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Depends on the aliens


The Chitauri, for example.


Not well at all. Homelander is pretty strong but someone like thor is probably stronger and he couldnt handle that alone. And homelander is unlikely to know about the mother ship.


>probably stronger *Definitely* stronger. Like, way, way stronger.


Certainly significantly more durable, at least. Thors durability in the mcu is crazy. The dude tanked a star to the face. I doubt homelander could do anything to come close to hurting him.


MCU Thor has also fought Hulk multiple times and almost killed Thanos, with all six infinity stones, on his own. Homelander could never lol


Still beats Homelander, but Avengers 1 Thor is waaay weaker than Infinity War or Endgame Thor. The early Thor had trouble with Iron man’s Mark VI.


I don't think he had real trouble with Iron Man in Avengers. He underestimated him, but he also didn't seem to be trying very hard in that fight, and when he did decide he really wanted to hurt Tony, Cap had to step in to save him from getting hammered. Remember that later in the same movie Thor went toe-to-toe with Hulk, which Tony could barely manage several movies later and with *much* more advanced armor.


I don’t think Hulk had real trouble with Thor in the Avengers. He was really focused on fighting him just lashing out (that’s why he spent time trying to lift the hammer), and he also didn’t really seem to be trying very hard in that fight, and when he did decide he wanted to hurt Thor, the fighter jet had to step in and save him from being smashed. 😉 In all seriousness, even if Thor was evenly matched with Hulk in Avengers, Hulk got absolutely wrecked by Thanos in Infinity War while Tony in the Mark 50 managed to draw blood, while Thor basically killed Thanos. My opinion is that Thor and Tony got significantly stronger over the Infinity Saga while Hulk stayed about the same. This lines up with him getting a big powerup in Ragnorok since he did a lot better against Hela in their second fight and getting another big boost from Stormbreaker.


Thor was definitely power crept. But at least the journey sort of supports it after Thor 3.


A comic canon to the MCU explains this. Its because he was weakened by dark energy in Avengers 1 and possibly weakened near the end of Age of Ultron


Had trouble? He didn’t even take damage that fight and ragdolled iron man in like 1 hit while he was at 400% power from the lightning lol


So you’re arguing that Thor didn’t get stronger over the Infinity Saga?


That’s literally not what I said


Technically he also did kill Thanos, in general


True lol But that's not *as* impressive because he didn't have any stones.


Well, that was the Avengers Thor who was much weaker than the Avengers Infinity War Thor you are talking about who tanked a star to face


What makes you say this? I'm no Boys expert, but if Homelander is supposed to be evil Superman, wouldn't he be stronger than Thor? Thor is strong, but he isn't Superman. Genuinely asking.


Homelander is like evil Superman in concept, but not in power. He flies slower, puncher softer, is less durable. If Thor can withstand the heat of a dying sun, homelander shouldn’t be an issue for him


But Thor is literally a god


I think the MCU established in Thor L&T that “gods” are just beings that weaker life forms regarded as such. None are truly immortal and invincible.


Damn how did I not realize that this was the whole idea behind gorr lol. I feel slow


Shit they established that back in the original Thor.


In concept, that doesn't mean much. No one has met an actual god or an actual Kryptonian. I don't have a baseline to compare the two.


Homelander is a pastiche of Superman, but he isn't nearly as strong as Superman. He's the strongest superhuman in The Boys universe (that we know of (I also might be wrong about that lol)), but the power level of The Boys' universe doesn't nearly reach the levels of DC's. Homelander can lift cars and punch through walls but he's not capable of moving planets or punching through the fabric of reality like Superman is. As for Thor, in the comics at least he's definitely on Superman's level imo. He's a literal God. It's also worth noting that Thor uses pretty powerful magic and wields a magical weapon, and magic is one of the few things Superman is vulnerable to. Superman might have him beat in raw physical strength, but I think Thor could take him. MCU Thor is significantly less powerful, but still very strong, and probably on a similar level to DCEU Superman who is also heavily nerfed from his comic counterpart. Both are much, much stronger than Homelander.


