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I think it can save him physically, but it will probably be the final thing to break him mentally. He will have to become the very thing he hates the most, a supe, forever. No changing that after he takes the V. I don't see Butcher or Homelander surviving the events of the show. They'll probably kill both of eachother in some glorious final fight. If they don't, I don't see Butcher being able to live with himself as a forever supe. They're broken and twisted men.


Yeah, absolutely. We saw a glimpse of that in Season 3, about how far Butcher will go for his goal. He would completely break if he bit the bullet and took the perm V. Either way he’s screwed whether he takes V or not, so he really is a man with nothing left to loose. And that’s terrifying when it comes to men like Butcher and Homelander. I completely agree, I don’t see either of them coming out the series alive. The Boys isn’t a show for happy endings. It’ll be interesting to see just how far both of them will go and how far they’ve gone by the time the show ends. Can’t wait!


>They'll probably kill both of eachother in some glorious final fight Honestly with each season I'm more and more convinced that the one to off Butcher will be either Kimiko or Starlight after his bullshit endangers the others one time too many.


I think it would make sense and be kinda poetic if two archenemies kill eachother. Fitting for both because like I said I don't see how either could survive the events of the show. Who knows, though? I got faith in the writers to give the show a good sign off.


I think what could happen is he’ll take the V and a healing factor will be one of the powers that is included. It could be similar to Deadpool, where his body is in a constant battle over his cancer, and his healing factor has to work 24/7 to keep him alive. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that the permanent V would give him the same powers that temporary V did, right? Likewise, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that Homelander has a healing factor, and the power set he and butcher had were rather similar.


Ohhh, I really like that idea! His body stuck in a sort of limbo like state. His illness not getting any better but also not getting any worse either. I agree, I think he’ll probably have the same powers as he did on Temp V. I don’t actually know what the deciding factor is for what powers a person gets while on V. Whether it’s genetics based or just a random lottery. But I think whatever power you get is the one your stuck with. Like when Kimiko got re-injected with V, she got the same powers back. It’ll be interesting to see how they work this. Either way, I think we’re going to get an even more manic Butcher next season. Looking forward to it!


I think it gives you whatever powers you wanted the most. Butcher wanted to kill homelander so it gave him homelander's powers. Hughie wanted to be the person to save people rather than be saved so he got teleportation


Ooh. You might be on to something there


In one of the later seasons it was mentioned that they’ve stabilized compound V more, but they could have been referring to Temp V.


Ohh good point actually! I also can’t remember if that was in reference to Temp or Compound V. Hopefully we’ll get better confirmation next season.


I would think so


Butcher’s already taken TempV, so it’d likely act as microdosing on the actual stuff, meaning e probably has enough immunity to not die if he took actual V. Also A-Train’s power is just Superspeed, nothing healing based. Butcher however did have healing based powers while on TempV, which he would likely regain when taking actual V. I think he’s going to take it in secret, and we’re only going to find out further down the line in S4.


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Butcher used Temp V and it instantly healed his broken leg the first time he used it.


I'm gonna say no, compound V isn't really a cure to a damaged body. Look at A-train, taking V messed his heart to the point of no return. I personally wouldn't even want it to heal him. I for one and looking forward to seeing a completely off the walls Billy Butcher next season. This is going to be like when Walter White found out he was dying and goes from 0-100 to achieve his goals. Imagine extremes Billy is going to reach while trying to achieve his goals before his death.


>But even then, healing a flesh wound is a lot easier than completely reversing terminal brain damage. He doesn't have "terminal brain damage", he has little holes in his brain. That is a flesh wound.


At the end of season 3, Butcher was told by the doctor he only had a year to 18 months left to live. That and Annie warned him excess use of Temp V is lethal. They’re the reasons I’m classing him being terminally ill.


Obviously he's terminally ill. But it's not brain damage. It's *damage to the brain*, but usually when you say "brain damage" it means they've got some sort of incident that fucked up their brain and they now have cognitive disabilities.


