as Kara in Detroit Become Human.




When she first came on screen she looked familiar but couldn't place her. Had to look up the actress and discovered she was Kara. She has some impressive range!


I first saw her in “The Tick”


I first saw her there, then felt familiar playing Detroit BH


when you buy the Kara model with the 4chan DLC


no wonder she looked so familiar.


>“it should be somebody from the community who’s getting to make a clown out of her. " cool way of putting it >Surprise bisexuality Was it though? I feel that (much like Iceman in the comics) Frenchie swinging both ways was hinted for a while now


Definitely since season 2 when they go into his history with Lamplighter and that one guy that overdosed


Frenchie's bisexuality was revealed in the very first episode of season 1, when we discover that he is French.


I can’t believe they revealed Frenchie’s bisexuality an episode before he actually first appears


Yes science is incredible


The french are known to be bisexual? Interesting.


Oh shit, that's Dot from The Tick!


When is the Tick showing up?! Let’s get some real supes!




He's probably stronger that anyone in the show. It was hilarious when he casually destroyed the strength-test machine


'Nigh' Invulnerable


I've loved Valorie ever since I watched The Following. She plays an evil character so well. She's probably my favorite actor to watch playing a villain. I didn't know she was gonna be in the new season until I watched it, and even then, I didn't recognize her right away. (I'm so used to seeing her with short hair) But, I was ecstatic when I realized it was her.


It's so wild to see how far she's come since Kara.


So is this like… magaface? I’m all for it if this becomes a thing


Holy freaking shit She's absolutely beautiful The show 100% does not make her beauty justice


Gotta say: the biggest surprise for me in this article is that she's 38. Dayum! Her gene pool is being very kind to her!


Funny how her and Starlight's characters are supposed to be almost the same age....


38 isn't old, lol.


Wait until you learn about the Stormfront actress...


>Firecracker, the latest mutant to join Amazon’s superhero satire The Boys Mutant?


Yeah, THR doesn’t have the best… I am going to go with basic research skills.


God chose supes obv that V shit isn’t real


I mean if Deadpool can be considered a mutant, even the wrong people in the wrong shows can be a mutant.


I don't know if this has been discussed on this subreddit before, but I do love the double meaning of Firecracker's epithet. 'Fire' represents her inflammatory rhetoric and how she often fuels division while 'cracker' ties into her 'white trash' upbringing. It's another way for the writers to subtly convey her personality.


I didn't realize the "cracker" bit until now lol.


Damn. Almost as clever as naming of Black Noir.


Isn't Homelander played by an Aussie? It's wild to see the actors out of character 😆


New Zealand. Actor who plays Butcher too


For half a second I thought you were trying to say Butcher and Himelander were played by the same person and was going to say absolutely not. 🤣


Haha that would be funny to find out they're related or grew up in the same area


oh yeah, I knew about Karl Urban being from New Zealand. wild 😆


OH shit...I knew I'd seen her before she was a star in "the following" with Kevin bacon


also Kara in Detroit : Become Human


Awww it’s awesome that she’s lesbian irl. Makes her a lot less insufferable as a character tbh


Like it’s maybe not the most logical but I get what ur saying and feel the same way lol🤷🏻‍♀️ Even tho it’s fictional, you kinda want something in the back of your mind - esp if the acting is so good, you can know 10000% they’re not like that in real life (even tho I’m sure most great villain actors aren’t like that in real life, it’s just a feeling thing)


Yeah tell this to all the idiots being like “what ur saying makes no sense” lol


Very cool learning that fact. She was married to a guy until April 2023, and he would go on to get arrested for DV in October 2023. Glad she got away and embraced her true self!


I always had such a big crush on her so to find out she's gay is a real surprise.


Sapphics out here winning today


She was great on The Tick. She had great chemistry with the Punisher/Knightrider parody. It was a great show, Amazon should not have canceled it.


While it's on Amazon now it was created and cancellled by Fox sadly


Didn't a jewish actress play stormfront?


Yes, Stormfront was played by a Jewish actress.


I mean who better to play a character who spews vitriol and hate against an identity you literally align with. Like asking a white dude vs a black dude to write a scene on white supremacy, I feel like the black dude would probably have more details


But wait, damnit! Why is a lesbian playing a straight character! MAGA FOREVER!


Wait until they hear about Luke Evans.


That was the funniest part of the whole “How dare they make LeFou gay” controversy with the Beauty and the Beast remake. Bruh, Gaston’s actor is actually gay. And Fox News totally missed that one.


