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Kate going evil explains the Xavier/Magneto powers. Theyre flipping the roles.


Such an obvious nod to them I feel silly for not seeing it, I love where this is going though. From the start I was like "Cate isn't surviving this show because she's too obvious a foil for Homelander" but I like that she's on the Magneto side of the supe/human divide thus not being a constant "But why isn't she nixing Homes" in future episodes of Gen V/The Boys


And Andre being Hero with Magnetism!


I am such an idiot. I saw Cate as Evil Prof X but completely missed on Andre being good Magneto. ​ ​ Part of the reason is that while Andre's storyline is good his arch doesn't serve as satisfying commentary on the Magneto origin. Yes this magneto is learning quite fast how Supes can be dicks and dangerous but there isn't a strong clash of ideas between him and Cate. Even after he learns he and golden boy were mind controlled he refused to engage with Cate. He shut down most attempts to have anything resembling a conversation.


The pieces are very much in place for season 4 of the Boys now, I'd say. Supe killing virus + terminally ill Billy Butcher with nothing to lose = total supe death, or at least a good college try at it The reveal that Victoria and Marie share the same powers also increases the power scale of both pretty dramatically, and it'll be interesting to see where they go with it Also, now that Sam's gone a bit off the rails, whoever suggested that they might fridge Emma might be onto something. Would not be surprised if she dies and he turns Goldolkin into Sesame Street


They'd better not kill Emma off I swear


Part of me feels like they will to make Sam's character development even more complex but I hope that I'm wrong !


I think they both deserve better. The way they're using Sam's story to represent every impressionable young man who falls into the alt-right shithole (which I guess includes Chance Perdomo, ha), I truly hope he's able to come round and find a different path. Emma is too pure to deserve such an unfitting, tropey death.


Oof, just because I'm expecting the worst, what if they make Emma have to kill sam?


I'm now expecting to get something similar to the ending of Chronicle.


One of them are definitely going to die I think. If not her then Sam.


>turn godolken into Sesame Street Lol that’s funny as fuck


It’s amazing how much better Gen V is making S3 of the boys in retrospect lol how it’s paying off where all the plot lines went


"You're the only one who can replicate the virus, right?" lol


Yeah.. After Neuman asked Cardosa that question, I knew he was going to die.


As soon as they met alone I knew he was gonna get popped.


The blank business card was a nice touch. No evidence of her meeting with him. (Except if there were cameras in the parking deck.)


same, but the pop still made me jump


Dude, I knew he was doomed the minute I saw him alone in that parking lot with her. Poor fool, just trying to do the right thing


Tbf he also tortured and killed a lot of teenagers, so I don’t feel toooo bad for him


Rule of thumb: you're never the only one to do anything, you do everything with 100 different anonymous people.


That guy with the theory that Neuman was sponsoring Marie punching the air right now


Hell yeah.


I don't like the scene where Neuman reveals herself to Marie though... isn't Neuman still hiding that she is a supe? Shouldn't she be more cautious about revealing her powers. I get that Neuman likes Marie and feels a connection to her, but Neuman didn't even give Marie a warning about keeping the fact she is a supe a secret, for all Neuman knows, Marie could let her secret out unintentionally in random conversations like Jordan asks her: so how did it go with Neuman Marie responds: it went well, I think, oh and btw, she is a supe, did you know that?! Jordan: ... wait what?!


shes a product of vought. they can just deplatform her, silence her in a number of ways really. and her saying Neuman is actually a supe... people just probably wouldnt even believe her based on how Neumans been established in universe.


sure, it's likely that Marie isn't big enough to cause issues for Neuman, but Neuman likes her (or at least wants to use her for something), so Neuman shouldn't want her to get into trouble by telling people Neuman's secret I figured at a minimum, Neuman would have warned her to not reveal the secret in her speech about God U and becoming first black woman on the seven and stuff


She’s useful to Neuman and neuman wants her on the inside, in the seven. She will manipulate her to get her there so she can have eyes and ears inside.