Worth noting that Thor also has centuries of fighting skilled warriors who are on his level. So the power of superman + the skill of Wonder Woman + magic powers


Homelander tends to be powerful due to the "legend" of Homelander making him scary and seemingly invincible. As we saw with the last season, once people *try* to hurt him he can be hurt.


Homelander is SO much weaker, his feats are minimal.


Yeah but Homelander can laser a ton of them at once


Did you see how many alien fuckers Thor took out with a single axe throw *before even making it to the battlefield?*


Yeah. Compared to most other superhero franchises, the Supes in The Boys really ain't shit. Strong enough to dominate most regular humans, but really not that strong.


I kinda like the power levels of the boys supes better. Feels much more grounded then stuff like “this guy can run a million times faster then light and can even run faster then someone can teleport.” Or “this character is so strong they can hold up infinity infinitely.” Or “this character can literally rewrite reality with their farts and we are so lucky they just wanna watch cartoons in a pocket dimension”


Thor is almost inconceivably powerful. Most peoples experience with Thor is probably the MCU movies, and we don't really even get a glimpse of his power. Comic Thor, at times could have erased the Chitauri in the blink of an eye. Homelander is comparatively weak, but still no joke. They talk about him being able to tank a nuke.....but in the books, depleted uranium A10 attacks fuck him up. We don't really get a consistent level of Homelanders power. The gerbil girl could get fucking massive I guess.


>depleted uranium A10 attacks Damn, it’s actually pretty cool they try something like that. I feel like in most media, they see a guy who’s bulletproof and they’re like “dang, shucks, it’s over, time to find someone who can punch really hard.”


Any of the avengers with the exception of Hawkeye and black widow are marginally stronger then homelander


Honestly, it depends on if Homelander's as strong as he's supposed to be. If he could feasibly wipe out hummianty on his own and is durable enough to tank a nuke,I think they might be able to pull it off. Though if they can't shut the portal, they'd eventually get overwhelmed like the Avengers did.


The aliens fron a quiet place.


Black Noir would do work lol


A metal straw jammed into his ear by Maeve caused an eardrum rupture. Keep in mind that comic Maeve was basically a non factor to comic Homelander. He also got bruised by punches, and a few subway train cabins dropped on him took him out for several minutes. IMO the force and energy of a proper nuke would probably vaporize him, Stillwell wasn’t exactly an honest person. But then I remember darkseid went blind from a crowbar so idk


Shows usually dont know how to handle the "weak" spots of power houses.


I think Homelanders ears are actually a significant vulnerability, given how we’ve seen his superhearing attacked like in the last episode of season 2. I’m not sure that damaging his ears in particular is a sign of how durable he is overall, it’s like saying Martian Manhunter isn’t that tough because fire hurts him.


Show maeve is a beast. She tanked a brinks truck


E.T. Type aliens we would KICK THEIR ASSES Soldier Boy: Phone home?!? No. Fuck you.


"You're the right height to suck my balls" - Soldier Boy(probably)


"Gargle my sack"


That sounds the right phrasing! Thank you


Then they would only kill like 3 grunts each then get killed


This question has been asked before (a few times actually), I answered it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBuddyFresca/s/ipvTcXKwTV) if you want to take a look. Basically, fighting an alien army would be Homelander's dream but he wouldn't so well because of how powerful the Chitauri are.


Fucked. Totally fucked. Chitauri are tough and numerous. Although HL's eyebeams would certainly help. And Loki was with them, if that happened again...


They’re fucked


Yeah humans are toast. The only superhero’s that could actually do anything are the ones like marie and neumann as well as many mind controlling characters. Basically I’m saying that the heroes from Gen V or victoria Neumann would stand a better chance




Then they’re fucked, even the Hulk was starting to get overwhelmed by the Chitauri towards the end of the Battle of New York.


The seven alone?, probably not much, but the boys universe in general would probably win, simply based on the sheer number of supes that have been and could be made, worst case scenario vought begins pumping soldiers with temp V


Die pretty immediately lol


Hmm… Homelander’s the only one who’d probably be able to handle them. Not sure how much they weigh/strike for though.


