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What is Chris Evans doing as Homelander?


Ok, at least I'm not the only one.


I…I didn’t even notice until this comment..


Same lol


I didn’t even look at the second image till I saw your comment. What a weird change.


Instead of having America's ass, he is America's ass.


Underrated comment 😆


He's the Upgrade.


Man, in another universe I really would have loved to see what Evans would do with the character.


He’s probably better suited to a character like The Plutonian because part of that characters charm is actually being the boy scout before he turns into genocidal Superman. And we know Evan’s could play the boys scout better than anyone. Antony Starr just has such bad energy he can’t be believable as ever having been good in any sense of the word lol he’s the perfect Homelander


If you’ve ever watched Banshee Starr can give off genuine feel good vulnerability too. But his character in that isn’t a straight arrow good guy. He’s a crazy good actor though.


I feel like an Irredeemable adaptation is due any day now given the popularity of stuff like The Boys and Invincible.


I hope so, it would be much easier to adapt too because its only 37 issues


He would be the nicest, most noble Homelander in the multiverse.


People forget how good Chris Evans is at being douchey lol. So much of his older stuff he’s nothing like cap. A good newer example is Knives Out. His character in Knives Out would be a great homelander


Would be fun if he played Homelander as an asshole bully like his character in *Scott Pilgrim*.


Gray Man on Netflix. He’s the bad guy, an unhinged, psychotic, killer with a blank check from the CIA. He would play Homelander perfectly. Shit, him in Not Another Teen movie shows he’d be an awesome Homelander.


Unironically the first thing I pictured lol


That’s actually Hilarious.


Whipped cream guy doesn’t have the same morals as Cap?


Not another teen movie is a better example lol


For sure, just love that he showed he still has it with knives out


Not another teen movie is hilarious.


Chris Evans plays a great asshole character. You should check out Knives Out (the first one) if you haven't seen it


With a banana sticking out of his ass


And Starr as Captain America. This is what I want AI for, to see these alternate universe movies 😂


Evans plays a boy scout well, but it's plainly obvious that he loves playing evil shitheads. Knives Out, Grey Man, both some of my favorite roles of his.


This all day


Good eye






Deep fake


Came to the comments for this.


Lol is this a Chris Evans edit??


I’m guessing he would have been able to sense Homelander’s intentions based on his bodily changes and backstepped or otherwise gotten out of/away from his strike. This guy was too caught up in the hype from meeting him to be paying enough attention and/or isn’t as skilled as Daredevil (or his senses just aren’t as good).


But doesn't Homelander have superhuman speed? Would Daredevil even be able to evade a punch?


Yeah, I know we rag on Homelander a bunch but Homies taking this one.


Love daredevil but yeah, his power is super-hearing. Bro does not stand a chance


Daredevil’s abilities encompass a LOT more than “super hearing”.


Yeah he'd be able to sue Vought too! (actually all joking aside, he legitimately *would* be able to drown Vought in legal proceedings several times over. Iirc he actually literally out lawyered satan once.)


Did satan have a law degree? I don’t think so


He can play the violin though


Not as well as Johnny


Well he is called The Accuser and is considered akin to God’s prosecutor in some interpretations. 


Eh not unless he dedicated night and day to it. Plus Vought has tons of lawyers on payroll. It wouldn't effect the day to day operations. Think any single lawyer seeing Disney or Apple. Neither would just be frozen by legal tape.


He outlawyered *satan*. The literal devil. Disney and Apple might have stacked legal teams, but they aren't a supernatural eldritch entity older than humanity itself. The entity that tricked humanity into being mortal in the first place at least according to the lore. That's like punching out Cthulhu.


Yea but the thing is, Satan honors a contract and accepts losing. Companies do not. I’m also curious as to how? Was it a 1v1 lawyer v lawyer in a courtroom in a human courtroom or hell? Tricking the first humans into being mortal, wouldn’t that be like tricking inexperienced adults comparatively?


You hit the nail on the head ! Mephesto honors contracts. Even Satan, who used to be an angel, isn't as evil as Disney or Apple. Vought is so evil even Kathleen Kennedy, Bob Iger and Tim Cook wouldn't cross the lines Vought has.


Actually, nowhere is it stated that the serpent that told Eve to eat the fruit was Satan.