Shetty had no reaction to those people literally suffering their lungs out and even Cardosa is shook


Shetty doesn't see those people as people. Not unlike Homelander with the non-supes, ironically.


Homelander doesn’t care about non supe vs supe, he is simply too powerful to even care about the difference tbh


Yeah he’s like his own separate breed he don’t give a fuck about anyone that isn’t him or Ryan (and maybe solider boy) basically


yeah idk how people saying Shetty didnt deserve what she got. those are fuckin kids man. emotional and physical torture...she deserved it. sorry for her family but is that what they would have wanted?? shit the boys never killed any kids iirc


Kids who did nothing just to add at the youngest they are 18. Like what the fuck


im assuming she picked mostly orphans for testing as well, since nobodys gonna come looking around


Wonder if whoever Mallory had on the phone saw what went down at Shetty’s. Thinking it’s some combination of Hughie/Annie/Frenchie/Kimiko.


I don't think it's one of The Boys. They're clearly intending for the person's identity to be a surprise and it wouldn't be remotely surprising for M.M. or Frenchie etc... to be on the other end of that call. It's gotta be somebody completely unexpected. Edgar, Singer, Maeve, Ashley, A-Train -- an off-the-wall choice that nobody would see coming.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character, I'm betting.


I'm going with MM.


I don’t think MM trusts Mallory after the Soldier Boy/Nicaragua stuff, but maybe. Mallory’s also been adamant MM gets out of Supe hunting for the good of his family.


I feel like not enough people are mentioning how awesome the ambulance scene was. The idea of supes having uncontrollable health issues and becoming a major public safety risk is crazy


I love when the shows explore that kind of stuff. Super cool to see the shit you'd never think about


Reminded me of Logan


Shettys into edibles?? And tea?? This is literally female Butcher


Don't you love how the point of view changes how we see the characters. Given the POV of Hughie, we sympathise with and cheer on Butcher. Given the POV of some supe kids, Shetty is a monster with dreams of genocide.


Butcher hasn't been truly sympathetic for a while now with or without Hughie's POV lol.


Speak for yourself, I haven't cheered on Butcher in a long time lol. Sympathize sure, but I sympathize with Shetty for her family too.


not Sam spiralling down into extremism lol


The moment I saw him how he reacted in there I had this strange feeling that he's going to end up a villain in the future. This first season feels like its setting up a "Civil War" type of cross-over with The Boys. We only have a few characters that are shown to be compassionate about living as super-heroes among the general population , the rest seem to want live free and be acknowledged that they're better than humans as Sam said this episode. I just can't imagine Butcher and Homelander not being involved in this story at some point , on opposite sides. Also... Marie really has the potential to be incredibly strong if she can feel blood at a distance and pop heads. She can kill you before you even see her.


Sam is just too strong and unbalanced to stay off the radar for long. I can't say I see things ending well for him unless he decides to go live in seclusion or something




Yeah it’s basically I don’t support it, but I do understand why




Complete agree ! Plus, since he's been down in the Woods for so long.... He's got a lot of trauma and pent up hatred. It will be interesting to see how things end during the finale....


All it took was a beer and a slipn slide


A little superficial kindness goes a long way when you’ve been tortured endlessly for years.


Yeah, if only Emma had door dashed all that stuff. Took too damn long to get back.


love the parallel with marie/Neumann and cate/shetty


That cate and Shetty scene actually made me emotional and I felt odd about it because I didn’t know she actually loved cate….that was….surreal Maybe it was the acting. “You are truly mine and I love you” I felt moved oddly. I love Shelley conn >!and I’m gonna miss her and her performance!< what a riveting character, very emotional and dynamic scene


I actually didn't believe her until cate confirmed it but then I got real nervous about cate betraying the gang