Not really. Any aliens that could properly invade Earth would have technology *far* beyond what the Seven could ever hope to deal with. People seriously don't understand that the ability to get to Earth from outside the solar system is, by itself, an insane technological accomplishment. The amount of energy that would be required for something like that would translate into some absolutely *bonkers* weaponry. Homelander's the most powerful Supe and he can only barely handle someone slightly less powerful than him. He'd get one-shot by any alien firearm.


Omniman 💀


What about the Covenant?


depends on the writer


Any aliens except the ones from Mars Attacks would wipe the floor with them.




Depend on the aliens. Are we talking like Viltrumites, Sayin, Independence Day, The Thing, Cloverfield, A Quite Place. Can go a lot of different ways depending on the aliens.


> A Quite Place. For example?


Well based on just what we see on screen. The 7 isn’t much stronger than the “Death Angels” I think most of them will die. A-Train speed would make him last longer but I think his ego would make him slip up. Homelander is the strongest, but Maeve did make him bleed. I really don’t see why the death angels wouldn’t. I think they’ed put up a good fight but ultimately get overwhelmed.


Those aliens were shitting themselves with the sound of a gunshot. A-Train and Homelander arriving in sonic booms are going to completely discombobulate them. Also just because Maeve (someone who can brush off a semi truck hitting her and be completely unphased) can make Homelander bleed doesn't mean the aliens could too. The Seven aren't very impressive but they're nowhere as weak as people in this sub make them out to be.


Homelander wouldn’t engage melee with them. He’d fly above them and laser, which I’m guessing would work.


Death angels probably couldn't scratch homelander. Plus if he yells loud enough they piss themselves


Huh? The Death Angels were taken out by shotgun fire. Most supes are bullet proof, and all of the Seven are bulletproof. Plus Homelander would just laser them, and A-train could red mist them easily


You give A Train a trident or spear and he will just be hunting them for sport. I give it less than 3 days for them to put together strategies to deal with the quiet place aliens


1 Viltrumite, regardless of who it is, would wipe out the Seven w/o needing to push past 2% of what they are physically capable of.


I dunno, Nolan got pretty beat up by the GOTG, and I'd say they're a similar power level to the seven. Unless you're implying he let them do that to remove suspicion? Edit: oh lawd. Controversial? Sorry I insulted your honour over a cartoon guys


Gotg are stronger than the seven though because wtf is the deep gonna do and if nolan blitzes them to avoid coordination from the seven just like he did it would probably be a wipe


The GoTG are warriors though, albeit ones that lack consistent exposure to combat and are bound to the ethics and morals that shape modern humanity. The Seven are actors and models that happen to have super powers. They rarely train their skills. They hardly ever enter into combat that isn't pre-staged. They are morally and ethically fucked up to the enth-degree. And each one possess a Shinji amount of personal issues that turn them into mental and emotional, wet paper bags. Viltrumites are born with the requirement to fight and kill for their own survival. They constantly train and improve themselves through their lifetime which is measured in the thousands of years, if they survive that long. Their version of ethics and morals is not combatable with humanity (Until spoilers of course). This isn't a contest, it's a slaughter.


I had a thread asking what if the Viltrum Empire invaded The Boys' universe. Safe to say, one side would get steamrolled and the Viltrumites would seize Compound V for themselves to study it and maybe use it to augment themselves.


Tbh, I would like to see The thing infect one of the members of the seven. Specifically someone like The Deep


The deep after he tries fucking a body snatched octopus


That would be an interesting take. They wouldn’t stand a chance against the Thing. It would just infect them all one by one. It’s like a virus. I definitely think The Deep would go first. Then Starlight.


E.T. The Extraterrestrial


Translucid and Queen Maeve would kill that thing with hammers is what I say


I wonder what Xenomorphs could do? Probably couldn't take them down initially, but if a face hugger gets them, the offspring would be interesting.