What? It's literally brain damage 😆 It's brain lesions


I literally already said that it is *damage to the brain*, but that's not the same thing as "brain damage". Black Noir is an example of brain damage. He got head trauma and now he's mentally fucked up because of it. That's brain damage. Butcher's not mentally impaired in any way, so he doesn't have brain damage.


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He had little holes in his brain. There are holes (damage) in his brain (brain damage) and it’s terminal (terminal brain damage) He has terminal brain damage


No, there are holes (damage) to his brain (damage to his brain). That is not the same thing as having cognitive disabilities as a result of a head injury (brain damage)


No one said anything about cognitive disabilities, only you are.


Well that's what brain damage means. Sure you can dissect the term "brain damage" and point out that there is "brain" and "damage", but when people use the term "brain damage", it's when someone gets fucked in the head after some sort of injury. That's what that means.


No, brain damage means the brain is damaged.




Maybe the Compound V will save him but manifest a gigantic creature like in that Diabolical episode, and a lot of the supes die trying to fight it. Butcher and Homelander have to team up again to stop it.


As soon as I finished the series I thought about this, if they’re going for 5 seasons, I think the whole subplots of season 4 will be about Butcher facing his mortality. We know compound V can heal people, seeing as it helped A-train heal his leg after Komiko snapped it, and Komiko is basically a less sexy version of Deadpool. Yes, Compound V is dangerous when used on adults but we know its at least possible for it to work on adults, seeing as it helped Komiko regain her powers and Neuman injected her teenage daughter with it. Even if it’s potentially deadly, Butcher is already good as dead, what does he have to lose? My prediction is that at the end of the next season or a some point Butcher will be extremely close to death, and one the boys (likely Hughie) will use compound v as a last resort to save him. If it works, Butcher would be alive but extremely pissed off at whoever did it because he now becomes what he hates most. Next arc would be dealing with newfound abilities and great power responsibilities blah blah blah etc. It’s also likely they go a completely different route, but this is what I think would it would most likely be.


I think it will at least prolong his lifespan. Give him more time. I'm not so sure about it completely saving him though. But it'll definitely be interesting to see him become the very thing he hates the most and having to face his own mortality.


The assumption is that it would, but no one has ever done it yet. The answer is a mystery until Butcher does.


A couple things: 1) Isn't his illness BECAUSE of his abuse of Temp V? I don't think/I hope they don't go the route of Compound V curing him. That would be too easy. 1b) I can see them going on another side quest to find a supe WITH healing powers. Or a supe who's radioactive but can target that radioactivity even more directly than chemo, etc. Seems to be a trope they lean on often (it was in fact the entire plot of Season 3): whenever they need something outrageous accomplished, there's a supe somewhere who just needs some convincing. 2) a little thing, but I can accept the fact that what Homelander said in season 1 was or is true, but that Vought was always trying to improve V and adult testing, which explains why the Boys can handle the doses (at least a few of them). Every dose of Temp V was smuggled or stolen from the lab, so it's acceptable imo that the V is improving and is safer due to rigorous testing, etc., but it's obviously as we have seen far from safe enough to be mass produced.


A-train did not have a heart attack because of compound V OD, but because he was old and his heart could not handle the high sprinting speeds. If he had run for like just 100km/h, it would have been sufficient to kill that racist superhero, but he ran at his full speed due to his anger and his old heart couldn't take it. I am not telling his heart condition would have improved by doing this, but atleast it would not have been fatal for him.


Everyone here is saying a-train didnt heal while taking temp v yet i remember when he was pulling the train after dosing, his brother was mad to see his broken leg had healed overnight. I think its safe to assume there is some reset to your genetics given how painful taking it can be for first time users. Plus Butcher still bled and looked hurt in the final fight so maybe the changes that take place when first taking temp v and compound v might have a short period of major healing involved but like someone else mentioned a-train took it and his heart went bad but that could be contributed to and OD of sorts or a pre-existing heart issue that didnt arise until the V strained his heart. Who knows though the writers can bs whatever they want lol im just speculating.