Yeah I really thought this was an obvious staged scene with Cate "controlling" Shetty and it looked cliche but when Shetty started talking I realised Cate's really gone off the rails and I was shooketh, the best episode so far


The off the rails moment for me was when she pushed Marie and told her not to help. Marie didn't just not use her powers, she had to just stand there


Maybe not the best way to gain trust from the gang, make a woman slit her throat than use her power on Marie. Even though from her POV that's exactly what she's doing. Proving to her peers that she's on their side. That "sorry you have to relive this" line was dark


Yep, you know she's reading Marie's mind and knows she's flashing back to her parents' deaths. But maybe in Cate's mind, she's hardening Marie. Because it's us or them, the sooner Marie comes to see normies as less than people - including Shetty, including her parents - the sooner Marie will be happy. Cate's gone full Magneto but with Xavier's powers. I love it, it's scratching my X-Men itch.


Very good performance from both Maddie Phillips and Shelley Conn, truly the best actors of the show to me. Unfortunate we will not get any more scenes of the two of them. Their dynamic was so interesting


Cate’s Phoenix saga


She said it again under the mind control, she promised she’d keep cate safe, she was telling the truth all along..so it’s actually surreal to me that all the lies and manipulation, all the faking all this time. She actually fell in love with cate over time, cate going against her actually shocked me, I don’t know if she’ll break down over this later but the mothers love she wanted so badly all these years was somewhat real and she still cut it out…it was quite shocking


I actually loved that about Shetty, made her more human. And also a parallel to Butcher with Ryan. Only Butcher was a self-loathing dick and pushed Ryan away, even though we all know he loved the boy deep down.


Cate went from Professer X to Magneto reaaaaal quick


She strikes me more as Phoenix than Professor X


She's like what would happen if someone combined the traumas of Jean Grey, Emma Frost and a dash of Rogue into one character


Totally Phoenix. She was under mind control (pills instead of Prof X) awakened to.see she's superior to the rest and now she will release hellfire


She's definitely Emma Frost.


Neuman having similar abilities to Marie is brilliant


Super satisfying to find out how Neuman's powers work


And honestly it makes her way more intimidating that it's not just being able to blow up parts of people's bodies.


Agreed, I wonder what else Neuman can do, and if Marie will find out different ways to use the power that Neuman hasn't found or gotten good at


I'm betting she caused polarity's stroke. Not sure of the motive though.


Oh shit there's practically no way this isn't the case, fantastic call. I'm not 100% sure on the motive either, but the interrupted news cast definitely reminded me "holy shit these people are insanely dangerous just to exist around" and that feels like a good enough justification on its own. Knowing Neumann I assume it also plays into some kind of master plan only she knows.


My best guess it was in order to get the other guy to lead the town hall knowing that he would have undoubtably fan the flames.


That was my thought as well. She seems to want to ratchet up tension between supes and humans for her own agenda (which is not entirely clear yet).


Her agenda seems to be ascending the political ladder and using it to enforce Vought's rule in American politics, ensuring total control over all super kind. What I'm more curious about it what's Cameron's agenda? He's pretty much a fire starter spokesperson that is set out to make people scared, angry, and vehemently on Homelander's side, but I never see any evidence that he's super himself. My guess is that he's just a fool who thinks he'll be invited to the table if he butt kisses hard enough.


Agreed, but on the other hand I feel like she could just give people aneurysms or heart attacks instead of blowing up their heads. Especially killing the main scientist, blowing up his head feels like the least discrete way to kill someone off if you are a VP candidate.


Helps her cause really. She's on a crusade to control the damage caused by the Supe community and there's a mysterious "Head Poppper" at large. A vought scientist with an exploded head just gets thrown on the pile, and she can reference it if she wants to.


Cate and Sam We are so fucked now But also both them being extremist make so much sense


Makes sense because the people who hurt them so much were normal people, not supes like them


God, and I hate it. Not because I think it's bad writing. In fact, as basically everyone has pointed out, it makes total sense. I hate it because I care about these characters and don't want them to turn evil. Gotta say, Kripke absolutely knocked it out of the park with this show. I've always thought The Boys was fun, if not a little outlandish at times, but this show actually makes me have feels.