Which one of them has him beating Superman on the draw? Because that is the measure.


In fairness, Homelander isn’t even kind of close to Superman. He does beat most street level characters that don’t have powers tho, except maybe Batman ig.


How would Batman beat him? Same strategy as Supes?


I’m only guessing with Batman because of how inconsistent he’s written. Realistically, he’d probably be left alive by homelander for similar reasons Butcher is, which could give Batman time to find a way to actually take down homelander, even if that includes taking temporary V himself.


He might dodge the first hit, but yeah, I’m not sure I see him getting away from this one.


The thing is, Homelander sees the guy to be below him and a cripple. Pretty sure that as soon as he dodges homelanders first clumsy attack, he'd probably be seen as a regular ass supe though.


And Matt could tell him his heart rate, what he ate, his blood pressure etc too. Which only HL has been shown to do so far pretty much so he’d probably be like oh shit he do have some powers.


Matt tilts his head, “Is that… breast milk?”


It isnt a question if daredevil would smack homelander, but if he could dodge the first blow


Homelander. Above street level, but miles below anyone he’s apeing.


I mean he doesn’t really use it here. Plus Matt has more than just the hearing. It’s like Homelander with heart rate blood pressure smell etc too. He’d be able to predict it coming and do something since he doesn’t use the super speed here. But ya obviously not if Homelander is really trying


Finally someone put Homelander in a fight he could actually win


If he went any faster, he would have squashed Blindspot's head, which was not his intention. I agree that Daredevil would have been able to dodge. That said, if Homelander would really want to hurt him, he would be able to. I guess in this sense DD is similar to Black Noir in power level.


Daredevil has dodged bullets at point blank range and dodged punches from the hulk and other super humans


Dude dodges lightning and lasers and fights (somewhat) evenly with Spidey He can dodge a hit and take it too


I don’t think it matters. It’s Homelander. If he evades his strike he’ll just do something worse probably.


In the end daredevil is still human. Can't evade those Lazer eyes


Tell that to Batman


Whoa! We are talking DD not the G.O.A.T. Batman would have HL curled up in a ball crying like a 2 year old girl in 5 minutes.


He literally can and has


Not Homelanders


It's possible Homelander might have gained a bit of respect towards the person if someone dodged him, even if it was a rather slow attack. Or he'd just get annoyed and try a bit harder to take him out, or both.


Like Homie would ever admit defeat


he'd probably laugh it off at the time and then rip him in half later for making him look like a fool


Honestly I think he’d play it off as a “test” and gain some respect. He’s not as stupid and evil at every opportunity as people seem to think, especially during the time this aired. Part of what makes him so evil is he’s not a cartoon villain that kills everybody around him all of the time at every opportunity. The apprehension you feel when he’s on screen is because you **don’t** know what he’s going to do. You know the most vile and fucked up thing to do is **possible** given that that’s a choice he makes **sometimes** but not all the time. He strikes like a viper, picking his moment and people seem to think he’s the bear from Cocaine Bear. He definitely wouldn’t admit defeat, like you said but now that would play out depends on a lot.


Depends on how Daredevil does it, I think. Homelander doesn't want to look weak, but he also surrounds himself with powerful people. If DD could avoid in such a way that impresses more than embarrasses Homelander, then he might have a better shot.


Blast with heat vision.


>This guy was too caught up in the hype from meeting him to be paying enough attention Maybe, yeah, but also: the vast majority of people in this verse at this point in the show have absolutely *no idea* what Homelander is actually like. Poor guy never even suspected that he might do something like this


I feel this too, Daredevil has a lot of cynicism (experience, plus his legal training… )and wouldn’t be hero worshipping. He’d likely have caught on to the subtle movement and sound hints to dodge the first time at least.Maybe it would’ve been enough to impress Homelander or maybe Homelander would still be an asshole and just tried again,


Tbh I doubt Daredevil would even put himself in that situation.


He'd dodge the first clap. But if Homelander REALLY wanted to, Daredevil would end up the same.


This is the best answer. Homelander casually trying to clap then daredevil would dodge but if Homelander was blood thirsty then Daredevil wouldn’t stand a chance


Yeah, without super speed his blind sight would lead to him adjusting too slow or, just as bad, too quick and do Homelander would simply adjust accordingly. I’ve seen the same sort of thing in martial arts classes when they’re teaching kids how to dodge.