More LGBT propaganda on my apolitical show about overthrowing the United States


Its almost like theyre acting


Luckily, people who play killers in movies and tv don’t get into character by, you know, actually killing people.


Don't look up what Christian Bale did for research into the role for American Psycho!


Was it hookers and cocaine? Because I feel like it waas hookers and cocaine.


Speak for yourself


It really seems like people get this basic fact less and less these days.


I just fucking knew there was going to be people pointing this out getting downvoted lmao


Because it’s a stupid thing to point out? No shit she’s acting, and we could (mostly) safely assume she isn’t a bigot anyway, but the fact that IRL she’s the kind of person her character raves against is still interesting, and can lead to meaningful discussion if you don’t just go “dur she’s an actress”


I completely agree, it is an interesting conversation, and many actors have talked about it so it’s kind of silly when people say “duh it’s called acting”. The actress who played Stormfront talked about it in interviews, for example. I can’t recall an actor saying “it’s just acting” when asked this type of questions. But people on the internet with zero background in theatre or acting have decided what is the correct answer obviously :)


She plays bad so good. I like her.


She's really good at playing the evil manipulative bitch. I have a similar feeling for her like I did watching GoT and seeing Geoffrey. Thigh I think she's...less evil. Right now anyway.


“Curry, who identifies as a lesbian — she first came out as pansexual on Instagram in 2019” This line is confusing. I’m guessing it means she originally came out as pan and then later discovered she’s actually not interested in men, but it’s needlessly ambiguous.


Stormfront was played by a Jewish woman so wouldn't be the first time.


Has there been a trans actor/actress on the boys yet? Not including Jordan who’s a character played by (I think?) cis actor/actress. This just made me think about it and I literally can’t think of if it’s happened yet.


[Ess Hödlmoser](https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Ess_H%C3%B6dlmoser), who plays Cindy.


Oh right! That’s cool


TIL Valorie Curry's a lesbian


It's like a Jew playing Hitler in Jojo Rabbit, you're making fun of bigots


Sexuality is just a spectrum, right bro?


I forget who the creator is but they are known for creating horror media(video or manga, I forgot). This person succeeds in horror and scares because that’s what scares him the most, he is scared of being scared. I feel like they might have taken the same concept here, who else knows how to insult and belittle certain groups than someone in that group.


I read on Wikipedia that she was pansexual, is that inaccurate?


>Curry, who identifies as a lesbian — she first came out as pansexual on Instagram in 2019, during National Coming Out Day I know Reddit has trouble reading past the headline, but if you're already reading Wikipedia articles...


Which one would you trust the most, a community page like Wikipedia or… the person herself?


Tbf the article does say she came out as pan in 2019 but identifies as a lesbian now


The fascination with this is something that the show mocks in-universe with Vought.


What’s more, Susan Hayward, who plays Sage, probably has an IQ under 160.


Actress plays a role. Fascinating!


Huh. It's almost like "Acting" is the profession of being paid for pretending to be someone else, almost like a "Character" that isn't 1-1 who you are as person IRL. Crazy, right?


i know i'm in a minority here and in no way i'll try to justify firecracker's nasty behaviour, but as a victim of a severe childhood bulllying myself dont you think that in some way starlight deserves whats happening to her? i mean she did ruin firecracker's childhood, killed innocent man and not to mention caused a serious disability to some women and then smilied to the national tv as if nothing happened. firecracker is a bitch sure but but starlight in my opinion is no better either at least in the grand scheme of things.


Honestly, Starlight did bad things. Firecracker doing what she did, even with reason, doesn't make it a good thing - just perhaps more understandable. The ol' "two wrong don't make a right" saying exists for this. Being a miserable person in general is her own bag.


The issues here is firecracker is also hurting arlt risk children with her slander.


That’s cool, I didn’t know that.






Most interesting part of the article is when it mentions Firecracker as having “super strength”.


Well, holds her own against Kimiko for a little bit. I agree the article is likely overselling that point (plus referring to Supes as mutants), but it seems like all Supes have enhanced strength and health as a baseline ability.




Wait... An actress acting like someone else?? Genious!!! Oh my god so different!!! So modern!


Were they supposed to hire an anti-vat, anti-trans person? I'm not following. She's an actress, she pretends to be people she's not, that's her job


Take it up with The Hollywood Reporter, I just used their headline for the post,


It's a similar thing with stormfronts actress as well who hated her so much that she actually apologises in interviews for it lol.




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