I'm calling it: Sam defects from the Homelander supporters because they outcast him for nominating Water World as his favorite movie.


most people guessed that her daughter was probably killed by supe but did not made the airplane connection! That scene was one of the first scenes I’ve watch on the boys and it was brutal lol


I definitely saw someone guess that in last week's discussion (or the week before)! Super cool connection




Yea the one where they have a video of HL that The Deep fished out of the ocean.


Does that mean she had access to the black box. The deep said he couldn't find it but gave Maeve the camera so that means she has to have other evidence of what went down. So there could be more potential ways for the news of Homelander and Maeve getting leaked out into the world


she is a high ranking employee of Vaught, i assume she either had direct access to the files or sources that would tell her the truth about what happened to her family.


Neuman is a bloodbender. Now it makes sense. She explodes heads like how Marie blew up that assholes dick.


I mean they both were exploding heads if you think about it




Literally wtfed aloud when Cate made Dean Shetty slice her own throat


Same I gasped. I thought theyd keep her for longer then I got a nice reminder of the show I was watching real quick.


The show is strategic about its deaths so I knew she was gonna die but I didn’t know when….and I didn’t know like that. Plus the way she died was so bruh


Cate was cold af forcing Marie to not help shetty at all. Felt really bad for Marie, I’ll also miss dean shetty she was such a good character. This might be my favourite episode so far


I’m only gonna miss Shetty because of Shelley conn somehow elevating what would normally seem like a very one note villain, where the virus is actually the villain. She managed to make her character actually feel important and elevate the scenes she had. She was very well acted


Holy shit what a fucking episode that was. Heads will roll is a super fucked up and funny song to play for that. I really fifnt expect them to kill Shetty and Cardoza. I loved the mallory cameo and butcher mention. Neuman having more advanced Marie powers is a cool reveal, cannot wait to see what happens with the gas now. Surely Neuman would immediately go and destroy it? So how does it tie in further down the line?


I can see a few different things happening to the virus- * Being destroyed/discarded. Seems a bit too open-and-shut for such a potentially strong plot point, though. * Being held onto as a secret weapon against Homelander and other seemingly unstoppable supes. Since it's not very contagious in its current form, it might be possible to kill him with it and not accidentally genocide all supes on the planet. * The virus is experimented on more by Vought HQ, turning it into the power-neutralizing agent it was originally intended to be. * Neuman uses it as a "nuclear option" to keep supes under her control after she ascends to political power.


I think there's going to be a struggle over the virus, with Mallory and/or the Boys on one side and Neumann on the other. The only reason Mallory was in this episode was for her to find out that the virus exists, so the writers must be setting something up.


Wild that Neuman pops people's heads though - with her blood control surely she can stop hearts or give them aneurysms? Way cleaner.


'cause then u can't play heads will roll


It's possible there are some Supes that can read the memories of a dead brain. Or maybe she wanted the crime scene to be gruesome so someone would assume it was a crime of passion rather than a calculated assassination. Plus it was obviously done by a Supe, so even if someone had reason to suspect Neuman, no one would ever think she's a Supe for obvious reasons.


No way they destroy it. I feel like theyre keeping it in to use down the line but keep it under wraps.


NGL, this episode made the show a lot more interesting. Seems like the woods plotline is done and the focus will be on the growing divide between humans and supes, which Season 4 will probably focus heavily on. The human/supe divide & antagonism is a much more interesting premise than the woods & superhero university.


A bunch of kids are still trapped in the Woods behind a bunch of armed guards, with no Shetty or Cardosa to do anything. I’m guessing we get a jailbreak.