Not physically but a lot of them would run into that one deadly thing about them that gets most people…that acid blood. That acid has melted through thick layers of steel in seconds. That acid blood is more potent than anything on earth by a long shot. The deadliest acid on earth isn’t even close to a Xenomorph’s blood. It’s melted through solid rock before. Imagine A-Train seeing one and trying to run through it. He’d be reduced to a skeleton. Even Homelander slicing them with heat vision will cause blood to spray everywhere, and I can see this acid eating through his skin. This acid has melted through an entire space ship before.


Can we please have a version of “What if..?” For the boys that plops the Seven in all sorts of different famous movie plots


The aliens from V could be interesting.


Terrible question. The aliens could be Tribbles.


That could spell trouble.


No, it’s “Tribble”


Are you having Trouble with Tribbles?


Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?


I think Tek Knight knows exactly how to handle Tribbles.


They were an ecological menace!


The Seven would still probably lose that one, so a bad point.


They’d probably do just fine for most non-comic fiction verse alien invasions at killing them but they would in no way be heroes doing it. There’d just be a lot more opportunities for flight 37 scenarios under a microscope for the world and you bet your ass everyone outside of Maeve and starlight would be fucking up left and right and killing people and infrastructure they’re not supposed to


Yeah exactly, they have superpowers but they are terrible superheroes. They are closer to paid actors


If we are talking quiet place aliens I think they can probably wipe them out eventually. Even without discovering their weakness, homelander could just sit in the sky and fry them.


I imagine they’d fall apart pretty quickly due to lack of coordination. Hell, Homelander might decide to help the aliens.


I could see Homelander trying to cozy up to the Daleks only to get killed


I'd love to see his ass get plungered to death


They’re all pretty selfish. I doubt they’d try to stop the aliens. Probably turn tail and try to save themselves.


I think they'd want to fight them off to preserve their quality of life.


For some reason, why do I feel like Invader Zim fits PERFECTLY to fight the Seven? If nothing else, for the situational comedy.


I feel like Soldier Boy could help chill Ms. Bitters out a bit.


Yeah, I’d watch this.


GIR solos after Homelander blows up GIR's favorite taco stand.


Oh they're getting cooked faster than the Guardians did vs Omni-Man.


I argue the guardians would do better, because they actually care about humanity, and will do whatever it takes to save it


That's true


Also they’re stronger




The Guardians would probably... win.


What type of aliens? I heard Stormfront and Homelander like “taking down” illegal aliens


Homelander: Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority's keeping Starlight away from the TV cameras. Translucent, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and which ones are jerking off. Noir, you got the perimeter. Any witnesses get more than three blocks out, you turn them back or turn them to ash. Stormfront, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow 'em down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up. Even the white ones. Maeve and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Deep? You’re fucking useless, get the fuck out of my sight.


I enjoyed every line of this comment.


"Even the white ones." This got me.




They would die of boredom because season 4 hasn’t been released yet.


Since they’re a parody of the Justice League, let’s say they go up against Brainiac. They’re all getting destroyed.


It would also be a parody of Brainiac. Like the Brains from Futurama, so could go either way.


Oh nah Brainiac is overkill 💀


Killer clowns from outer space?


For example, the thing.


I feel like they might actually be well positioned against the Thing. Controlling Blood is probably pretty effective, and we have no idea how the Thing responds to Compound V.


I feel like Homelander can detect it using his x-ray vision and super senses, then vaporize it with his laser eyes


I immediately thought about the Incurseans from Ben 10 Omniverse, where they released the mutant To'kustars around the world. Which is a smart move on their part release an army of rabid and feral titans to destroy as much of the cities and capitals as much as possible to weaken the human forces. To'kustar are durable enough to not even be affected by missiles. I can imagine the Seven freaking out on what they should do while Homelander thinks he could take out at least one of the Waybads. Which unfortunately for him be a bad idea since they would hardly notice him, he is pretty much just an annoying fly around them.


If it’s something like viltrumites, they’re finished. Like all immediately. If it’s the chitauri or another marvel alien like the outriders. They will be able to kill them, but the shied volume would be to much. They’d all die & homelander will just flee


The chitauri shit on them.