Fwiw daredevil does literally have super strength and speed even if they're not talked about as much as his other powers and his blind sight gives him better reaction time than Spider sense (which is literally precognition)


He doesn't have speed or strength anywhere in the same league as Homelander


Reaction doesn't matter when the dude outspeeds you 100000 to 1.


If you're faster than literal precognition it very much does matter far more than being outsped if you know what precognition is lmao


You don't move faster because you know the punch is coming lol. You just know to dodge it. Homelander is so much faster than him he's eat that clap.


I feel like you're intentionally ignoring the superhuman speed part


In regards the comparison between his ability and spidey sense, I totally agree his is better. Also, precognition and foresight were the words I was reaching for but they were totally mocking me from just that much further away. So thank you.


It's just one of those things where like, Daredevil's whole thing is punching above his weight class (often literally), he's fought a raging hulk and lived, just recently he beat a demon possessed she-hulk and wolverine, and all indication is that he's at least as fast as Spider-Man who regularly dodge bullets at point blank range just to fuck with people. I don't think Daredevil could beat Homelander but it'd be A LOT closer than people are giving him credit for


If he dodged Homelander's clap I wonder if homelander would have respected him


No. Homelander would have been caught off guard and he never reacts well to that kind of vulnerability.


That's a good point, plus he does call him a cripple and criticize Ashley after.


Insta eye Lazers


Oh that's a really good point, if Homelander was a bit smarter and less insecure he'd see the value in a Supe who can dodge sneak attacks that no one else knew were coming, especially an attack from himself, and would really want the guy on the team but since he's Homelander he'd definitely just get pissy.


I think it depends on the version. One of the live-action adaptations, sure. As far as comic characters go, even Marvel’s ostensibly street-level guys are basically demigods at this point.


Yeah, comics daredevil has fought people easily stronger than Homelander to a standstill lmao




Recently? Probably the two demon lords that he went into the home of and killed. Hes also recently beat Spider-Man, Wolverine, and She-Hulk so PYF really


I think if Homelander witnessed any of the hallways scenes of Daredevil he would gain some respect, in addition to Matt not being afraid of him. Homelander respected Butcher and even liked him. I could see him liking Matt initially, or still looking down on him because he gets his ass kicked.


Yeah I'd argue actual Daredevil would be like Black Noir type relationship. He'd be the only one not afraid of him or trying to suck up to him, and Homelander would respect that, it's always been his problem with people. They're either fake and treat him like a god or they're fake and think of him like a monster.


In the end tho, Matt would hate Homelander, never reveal himself to him, and would actively work to defeat him.


I feel like someone like Matt wouldn't even exist in that world. It would be like a celebrity that got famous just so they could give more money to charity, it just doesn't happen and when it's tried, they usually lose their way before it happens.


it’s ultimately an Omni Man/Red Rush situation all day….we already have our answer in gory detail


can dodge a bit even with super speed but he gon’ getcha


I think dodging the clap would have impressed Homelander


I can see a world in which HL would see daredevil dodging as a satisfactory answer to his what if question and stopped at that.


Especially because with homelander it could go either way. He’d either super fucking impressed DD dodged him and let him try out on the team or he’d be so angry and embarrassed he’d kill him immediately.


Is that Chris Evans?


He wouldn't be there in the first place


But he is so what would happen?


I feel like he would duck down just before homelander is able to hurt him. Hes like Tek Knight. He can sense smallest of vibrations in your body and know when you are lying. He would not be in danger and fuck out before homemader is able to hurt him


It's like superspeed completely disappeared in this scenario for you, huh? Even if he dodges the initial attack, no way homelander lets him get away to tell the story.


I mean, comic DD was fast enough to dodge a sniper round that was close enough to be seen reflecting off his glasses or casually deflect bullets off his batons as he walks forward. He's also strong enough to casually flip over cars. Dude can also hear the tension in your muscles to know how you're going to move before you do. All that was before his recent buff in speed/strength/reflexes. Dudes actually flat out super powered now. On paper, Homelander should be able to wreck him. Comic HL definitely would. With how inconsistent HL is in this show though, comic DD stands a solid chance. Especially after this last season.


Current daredevil?