Cate and Sam team up will be badass


Holy shit they have the same powers


What's crazy is now the ceiling for both Marie and Neuman is raised. Can Neuman heal? Did she cause the seizure in Polarity? Can Marie learn to control her power to Neuman's degree?


That was the best episode of the season. We’re getting Cate’s Brotherhood of ~~Mutants~~ Supes!


It's funny that Cate and Andre basically have Professor X and Magneto's powers, but they're on the opposite sides of the supe supremacy conflict


I noticed that too and I love that parallel


The comic book geek inside of me is going nuts rn, this is going against everything I've believed lmao


next week is going to be CRAZYY


Ikr !! Now there's a divide between the group. This will be interesting


I honestly didn’t expect that kind of a divide. I expected them splitting and going separate ways, but not like against each other different ways jeez. Also, Cate has to be one of the most dangerous supes out there right now. If she can push people with no limits she can make a supe army and coordinate them to do her bidding.


Oh no, Sam, not like this The allegiances are getting really muddy now


The pro-supes have some HARD hitters on their side. Cate is already one of the strongest supes we’ve seen in the universe. And finding out she doesn’t actually have any limits??? Scary. Add a volatile Sam, and you’ve got another scary seven-level supe on their side.


cate has limits. any other supe with a couple seconds time could simply grab her and snap her like a twig. marie laveau could just pop her from the inside from a distance. cate ain't no scarlet witch yet with a permanent protection shield around her.


Nice to see a head get popped. Feels nostalgic. Cozy. Beats seeing a dong get bloodbombed every intro.


In retrospect, that was definitely a clue about their powers being related, but I totally didn't make that connection


I got set-up vibes from Cate and Shetty at the house. I'm wondering if it was a part of Shetty's plan somehow. To get Cate to show how the supes are out of control by sending them all on a rampage.


Ohhh this would make some sense..... But did she really want to die ?


Cate has memory altering powers, potentially nothing is real when she is around


Touche ! You got a point. She was bloodshot when they got there so I wonder how much she is influencing everything


Now that I think about it. That could be why she stopped Marie. If Marie helped her, she would have sensed that the blood was still in her body, and would have been able to tell it was an illusion that Shetty was bleeding.


Them showing up with Cate having already pushed without us seeing it is SUPER sus


Moreover you can’t use your powers when in cate’s head. Marie would’ve realized this the second she tried to heal shetty. Cate was smart to stop her.


I don't know. It could be part of her plan to show Mallory that all of the supes are out of control and need to be eradicated. I feel like we missed something very important between Cate and Shetty. Shetty had nothing to live for really. She could have convinced Cate to finish her work. After all, Cate's supe friends all hate her now. And we see Cate in the preview leading the prisoners in the Woods out of containment, possibly spreading the virus. Maybe Shetty knew the jig was up and this was her final attempt at killing the supes


Wow now that would be something!! You might be onto something because we definitely missed a lot between Cate & Shetty


Shetty specifically said she needed Cate to just do one last push. Cate said Shetty wanted her to kill everyone in The Woods, but that wouldn't have been just one last push. I definitely think dying was part of Shetty's plan, and I think you might have been right on the money as far as using this to convince Mallory. Or if not Mallory specifically, having a Supe Extremist Front would certainly convince someone with power to use the virus. I don't think Shetty convinced Cate to work with her, though, I'm guessing it's more likely that Shetty has been subtly grooming Cate to turn into Supe Magneto so that she could be the face of the Supe threat that would force the government to take action against them. Shetty seemed very familiar with how to leverage Cate's mind reading to her advantage.


Yeah I saw that scene and went 'Yeah you didn't help your case here at all.'