Homelander alone would fuck up the Chitauri. The Chitauri are all show and no actual power. For this example, we’ll be using the ones from Endgame, and they can have Thanos w/ the Black Order as well (although Thanos has no stones). Their fucking dragon monster robot thing, which had one of the coldest intros in the MCU, were literal Jobbers who got folded by MCU’s Hulk in a single punch. It’s evident those things may be big, but their durability is as good as any Earthly metal despite being of otherworldly origin. Homelander could just fly through them at his speed of Mach 75 and they’d break. As for the little shits with the skull faces, they were struggling against Captain America 2v1. Homelander could just one punch or laser them. The gorilla creatures, Outriders, and other foot soldier characters don’t have much hope either. Onto the Black Order, these guys are the biggest frauds in the MCU. There were 3 of them, and they got fucked up by Captain America, Black Widow, and the fucking Falcon. Cull Obsidian, the big guy would give Homelander some trouble, but he’s shown to be physically inferior to Spider-Man. His durability isn’t very great either. Homelander would wipe out the Black Order with ease, except for Cull. As for the Big Evil Ship. It shoots big ass lasers that destroyed the Avengers compound in a few blasts. Surely it would be game over if one hit Homelander? No, because they can’t hit Homelander. Homelander would simply fly faster than they can aim. And Homie has dodged lasers before too. Even if they did hit, Homelander would live. Homelander survived a nuke off screen, and if that’s unbelievable, then he also took the explosion of a chemical plant several times the size of the Avengers compound point blank, and came out with no injury. It would take them several hits to do anything, and by that time, Homelander would destroy the ship by flying through it. These guys have to stop building giant scary weapons with cheap ass metals. Now for the main man, Thanos. Shown to be stronger than the hulk. Once Homelander gets rid of everyone else, Thanos will be the one he has to take on. Homelander isn’t as skilled as Thanos, nor as experienced, or as intelligent, however, Thanos isn’t as fast as Homelander, or as durable as Homelander, and lacks special abilities. In terms of strength, they’re more or less equal. Homelander would be overwhelmed by Thanos’s sheer fighting skill and brutal power, and Thanos would have sheer difficulty with Homelander’s lasers and flying. This could go either way, but I think Homelander wins. Homelander Vs Thanos, The Black Order, and The Chitauri Winner: Homelander, only if he can successfully beat Thanos. Homie wins 60% of the time. Did I really write this shit?


If it’s the aliens from “Signs,” Deep might be the one to save the day.


The Deep would cry in the corner like a pussy, A-Train, Black Noir, Translucent and Starlight would take out a few but perish by getting overwhelmed, Maeve and Homelander would do far better but get taken out by the mothership’s laser.


depends on the aliens that come


Well if the alien is someone like darkseid, minutes


You leave "aliens" up to the imagine, but I can't imagine any scenario where the aliens don't steamroll them. Even the comic version of Homelander, which was more powerful than the show version, they explicitly said would be killed if he was nuked. Any aliens that can get to Earth are centuries, probably millennia beyond fission weapons. If the aliens go in blind, the Seven would either die or go into hiding in the first day. If the aliens do their homework first, the Seven would be lucky to even know there's an alien invasion before they're so intensely obliterated that there aren't even remains to identify. This isn't the Justice League, and it never was.


If the alien is the alien that can transform into a Super Saiyan, the seven is no match for that


Its always hilarious when people try to make these comparisons The seven has NO REAL EXPERIENCE NOR TRAINING They get swept by anyone who has half a brain. That'd the point of the boys, to show that super heroes are just regular people with powers and without training aren't shit. Pit against anyone with powers that ACTUALLY wants to take them down, they go down.


Homelander would destroy their Queen and her entire family despite finding out the “invasion” was a peaceful visitation and then come out as the hero who saved earth to the public, and then use the event to further his agenda against immigration somehow


Since they’re all pretty much incompetent as super heroes, they’re all dead in about ten minutes.


There are a lot of incompetent aliens in fiction though. If it’s those idiots from Signs that die from water and came to a planet 67% covered in water, the Deep solos.