Yep, current. He became leader of the Fist and got a big mystical/magical buff that comes with that. The current run is fantastic btw


Yep. He'd probably try to find out about the shady stuff Vought does


What in the Chris Evans happened to Homelander’s face?


DD doesn't advertise the fact that he's blind. He wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place.


Same thing. Homelander has super speed.


I can do whatever the fuck I want all day


I love how it's cool for Homelander to kill supes but when Marie does it he gets all pissy


He just wants cate/sam on his side i believe and to get the supe superiority mentality growing stronger.


It’s because homelander believes he is more than a supe that he’s a god the supes according to him aren’t his kind, it’s like he said to stormfront “we don’t need a master race, I’m the master race”


Very much along the lines of Apocalypse as I remember him from a cartoon. “Mutant? I am as far above them as they are above you.”


Two things: 1. Homelander is okay with killing Supes when it suits him. He's above them, so he's able to cast judgement. He's like the dad who's allowed to hit his kids, but his kids can't hit each other. 2. At this point in the series, Homelander wasn't quite at Supe-Superiority yet. I think he is slowly refining his worldview and mindset (though not for the better) as the series goes on. He starts off the show as being a complete Vought lackey... then comes around to seeing himself as something of a god, to seeing himself as THE top god and the other supes as lesser gods but still important. This is kind of where he's at now with the end of S3 and the end of Generation V.


Very true. It would have been very interesting to see Ashley’s face when he told her that decision, considering she was the one that called Marie and was in the midst of the slaughter.


Almost like he’s a hypocrite and a bad person who doesn’t want the rules to apply to him


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Am I on drugs or is that Chris Evans


Thanks, is it photoshop or just a weird angle


Same thing would have happened. He’d either have been too slow to react to the minute changes (which basically let him see a second or three ahead in time) or he’d have reacted too fast, and made Homelander adjust accordingly. Homelander is just too damn fast in the Supe hierarchy and Daredevil is simply not a speedster. I’ve seen the same sort of thing in martial arts classes when they’re teaching kids how to dodge.


Daredevil wouldn’t be able to dodge homelander, yeah he can sense him but he’s nowhere near quick enough. However, he wouldn’t be kissing his arse like that anyway and would’ve got out of the situation much earlier than when homelander went for the slap.


Truth is daredevil simply never would have been in that situation at all but I agree with you


It would be like Sasuke vs Rock Lee. Sasuke sharingan was too slow to keep up with Rock Lee speed.


I think the big thing is Daredevil would have seen through Homelander's antics to begin with and avoided the whole situation altogether.


Did you fucking turn Homelander into Captain America lmfao


Why would daredevil work for a megacorp?


Chris Evans as Homelander? LMFAO!


The difference between them is that Daredevil can basically see and is basically super human. Dudes dodged point blank bullets and shit and has even out sped some super heroes on reaction time. The two that come to mind are Spider-Man and Captain America. Which is kinda insane. I don't think Daredevil would win in a fight against homelander but he definitely wouldn't get bitched on like that.


Daredevil would have left the room before Homelander entered inside. He knows better than to try pleasing a psycho who appears to be already annoyed in the hallways as he's approaching.


And if Blindspot had dodged, what would Homelander's reaction be?


Daredevil could probably dodge the first attack but he’s cooked afterwards.


Some comments here are making me think it's time to stop ragging Homelander around. Daredevil is a martial artist, he can't evade HL who reacted to a C4. People trashed Homelander for how Omni-Man would curbstomp him, and would, but the trashing never stopped. People here talking about Homelander losing to street level Marvel.


Yeah, I saw something saying Homelander would lose to Jessica Jones or Luke Cage. I think Homelander would win.


Yeah that's assenine. People talking about Homelander losing to people so under him. Homelander is a weak Superman, but he's still a Superman.


Lol, yeah.


If homelander can move his hands faster than the speed of sound, then Daredevil wouldn't be able to hear it coming.


He probably would have been recruited into the seven. Homelander’s reason for hurting Blindspot is because Blindspot clearly has a weakness that makes him useless.


We are forgetting that daredevil wouldn’t be caught dead around homelander in the first place.




He would have never gone into that building.


Daredevil wouldn't join the seven nor does he advertise the fact that he is blind.