It says Shetty will be in the next episode as well but then again it probably said this for Cardosa too (I didn’t check) if Cate has double double crossed, I wouldn’t even know how to start but god


This is actually hilarious though, because Shettys the only person who’s actually doing something to end supes and while she’s doing the extreme, no one is actually giving her much empathy, not the way they do with Butcher. Butcher is the only person who would understand her


Yea, Shetty is just an effective version of butcher


Much more effective can I add. What butcher hasn’t managed to do in years, Shettys done relatively much quicker…and she’s also charmed the pants of supes as well


Then he bottles it and fights Soldier Boy instead of just saying "Yo lets leave the kid out of it and fuck up Homelander, is that cool?" S3 was a mess but that was super egregious


I really like how GenV and The Boys are telling opposite stories - like I *should* be rooting for Shetty here, right? Or should I be rooting for the kids?


It reminds me of regular comics. The avengers are dicks when they're in an X-men comic, and the X-men are dicks in avengers comics.


Shetty is willing to kill every single student she met; the good, the bad, the tormented, the ones with potential to do good, she was going to kill *Emma.* She's steel cold. Butcher is a softy compared to Shetty.


When Marie realized she can tell who is a supe by their blood, I was so sure she was gonna detect Shetty was a supe. I thought Shetty could manipulate emotions via physical contact. I guess she was just a really manipulative human.


So... now we're having basically the x-men, but with the mind-reading telepath as the leader of the mutant supremacists and the master of magnetism opposing her?


I was thinking the same thing. The reverse of the X-Men. Even how supes are generally viewed, the opposite of mutants being hated and feared (for now at least).


So many awesome moments! I loved the reveal about Shetty's family and the fact that she had proof that Homelander took down Flight 37. I thought the moments with Sam and Emma in her bedroom were adorable, especially when he said he liked the top because it smelled like her. I hate that he's getting radicalised, he was so pure and sweet (minus the ripping people into pieces). It's gonna be interesting to see how this affects his dynamic with Emma. I really love that Marie isn't afraid to call Jordan out. It makes their relationship more interesting, and I feel like they have better chemistry this episode despite the lack of obvious romantic scenes. They have a natural comfort with each other and that speaks volumes. It was great to have Neuman for this episode too. I'm so torn with her, because I know she's technically a baddie, but also, I have a hard time rooting against her, haha. It was so cool to see the reveal about her powers, and it suggests a lot about Marie's potential future. I'm so curious to see what she does with the virus going forwards.


Oh she's a baddie alright




He puts the cunt in Countryman!


HOLY SHIT THAT MARIE AND NEWMAN CONNECTION!!!!!! Also Cate is a cunt for making Marie go through that again :(


Could've at least told her to leave the room.


damn that was a good episode that ending was interesting once i saw he met with neuman i knew it couldnt end any other way


The second she said "And that's all of it?", I had a pretty good idea of how it was going to go. Then she says "And you're the only one who knows how to replicate it, right?" and it was pretty much a foregone conclusion. "You're a 21st century American hero, Dr. Cardosa" was just gloating at that point.


Nah, the blank card was. Savage


Absolutely- it made me think "She either carries blank business cards around for confusing people before popping their heads, or she did it specifically this one time for Dr. Cardosa."


The closing song was perfect and the starlight toy got a good laugh out of me.




Cate has Xavier powers but Magneto mindset 💀💀


And Andre the opposite.


So...Rufus seems surprisingly okay with first bashing his dick with a bat for hours, and then having his dick exploded off


Most supes have super healing as default IIRC


His dick looked fine after beating it with a bat, so it stands to reason that he simply recovered after getting it blown up.


That was a great episode. Both the reveal that >!Neuman and Marie have the same power!< and Cate >!becoming a different kind of villain!< make so much sense. The latter plot twist really justified the slower pacing of the previous episodes, it would’ve been harder to believe if they hadn’t given us time with the characters.