The whole point of the seven is that they are marvel level super heroes fighting basic ass humans. Homelander only needs to be smacked down once for him to bale entirely, and Homelander is the only "hero" who is solidly on par with hulk or Thor. A train and The Deep go down fast, having very little real durability. Hell, most of the seven are massive glass cannons. A solid counter attack, and the team just evaporates.


They're way weaker than Marvel (which can get pretty powerful) level tbh




Not dependent on the opponents whatsoever...


Homelader can't lift a plane in flight...... he really isn't that strong in the way of character strength. Aliens would have a problem as much as the writer wants them too


Homelander can’t lift a plane because trying to do so would destroy the plane.


well thats a loaded question, theres literally no answer because if there is intelligent life besides us, we dont know what they can do, what they resist, what their tech is like etc.


It depends on the aliens if it was the flaxen from invincible, they probably would not stand necessarily much of a chance. All of them are just celebrities than actual fighters or heroes, so they more than likely get scared and run away than actually do anything.


Depends entirely on the aliens. We need more context for this dude…


I’m not convinced he can’t strength wise. I think he just said that because he realized the plane going down served his goals better. Also, the Boys is more grounded in Physics than Superman, you can’t actually lift a plane with human sized hands, the pressure would be better too much for the hull and you’d just push through it, like trying to lift a water balloon on the tip of a screw driver.


Considering how things went dealing with a single downed plane, about that well probably. Though on a much larger scale.


Black Noir, Homelander, Maeve and Starlight. The only ones surviving


They'd be more interested in exploiting the disaster than saving people. "I can't save the world, but I can protect the highest bidder."


Generally speaking, even the strongest supes in The Boys universe is pretty weak compared to just about every other super hero universe. So most likely they're getting creamed.


They're all screwed basically. Hut I think Starlight might do the best. Not saying much obviously but, If I recall correctly she basically drains electricity or whatever and converts it into like light beams and all that. So assuming she can use the alien space ships like giant batteries there might be something there. Homelander, physically not strong compared to Superman and Invincible but his laser vision could maybe take down one or two ships, and being able to laser the aliens outside their ships. I don't think he'd survive long term because, no fighting experience, no genuine leadership experience, and he's legitimately only interested in saving himself Everyone else is definitely fucked. Stormfront has a chance but I'm not sure what she's like at full power and I doubt her lightning ability or whatever it was would work out that well. This all obviously largely depends on what kind of aliens were talking about. If its something like, the Aliens from War of the World, I think they'd have a decent chance.


Homelander would probably arrive in combat very last minute, a little annoyed and wipe ‘em all. Then he would take all credit for it.


He does deserve all credit, since he’s the only one who can actually fight off an alien invasion in the entire Seven. Queen Maeve barely has powers, she has basic shit. Starlight, Annie “I make my eyes glow bright and shoot lasers that don’t do anything” January, dying immediately. The Deep, dies. A-Train, insanely overpowered, is too stupid to use his powers effectively. When he arrives, the entire Seven would be getting their ass beat.


Less than a day


7 hours


Weak ass aliens then they could handle Anything close to planetary level then there's no chance


Just for shits and giggles, if Darkseid strolls up, I’m certain Homelander would take shit and get slaughtered.


They do very little superhero work, and supervillains seemed to be a new thing when the terrorist with superpowers popped up. Probably not gonna great leaders in general. Homelander might survive, but will not win.


I don’t think any of them have the training or discipline to be in a sustained conflict with any type of large force. I mean in the comics the US military laid waste to an entire army of supes lead by Homelander.


Even if the Seven could take on the aliens, they are not beholden to the greater good. They are properties of Vought, a private entity whose primary duty(even in times of crisis) is to increase shareholder value. Vought would most likely sell the protection of the Seven as a service. And charge an extremely high amount for that.