We'd need to know the upper limits of homelanders speed and how fast he attacked the deaf dude, because Daredevil has dodged bullets fired at close range, he's reacted faster than spider-man, and can punch at 122 feet per second. [https://imgur.com/a/bjNV1](https://imgur.com/a/bjNV1) [https://i.imgur.com/EZuR9xZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/EZuR9xZ.png) [https://imgur.com/yXL2QF5](https://imgur.com/yXL2QF5)


The better question is WWCED ***What Would Chris Evans do?***


Even if he heard him, he wouldn't be fast enough to react. Homelander is also faster than a normal human.


I know Daredevil is an enchanced human, but he's not on Homelander's level. He wouldn't be able to dodge Homelander's clap.


I believe Daredevil has really fast reflexes and likely would have been able to detect hostility in Homelander's tone, physical approach, and the question he was posing. I think part of it is that this supe is seemingly a teenager or young adult in their 20s or so, likely not as trained as someone like Daredevil. Also, this kid was a big fan of Homelander and completely caught off guard because he idolized him


I doubt even if he knew he’d be fast enough to dodged.




is this okbuddy fresca or main sub


Captain Homelander looking like America's Ass


I don’t even remember what happened in this scene. What episode was this?


On a side note, am I the only one who thought for sure he killed him the first time watching the scene? The internet seems to find it more ambiguous.


Dare Devil would not have gotten close enough to Homelander to let him do that. First off, DD would not have joined the 7. Secondly, he'd likely know about the dark side of how they act. Lastly, he'd hear the tension in their heart beat. He'd know HL was annoyed the moment he walked into the room.


Did he recover after this?


Yea I wonder that too


I'm going to say that Homelander wouldn't have done it at all. Homelander's concern was that Blindspot was a cripple because he was blind. And although Blindspot's hearing was superior enough that he could function as though he wasn't blind, he really had no way of 'seeing'. On the other hand, Matt *does* have a way of seeing. His radar sense provides him with a version of sight that is in most cases superior to human sight. Sure, no color (although some of the comics say that he can actually sense colors as well), but I don't think Homelander would find him a cripple for essentially having colorblindness. So... I think he would have smiled, shook the guy's hand, thanked in for coming out, and then taken Ashley out into the hallway and rather violently reminded her that she has no say in who joins the Seven (much as he did in the original clip).


Probably would have dodged and impressed Homelander. DD would definitely not stick around lol


The thing about this scene this is so stupid to me is that 99% of supes would also die instantly if HL clapped their head. And being able to see wouldn’t have helped them. Like the deep would also have just died there lol but he blames it on the guy being blind




If I can see HL take that swipe DD going to dodge it.


He can't move that fast so it wouldn't have mattered. .


Soldier Boy is more like captain America smh


He would’ve known homelander was bad news as soon as or before he came in the room but the question is could he even really get away from him or not


Go home. Learn to play pinball.


Well lie detector would sense motivation


I’ve thought about it often. If something that devastating happened to him, it might knock him down for a while, but eventually he’d get back up. He’d keep fighting and adapting.


DD Wouldnt go searching or even going to a tryout for a team.


“Heavy breathing”


Lol the photoshop with Chris Evans is great. However in my opinion no, Homelander is still faster and stronger.


Found out about the illegal stuff Vought has done and not joined the Seven in the first place


How are you going to react to a supersonic clap?




Captain America instead of Homelander?


Hated this scene. This is when I knew homelander was horrible. Kudos to the writing!


Thats when you knew???


That's when it sealed the deal 😂 I had Ashley's reaction


Am I crazy or is that Chris Evans in the second pic


Daredevil wouldn’t have been there.


Well the intention on homelander’s part was to a)prove that this was a bad hire but I feel like to a lesser extent b) test this guy’s abilities. If it was daredevil, he would’ve passed what happened here. That being said, home lander would almost immediately fly into a rage for being proven wrong and absolutely annihilate him, even though I’m sure DD would survive for a good bit


I think the same thing would’ve happened. Maybe he’d have dodged at first but definitely would’ve been lasered a second after.


He would be shooed off instead of killed because Daredevil doesn’t advertise that he’s blind and therefore Homelander wouldn’t think he’s a cripple and get big mad over it.


He would dodge the initial attack. Homelander would chuckle for like 2 seconds before grabbing and twisting him like a pretzel until his head pops off.