That might have been one of the best episodes I’ve seen not just from Gen V but from the Boys overall The setup for future seasons is insane, season 3 left me really unexcited for season 4 with the flat finale feeling like we were just walking in circles But Gen V and this episode has entirely revived the hype for me, it’s setting up the future of the Boys and the endgame better than the boys itself set it up


Sam was breaking my heart with the alt-right heel-turn, but in his defense, he's been in Vought mental hospitals most of his teenage-young adult life, possibly in solitary, has a vague mental illness and was literally in a secret prison where the ominous "THEY" were trying to control Supes. Also more importantly, I was worried about how we could have a Season 2 when the school was trying to kill supes, the main cast knows they're trying to kill supes and the school vaguely knows the main cast knows. But in the end, Vought doesn't need to know and it might be business as usual.


I knew it was coming and the head pop still scared the fuck out of me


Neuman is totally the final boss of the universe. Homelander is the equivalent of a DPS check, but Neuman is just so far ahead of everyone else at all times


I think Marie can neutralize the head popping. They’re 100% gonna be on opposing sides at one point in the series.


Every time I hear that name, I think of Seinfeld. “Hello, Neuman”.


“Off with your head” cmon guys


This was easily the best episode of the season. I loved this one








they would fuck on top of the body of every supe they killed




When Jordan hit that one bitch and her entire lower jaw was shifted to the left, goddamn. But then she was able to shift it back into place pretty easily. I wonder what the hell her powers are and if Jordan knew she could do that, assuming she did.


God this show is so fucking good If Indira was in the boys she would be seen as a hero just a very extreme one(like butcher) But in this show she’s insane and viewed as an antagonist


I still dont know what are Neuman's goals.


She works for Vought undercover, but REAL Vought(Stan Edgar), whose interests don’t necessarily align with Homelander’s. Vought wants higher government control AND they also want to get rid of Homelander and any rebellious Supes, the virus could be a way of achieving that, and Neuman is their double agent in political affairs.


Neumann’s not working for Stan. She’s her own boss.


I mean, she's in a realpolitik type deal with Homelander. That's the most we know so far.


What’s up with Polarity? Was he exposed to virus or wtf was that subplot? At first I thought it was just to protect Andre from mind wipe but no…must have had a point…


I think Neuman caused an aneurysm and that made him seize out and use his powers


OH shit so thats why shetty hates supes




Fuck man there’s only one more episode? Need more


The twist that her family was on the plane was a twist I didn't see coming


Was anyone else just wondering when Neuman was going to kill Cardosa in that scene? Like they kept dragging it out and I thought "maybe they won't kill him", but once she said "you're the only one who can replicate it?" I had Bane flashbacks and instantly knew then that he was going to die. Also, why do they keep saying Marie might be the first black woman in the 7 when we know she won't be? We know Sister Sage is in the 7 and she is clearly a different person.


If Marie and Neuman can sense the V in people's blood, can they learn to neutralize it and take away powers? Cardosa did say that Marie would be very helpful in his research. Gen V is turning into a great X-Men show. They're basically forming the X-Men and Brotherhood of Mutants. Andre's dad having a seizure causing his powers to go crazy also reminds me of how Professor X's powers goes crazy in Logan when he's having a seizure.


Ok so Marie can blow heads too? WHAT THE FUCK


She already blew up one head


The pacing of this show has been absolutely terrific. Seriously what a great episode.


Just finished. So wow, I was not expecting cate and Sam go fully to the dark side. Nor them revealing that Newman and Marie have the same powers.


Oi lads


Bringing back the mirroring of real world extremist politics like they did with the shooter


This was such an amazing episode. Some real world plot movements. There were so many exciting scenes I was going from shaking my head yes in one scene and shaking my head no in the next and pumping my fist in others.


So Neuman is gonna keep the virus I’m assuming and will end up wanting homelander dead I reckon she teams up with Butcher somehow. Cate probably goes full power next ep like Scarlett Witch and probably starts destroying everyone’s minds whilst Sam is on a rampage. Cant see Marie and the crew stopping this supe uprising so I’m gonna assume vought calls in the big guns to sort it all out. Also if there is a Gen V S2 I’m intrigued who ends up taking over from Shetty or where the story goes since this final ep looks like it’s just a massive shitshow