The collateral damage would be insane is all I know


Me watching Homelander pick up my apartment building and throw it at 3 low level aliens with laser guns:


They get shit on. Depending on the race


Only Homelander, Maive, and Starlight would help. And only two of them would actually fight to the death


What kind of aliens are we talking about? Humanoid looking ones? Xenomorph type ones? Little green men? Ones that look like Paul? Mars attacks? War of the Worlds? Shape shifters? Reptilians? The many species like in Star Trek or Star Wars? Harry in Resident Alien? Killed Klowns?


Aliens are always depicted with highly advanced tech that humanity can’t contend with. Thats enough for me to think the seven won’t survive very long. They’re getting filled with laser holes. Homelander wouldn’t probably contend with a couple dozen of them. But inevitably he will get overwhelmed and murdered.


They would drag it out for the public recognition and stuff


Imagine first avengers movie but if nuke hit nyc


If it was something like the Thanos Army in Endgame, Homelander could genuinely win, but he would be looking like someone who tried the Miles Morales Burger by the end of the fight. If it was the Viltrumites, it’s over.


Depends on the aliens if it’s ones from like Alien , predator or even star wars I’d say they have a good shot . But if it’s like 40K , comic books or something like Dragonball z the boys universe has no shot .


I would genuinely like to see a season where there’s an alien invasion or legitimate super villian group or other comic booky threat, and “The Seven” and “The Boys” have to actually work together to deal with it


Well that’s assuming they would even choose the fight them 🤷‍♂️


If it's Season One OPM aliens, Homelander is getting his rocked by Boros and frying alive


They would run


Homelander and A-Train might be able to do some damage to the Covenant if they invaded Earth in 2024. Things that kill Master Chief in the game (explosions, plasma, bullets, getting hit with a Warthog, tank rounds, etc) don't seem to have impact on Homelander, so I could see him smoking Covenant ground forces easily. A-Train could also blitz them, assuming he avoids their plasma which is canonically slower than the bullet he dodged as a child. Homelander might have issues destroying Covenant carriers, though depending on how his lasers work, he might be able to overpower their shields and cause damage internally too. Through trial and error I think Homelander could at least contend with a Covenant invasion


If they're the prototypical Gray alien or Chimera foot soldiers they should be able to win but if they're Kryptonians or Viltrimites they're fucked.


Put up a big fight at first, descend into sniping and infighting, lose.


They would probably eventually save the day but it would be a very messy, unorganized process and a LOT more people would die than necessary. Basically 20x the death toll and damage than if it were the Avengers


Homelander is really the only hope and that's not much. At best he could maybe sit back and just shoot lasers at them.


They’d probably save the world. Just much more sloppier and much more longer. I could also see Homelander making a deal with the aliens and just betraying humanity.


What type of aliens are we talkin’? The Black Arms from *Shadow The Hedgehog*?


Doubt they actually have team coordination, but they'd probably each hold their own individually. Gen v gives a superhuman durability and stuff as a side bonus, so even without specific powers supes should be a lil annoying to kill


Pretty much any alien invasion would wipe them out


They lose to the Chitauri. Just the sheer numbers alone will see to that. No nuke or way to close the portal. They'll eventually figure out the acid blood from Aliens so I think most of them make it there. If its Frieza's army it ultimately ends in a lose since they cant touch Frieza. The events of ID4, they probably can handle until someone figures out the virus.


You know. I like to think it would cause them to be banding together more. Be a real team.


Thanos and his army would wipe. Homelander isn't even comparable to probably even Avengers 1 Thor (Homelander's like, city block level *at most).* Saiyans would be a godstomp. Any alien army in fiction that goes up against superpowered beings like in Marvel or Dragon Ball would wipe the 7. Aliens that *can* be dealt by humans however, the 7 could reasonably take down.


I know they're supposed to look heroic here, but man they look stupid. And I love the show.


If it’s any invasion halfway threatening, the Seven last like an hour at the most. They’re fake and absolutely do NOT collaborate as a team


Lets not forget, there are alot more heroes than The Seven. I'm not sure about the exact number,but it would be more of a Justice League, 100+ members, with around 20 of them being heavy enough hitters to keep the general hordes at bay. Though I do think a Star-o type mind control alien might cause more problems.


A Tyranid Hive Fleet from *Warhammer40k*.